Dispensing truth in liberal doses...and...where on April 14, 2009 I went to bed a conservative gun owner but awoke the next morning, according to the DHS, a possible member of a right wing extremist group needing to be watched.

March 18, 2010


by @ 10:44 am. Filed under Misc and Odd Bits


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H/T: The Jawa Report


by @ 8:29 am. Filed under Big Govt/Govt Tyranny

James Lewis at American Thinker hits the nail on the head:

If we’re going to play race games let’s do it scientifically. For example, if you’re black that’s meaningless unless you specify Bantu, Hutu/Tutsi, San, or any number of other lineages within Africa. Africa has the biggest human variety in the world. Obama looks totally different from the rest of the Black Caucus; it’s because he is. He belongs to a different biological lineage. He’s not a Bantu. But most American blacks are mixed-race, of course, like Obama himself.

Likewise, if you’re pure Irish, your race is Gaelic. If you’re Irish-English, you’re Gaelic-Caucasian or something close to that. If you look blond, you’re likely to be a Northern European. If you’re Jewish but you look like a Russian, you are Semitic-Nordic-Slavic. If you’re Jewish and you look like a Spaniard, you’re Semitic-Hispanic. If you’re Jewish from Yemen, you’re probably Semitic-Arabic. If you’re a pure cohen, you’re Semitic back some 3,000 years, especially if you have heritable diseases like Tay-Sachs. But of course going earlier than that, there are plenty of generations back to the human population bottleneck in North Africa, where humans were reduced to some 5,000 individuals. That’s the shared founding population for all of us. (And everybody was Black at that time.)

Of course if you’re a “white” woman, you can really get detailed, because the female (mitochondrial) lineage of Europe has been traced to less than a dozen original mothers. You can read about it in Nicholas Wade’s nice book, Before the Dawn (Wade being a New York Times science writer, and remarkably good). Or any other number of up-to-date books on human genetics.

If you’re Asian, of course, you could be anything from Han Chinese, to Malay, to Inuit.


Be scientific. This is a purely political splittist Census question. If you’re not sure, you are 99 percent right to call yourself Other. If ever the American people recover from the race-baiting insanity, we will all call ourselves Other. Because we are.


Some states have already adopted laws that will obligate their AGs to sue the Federal government if any of those stats’ residents are forced to buy health insurance.

Idaho appears to be first.

Virginia is also looking into it.

Now we have Walgreens refusing any new medicaid patients:

Effective April 16, Walgreens drugstores across the state won’t take any new Medicaid patients, saying that filling their prescriptions is a money-losing proposition — the latest development in an ongoing dispute over Medicaid reimbursement.

The company, which operates 121 stores in the state, will continue filling Medicaid prescriptions for current patients.

In a news release, Walgreens said its decision to not take new Medicaid patients stemmed from a “continued reduction in reimbursement” under the state’s Medicaid program, which reimburses it at less than the break-even point for 95 percent of brand-name medications dispensed to Medicaid patents.

Walgreens follows Bartell Drugs, which stopped taking new Medicaid patients last month at all 57 of its stores in Washington, though it still fills Medicaid prescriptions for existing customers at all but 15 of those stores.

Doug Porter, the state’s director of Medicaid, said Medicaid recipients should be able to readily find another pharmacy because “we have many more pharmacy providers in our network than we need” for the state’s 1 million Medicaid clients.

He said those who can’t can contact the state’s Medical Assistance Customer Service Center at 1-800-562-3022 for help in locating one.

Along with Walgreens and Bartell, the Ritzville Drug Company in Adams County announced in November that it would stop participating in Medicaid.

Fred Meyer and Safeway said their pharmacies would continue to serve existing Medicaid patients and to take new ones, though both expressed concern that the reimbursement rate is too low for pharmacies to make a profit.

Why Obama can not understand that the free market won’t tolerate government intervention in things they have no idea about is probably closely linked to his never having done any real work in his life and the fact that of all his appointees, less than 10% come from the private sector.


If you can’t figure it out you’re in good company.

But it helps to prove that Obama can not speak without a teleprompter and probably has no grasp of any issue threatening the US ……. with the exception of being fully versed on socialistic principles.

It ranks right up there with the US having 57 states.

Watch for the lack of coverage in reporting this among Obama’s kept-whores in the media. Then imagine the outrage and coverage if President Bush or VP Cheney had said anything like this.

Here’s Obama getting interviewed on Fox (updates below on the lie he foisted on us during the interview):


BAIER: Do you know which specific deals are in or out, as of today?

OBAMA: I am certain that we’ve made sure, for example, that any burdens on states are alleviated, when it comes to what they’re going to have to chip in to make sure that we’re giving subsidies to small businesses, and subsidies to individuals, for example.

BAIER: So the Connecticut deal is still in?

