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Combining Basin Modeling with Seismic Reservoir Characterization Workflows in the Deep-water Gulf of Mexico
Classically, basin modeling is done with the intention of modeling oil and gas generation and migration for a specific existing basin of interest.

Three-dimensional (3D) basin modeling is often over-simplified in tectonically and structurally complex sedimentary basins, neglecting structures that are potentially critical to understanding hydr


About Us

The Basin and Petroleum System Modeling Group (BPSM) is an industrial affiliates program and recognized center of excellence for training and research in the geohistories of sedimentary basins and petroleum systems. It was started in 2008 to meet the growing demand by industry, the service sector, and academia for graduates with quantitative modeling expertise. BPSM is supported through the Department of Geological Science and the Department of Energy Resources Engineering in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. Our graduating geoscientists are exposed to the latest geochemical, visualization, and quantitative numerical modeling technologies based in a rich and comprehensive curriculum. 


Register now for the BPSM annual conference, Nov. 11-13, 2019.

AAPG Bulletin

A Pioneer in Organic Geochemistry
Peters, perhaps best known and celebrated for his work in organic geochemistry, said the field hasn’t always won him the kind of recognition represented by the Sidney Powers medal.

The presentations from the eleventh annual Stanford University Basin and Petroleum System Mo

Students participated in several conferences, worldwide; see them in action.