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Page last updated at 15:37 GMT, Friday, 29 May 2009 16:37 UK

CD Seven million 'use illegal files'
The British economy is losing tens of billions of pounds to illegal file-sharing, government advisers say.

XBox 360 controller Sky puts content on Xbox console
Sky has struck a deal with Microsoft that will see its live TV and film content brought to the Xbox 360 console.

Server computer Big drop in global server sales
Worldwide server sales fell 24.5% in the first quarter of 2009, according to a report from market research firm IDC


Microsoft promises 'search 2.0'
Microsoft re-launches its search engine, promising to make search simpler, and aiming to overhaul Yahoo.

Time Warner and AOL to separate
US media giant Time Warner announces that it is to completely separate itself from AOL around the end of the year.

Ofcom prepares Olympics airwaves
Regulator works to make sure the thousands of wireless devices during the London 2012 games will work properly.

UK broadband 'notspots' revealed
Research shows there are three million UK homes that need faster broadband under government plans for universal access.

Indian air force gets Awacs plane
India boosts its defence capability with the delivery of an Awacs plane under a deal with Israel and Russia.

New rate for music digital stream
New charges for online music streaming in the UK are released, with the hope of attracting new services.

Hi-tech aims to improve lifestyle
Facebook, mobiles, and energy meters are helping to work out if people can be nudged into adopting healthier lifestyles.

Facebook sells stake in business
Facebook sells a 1.96% stake to a Russian internet firm, a move that values the social networking website at $10bn.


US sets out cyber security plan
US President Barack Obama unveils plans for securing American computer networks against cyber attacks.

Facebook helps reunite 'Kidnap son' with his mother
A mother in Dorset is reunited with her son, 27 years after she claims he was kidnapped, after her sister saw him on Facebook.


High fibre
New ways to roll out superfast access.

Up in arms
How one village is fighting for better broadband

Quick, quick slow
A 21st Century tale of two broadband villages


Ocean monster
Drilling at the depths on board the Chikyu

Gigabit culture
The broadband revolution that powers Japan

Computer memory
Bathing in nostalgia at the National Computing Museum


Camera grid to log number plates
A national network of cameras and computers automatically logging car number plates will be in place within months.

Probe into teacher Twitter posts
A Scottish council is investigating after a secondary school teacher posted comments about her pupils on a social networking site.

Aid for Bletchley Park rejected
A plea by the House of Lords to give Bletchley Park more cash for repairs is rejected by the government.

Joke review boosts T-shirt sales
Sales of a kitsch 'Three Wolf Moon' T-shirt on Amazon rise by 2,300% after ironic reviews go viral.

YouTube wipes pornographic videos
Video sharing website YouTube removes hundreds of pornographic videos which were uploaded.

Websites 'keeping deleted photos'
Researchers find user photographs on social networking sites, even after people have deleted them.

Craigslist boss in counter-claim
US classified ads website Craigslist files a counter-claim on South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster.

How to fit 300 DVDs on one disc
A new recording method could allow 300 times the amount of data on a standard DVD to be packed on to a single disc.

Ofcom to look into mobile charges
The UK's telecoms watchdog is to review charges made by mobile phone operators - which it says may lead to cheaper calls.


Can't connect, won't connect.
Bill Thompson looks at the perils of wi-fi and babies

How bad is Facebook for you?
Bill Thompson on social networking 'scares'

A nation of programmers?
Regular columnist Bill Thompson argues that people need to know more about programming and what programmes do

Battle over anti-counterfeit treaty
The anger over an 'anti-counterfeiting' treaty

The network of your dreams
Columnist Bill Thompson on the pervasive net

Keep watching the skies
Bill Thompson sees the future of the web in the stars


Code-cracking and computers
Best known for its code-cracking work, Bletchley Park also played a role in the origins of the computer age.

Accelerating the modern age
A technology that helps the modern world keep running celebrates its 40th anniversary on 5 August.

One tonne 'Baby' marks its birth
The sixtieth anniversary of the birth of the first modern computer - known as Baby - is celebrated.

The history of UK computing
The UK's role in the early days of the computer revolution have been overlooked, say conservationists.


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