OBAMA: So that’s not — that’s not going to be something that is going to be in this final package. I think the same is true on all of these provisions. I’ll give you some exceptions though.

Something that was called a special deal was for Louisiana. It was said that there were billions — millions of dollars going to Louisiana, this was a special deal. Well, in fact, that provision, which I think should remain in, said that if a state has been affected by a natural catastrophe, that has created a special health care emergency in that state, they should get help. Louisiana, obviously, went through Katrina, and they’re still trying to deal with the enormous challenges that were faced because of that.


OBAMA: That also — I’m giving you an example of one that I consider important. It also affects Hawaii, which went through an earthquake. So that’s not just a Louisiana provision. That is a provision that affects every state that is going through a natural catastrophe.

Now I have said that there are certain provisions, like this Nebraska one, that don’t make sense. And they needed to be out. And we have removed those. So, at the end of the day, what people are going to be able to say is that this legislation is going to be providing help to small businesses and individuals, across the board, in an even handed way, and providing people relief from a status quo that’s just not working.

So ….. when did the earthquakes hit Hawaii?

In 1868 there was a major earthquake in Hawaii that killed 77 people. In 1975 an earthquake in Hawaii killed 2 people.

UPDATE!! HE LIED! (that’s not unusual given the Jug-Earred Jackass’s propensity to do so when it benefits him:

The language on page 432 of the Senate Bill applies to exactly one state: Louisiana.

ABC reported:

On page 432 of the Reid bill, there is a section increasing federal Medicaid subsidies for “certain states recovering from a major disaster.”

The section spends two pages defining which “states” would qualify, saying, among other things, that it would be states that “during the preceding 7 fiscal years” have been declared a “major disaster area.”

I am told the section applies to exactly one state: Louisiana, the home of moderate Democrat Mary Landrieu, who has been playing hard to get on the health care bill.

In other words, the bill spends two pages describing would could be written with a single world: Louisiana. (This may also help explain why the bill is long.)

The bill did not cover the hurricane damage in Texas or Mississippi. The senate bill will not cover any state that has been “affected by a natural catastrophe” despite what Obama said.

Rampant Insanity

From Charley Daniels Soapbox.

Nancy Pelosi recently made the statement that Congress needed to pass the health care bill so we could find out what was in it.

Is this woman not in full control of her mental faculties or just plain dumb?
It’s got to be one or the other.

To me she is a full-blown abomination to her office, and holds the office and the people she is supposed to be serving in contempt. She is a conniving sneak who would stoop to any level to get her ill begotten legislation passed.

If she is the face of the Democrat Party, the party itself is a Frankenstein monster. If she is the tip of the iceberg, then the iceberg itself, -the part hidden from view- has to be the biggest piece of corruption ever known to American politics.

Ms. Pelosi has known about resigning NY Representative Eric Massa and his sickening fondling of a young male page for a long time and did absolutely nothing about it until she started trying to weed out “No” votes against health care. I wonder how long she’s known about Charlie Rangel, but then Rangel is a “Yes” vote.

If Pelosi was in any other district than the one she’s in she couldn’t get elected to president of the local Botox injection society, but she’s probably safe in San Francisco. Do we need any other reason for term limits?

When questioned about the abortion provisions in the bill, Ms. Pelosi said something to the effect of, this is not about abortion, it’s about everybody having health care.

I beg your pardon Ms. Pelosi, it dern well is about abortion as long as the abortion provisions are left in the bill, and it’s also about all the other dirty little hidden secrets found among the 2,700-page piece of crap you’re trying to force on an unwilling American public.

Pelosi and company care not a whit about the will of the people, about the democratic process nor majority rule. They care about the accumulation of more and more power until our government is nothing more than a top-heavy dictatorship controlling our health care, our salaries, what we eat and drink and probably what time we go to bed at night.

Of course it will fail, just as Russia failed, just as Cuba failed, just as Eastern Europe failed, after the entitlements they’ll have to sustain to stay in power and the humongous bureaucracies that have to be maintained to force their will on the people get so top heavy they just topple over of their own accord, which would not be a bad thing if the rest of America would not topple with them.

Our economy, our national security, our sovereignty, even our law and order will most likely disappear from the American scene if people like Pelosi and Obama stay in power.

When you play by Obama rules the way to get out of debt is to borrow more money that you can’t pay back, and leave it up to future generations to deal with.

The way to get along with suppressive regimes is to bow to their leaders.

The way to run the greatest country on earth is to surround yourself with arrogant eggheads who, if their practical experience in the real world were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to explode a piece of bubble gum.

Folks, if this isn’t insanity, I just don’t know what is.

To me this is a tooth and nail battle against the forces of darkness and I ain’t giving an inch. My America is too precious to me, so if I gotta go down, I’ll go down swinging, kicking and screaming.

So be it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels


Two more instances where Joe Biden opened his mouth and 1. said something stupid and 2. said something making him appear inept.

