Sophie Stuber
Sophie Stuber is a senior from Aspen, Colorado, studying International Relations, French and Creative Writing. Sophie has written for the Daily since freshman year . This year, she spends a significant portion of her time working on her thesis, which is about designing an international legal framework to aid people forcibly displaced due to climate change. Aside from academics, Sophie loves reading, writing short stories, listening to NPR, and adventuring outside. Any of her friends will tell you that she loves to talk about the mountains, skiing, Atlantic articles, and Rebecca Solnit essays.

Reading Dante as a feminist

Classical literature has numerous inherent values and should still be extensively read by today’s readers. Still, despite my love for Dante, I would argue that it also essential to read classical literature with a critical eye, especially as our concepts of human rights and equality have greatly transformed since these works were written. In February,…

On taking up space

There is a difference between passing through a place, passively appreciating it, and actually spending time somewhere and learning the stories of that place.

The fallacy of hyper-connection

Last Thursday was beautiful. As I walked across the quad in the unusually warm weather for February, I felt sick. I was listening to the NPR “Up First” podcast. This segment detailed the recent discovery of the sites of mass graves in Myanmar. Evidence for these graves came from over three dozen witness accounts, as…

Researchers propose new paleontological theory

Approximately 50,000 years ago--between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic eras--humanity underwent an early technological revolution. Art, tools and various cultural relics developed at a rapid rate. Scholars and scientists have long debated what caused this transformation. Recently, several Stanford researchers proposed in Royal Society Interface, a journal of physical and life science, that the increase and diffusion of migration may have been key factors.

Stanford increases solar panels on campus

Over the past nine months, 15 Stanford buildings have added new solar photovoltaic panels. Thanks to the new solar panels on these buildings, Stanford’s electric distribution system will receive about 4.5 added megawatts of power.

Stanford Women in Business host Tyra Banks in speaker event

On Wednesday, Stanford Women in Business (SWIB) hosted Tyra Banks as part of their Spring Executive Leadership Series. Banks has been a long-term advocate for expanding traditional conceptions of beauty and promoting entrepreneurship for women, and touched upon these themes during the event.
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