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From the Community
The Daily is committed to publishing a diversity of op-eds and letters to the editor. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Email letters to the editor to eic ‘at’ and op-ed submissions to opinions ‘at’

From the Community: Join us this Friday for the first AAAS Visioning Session

African and African American Studies is on a path to departmentalization at Stanford, and we need your voice to shape the department, as well as the ecosystem of Black study and racial justice at Stanford broadly. Whether you are an undergraduate, a graduate student, staff member, or member of the surrounding community, we want to solicit your perspectives on our forming department. 

From the community: Let grad student RAs buy grad student meal plans

After struggling to find enough Resident Assistants to staff undergraduate dorms, Stanford opened the position to coterminal students this year. We are some of the many coterm RAs who are the beneficiaries of this policy change and we are delighted we get to create the welcoming communities we once enjoyed as frosh. Unfortunately, it no longer feels this way. Stanford is putting coterms in a financial squeeze: R&DE is requiring us to purchase an undergraduate meal plan when the cost of a comparable graduate meal plan is about $1200 cheaper.

Letter to the Community: A fundamental double standard

As students, alumni, faculty and staff of Stanford University, we write to express our disappointment, outrage and concern regarding the recent attacks on Emily Wilder ‘20 and other students by the Stanford College Republicans (SCR), and to demand that the University issue a strong and unequivocal statement on community standards as well as initiate an investigation to determine whether SCR’s actions constitute a violation of the Fundamental Standard.

Letter to the Community: Vote to approve amendments to the ASSU Constitution

Since the beginning of 2021, the Constitutional Review Committee, a team of both graduate and undergraduate students holding a variety of roles both within and outside of the ASSU, has evaluated the Constitution and developed recommendations for changes to the document. Several key recommendations, passed unanimously by both the Undergraduate Senate and the Graduate Student Council, appear on the ballot this week.
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