Here’s the first where he’s in the White House at a celebration honoring the Irish.

Vice President Joe Biden asked for God’s blessing for the late mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen during a White House celebration of St. Patrick’s Day — except the elderly lady is very much alive.

“God rest her soul,” Biden said Wednesday night as he introduced Cowen and President Barack Obama. He quickly caught himself and noted that it’s Cowen’s father who is no longer living. Of the prime minister’s mother, Biden said, “God bless her soul.”

Biden then cited the Irish proverb that “a silent mouth is sweet to hear” and yielded the podium to the president.

Don’t you just love that last line? Too bad Biden doesn’t practice what he preaches. The man in an embarrassment to the US.




In this one Biden tells the world what we all know: the media are sycophantic minions of Obama, kissing his ass and refusing to provide unbiased coverage of the abomination called his presidency.

The truth is I can’t believe I’m here with you guys tonight. Here I am, the first Irish Catholic Vice President in the history of the United States of America. Barack Obama, the first African-American in the history of the United States of America. He’s hosting a St. Patrick’s day dinner and I’m here with you all [audience laughter]. Go figure. He’s with my base, I’m with his.

According to Newsbusters groans came from the audience upon hearing that last line.

It’s really a shame that the LameStream Media (the kept whores referred to by Biden) has so little credibility and has abrogated their responsibility to report new because in both these instances, had Dick Cheney made these comments it’d be on every newscast across the country.


This hypocrisy by the media is incredible. Remember the stink they raised when President Bush refused to comply with FOIA?

Now, we have proof that Obama, who promised us the “most transparent administration”, has been even more secretive than Bush and nary a peep is uttered by the media or its leftist minions:

One year into its promise of greater government transparency, the Obama administration is more often citing exceptions to the nation’s open records law to withhold federal records even as the number of requests for information decline, according to a review by The Associated Press of agency audits about the Freedom of Information Act.

Among the most frequently cited reasons for keeping records secret: one that Obama specifically told agencies to stop using so frequently. The Freedom of Information Act exception, known as the “deliberative process” exemption, lets the government withhold records that describe its decision-making behind the scenes.

Obama’s directive, memorialized in written instructions from the Justice Department, appears to have been widely ignored.

Major agencies cited the exemption at least 70,779 times during the 2009 budget year, up from 47,395 times during President George W. Bush’s final full budget year, according to annual reports filed by federal agencies. Obama was president for nine months in the 2009 period.

The government’s track record under the Freedom of Information Act is widely considered a principal measurement of how transparently it makes decisions. When Obama promised last year to be more open he said doing so “encourages accountability through transparency,” and said: “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

In a new statement Tuesday, Obama noted the release of White House visitor logs and federal data online in recent months said his administration was recommitted “to be the most open and transparent ever.”

“We are proud of these accomplishments, but our work is not done,” Obama said. “We will continue to work toward an unmatched level of transparency, participation and accountability across the entire administration.”


by @ 7:01 am. Filed under Humor/Cartoons





The other day I posted a piece about how some Muslims wanted to know if their animals were still “halal” after they’d been screwed by the woman beating pedophiles practicing Islam.

Here is is, straight from the Ass’s mouth:

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister… It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband’s house, rather than her father’s home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven. ["Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990]

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable.

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.

Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not.

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.

During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman’s vagina or a man’s anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

Here’s a bit more on pedophilia:

A religious decree by Khomeini ordered that girl prisoners who are virgins must be raped before execution, to prevent them from entering heaven. A Guard conducts the rape the night before execution. The next day, a marriage certificate is issued by a mullah, who sends it to the girl’s family, along with a box of chocolates as a wedding gift.

A box of chocolates?

Maybe it’s time the women of Islam rise up and cut the dicks off all their husbands. Then we might see the destruction and extermination of this most vile religion.

Funny how the media never bothers to brings up the filthiness of this and how it is practiced by a religion claiming to be peaceful yet engaging in terrorist acts.



Most of us understand that being a republican means embracing smaller government, less spending, and lower taxes.

But when yoy have republicans split on the issue of prohibiting earmarks, then we know Washington politician still do not have a clue:

Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe on Wednesday accused his Republican colleague Sen. Jim DeMint of taking a hypocritical stand opposing earmarks, saying that the South Carolina conservative previously directed money back home for a series of road projects.

In an unusual speech on the Senate floor, Inhofe took a swipe at DeMint – as well as Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) – for their ferocity in opposing earmarks, saying: “These guys all earmarked.”

Inhofe went on to list individual earmarks DeMint has taken in the past, a sign of the tensions within the GOP Conference on the issue of spending on parochial interests.

“I went down to South Carolina, and they talked about how roads were so important down there, and he swore he would support them. He did. He kept his word,” said Inhofe, who supported an earmark moratorium DeMint proposed in 2008 but opposed a similar measure Tuesday.

