Avid Editor's Insights

Directly from the Pens of Mujahedin… sticky scroll down for new stuff

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 16, 2010

Philip Daniel


“The prophet…ordered us to strike with this (meaning the sword), who strays from this (meaning the Quran).”–Jaabir bin Abdullah (a sahaba [companion] of Rasul’allah Muhammad)

Shaykh Husayn ibn Mahmoud’s enlightening and honest comparison of Jihad at-Talab (Offensive Jihad) and Jihad ad-Daf’ (Defensive Jihad)… Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in History, Islam, Islamist, Palestinian, al-qaeda, jihad, jihadi propaganda, religion | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Watch out for the trap of the Heath Care vote on Sunday

Posted by avideditor on March 18, 2010

Watch out for sunday. The libtrads are doing the biggest set up ever. They are trying to destroy the constitution and be as corrupt as possible while destroying the health care in this country. I think it is a set up. Think about it do you think even the libtards are that naive and stupid.  Watch out for the back lash. I hope I am wrong. But I think it is just a set up for a armed misguided person to do something. Make sure you have food for at least a week on sunday. Remember the U2 song Bloody Sunday Again I hope I am wrong and I hope to that this bill is not passed. Just be careful out there.  Just the commies would like nothing better to impose martial law and go after freedom fighters instead of the true enemy the jihadis.

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Rachel Maddow as Vampire AKA Rachel Madcow

Posted by avideditor on March 18, 2010

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Thomas Osborne Davis’ Poem on “The Sack of Baltimore” (in Ireland) by Maritime Mujahedin [the Barbary Pirates] on June 20th 1631

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 18, 2010

Philip Daniel


The Sack of Baltimore

Thomas Osborne Davis (1814–45)

THE SUMMER sun is falling soft on Carbery’s hundred isles,
The summer sun is gleaming still through Gabriel’s rough defiles;
Old Innisherkin’s crumbled fane looks like a moulting bird,
And in a calm and sleepy swell the ocean tide is heard:
The hookers lie upon the beach; the children cease their play; 5
The gossips leave the little inn; the households kneel to pray;
And full of love, and peace, and rest, its daily labor o’er,
Upon that cosy creek there lay the town of Baltimore.

A deeper rest, a starry trance, has come with midnight there;
No sound, except that throbbing wave, in earth, or sea, or air! 10
The massive capes and ruin’d towers seem conscious of the calm;
The fibrous sod and stunted trees are breathing heavy balm.
So still the night, these two long barques round Dunashad that glide
Must trust their oars, methinks not few, against the ebbing tide.
Oh, some sweet mission of true love must urge them to the shore! 15
They bring some lover to his bride who sighs in Baltimore.

All, all asleep within each roof along that rocky street,
And these must be the lover’s friends, with gently gliding feet—
A stifled gasp, a dreamy noise! “The roof is in a flame!”
From out their beds and to their doors rush maid and sire and dame, 20
And meet upon the threshold stone the gleaming sabre’s fall,
And o’er each black and bearded face the white or crimson shawl.
The yell of “Allah!” breaks above the prayer, and shriek, and roar:
O blessed God! the Algerine is lord of Baltimore!

Then flung the youth his naked hand against the shearing sword; 25
Then sprung the mother on the brand with which her son was gor’d;
Then sunk the grandsire on the floor, his grand-babes clutching wild;
Then fled the maiden moaning faint, and nestled with the child:
But see! yon pirate strangled lies, and crush’d with splashing heel,
While o’er him in an Irish hand there sweeps his Syrian steel: 30
Though virtue sink, and courage fail, and misers yield their store,
There ’s one hearth well avenged in the sack of Baltimore. Read the rest of this entry »

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Victoria Jackson: “There’s A Communist Living in the White House!!”

Posted by elyakatz on March 17, 2010

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The Führer Cult: Germans Cringe at Hitler’s Popularity in Pakistan [via www.spiegel.de]

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 17, 2010

Philip Daniel


Read the article here: Germans Cringe at Hitler’s Popularity in Pakistan

“The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and advisor of Eichmann and Himmler in execution of this plan…He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chamber of Auschwitz.”–SS-Hauptsturmführer Dieter Wisliceny, to Endre Steiner in Bratislava (June 1944)

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Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs? Is that why they are having Obama on to lie?

Posted by avideditor on March 17, 2010

Check out this great piece from the American Thinker. Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs?

Mean while Hot Air is having an open thread on 0 appearance on fox news.

