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Human Nature: Hunker Down Against “Diversity”

July 14, 2008 at 2:12 pm by Katie's Dad

My God! How stupid can these idiots be? It takes a huge amount of insanity for people at Bill Clinton’s level of involvement in reality to be ignorant about basic human nature, but it appears he is:

President Clinton warns of growing polarization

“Underneath this apparent accommodation to our diversity, we are in fact hunkering down in communities of like-mindedness, and it affects our ability to manage difference,” Clinton said.

If you are not in a position, as Clinton is, in which you are frequently presented with demographic facts and data, you have a bit of an excuse for believing the “diversity is strength” nonsense. Chances are, you’ve been indoctrinated into accepting muliticulturalism as a prima facie good. And you go about your life promoting fairy tales that don’t correspond with the way the world actually works.

I have a cousin who until recently taught at a highfalutin, self-described “progressive” private school in a major midwest city. The school’s web site goes to great lengths to describe all the wonders it does in instilling a “respect for diversity” through indoctrinative classes; word-of-the-month programs that focus on discussion about words of inclusion; and, a minorty scholarship program that assures the student body’s race and ethno-cultural mix is kept precisely at “the right” level of diversity.

The irony here, that school managers are too intellectually bankrupt to see, is that their teaching staff, with one exception, is made up entirely of white women who by their photos appear to be between the ages of 25 and 55. You just can’t teach “diversity” while not playing by multiculturalist rules without the students registering it…at the very least…on a subconscious level. In other worlds, most bright kids intuitively know that the whole diversity industry is a sham. Whether they are able to see it clearly enough to consciously overcome it is another issue.

It seems obvious that this sort of indoctrination, which has been integral to our institutions for more than 40 years, is the sort failure that intelligent folks should have predicted. So, here is Bill Clinton bemoaning the predictable. Unfortunately, when the obvious is so distasteful to progressive elites, the only solution they will offer is more of the same, and more rigid enforcement of diversity throughout society. Here’s what Clinton hints at when he speaks of an “ability to manage difference:” More and bigger government, along with more opressive governing.

The left’s commitment to egalitarianism is a Quixotic quest to attain something too fundamentally in opposition to human nature. It seeks an impossible equality that expects total mutual understanding between all peoples, regardless of differences in language and cultural beliefs, about things as fundamental as the meaning of life itself.

Maybe the only thing that can cure us of this patent evil is to outlaw the existence of gated communities. Let elititist fools live in abject fear of the common rabble and their affinity for such leftist ideas will vanish.

That’s a fact.

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→ 4 CommentsCategories: Diversity · Liberalism · Multiculturalism · Stupidity·

McCain to Use Campaign to Guilt America Into Cultural Suicide

June 26, 2008 at 3:45 pm by Katie's Dad

I’m one of “those people.” I refuse to vote for either party’s asshat nominee. While Obama’s clear obedience to James Hal Cone’s Black Liberation Theology makes him easily the most vile nominee ever, McCain’s election would assure backbencher status for all true Conservatives, and probably for a long time. We will have no party to call home if there ever is a President John Sidney McCain.

I don’t think the campaign meant to tip its hand about how McCain will seek to castrate Conservatism, but its quasi-announcement of strategy and tactics as detailed by Politico.com gives us proof of what folks like me have long suspected:

McCain, GOP unleash anti-Obama plan - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com

“When John McCain was offered early release as a prisoner of war, he refused, subjecting himself to torture rather than give a propaganda victory to his captors,” Schmidt [campaign staffer] writes. “Is it any wonder that during the Republican primary, John McCain was working with Democrats and talking about the need for comprehensive immigration reform?”

Obama, Schmidt contends, has never picked the harder right over the easier wrong.

Pay attention to the parsing here.

McCain is going to use his campaign to equate those of us who are opposed to amnesty, illegal immigration and mass immigration with the soldiers who tortured him.  People with the desire to carry out their obligations as stewards of American traditions and culture going to be portrayed as evil.  And McCain is going to use his supposedly indelible mantle of “patriotism” as a club to beat us into silence.


Well, I will not be silenced by this insidious bag of pus. And these are the kindest words I can come up with to describe the lying son of a bitch.  Now that it is clear he lied about having “learned a lesson” about immigration and “enforcement first” in order to restore his campaign from utter wreckage, there is nothing that can convince me the man is worth even a half-sack of excrement.  At least excrement is useful as fertilizer.

I’d rather lick the bedspreads at a whorehouse than vote for John Sidney McCain.


That said, I have a few questions that I think we will need to use in rebuttal here:  Wasn’t this decrepit senators’ conversion to the Church of Global Warming Hysteria an act of picking the “easier wrong” over the harder right?  Wasn’t his sponsorship of McCain Feingold just an easy way for him to feel absolved for his role in the Keating Five scandal?