“These are earmarks, Sen. DeMint, $10,000 for the construction of I-73 in Myrtle Beach. $15 million to widen U.S. 278 to six lanes. $10 million engineering design and construction of a poor access road. $10 million improvements to US-17. $5 million widening the SC-9, whatever that is. $3 million to complete the construction.

“These were earmarks that were done by Sen. DeMint, and I don’t blame him,” said Inhofe, who took issue with criticism that his support for earmarks imperiled his conservative standing. “That’s what we’re supposed to be doing.”

Asked about Inhofe’s rebuke, DeMint later said that was a thing of the past, and now he’s against what he says are wasteful and parochial spending measures that can create conflicts of interest.

“I’m a recovering earmarker, and the first step to recovery is knowing you have a problem. I figured that out – it’s time the rest of them do,” DeMint said.

It’s why I continue to say they are not fit to lead and if they get into power the spending and taxing of Obama’s democrats today will continue with them.



obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


obama care


by @ 6:45 am. Filed under Animals/Wildlife

Just another example of how our language has been perverted to accommodate the “perverted.”

It’s an article from a Modern Mechanix of 1931 when they went searching for queer“unusual” pets.


queer pets


···Here’s an excerpt but read the whole thing:

From all corners of the globe come the queer animals which modern fashion demands as pets—koa bears, ocelots, even boa constrictors. Read why alligators and raccoons have gone out of style while chimpanzees have become popular.

TIME was when the dog, cat and canary, with an occasional parrot, satisfied the demands of civilized man for pets, but today not less than half a hundred other animals and birds have been added to the list. Rather more than five and one-half million dollars worth of these strangers were imported by 122 individuals and firms to the United States alone during 1930. And this takes into account only those queer mammal, avian and insect pets imported for sale; not those brought in for their own amusement and entertainmnt by individual Americans.

One of the leading pet dealers of this country estimates that all told more than 5000 persons, outside the United States, are engaged in this suddenly-grown business of catching pets for Americans. Negroes in Africa; Indians in South America, Chinese, Hindus and Malays in Asia; even Eskimos beyond the Circle, devote their days and nights to outwitting the most intelligent of wild animals and birds with snares and traps, so that they may be delivered in good condition to ships at the nearest port for transportation to San Francisco or New York, the two great “pet ports” of the United States.

One woman, recently come into a large estate in California, ordered six burra deer from Mexico, five kangaroos from Australia, three red-and-blue lories, from the Antipodes, and seven flamingoes, from Florida. Her order was filled within a month. An- other wanted a pair of macaws—large, multicolored parrots—each of which spoke English, Spanish and French. She got them in six months and they cost her $1,000 each. A man who owns a large fenced acreage of eastern Oregon mountains, sought and obtained—for $20,000—seven snow-white, black-horned mountain goats from the snow-covered ranges of Alaska, so far “domesticated” that they could be approached without stampeding.

One man, and he seems to be unique in his industry in the United States, if not in the world, makes an extensive business of catching and training wild cats native to the United States.

This man, C. J, Ullom, prowls the mountains of the West in the spring, seeking the dens of wild cats. From these he takes the kittens, or cubs, rears them on milk fed through an ordinary nursing bottle, and literally lives among the savage little animals until they have become well accustomed to man’s presence, and to look upon him as the source of their food and comfort. He has found it impossible to tame or train a wild cat if it is caught at an age of more than two months.


Yep! The terrorist sympathizer Obama names as Attorney General just got done morally equivocating that bin Laden deserves the same rights as Charles Manson.

Usama bin Laden will never be captured alive, Attorney General Eric Holder told lawmakers on Tuesday.

“The possibility of capturing him alive is infinitesimal,” Holder said. “He will be killed by us, or he will be killed by his own people so that he is not captured by us. We know that. … The possibility simply does not exist.”

That assessment, which Holder said was based on “all the intelligence I have had to review,” came during an often-heated hearing of a House Appropriations subcommittee.

Republicans pressed Holder over recent decisions to prosecute terrorism suspects in civilian courts, and they suggested he intends to treat terrorism suspects as “common criminals.”

Holder said such suggestions tend to “get my blood boiling,” calling them “anything but the truth.”

He said the “apt” comparison is to mass murderers like Charles Manson, who is currently serving a life sentence for orchestrating a killing spree in the 1960s.

Trying to explain the analogy, Holder said mass murderers like Manson still reserve the right to go before a jury and have the charges against them proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Holder was asked whether that means Usama bin Laden, if captured, would be tried in a civilian court and afforded the same rights as Charles Manson.

“In some ways I think they’re comparable people, in some ways,” Holder said.

Rep. John Culberson, R-Tex., called that response “incredible.”

