Teleconference classroom with students at Stanford and in Beijing.


Advancing the interdisciplinary study of the politics, economies, and societies of contemporary Asia

Our education mission

Shorenstein APARC provides an academic foundation for students and fosters the next generation of scholars and practitioners interested in pursuing questions pressing to Asia’s economic, political, and social development and to U.S.-Asia relations.

2018-19 postdoctoral scholars Ketian Zhang and Sarita Panday in conversation at the Encina Hall entranceway.

Fellowship and Training Opportunities

We offer unsurpassed opportunities for students, scholars, and practitioners to advance research on Asia-Pacific issues and connect academic learning to professional experiences.
Students Listening to Lecture

Undergraduate- and Graduate-Level Courses

Our faculty help Stanford students develop deep knowledge of scholarly and policy-relevant arguments on critical challenges facing Asia and U.S.-Asia relations.
Students attending Korean culture event at Stanford.

High School and Community College Outreach

We support efforts to advance teaching and learning about contemporary Asia and its regional and international affairs at the secondary and community college levels.

Discover More at APARC