Just because this man did some patriotic good at one time in his life, it does not mean he has a good character today.  Not at all.  If being patriotic in several instances defines a man forever as a patriotic man of character in America, why do we revile Benedict Arnold so much?

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Illegal Aliens Having Remittances May Days

May 1, 2008 at 6:26 am by Katie's Dad

As we watch the antagonistic throngs of unskilled peasants exhibit more typical May Day affronts to our rule of law in many of our city streets today, let’s keep in mind that nearly half of the most recent scofflaws - that’s a big number of the total - are considering going back to their homelands.

Enforcement works. Period.

Fewer Latino immigrants in U.S. sending money home - International Herald Tribune

As a result of the difficulties, the numbers of immigrants who said they were considering going back to live in their home countries increased notably. Among immigrants who have been here less than five years, 49 percent said they were thinking of returning home, while only 41 percent said they planned to remain in the United States. Over all, just under one-third of the immigrants said they were thinking of leaving this country.

In 2001, the last time a similar survey asked a comparable question, about 20 percent of all the immigrants interviewed said they were thinking of going home.

The article states that despite the downturn in the numbers aliens sending remittances has gone down, the total dollars sent rose in 2007 to $45.9 billion to Latin American nations alone. To put that in perspective, there are only a handful of… perhaps a half-dozen… states that will have total budgets this year of greater than that amount. Thanks to illegal aliens and the feckless businessmen who connive with them, American taxpayers are basically funding a 51st large state, or perhaps several small ones, without fiduciary representation. We should all recognize that this situation doesn’t differ much from what started our own revolution.

Back then, those deemed responsible as agents of parliament and the crown were publicly tarred and feathered. Wouldn’t it be nice to see some globalist-corporatist empty suits dragged into the streets for similar treatment? I mean, after all, a huge chunk of our government is in collusion with them and therefore won’t punish them accordingly.

I bet that if even a scant few were put to such shame it would end illegal hiring practices pronto…

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Fraudulent Senator Martinez Decries One Fraud, Ignores Another

April 15, 2008 at 5:33 pm by Katie's Dad

I suppose the Florida’s little migrant Senator mistake thinks we should pat him on the back for his earnestly wanting to crack down on Medicaid Fraud. Yes, Medicaid-related crime costs us oodles of Ameros greenbacks, but it’s pretty much the height of hubristic hypocrisy for this particular senator to be the one trying to end rip-offs within the American healthcare system. The Medicaid crime costs pale in comparison to the medical-cost-shift rip-offs we all endure at the hands of the illegal aliens this son of a bitch wants to legitimize and citizenize.


Senator introduces measure to create Medicaid electronic verification system

April 11, 2008 -


U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today introduced a measure to require electronic asset verification for all State Medicaid programs. The move is part of a continuing effort to reduce fraud and abuse in federal entitlement programs. The effort also assists states in updating their Medicaid income and asset verification systems.

“Medicaid fraud is draining billions of dollars from federal and state governments. Taxpayer dollars are being wasted instead of providing health care services to those who truly need the benefit,” Martinez said. “This will help create a transparent and more accountable Medicaid program.”

Martinez notes that unfortunately, an estate-planning cottage industry has cropped up around Medicaid, showing individuals how to “hide assets” so that they can qualify for Medicaid while maintaining their wealth. The Martinez proposal would help states verify that Medicaid dollars go to those who truly need assistance.

The Medicaid Fraud Reduction Act of 2008:

1. Requires all State Medicaid programs to implement an electronic asset verification program.
2. Provides $56 million in seed money for all Medicaid programs to implement this electronic asset verification program ($1 million for each Medicaid program).
3. Funds $250 million in competitive grants to the states for innovative fraud-reduction proposals.
4. Provides $25 million per year in fraud-reductions funding to the HHS Office of the Inspector General and the Director of the CMS Center for Medicaid and State Operations.
5. Requires states to maintain an Internet database showing how much and where Medicaid dollars are being spent.
Representative Nathan Deal (R-GA) has introduced the companion legislation in the House.

.: United States Senator Mel Martinez :: News Releases :.

What an asshat this Martinez putz is. But we knew that, right?

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The Sad Truth About McCain’s Primary Voters: Idiots!

April 7, 2008 at 12:00 pm by Katie's Dad

As I watched Señor McCain resurrect his candidacy from the bowels of death, I anticipated that his people would waging a calculated effort to midlead, misdirect and obfuscate any and all truths that might reveal his actual point of residence on the political spectrum. I had no idea they’d be so successful! McCain is actually a left-of-center charlatan; Hillary Clinton is now the most conservative choice left standing.