I wondered how long it would take after Saudi money was insinuated into Rupert Murdoch’s empire before anti-Semitism hit the Fox News airwaves in the form of tug-at-your-heart, pro-Arab, mini-hit pieces against the State of Israel. It didn’t take long.

Read the rest of this entry »

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One Big Ass Mistake America = Obama As the anti semite is calling for regime change in Israel. Can we get regime change here

Posted by avideditor on March 17, 2010

Are the people in denial that Obama is an anti semite commie waking up? Obama is calling for regime change in Israel because Jews are building houses. Dinner Jacket is building a nuke but Obama is not calling for regime change there. How much clearer does it need to be that 0 is an anti semite? He has not round us up yet because I think the biggest thing stopping him is I think many will refuse to follow orders. For a non libtard piece about what is going on check out this.

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Directly from the Pens of Mujahedin Part II *sticky scroll down for new stuff

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 16, 2010

Philip Daniel


The different varieties of that most egregious of sins — kufr (rejection of Allah, Muhammad, and the Shari’a) — according to Ibn Kathir for future reference:

Types of Kufr (Disbelief)
Imaam ibn Katheer rahimahullaah
Adapted from ‘Tafseer ibn Katheer’

The following information was excerpted from the appendices to the English translation of TAFSEER IBN KATHEER.

The Qur’aan uses the word Kufr to denote people who cover up or hide realities. The Qur’aan uses this word to identify those who denied Allaah’s favors by not accepting His Dominion and Authority. Kufr thus is an antonym for Iman or disbelief in Allaah and a Kaafir is a non-believer. This type of Kufr is called AL-KUFR UL AKBAR or major kufr. There are many types of Al-Kufr ul Akbar: Read the rest of this entry »

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Obama Vs Israel

Posted by avideditor on March 16, 2010

Insane 0 logic. A roof over a Jew’s head is an act of war while a missle into said roof is not.

Read this great piece by the great Sultan Kinish

The manifold organs of the ObamaMedia are abuzz with outrage over what they are calling Israel’s “insult” to the United States. But what was the nature of this awful and outrageous insult? Did Israeli officials pull off V.P. Biden’s rug to show off his bald head underneath. Did they ask him why the suit of his pants is so shiny. Did they make him sit at the kiddie table? Read the rest of this entry »

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“The Trial of Hank Rearden” from Ayn Rand’s Seminal “Atlas Shrugged”

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 16, 2010

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Obamafeld Now Embeded watch it here now if you missed it on PJTV

Posted by avideditor on March 16, 2010

I previously posted this

Obamafeld One of the funniest short clips out there

Not many click throughs but it is now embeded

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Israel Cannot Escape the God Issue

Posted by elyakatz on March 15, 2010


I can’t say it better than Professor Eidelberg –

“Few people understand why Israel, undefeated in war, is withdrawing to her perilous pre-1967 borders.  Let me explain.

Israel has been led by prime ministers whose policy of “land for peace” belies the fact that Israel is engaged in a religious conflict with implacable foes who have said “peace means the destruction of Israel.”

It needs to be stressed that the futile and fatal policy of territory for peace contradicts the Torah—Israel’s raison d’être.  This inane and ignoble policy magnifies Arab (as well as western) contempt for the Jewish state, and encourages Muslim despots to wipe Israel off the map.  Israel cannot avoid or win this war as long as she is led by prime ministers who omit the God of Israel from the domain of statecraft.  Before continuing, let’s review the stages of Israel’s territorial retreat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I fear the Jihadis. Kill an infidel follow sharia than Allah says you go to heaven

Posted by avideditor on March 14, 2010

I can not believe anyone calls Islam a “region of peace”, especially after reading this hadith”It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: No two such persons shall be together in Hell as if one of them is such that his presence hurts the other. It was asked: Messenger of Allah, who are they? He said: A believer who killed a disbeliever and (then) kept to the right path.”–Sahih Muslim Book 20 Number 4662 from here CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious TextsBasically it says kiill a kaffir, follow Shari’a, heaven’s guaranteed. It is important IMHO to read the madness that your enemy follows. To all the pissed off jihadis out there go here ;) Mohammed Cartoons for Osama Bin Laden and any other Jihadi

HT Hey, ho! Hey, ho! Western Civ is Here to Stay!

