The Daily stands in solidarity with the Black community. Read our editors’ statement.
Jason Beckman

Grad life: When your employer is also your landlord

We seek at this juncture a clear articulation of support from Stanford: that all grad students will be funded through the ongoing crisis this summer, and that the most existential issues — housing and health insurance — be directly addressed as the situation continues to develop and summer quarter, only six weeks away, draws nearer.

700+ grad students plead: Don’t let us fall through the cracks

Stanford has already invested millions of dollars in its graduate students, and the return on that investment is a workforce of teaching and research assistants without whom the work that happens at Stanford would not be possible. We ask that Stanford continue to invest in us through this difficult time — honor your commitment to our professional development, to our good work as scholars and to our well-being as financially vulnerable members of this community.
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