I simply want to puke when McCain says he’s a conservative because I know that many voters are content to remain so barely informed that they will believe him.

Now, I have proof. Thanks to the Center for Immigration Studies, I can show exactly how badly Republicans have chosen:

Poll: Voters Unaware of Candidates’ Immigration Positions

Of McCain voters, 35 percent mistakenly thought he favored enforcement that would cause illegals to return home, another 10 percent thought he wanted mass deportations, and 21 percent didn’t know his position.

Doing even a half-decent job on the math here scares me greatly. More than half of those who voted for McCain were under the misapprehension that he’s actually in favor of enforcing all of our immigration laws and would do what is right by Americans before he accommodates aliens. Now, I can understand that there would naturally be a few, or maybe even a bit more than a few, Republican ignoramuses who might not pay requisite attention to a candidate’s true positions on a critical issue or two and cast a ballot in ignorance. But a majority?!!! Please say it isn’t so!

The article goes on to point out that:

Pro-enforcement voters have a greater intensity of views than supporters of legalization. Among Republicans, almost nine out ten who favored causing illegals to return home said they strongly supported that view; on the other hand, fewer than half of Republicans who backed legalization strongly supported that view.

Put the two poll factoids together and you have the saddest commentary about the conservative side of our electorate I’ve ever seen. Not only did more than half of Republican primary voters not know that McCain is on the opposite side of the immigration issue from their desires, 90% of those ignorant to the discrepancy considered their enforcement desires to be very important to the sort of governing they expect to see going forward. These are the sorts of people who would hire a well-known neighborhood child molester to baby sit their kids. I’m not kidding. There could be posters with pictures of the sicko plastered throughout the neighborhood and they’d still invite the offender in the door because he doesn’t seem all that dangerous in person.

Considering the fact that McCain has built his presumptive nomination upon not much more than lies, deceit and misdirection, what might we expect from this venal old sack of excrement if he’s elected? Honesty? The truth? Really? I’ve said all along that this “straight-talking” shifty bastard is morally unfit to even mow my lawn. I would not let my child be in his presence for a nanosecond for fear that his ideology might actually stem from some contagious viral condition. Sometimes it seems to me that only a brain-resident virus could cause otherwise careful adults to engage in such risky behavior at the polls as casting a vote for John McCain.

Those of truly conservative mind who voted for John McCain while fully aware of his stands can only be deemed pathologically irrational. There simply is no rational thought process that might lead any stewardship-minded person to support a candidate who promises change that will destroy ancient cultural foundations and threads of thought that created the very brand of civilization, the only brand of civilization, that has given the world more bounty and good than any other brand that came before it.

McCain represents proof that, both outside and inside conservatism, America is succumbing to a very weird and dangerous sort of imposed tolerance. Framing it by example, I’ll offer this: On one hand, we teach our children to look both ways before crossing the street because it makes sense in keeping them safe. We teach them to be wary of strangers for the same reason. We bust our asses to assure that they are properly affected toward morally straight and intellectually strong paths, knowing that there are good and bad things in this world that require their careful discernment if our human lineage is to be carried forward. We take great care in imbuing in our next generations an awareness of the essential truth that that carrying our lineage forward is the Godly point of our being here in the first place.

Yet many of us don’t extend such care-centered thought process to the political decisions we make. We carelessly give support to would-be leaders, like John McCain, who would set ancestry and heritage asunder while insisting that making a place in our society for the undifferentiated everyman is somehow the conservative thing to do. I had hoped that deep down, conservatives in America would know better. Needless to say, I’m very disappointed.

It appears we are about to sit idly by and let government tinker with the very basis of our civilization out of some irrational and overly-optimistic faith in the goodness and infinite compatibility of all men, all cultures and all races. Many of us simply buy into the awful and decrepit notion that America is so much a “nation of immigrants” that selectivity and discernment between peoples must not be allowed. Politically corrected, we march in lock step toward our own dissolution as a heritage while ignorant to the fact that there is no basis for any of this.

Sadly, electing a president like John McCain is the logical next step in our lemming-like race to the cliffs.

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Obama’s Jedi Mind Trick

March 18, 2008 at 2:53 pm by Katie's Dad

I find myself today compelled to Fisk a boatload of tripe that Obama is trying to sell. It reads as some sort of new, revisionist American Jerimiad. While I must admit is it a well-crafted speech, Hitler and Stalin were equally adept at using subtle misapprehensions of history as means to sway masses of the ignorant. The question remains at to whether electing this guy will reap the same rewards for us as those delievered to the world by Nazis and Stalinists.

Going forward, I dub this speech the “I am the magic negro sermon.” In his sermonizing, Obama attempts to garner the same mystical powers as a Jedi knight might try to alter the thoughts of others. So, without further ado, here’s my annotated version of Obama’s latest rhetorical gyration:

“We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.”