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Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself

Posted by elyakatz on March 14, 2010


From Glezele Vayne

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Pray for Your Family

Posted by elyakatz on March 14, 2010

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Barbara Boxer is filled with hot air and pro Jihadi. Video

Posted by avideditor on March 13, 2010

Have any proof that she is not a Dhimmi? Se is one IMHO.

HT Hot Air

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Is the possible pedophile CJ of LGF engaging in a Dos attack against the Blogmocracy? Why did that fool throw Israel under the Bus.

Posted by avideditor on March 13, 2010

Sorry even the ADL is condemning Obama. He is nothing like Regan or Bush in regards to Israel. You are an anti semite. You posted pro ACORN trash and allowed pro Hamas comments in your highly regulated comment section. Now you just dissed Isreal. So I ask again are the reports that have been floating around that you are a pedophile accurate? You are as bad if not worse than Maher. IMHO

Are you engaged it the attack at the Blogmocracy? If so why?

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Crocodile tears from the parents of Jihad Jamie? blog burst

Posted by avideditor on March 13, 2010

Alec Rawls noticed something not quite about Jihad Jamie’s mother and father. Compare these two snippets from their Wall Street Journal interview:

Ms. Paulin-Ramirez’s interest in Islam “came out of left field,” said her mother, Christine Holcomb-Mott, in an interview at her home Friday, wearing a blue sweatsuit with a silver cross around her neck.

How out of left field?

Mr. Mott, a convert to Islam himself, says he went to Denver to find his stepdaughter but couldn’t track her down.

This woman is married to a Muslim, but neither she nor her husband can grok where in the world their murder-plotting daughter/step-daughter ever got exposed to this worrisome religion that subducts so many of its followers into terrorism.

Their disgust at daughter Jamie sounds sincere, but their blatant dishonesty about how she could have gotten interested in Islam suggests otherwise. It is possible, however, that the Journal’s paraphrase is not precise. If put on the spot, Holcomb-Mott would likely clarify that she has no idea how her daughter ever got interested in murder-cult Islam.

There is a way that this could actually happen: if Mr. Mott is some kind of multiculturalist do-gooder who converted to Islam in sympathy with the idea that “Islam was hijacked too” on 9/11. Such a person could have converted without comprehending the well established Islamic pedigree of violent aggressive jihad.

Don’t scoff. This same “Islam is a victim too” sentiment is right now allowing a giant Mecca oriented crescent to be built on the Flight 93 crash site. After all, it would just be too horrible to reject the Crescent of Embrace memorial simply because it is in the shape of a giant Islamic crescent, not when Islam itself was amongst the victims on that terrible day. No, we must do the opposite and embrace Islam.

If Mott is thinking the same way, he has hardly gone any further than the Memorial Project. But then it seems that his step daughter took one step further still and actually read the Koran, with its endless commands to slaughter the unbelievers. Thus did an unhappy misfit finally find a home for the vicious vindictiveness that the religion of her birth had kept in check.

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Yes, Precious Little Blonde Ghazi, A Mujahed is Indeed a Terrorist

Posted by westerncivisheretostay on March 13, 2010

Philip Daniel


STOP caLLing MUSLIMS TERRORISTS!”–Thus saith JihadJamie

Sorry, Jamie, a mujahed=a terrorist. This isn’t my opinion, it’s Sunna, and to reject Sunna — the “sublime moral example” (c.f. Qur’an 33:21) of uswa hasana/al-insan al-kamil Rasul’allah Muhammad (what he, inspired by Allah, deems halal and haraam, al-ma’ruf and al-munkar, from the smallest details of bathroom behavior to the highest echelons of state policy — for the origination of the legislation regarding such actions cannot be left up to one of Allah’s Slaves, to one of his Abd’allahin [whose sole purpose on Earth is to serve and glorify Allah through his every thought and action sans exception], but must be ordained and enforced [preferably via the Khalifat system] to prevent chaos and “oppression” and thus ensure global Pax Islamica [and to prevent individuals from "assuming aspects of godhead" by drafting & enjoining laws contrary to those of Allah and thus refusing to acknowledge Allah's absolute despotic supremacy over his creations]) — for an individual cog enmeshed within the collective organism called the Ummat al-Muslimin (let alone a kaffir) to not unquestioningly follow and to not command complete adherence to the divinely-inspired fiats of the Sunna is an act of Kufrul-Nifaaq (hypocrisy) and Kufrul-Istibdaal (rejection of Allah’s law, his Shari’a), at the very least! Read the rest of this entry »

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