Here’s a video:


by @ 6:39 am. Filed under Astronomy/Space

Field of Rosette

Explanation: What surrounds the florid Rosette nebula? To better picture this area of the sky, the famous flowery emission nebula on the far right has been captured recently in a deep and dramatic wide field image that features several other sky highlights. Designated NGC 2237, the center of the Rosette nebula is populated by the bright blue stars of open cluster NGC 2244, whose winds and energetic light are evacuating the nebula’s center. Below the famous flower, a symbol of Valentine’s Day, is a column of dust and gas that appears like a rose’s stem but extends hundreds of light years. Across the above image, the bright blue star just left and below the center is called S Monocerotis. The star is part of the open cluster of stars labelled NGC 2264 and known as the Snowflake cluster. To the right of S Mon is a dark pointy featured called the Cone nebula, a nebula likely shaped by winds flowing out a massive star obscured by dust. To the left of S Mon is the Fox Fur nebula, a tumultuous region created by the rapidly evolving Snowflake cluster. The Rosette region, at about 5,000 light years distant, is about twice as far away as the region surrounding S Mon. The entire field can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros).


Credit & Copyright: Rogelio Bernal Andreo (Deep Sky Colors)



by @ 6:35 am. Filed under Big Govt/Govt Tyranny

Big Brother warns you that filling out Census forms is mandatory and then threatens you with massive fines if you fail to reveal personal information:

How many people live in your home? Are any of them Hispanic? Are the people who live in your home citizens? How big is your home? Do you have difficulty making decisions or climbing stairs? How much do you pay for your sewage system? Are you married? What’s your rent or mortgage payment? Do you own an automobile? Are you on food stamps? How much money do you make?

These are just a sample of the highly detailed and personal questions asked in the mandatory American Community Survey the U.S. Census Bureau will send to a sample of some 3 million U.S. households in addition to the 2010 Census.

Refusing to answer the questions or answering them incorrectly will subject citizens to hefty fines.

The U.S. Census website for the American Community Survey warns that under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, Section 221, anyone who refuses to answer the 11-page 48-question survey, or who answers the questions with false information, will be subject to a possible $5,000 fine.

When pressed for an answer to the penalty question, the Census Bureau failed to provide one:

WND has consistently found the Census Department difficult to reach for comment. No media phone number or contact person is published on the home page of the U.S. Census Bureau. By typing, “news” into the Census Bureau homepage search engine, a page displays the phone number 301-763-3030 as the bureau’s Public Information Office. Dialing that number, WND received a recording that directed news reporters to dial yet another number, 301-763-3691. Dialing that number, WND encountered voice mail.

After leaving a request for a call on the voice mail, the Census Bureau Public Information Office neglected to return the call.

Go to the link to see the sort of questions being asked.

Now, why is it we are faced with prosecution for failing to provide personal info yet the Quicker-Fucker-Upper, that Jug-Earred Jackass called Barack HUSSEIN Obama can refuse to show us his birth certificate and college records?

March 17, 2010


It’s pretty simple, really:

If the health care bill deemed to be passed and not even read yet is supposed to be about improving our health, lowering premiums, making insurance available to everyone, why will it be 4 years before anything actually happens yet for those 4 years we all pay higher premiums and higher taxes?”

How can something that takes 10 years of taxes yet provides only 6 years of benefits be “revenue neutral” or even save money? After all, when the first ten years expire, in future decades we will then be collecting 10 years of taxes and providing 10 years of benefits. If we barely scraped by taking 10 years of revenues for only 6 years of benefits, future decades either MUST cut benefits by 40% or increase taxes by 40%.

The answer is simple and one you will not get from any democrat:

Because it’s NOT about any of those things. It’s all about Democrats getting more power, controlling more of the economy and dictating to us how to live our lives. Meanwhile, they sit in Washington getting fatter and richer while we get skinnier and poorer. Making us more dependent on Washington to take care of us.

Which is exactly what democrats want.


by @ 10:44 am. Filed under Misc and Odd Bits, Science and Technology




The waters beneath Taylor’s Glacier are a kind of ancient time capsule where a community of microorganisms was able to develop and evolve in an environment not found anywhere else on Earth. When the lake was trapped under the glacier some 1.5 – 2 million years ago, some simple life forms were trapped in it. The subglacial lake contains no oxygen, but is home to at least 17 different types of microorganisms. The water is hyper-salinated (very salty), and its unusual coloring is due to its high iron content, which instantly rusts upon being exposed to air outside of its closed-in origin, creating the blood red waterfall. The strange and inhospitable conditions in the subglacial lake had led researchers to wonder just how all of those microorganisms could have survived in the extremely cold, airless, completely dark environment for so long.

The comments at Ace’s place are funny. Have a read.


Only in San Francisco could such a thing have been thought of: a patch for your cat or dog’s “brown eye.”

brown eye patch


Rear Gear is a decorative cover for your dog’s, cat’s (or ferret’s) um, anus. There, I said it.

