Introducing WordPress for Android

Introducing WordPress for Android

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The Power of WordPress in Your Pocket.

WordPress for Android is an Open Source app that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications. Download it now and get blogging in no time.
Freely available for download in Android Market. Visiting from a device? Download now

Latest from the Blog:

Add Shared Text and Images to WordPress for Android

April 5, 2010

This morning WordPress for Android 1.1.3 was released to Android Market. You can now add text and images from other Android apps via the Share menu to a new WordPress post.

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WordPress for Android 1.1 Released

March 30, 2010

WordPress for Android version 1.1 is now available in Android Market! This release adds a lot of great new features and improvements to the User Interface. Here’s the scoop on what’s new:
User Interface Updates
The home view of your blogs has been updated with a new design including support for Blavatars for your [...]

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Version 1.0.2 Now Available

February 24, 2010

WordPress for Android version 1.0.2 has been released to Android Market. The update includes some new features as well as many bug fixes. Changes include:

Support for https (including self-signed certs)
Connection issue fixes for self-hosted WordPress sites
Fix for local drafts not showing if the user had no posts/pages
UI tweaks including a new loading bar [...]

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Version 1.0.1 Now Available

February 9, 2010

WordPress for Android version 1.0.1 has been released to Android Market. This is a minor update that fixes some of the bugs discovered by the community after the 1.0.0 release.
Changes in v1.0.1:

HTML Entities should decode correctly throughout the app
Fixed the post/page preview to show special characters
Fixed the edit page view to not [...]

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