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Carly Taylor
Carly Taylor '22 is a Managing Editor of Arts & Life. She studies comparative literature and creative writing. On campus, you can find her organizing concerts and practicing martial arts. Contact her at ctaylor ‘at’

Spooky reads for Halloween in quarantine

In October, the year is waning. Time plays tricks on us in October: the daylight lessening, the nights “endless.” It is the month of hauntings too — of extended twilights and sudden changes in the wind. It marks the beginning of the period in which we recount the year that has passed us by. It is the time to remember.

Craft and patience in ‘A Prayer for Travelers’

Ruchika Tomar’s debut novel, "A Prayer for Travelers," is set in the fictional Pomoc, Nevada, a small, desolate town of working-class people in the middle of the desert, a landscape evocative of the author’s childhood spent in Southern California’s Inland Empire.

Reading between the lines for love

In celebration of this season of love, Reads writers share some of their favorite works that delve into the human heart and explore the depths of friendship, romance and more.   Audrey Mitchell, Contributing Writer “The Time Traveller’s Wife”  (Audrey Niffenegger) “Had we but world enough, and time…” The first time Clare and Henry meet…

What movies can do that books cannot

When a movie aims to simply render the story of a book onto a screen, as closely as it can to the words on the page, it is always setting itself up for failure. Because this is the general expectation we have for movies based on books, we are often hasty to make the sweeping…

The bearable heaviness of being: reflections on ‘Mrs. Dalloway’

Sometime around Week 7, like many Stanford students, I felt I had fallen into a rut. I needed to recenter myself with something both intellectually engaging and entirely self-motivated, something to break the constant inundation of ever-intensifying p-sets and papers. For me, an insightful book is often exactly what I need, and this time Virginia…

Reads of gratefulness

In the week leading up to Thanksgiving break, Reads beat writers gathered together to share a read they are grateful for having in their lives and to reflect on its significance.   Sofia Schlozman, Contributing Writer (sschloz ‘at’ “If I Should Have a Daughter” by Sarah Kay: For a long time, I thought that…

New modes of being: Reflections on Magritte and Sappho

Works of art can bring us closer to other people, raise questions that make us examine our values and opinions and articulate emotions and thoughts we’ve had but have never expressed. Perhaps the most resonant artworks are those that give us a new framework for experiencing the world. Art can draw our attention and appreciation…
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