For all of you news junkies out there, I realize that Rear Gear has been on the scene for several months, but it wasn’t until this weekend that I witnessed a real-live pooch sporting one (in the disco-ball design) at Dolores Park. I tried to snap a picture, but the little guy tore off at lightning speed as soon as I managed to fish my iPhone out of my bag — I can only imagine his humiliation.

Previously, I thought of these as a kind of “pet product mythology” — and the perfect gag gift for the prudish friend who almost didn’t get a dog because of the pooper-scooper factor. But no. Rear Gear is real. In the word’s of the product’s founder:

Is your pet feeling left in the dirt because of his/her unsightly rear? I’ve got them covered… Rear Gear is handmade in Portland, OR and offers a cheerful solution to be-rid your favorite pet’s un-manicured back side.

Only in the land of fruits, nuts and flakes could this have come from.

But ….. you now who else comes from San Francisco?

Nazi Pelosi!!

Maybe we can get a patch to put on that anus called her face:

nazi pelosi anus patch


Women: Republican vs Democrat

by @ 9:55 am. Filed under Democrats/ACORN, Politics/Republicans

H/T:  Theadora’s World



obama post turtle


Inspired by Steve


Many on the left are trotting out stories about their friends and family who died without health care.

Some are saying that 45,000 Americans die every year ue to lack of care.

Even Michael “fatass dumbfuck” Moore is in on the act:

Moore predicted the Democrats’ ObamaCare will pass, “But this bill, as good as many of the thing are in the bill, you know – young people can stay on their parent’s insurance until 26, that’s a great thing – it’s a death sentence for literally tens of thousands of people who are going to get sick, or have been sick, and because of their preexisting conditions.”

To Moore, the current health care reform proposal does not go nearly far enough. He favors a universal single-payer system that would effectively be a government take-over of one-sixth the economy.

“Their only crime – for dying – their only crime that they would have committed was they were a citizen in the United States of America,” Moore said of the uninsured. “If they were a few hundred miles north of us here, they wouldn’t die. Pure and simple, that’s the only difference – they hold an American passport instead of a Canadian passport.”

Hey, Michael, and all you other assholes out there clamoring for this un-read and un-voted on bill, answer me this:

If you are so concerned about all these perople dying why are you NOT concerned that none of these provisions will take place for 3 to 4 years yet meanwhile we’ll have been taxed on them as if they actually were in effect? What about all THOSE people that will die for years to come before this takes effect?

Why no concern for them?


by @ 8:01 am. Filed under Misc and Odd Bits

When is 0.9999999(repeating to infinity) equal to 1?

We’ve seen those “infinity” numbers a lot, right? Three divided into ten. Three divided into two. Three divided into one.

That sort of thing.

It implies that number runs into infinity seeking the next higher number but never gets there.

But in this case, there are those that say that .9999 does equaly 1.

Just switch to fractions.

Three into two is .6666 infinity.
Three into one is .3333 infinity.

Add them and you get .9999infinity.

In fractions, though: 2/3 plus 1/3 equals one.

I’ll leave it to you now.


by @ 7:44 am. Filed under Humor/Cartoons, Misc and Odd Bits





by @ 7:33 am. Filed under Misc and Odd Bits

Missouri may have gotten one right this time. There’s a law on the books to give renters tax credits for the rent they pay.

Except: the landlord has to pay taxes.

What does that mean?

That means, for example, that renters living in public housing do not qualify for the tax credit.

The Columbia Daily Tribune reported Monday that state tax officials say there now is greater recognition that the law requires landlords to pay property taxes for renters to get the tax break.

Brenda Procter, a personal finance specialist at the University of Missouri, said the eligibility interpretation for earning the tax credit is new. Procter said it could leave thousands of low-income and disabled people living in tax-exempt housing without money that they have relied upon in the past.

Time to get off the government tit, mofos! Get a job. Or another job. If you’re disabled, sorry. But if you’re capable of spending money you should be able to find a way to make it. If you can’t I am certain there are other ways some government worker will find to rape ME for it.


Coming from a democrat, in a state where Romney-Care is now giving it financial difficulties, this means a lot:

State Treasurer Tim Cahill, taking swipes at both Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama, boosted his bipartisan chops yesterday, telling Herald columnist Howie Carr on WRKO, “I voted for John McCain, believe it or not.”

Cahill, saying he was barred from the 2008 Democratic National Convention because he wouldn’t endorse either Obama or Hillary Clinton, said, “My own party basically voted me out.”

“I was afraid of what we had already been getting in Massachusetts, and at that point in 2008, I was aware that it wasn’t working,” he said. Separately yesterday, Cahill accused Obama of “propping up” the Bay State’s health plan with federal aid in order to help push the Democrats’ plan through Congress.

“The real problem is that this . . . sucking sound of money has been going into this health-care reform,” Cahill said. “And I would argue that it’s being propped up so that the federal government and the Obama administration can drive it through.”

