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Nicholas Midler

Opinion | One year off

The pressure for conformity is dampened by distance, and even students living on campus don’t have the same dorm experience discussing existentialism and starting salaries late into the night, writes Nicholas Midler.

A View of the Farm

Two days after arriving on Stanford’s campus, in the middle of summer, Andres Michal ’23 already felt like he had found a community.  “Everyone’s different, but everyone has similar struggles because everyone’s either FLI or low-income,” Michal said. He had come early for the Leland Scholars Program, (LSP) joining a group of students from first-generation…

CARTA use leads to lower grades, Stanford report finds

CARTA lowers students’ Grade Point Average (GPA), according to a paper published by a group of Stanford professors. Researchers divided students into two random groups. One group was encouraged to use CARTA by an email from Stanford’s registrar and a prompt in the University’s course enrollment system. The control group received no encouragement.

What is ‘Stanford Analytica’ anyway?

“Stanford Analytica” trended on social media Tuesday afternoon as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress on the Cambridge Analytica privacy breach and fielded questions about data mining startup Palantir. But what does Stanford or Palantir have to do with Facebook’s data disaster?

Faculty Senate talks long-range planning

In its meeting on Thursday, the Faculty Senate heard reports on Stanford’s long range planning from representatives of the four area steering groups (ASGs) tasked with consolidating the proposals submitted to the University. The ASGs focused on education, research, community and engagement beyond the University.

Researchers design energy-saving method to wake up electronics

It’s not the usual Valentine’s day treat, but today’s audience at the International Solid State Circuits Conference will hear two Stanford researchers present a breakthrough finding that paints a rosy picture of the future of the Internet of Things, a catch-all phrase referring to any network of smart devices. Their work centers around using ultrasonic signals to wake up electronic devices.
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