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Ending the Internet's Trench Warfare

Imagine that for $33 a month you could buy Internet service twice as fast as what you get from Verizon or Comcast, bundled with digital high-definition television, unlimited long distance and international calling to 70 countries and wireless Internet connectivity for your laptop or smartphone throughout much of the country.

Fear and Loathing in Farmville

GDC 2010 is now in the books, and it will be a hard one to forget because the whole conference seemed to be obsessed with one thing, which I summed up in this tweet.

Anonymous Comments: Are They Good or Evil?

Updated: I enjoy a good debate about media-related topics pretty much any time, even when I’m supposed to be on vacation with the family in Florida.

Stat Rant: Does Facebook Trump Google for News and Can't We Measure Twitter Correctly?

Earlier this week, Hitwise put out stats suggesting that Facebook is beating Google and Twitter when it comes to driving traffic to news sites.

Forget Foursquare: Why Location Marketing Is New Point-of-Purchase

It's the ad served while you are reading the news in the morning on an e-reader that knows you're at home and three blocks from a Starbucks.

Family Cashing in on "David After Dentist"

If you spend any time on the Internet, you've no doubt seen "David After Dentist," the YouTube video of a woozy 7-year-old boy in the back seat of a car, struggling to understand the effects of anesthesia.

"Piracy" Sounds Too Sexy, Say Rights Holders

For years, we've heard complaints about using the term "piracy" to describe the online copyright infringement--but most have come from Big Content's critics.
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About Voices

This is a section of the All Things Digital Web site featuring posts from around the Web, from other Dow Jones properties and also original pieces we solicit. The section is now explicitly labeled that it comes “from other Web sites.”

Regarding third-party posts: We are trying to point readers of this site to other posts from around the Web that we admire and are trying to do so in the quickest manner possible.

That is why we have made even more changes to Voices to ensure we do this in the most transparent and timely way. While we don't expect that everyone will agree with our policies, we have made changes that reflect our intent in pointing to content outside our site.

So here is exactly what we do.

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Monday, March 22, 2010


China Google Users Appeal for Clarity

As the world awaits news of Google’s fate in China, which some believe may come this week, a group of Chinese Internet activists have started a public letter addressed to the company and the Chinese government, demanding answers about the status of talks between the two parties, who for months have wrangled over the extent to which Google can operate in China if it stops cooperating with Chinese censorship regulations. Read More »


Meet the VCs: Accel Partners’ Kevin Efrusy

BoomTown runs into venture capitalists all the time in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, and usually tries to run the other way. Not so last week, when I enjoyed a lovely lunch and chat with Accel Partners’ Kevin Efrusy, the former entrepreneur and techie who is making a lot of investments in both the social consumer space and also the enterprise arena. Here’s the video. Read More »


Concern About Racism and Social Networking Grows

More human-rights groups are expressing concern about the use of social-networking sites to spread racism. Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Sunday, three groups in Europe issued a statement indicating alarm at the use of social-networking sites to advance “racist and xenophobic views, especially among young people.” Read More »

Digital Daily

Exercises in Futility: Palm Pre Plus, Pixi Plus Headed to AT&T

Palm’s partnership with Verizon hasn’t done much to bolster flagging sales of the company’s smartphones. Perhaps they will fare a bit better with AT&T. Against the backdrop of the CTIA Wireless in Las Vegas, Palm this morning said AT&T is adding the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus to its handset lineup. Read More »


Ben Folds and the Mystery of Merton, the Chatroulette Piano Guy

Separated at birth? Or not at all? Someone needs to get to the bottom of this, and fast. Read More »

Blue Mountain Arts’ Polis of Web 1.0 and His First Year as a Congressman in Web 2.0

While in Washington, D.C., last week, one of BoomTown’s last stops was at the office of Colorado Democratic Congressman Jared Polis on Capitol Hill. Although I usually try to avoid politicians at all costs, it was terrific to check in with Polis, who was one of the more interesting players in the Web 1.0 scene. Here’s the video. Read More »

China to Google: Go Ahead and Leave, Ya Big Loser

China’s state-run news media are ramping up their anti-Google rhetoric amid reports that Google will soon announce the closure of its Chinese-language search engine. This morning, China Daily accused Google of political chicanery and warned the company that it will be “the biggest loser” if it pulls out of the Chinese market. Read More »

Amazon’s iPad App Will Be All New, but It Won’t Be Ready by April 3

Want to read the books you bought for your Kindle on your new iPad? You’ll have to be patient. Amazon promises that the iPad version of the Kindle app it is working on will be cool, but it won’t be ready when the first Apple devices show up next month. That’s because Amazon, like most developers, hasn’t been able to test the app on a real device yet. Read More »


Google to Act on China

Google Inc. is expected to announce its next steps in China this week, according to a person briefed on the matter. The details of the Internet company’s plan, reached after talks with Chinese officials failed to make progress, remain unclear. The person briefed on the matter said the announcement could come as soon as Monday. Read More »

Viral Video: Stewart Does Beck. Really, He Does.

Last week, Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart spoofed Fox News’s Glenn Beck in a blackboard parody almost as good as Tina Fey’s spot-on impression of Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live.” The conservative pundits seem to be the online comedy gift that keeps on giving. Read More »


Start-Up Says Quantum Dots Can Transform Cellphone Cameras

Most cellphones can take pictures, but their resolution lags far behind the images created by more costly digital cameras. InVisage hopes to change that. Read More »

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Digital Daily

Weekend Update 3/20/10–The Broadband Plan Edition

BoomTown traveled to Washington, D.C. this week for festivities surrounding the 25th anniversary of the registration of the first .com domain name, and while in our nation’s capital, lugged a giant binder containing a paper printout of the National Broadband Plan to various historic spots for educational opportunities. Read More »

The FCC’s National Broadband Paper Plan Gets a BoomTown Tour of the Nation’s Capital!

When BoomTown went to Washington, D.C., last week to visit the Federal Communications Commission on the occasion of its release of the National Broadband Plan, I was actually given a paper version in a giant binder. Yes, at hundreds of pages, a dead-tree copy of a federal scheme to make the United States more digital! So, natch, I gave it a tour of the nation’s capital. Read More »

Friday, March 19, 2010

NCAA March Madness Brings in More Viewers Online

The NCAA basketball tournament, with its array of games played at conflicting times during the workday, has long been discussed as an ideal sporting event for online coverage. And based on numbers out today from, more people are indeed watching games on streaming video this year. Read More »

QOTD DD Shorty

“[They've] burnt bridges and they’ve burnt the Google brand in China. There is no way Google can ever come back. It’s over for Google in China.”

Peter Lui, Google’s former chief financial controller for the Asia Pacific region

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ThinkPad’s Affordable New Models

Walt says the X100e and the Edge offer relatively low-price and colorful alternatives to the traditional model, without too many compromises of its keyboard. Read More »


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