Gov. Deval Patrick argues the state’s universal health care program has added 1 percent to the budget, but Cahill said the real impact is buffered by federal dollars.

Meanwhile, Republican Charles Baker’s campaign said Patrick “has consistently failed to address rising health-care costs in Massachusetts.” Baker, the former Harvard Pilgrim CEO, advocated for years for greater transparency on the part of medical service providers.

Cahill called on congressional Democrats yesterday to go “back to the drawing board,” saying he fears they will “bankrupt” the country.


The Jug-Earred Jackass is on the road excoriating Americans to support the disaster that is Obama-Care.

He even lies about the benefits it will bring….like lower premiums.

How much lower?


Monday in Strongsville, Ohio, President Obama said that ObamaCare will reduce health insurance premiums by “3,000 percent.” Considering that a 50 percent decrease in premiums would mean that we’d be paying half as much as we now pay for health insurance and that a 100 percent decrease in premiums would mean that we’d be paying nothing for health insurance, President Obama is telling us that insurance companies will actually start paying us money to keep our health insurance.

If your current health insurance policy costs $5,000 a year, insurance companies will pay you $145,000 a year (2,900 percent multiplied by $5,000). If you’re fortunate enough to be paying $25,000 a year for health insurance, insurance companies will pay you $725,000 a year. There’s no word whether you can purchase a more expensive health insurance policy to increase the amount of money that insurers pay you each year.

Just think, America: These are the people telling us that they know best how to run 1/6 of our economy.

Here’s the video:


So the question really is: will it go down at all?

The answer is, NO!

Considering this comes from one of Obama’s biggest kept-whores in the media, it actually means something:

Buyers, beware: President Barack Obama says his health care overhaul will lower premiums by double digits, but check the fine print.

Premiums are likely to keep going up even if the health care bill passes, experts say. If cost controls work as advertised, annual increases would level off with time. But don’t look for a rollback. Instead, the main reason premiums would be more affordable is that new government tax credits would help cover the cost for millions of people.

Listening to Obama pitch his plan, you might not realize that’s how it works.

They go on to explain:

“There’s no question premiums are still going to keep going up,” said Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a research clearinghouse on the health care system. “There are pieces of reform that will hopefully keep them from going up as fast. But it would be miraculous if premiums actually went down relative to where they are today.”

The statistics Obama based his claims on come from two sources. In both cases, the caveats got left out.

A report for the Business Roundtable, an association of big company CEOs, was the source for the claim that employers could save $3,000 per worker on health care costs, the White House said.

Issued in November, the report looked generally at proposals that Democrats were considering to curb health care costs, concluding they had the potential to significantly reduce future increases.

But the analysis didn’t consider specific legislation, much less the final language being tweaked this week. It’s unclear to what degree the bill that the House is expected to vote on within days would reduce costs for employers.

An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of earlier Senate legislation suggested savings could be fairly modest.

It found that large employers would see premium savings of at most 3 percent compared with what their costs would have been without the legislation. That would be more like a few hundred dollars instead of several thousand.

The claim that people buying coverage individually would save 14 percent to 20 percent comes from the same budget office report, prepared in November for Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind. But the presidential sound bite fails to convey the full picture.

The budget office concluded that premiums for people buying their own coverage would go up by an average of 10 percent to 13 percent, compared with the levels they’d reach without the legislation. That’s mainly because policies in the individual insurance market would provide more comprehensive benefits than they do today.

For most households, those added costs would be more than offset by the tax credits provided under the bill, and they would pay significantly less than they have to now.

The premium reduction of 14 percent to 20 percent that Obama cites would apply only to a portion of the people buying coverage on their own — those who decide they want to keep the skimpier kinds of policies available today.

Their costs would go down because more young people would be joining the risk pool and because insurance company overhead costs would be lower in the more efficient system Obama wants to create.

The president usually alludes to that distinction in his health care stump speech, saying the savings would accrue to those people who continue to buy “comparable” coverage to what they have today.

But many of his listeners may not pick up on it.

Don’t believe that?

Maybe the CBO can set you straight:

“Rank-and-file Democrats did not talk about the details, but said that the CBO scores [of the House reconciliation bill] had come up short. ‘They were less than expected’ in terms of deficit reduction, said Rep. Gene Green, D-Texas, who plans to vote for the bill.”…

There are several things that Democrats are up against when it comes to the CBO score. The most important is that, based on reconciliation instructions, the “fix” bill must be shown to reduce the deficit by at least $1 billion. The challenge is, that’s after assuming that the Senate bill is law. In other words, the reconciliation bill can’t claim any of the deficit reduction from the Senate bill, but rather it must reduce the deficit relative to the Senate bill. Yet the changes that are being talked about will cost a lot of money. This includes eliminating the “Cornhusker kickback” and offering enhanced Medicaid subsidies to all states, increasing subsidies for the purchase of insurance, eliminating the so-called “donut hole” on Medicare prescription drug benefits, and whatever else they put in the bill. At the same time, delaying until 2018 the enactment of the “Cadillac tax” would be scored as a reduction in revenue, and thus add further to the deficit. They’d have to make up the gap through tax increases as well as try to siphon “savings” away from the student loan bill. (More on that here.) But evidently it seems like they’re running into trouble on this front.

