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Marianne Lu

Faculty Senate explores making Election Day an academic holiday

Instead of designating Election Day as a campus-wide holiday, the current resolution urges faculty members to “support civic engagement and reflection by students” by cancelling classes and recording lectures on Election Day. It also instructs the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy and the Committee on Graduate Studies to make a recommendation about whether national election days should be designated academic holidays in the future.

A closer look inside Bing Nursery School

Located in the southeast corner of Stanford’s campus, Bing Nursery School teaches undergraduate students about child development through seminars, observation opportunities and hands-on experiences and provides a laboratory setting for research in child development. The Daily took a closer look at the history and institutional development of research at Bing.

HAI 2019 Fall Conference: Conversation, with Reid Hoffman and DJ Patil

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and former U.S. chief data scientist DJ Patil gathered for the afternoon plenary session and discussed the importance of ethical decision-making in data management in the era of AI technology.  The two technologists, in conversation with Hoover Institution fellow Amy Zegart, shared visions for ethical education, concerns for data privacy and…

HAI 2019 Fall Conference: The Coded Gaze: Dangers of Supremely White Data and Ignoring Intersectionality, with Joy Buolamwini

“AI, Ain’t I a woman?” Tech ethics researcher Joy Buolamwini opened her talk with a 21st-century twist on a quote from Sojourner Truth, one of the most powerful advocates of abolitionist movement.  She then displayed a video showing facial recognition software failing to correctly identify the gender of notable African-American women, like Ida B. Wells,…

HAI 2019 Fall Conference: Regulating Big Tech, with Marietje Schaake and Eric Schmidt

In September, former Stanford math professor and ex-Google researcher Jack Poulson called on HAI to disinvite keynote speaker Eric Schmidt. In a letter co-signed by more than 40 former Google researchers, professors and tech activists, Poulson accused Schmidt of ethical misconduct during his time as CEO of Google.  HAI defended its decision to invite Schmidt,…

HAI 2019 Fall Conference: AI and the Economy, with Susan Athey and Erik Brynjolfsson

Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Susan Athey Ph.D. ’95 and MIT Sloan professor Erik Brynjolfsson spoke about the effect of artificial intelligence on the economy.  Brynjolfsson remarked that “there’s no economic law that is everyone is going to benefit from all of these [technical] challenges; it’s possible for many people to have been left…

HAI convenes tech luminaries to talk ‘ethics, policy and governance’

Speaking to a crowd of 900 people on Monday morning, computer science professor Fei-Fei Li and former Provost John Etchemendy kicked off this fall’s Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) conference focused on “Ethics, Policy and Governance.”  The “ultimate goal of AI should be to enhance and augment our humanity, not to diminish or replace it,” Li…

Petition to include Chanel Miller’s memoir in Three Books program gains traction

A petition to instate Chanel Miller’s memoir “Know My Name” as one of next year’s Three Books has accumulated 776 signatures from the Stanford community, as of Monday. Spearheaded by Professor David Palumbo-Liu, the campaign hopes to honor Miller’s voice and identity, while also bringing awareness of her story to incoming freshmen and the broader Stanford community.
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