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Confidential Support Team

Our Mission is to support connection, healing, and thriving among Stanford community members impacted by sexual, relationship, and gender-based violence through confidential, trauma-informed consultation, counseling, and outreach.

CST values diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality in all aspects of our programming and services. The impact of trauma differs based on individual histories and intersectional identities. We view trauma as a form of oppression that interacts with other experiences of systemic injustice. We condemn the historic and ongoing systemic racism, injustice, and violence against Black community members. We are committed to examining and challenging anti-Blackness and white supremacy, particularly as our work is fundamentally intertwined with issues of oppression and social justice.

What is CST providing during COVID-19?


Does this sound like you or someone you know?

  • Unsure if the experience was sexual assault, sexual harassment, or gender-based discrimination?
  • Distressed by a sexual or relationship experience and don't know who to talk to?
  • Want to know more about how to make a report or what reporting means?
  • Unsure about the next steps?
  • Need guidance in how to support someone else?

CST can help with these uncertainties.


Time Sensitive Actions After an Assault

Additional Resources


* CST counselors do not have an obligation to report a student's experience to the Title IX Office or law enforcement.
* There are some limits to confidentiality, including the obligation to report abuse of a minor.

What Does Confidentiality Mean?




For life-threatening emergencies call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. For non-emergency assistance call Stanford’s Confidential Support Team 24/7 Hotline at 650-725-9955