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Reflections on senior spring

Senior spring was supposed to be my chillest Stanford quarter. I was going to be in two real classes and wanted to focus my energy on social interactions and relationships. But life comes at you fast, and plans change. This definitely wasn’t my chillest quarter, and it seemed like it wasn’t for a lot of…

The Western diet is taking over, and multinational corporations need to step it up or step down

When I was seven years old, we went for a lot of family drives in our white Toyota civic. Occasionally, my dad would swing into the local McDonald’s outside WestMall. I’d order chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce, fries and a chocolate milkshake. When we got home, I dumped the nuggets in my pink bowl and we’d sit around the table munching on our meals. When McDonald’s left Trinidad in 2003, I was disappointed. Now they’re back, and I wish they’d stayed away.