[I am the magic negro, and I want to remind you that] two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America’s improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787. [You will forget that there were several generations of British citizens who were here, becoming uniquely American on their own before they became American patriots and severed the bonds with the mother country.]

The document they produced was eventually signed but ultimately unfinished. It was stained by this nation’s original sin of slavery, a question that divided the colonies and brought the convention to a stalemate until the founders chose to allow the slave trade to continue for at least twenty more years, and to leave any final resolution to future generations. [You will remain ignorant to the fact that it was these first American generations who questioned the morality of the practice of slavery. You will not know it was their sentiments that lit the first spark of antipathy for the practice, and that eventually led to slavery being repudiated in most of the world. You will not think about the Africans who captured, enslaved and sold into bondage their racial similars. You will ignore that slavery is still a trade among the descendants of the Black Africans who sold most Black Americans' ancestors to white men with ships.]

Of course, the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution – a Constitution that had at is very core the ideal of equal citizenship under the law; a Constitution that promised its people liberty, and justice, and a union that could be and should be perfected over time.

And yet words on a parchment would not be enough to deliver slaves from bondage, or provide men and women of every color and creed their full rights and obligations as citizens of the United States. What would be needed were Americans in successive generations who were willing to do their part – through protests and struggle, on the streets and in the courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience and always at great risk - to narrow that gap between the promise of our ideals and the reality of their time.

This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign[I am the magic negro, and it is my destiny] to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America. I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together – unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction – towards a better future for of children and our grandchildren. [As your personal magic negro, I will make sure that all are made to believe in the relative equality of every culture, regardless of what common sense might deem useful for consideration in opposition to that belief.]

This belief comes from my unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the American people. [You will not pay attention to the fact that the belief in the inherent goodness of man is at the root of every evil socialist scheme ever foisted upon a people on this earth.] But it also comes from my own American story.

I am the son of a black [bigamist, careless, and drunkard] man from Kenya and a [lunatic, leftist] white woman from Kansas [who wrote a 1000 page dissertation on peasant blacksmithing in Java; aside from that, she was as pure and completely American as Dorothy from Kansas]. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas. I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations. I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners [you will ignore that mile-wide chip on her shoulder ] – an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters. I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible. [I am the magic negro, after all, and you will be conned both by my story and by my bizarre multicultural origins.]

It’s a story that hasn’t made me the most conventional candidate. But it is a story that has seared into my genetic makeup the idea that this nation is more than the sum of its parts – that out of many, we are truly one. [As magic negro, I am allowed to discuss genetics on this stage, but if elected you will look the other way when I come down hard on anyone who tries to point out that there are significant genetic differences that matter between the bloodlines of ancient tribes that carry forward to today.]

Throughout the first year of this campaign, against all predictions to the contrary, we saw how hungry the American people were for [a con man to sell them] this [bogus] message of unity. Despite the temptation to view my candidacy through a purely racial lens, we won commanding victories in states with some of the whitest populations in the country [where they don't have any experience in day-to-day dealing with other non-magic negros or other minorities that lack my mystical powers; they're easy to fool]. In South Carolina, where the Confederate Flag still flies, we built a powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans [who are eager to erase every vestige of heritage because all American ancestors were evil, and southern ancestors were particularly evil].



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→ 2 CommentsCategories: Barack Hussein Obama · Fisking · John McCain · Politics · Racism·

A Nation of Hypocrites

March 16, 2008 at 8:45 am by Katie's Dad

Think about this.

The left spends much of its time and political resources demanding that our entire nation believe and act as if all people, all races, all cultures, all sexual preferences and all proclivities - regardless of their relationship to tradition or morality - are equal. They are necessarily equal, all of the time without exception; that is, except for people whose proclivities instill affinity for the traditional. We are the only people who are unequal in their eyes.

Traditionalists must necessarily be deemed bigoted, racist and otherwise made members of a new American untouchable caste, lest we remind too many what they are giving up when they agree to follow the prissy pipers of progressivism.  And, God forbid that we ever point out to Americans of its traditional majority that they are being intentionally back benched in favor of something decidedly less than what their ancestors expected.

The problem progressives have is that their multicultural vision for utopia is revealed as absurd every day. Eventually, even the most dumbed-down Americans are going to catch on that reality does not correspond and cannot correspond with progressive dreams. Such dreams are folly.

Were they not, then things like the following would not be possible:

YouTube Preview Image

This guy is going to be waiting a very long time to realize that dream.  I hope he has patience for eternity.

Wake up, people! Diversity is not a strength. And multiculturalism is not your friend.

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