Listen to Jim Cramer say how premiums will INCREASE TAX RATES 50% to 60%!



by @ 7:04 am. Filed under Eye Candy







I’ve always felt that too many people get degrees and end up wasting them away. I’m a classic example. I got my degree because it was expected of me in order to get promoted in the USAF. Even more so to get to the top grade. And once I started it was hard to stop as that would show I didn’t have the ability to see something to the end.

So I got it.

Never used it.

It happens all over the US. Women get degrees in Feminine Studies and become glorified desk clerks. Men get degrees in Archaeology and become “sanitation engineers.”

Now we have Obama wanting to take over the student loan business and saying that it is a “RIGHT” of every American to go to college.

But is that really a good idea?

In February of last year, Obama announced that the nation was not doing well enough in getting young people into and through college. He told Americans that they’d be letting the country down if they stopped their education after high school and announced a national goal of having the highest percentage of college-educated workers in the world by 2020.

That sounds good. Having the best-educated workforce will certainly help to keep our economy strong in the face of international competition, won’t it?

Most people would probably nod in approval, but I see Obama’s higher education initiative as an economically harmful Trojan Horse meant to accomplish his real objectives: assisting one of his most loyal support groups, and luring more young Americans into the overwhelmingly leftist, collectivistic college environment, which tends to draw impressionable people towards the left end of the political spectrum.

What about the notion that the nation’s economy needs more college graduates? Those who want to justify an expansion of our higher education system (that is, subsidizing some students who wouldn’t otherwise have gone to college so that they will) often say that we’re falling behind other nations in our “educational attainment.” They say that unless we get more young Americans through college, for the first time we’ll have a generation that is “less well educated” than the previous generation. They say that college graduates enjoy a large lifetime earnings premium. And they say that nearly all good jobs now require a college degree.

All those arguments are either false or irrelevant.

In a debate with an economics professor, George Leef goes on to say why:

First, we showed that the U.S. already has a large surplus of college graduates, many of them employed in jobs that don’t call for any academic training whatsoever. (I have little use for most federal statistics, but here the data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is very enlightening.)

We showed that for most people, there is very little connection between college coursework and the knowledge and skills needed for their jobs.

We showed that because we have so over-expanded higher education over the years, we have driven academic standards down to the point where many students enter college with weak skills and often graduate with no improvement in them.

We showed that the “earnings premium” argument is fallacious because the higher average earnings of people who have earned college degrees in the past is no guarantee that anyone who now earns a degree will have the same results. In fact, it’s clear that many graduates are not enjoying that earnings premium. They aren’t paid any more for working as, for example, a theater usher just because they have a college diploma hanging on the wall.

We showed that the reason why many jobs now “require” a college degree is that employers use educational credentials as a screening device. Often, they make possession of a BA mandatory for applicants, no matter what the person studied and no matter how simple the intellectual demands of the work. Furthermore, if we push increasing numbers of people through college, that will ratchet up the credential inflation, thus blocking off people who don’t have degrees from more jobs they could easily do.

Finally, we showed that it’s erroneous to equate years of formal education and degrees earned with being “better educated.” Much of what people learn in life is not learned in a classroom setting.

The affirmative side’s comeback to our arguments? Nothing. Both debaters ignored them and, unfortunately, the moderator didn’t ask them to respond.

In my opinion, it’s plain as day that even if we managed to increase the number of students we persuade to enroll in college— which won’t be easy precisely because many who now don’t probably understand that the costs are high and the benefits low — the nation’s economy won’t be improved. Reaching the president’s goal of having the higher percentage of college graduates won’t make the American workforce “the best.” It will only mean that some more of our workers will have spent a lot of time and money to obtain the college credential before starting work in a job they could have done anyway.

As I commented on PJ Media:

Colleges: most get federal and state funding.
College tuitions: gone up by twice the rate of inflation because government subsidizes it through guaranteed loans
Professors: most get tenured and end up writing books rather than teaching; then retiring on rich pensions
Students: many get loans which, under Obama, will become another large government agency like Freddie or Fannie.

Tertiary bottom line: more students equals more professors charging more money paid for and underwritten by the government.

Secondary bottom line: more students equals bigger government.

Primary bottom line: government is too big already. We don’t need more students.

For liberals who still can’t understand? More students will require more professors which will require more buildings which will require more federal money which grows government even more as Washington will need to get bigger to manage it all.

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