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Claire Dinshaw
Claire Dinshaw is a rising senior majoring in economics and minoring in political science and feminism, gender and sexuality studies. She is originally from Connecticut. In her free time she enjoys attempting to cook and playing Tetris. Contact at [email protected]

Opinion | SCR does not deserve its place on campus

Trigger warning: mention of transphobic language This past week, Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial concluded in the Senate. Much of the trial concerned the violent language Trump used leading up to the Jan. 6 insurrection. Unfortunately, the insurrection and trial have not inspired further investigation of the discriminatory, violent language used by other organizations and…

The point of an opinions section

At the beginning of spring quarter, The Daily's opinions section welcomed a new group of writers into our fold. In discussing with our new members the process of writing and revising opinions articles, we were forced as editors to confront more explicitly the question, “What is an opinions article?”

Against a universal satisfactory/no-credit spring quarter

Given the uncertainty of the current environment, it is important to ensure that all students who want to take CR/NC classes are able to switch to that grading scheme throughout the quarter, for major, non-major and WAYS courses. However, it would be unwise to make the CR/NC grading scheme mandatory by eliminating the option of taking courses for a letter grade.

The problem with Bernie Sanders

As candidates have begun dropping out of the Democratic Presidential primary, there has been a great deal of discussion regarding the lack of diversity among the leading candidates. In fact, of the top four candidates in national polls — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren — only one is a woman and none are people of color.

The constant struggle of focusing on what matters

Each of these bills had the potential to provide some benefit to society – some corrected historical wrongs while others aimed to improve government functioning or enhance the lifestyle of certain subgroups. But are they important enough, impactful enough to make the 115th Congress’ top 400 enacted laws? Would you want your representative or party spending their political capital to pass them?

An ode to student voices

Recently, one of my mother’s friends from her time in college passed away. Among the photographs and memories shared to commemorate his life were old letters he wrote to his friends from college during his time at Columbia Law. He shares memories of sneaking onto roofs and attending Friday happy hours. However, among the joyful memories and comedic tales, Harry weaves a much more salient message.

Queer cohesion?

The student identified as “Basil” has been given a first-name pseudonym, since they requested anonymity for privacy reasons. Additionally, the student identified as “John” asked that his last name be kept anonymous for privacy reasons. “There are few spaces for cis gay/bi men on campus. We party here.” That was the original title of an…

Hidden eating disorders

“Imposter.” That’s the word Kay* used to describe the way she felt while receiving treatment for an eating disorder at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. “I was convinced the entire time in the hospital that I didn’t have to be there,” Kay said. “I was convinced I wasn’t sick because I knew people who had it…

Make economics ethical

By the end of winter quarter, I will have completed the economics core. Completing this six-course sequence has taught me a great deal about concepts such as optimization, efficiency and cost analysis. What I have not been taught, however, is how to analyze the moral questions that economics raises. To what extent is inequality acceptable in an economy? Is it necessary to interfere in an economy to aid individuals who are deprived of sufficient resources? To fill this vital gap in economic student’s education, the economics department should not only design ethics electives but also make an ethics of economics course mandatory for all undergraduate economics majors.

It’s time to talk about the deficit

Nearly $22 trillion dollars. Over $171,000 per household. Over $65,000 a person. That’s the current national debt of the United States of America. However, despite these shocking numbers, the majority of Americans remain apathetic. As of September 2018, only two percent of people thought the federal deficit was the most important problem facing the country.…

Students have the responsibility of building political coalitions across global boundaries

When Trump first became America’s president in 2016, the liberal world turned towards collective resistance. Millions across the globe posted anti-Trump messages on social media pages, leading to internationally trending hashtags including #NeverTrump. Liberal thought-leaders across the world took to columns and conferences, denouncing America’s new leader. A similar phenomenon occurred a few months before…

A moral member for the highest court

When I was a student at Staples High School in Westport, Connecticut, a bracket was created to determine who, among a select group of girls, was the most attractive. Beginning with 64 girls – randomly grouped into 32 pairs – the bracket eventually led to the selection of one girl. The girls whose names appeared…

Things #MeToo has missed in the everyday

Claire Dinshaw discusses how the media reliance of the #MeToo movement has been good at drawing awareness, especially to public figures, but missed changing everyday realities of sexual assault.

Paul Ryan’s legacy

Claire Dinshaw discusses Paul Ryan's legacy in Congress and as speaker, and whether he deserves the credit he receives as an intellectual light of the Republican Party.

Feminism and economics

Claire Dinshaw considers how the lack of female professors in introductory economics courses may discourage women from studying the subject, at Stanford and more generally.

Think small: Local elections matter

White supremacist and 2018 candidate for the Montana House of Representatives. These two terms together describe John Abarr, a Republican who briefly became a Democrat before returning his affiliations to the GOP. Abarr found himself as the subject of several headlines in 2014 when he suggested recruiting black and LGBTQ Americans to the KKK. Abarr…

Hear me out

“You can buy [a T-shirt], but it is not exactly a good investment.” That is what my tour guide told us, 12 over-eager high school seniors, as we passed the bookstore the first time I toured Stanford. Her implication was simple – the barrier to entry is high. But there was also a more subtle suggestion –…

New committee on renaming appointed

A new Renaming Principles Committee, tasked with creating guidelines for the renaming of campus buildings and sites, was appointed by University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne earlier this month. The committee will be be chaired by Paul Brest, professor emeritus at Stanford Law School.
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