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Sarina Deb
Sarina Deb '23 is the Director of The Equity Project, a section dedicated to centering underrepresented voices. She is also a news writer and the Co-Chair of the DEI team. She grew up in the Bay Area and is majoring in political science. Contact her at sdeb7 'at'

Taking new seats and retaining old ones, a string of congressional victories for Stanford alums

Ten Stanford alumni were re-elected to their positions in Congress in Tuesday’s elections — seven in the House of Representatives and three in the Senate. Alumni also successfully challenged incumbents in state and national elections, with Josh Becker J.D. ’98 MBA ’98 securing a California senate seat for the state’s 13th district, and Mondaire Jones ’09…

Senate confirms nomination of Chris Middleton as ASSU vice president

The Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) Undergraduate Senate unanimously voted to appoint third-year law student Chris Middleton  ’16 as ASSU Vice President at their weekly meeting on Thursday.  Middleton visited the meeting and fielded questions from senators before they voted on his nomination. When asked by Senator Jonathan Lipman ’21 what his priorities for…

Palo Alto cautiously eyes Stanford’s reopening

“If there are more Stanford people here, there are going to be more cases,” said Palo Alto Mayor Adrian Fine, noting that a rise in COVID-19 cases was an inevitable risk of reopening an integral part of Palo Alto. “But Stanford is an important part of the fabric of this community.”

Medical school affiliates on lack of diversity, burden of the ‘minority tax’

In the wake of a mass movement against racial injustice and police brutality in America, affiliates of Stanford Medical School are speaking up about their experiences with institutionalized racism in the field of medicine and championing diversity initiatives at Stanford.  Students from underrepresented minority groups make up 20% of all graduate students at Stanford and…

Q&A: Law professor Pam Karlan discusses victory in landmark Supreme Court case on LGBTQ+ rights

The Daily interviewed law professor Pamela Karlan to discuss her recent victory in a landmark Supreme Court case that prohibits discrimination against gay and transgender individuals in the workplace. Karlan and the Stanford Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, which she co-directs, represented skydiving instructor Donald Zarda who was fired for misconduct after telling a customer he…

Sexual violence persists on campus, survey shows

80% of transgender, gender queer or nonconforming (TGQN) undergraduate and coterm students and 70% of undergraduate and coterm women have experienced harassing behaviors since entering Stanford, according to results from a campus climate survey of students on sexual violence released last week.  Additionally, two thirds of Ph.D. TGQN students and nearly half of Ph.D. women…

Explore Stanford’s Student Title IX Investigation & Hearing Process

Stanford’s Student Title IX Investigation & Hearing Process (Student Title IX Process) outlines the University’s policies and process in reviewing and adjudicating sexual violence allegations made against students. The policy has been criticized by students and faculty on multiple grounds, including those surrounding counseling, attorney time, the definition of sexual assault and expulsions.

Student board to advise Stanford on sexual violence policy

The Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) and the Office of the Provost are collaborating to reform sexual violence policy and programming through a new group, the Student Advisory Board on Sexual Violence and Survivor Support, in which both undergraduates and graduate students meet internally and with administrators to discuss Title IX policy and procedures.
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