Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One More Reason Britain Is Doomed

“Many people like the idea of being genderless"

Encyclopedia Dramatica website hunted by Aussie Human Rights Commission

"For the unfamiliar, Encyclopedia Dramatica is like Wikipedia, except instead of striving for a neutral point-of-view, contributors aim for an offensive and adolescent one. "

They say that like it's a Bad Thing!
Heh, I dunno I kinda like the site;)

Where else you gonna find articles like: Ice Skating Faggotry Leads to Indigenous Indignance

CHRC squanders your tax dollars to intervene in lawsuit between private individuals

A courtroom source informs me that the CHRC sent a non-staff lawyer, one Barbara Nicholls, to intervene in the Vigna Levant libel trial. Evidently the CHRC flak waltzed into the courtroom unannounced, approached the bench and began arguing on behalf of Vigna and the CHRC against a Levant request for disclosure.
Odd given the CHRC is not a party to this suit, nor did they file an application prior to this unnannounced intervention. But then again when did the CHRC ever show anything but contempt for due process and the rule of law.

As documents reveal, specifically Access to Information requests, the CHRC has been advising, even quarterbacking Vigna's lawsuit against Levant using your tax dollars. Lawyers do not come cheap, I have been given estimates of between 5 and 10 thousand dollars to cover Barb's fee's.

What makes this an especially egregious example of unbridled arrogance and contempt is that the CHRC wasted a significant amount of tax payer money in a petty, paranoid effort to conceal the identity of one of their Super Duper Secret Agents. The Judge in his wisdom effectively answered Levant's disclosure request by providing the answer to a simple yes or no question.

Remember this: The CHRC squandered your money in a vindictive effort to tie up a private proceeding and inflict more pain on the defendant, all to satisfy their perverse sense of self-importance. It's called Lawfare.

Why? Cause that's how Nazis roll.

Update! Vigna Screams Like A Pantywaist!

Confidential sources have provided me with copies of Ezra Levant's Access To Information Requests to the CHRC, or as they are more accurately referred to in our circle "Access To Numerous Blank Pages Requests"

This one is completely redacted - 16 pages of NOTHIN!

The next one is a bit better, we get the Screamin Like A Pantywaist Vigna!

Screamin Vigna!

PS. Welcome Mark Steyn Readers

Some believers of Islam force women to wear garbage bags....they are Barbaric, we should amend our immigration laws accordingly to prevent their numbers from increasing, our culture is superior to theirs

Oh Oh! I just violated Section 13 (1) under the "International Law" cited by Jennifer Lynch to justify this ludicrous attack on our fundamental right to Free Speech as dictated by her masters at the U Frick'n N. 

FYI Jenny you and your ignorant law have become the subject of public ridicule and contempt - you've lost.

Come Get Me Jenny!

Article 20, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.

"I saw shadows. Sombreness. Oppression. Maybe even something sinister."

"You will never convince me of the rightness of some of those practices. No argument can convince me of the justice of jailing a woman for talking to a man who is not a close relative. Or that it is the "free" choice of a woman to cover herself from head to toe. Or that a woman fluent in English requires her 16-year-old son to speak on her behalf in her workplace — which, incidentally, happens here in Halifax, as has been recounted to me."

Read on.

Bad News for Canuck Jihadi Tahawwur Hussain Rana

Headley to change plea to guilty in Mumabi Terror trial.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cause Israel is an Apartheid State don't ya know...

We had lunch with Nadine Hamed in her hometown of Nazereth. She is an accomplished young lady of 21 possessed of...well being 21 as we all once were.

Ms. Hamed is a Muslim and an Israeli citizen. She is an Israeli Citizen with full rights, she is also the first female Israeli Arab sportscaster. The interview she gave us is by and large identical to the one she gave to Ynet, which you can read here.

We did however ask a few more pointed questions. Jonathon Narvey asked if she considered herself Eastern or Western. Her response was that she considered herself Muslim.

I asked if she believed she could have achieved so much in other Middle Eastern countries, she assured us she could.

I asked if she considered herself an Israeli Citizen, much equivocation later the answer was an oblique no.

I asked why she considered help wanted ad's that expressed a preference for people who had completed their army service to be racist? She could, if she wished, have chosen to volunteer for the IDF, Arab Israeli's do serve. I honestly don't recall her answering specifically and we moved on to other topics. One thing to bear in mind is that, as we were advised later, she would have risked possible ostracism and perhaps worse from her community had she enlisted.

I confess I thought she was Christian, but that's just my Orientalism talking.

Mouse Pig!

Can you dig?

Dr. M. Wattad - Secular Israeli Arab

"It's not often you get to meet a man like Dr. Wattad. Only 29 years old, he's a powerful and knowledgeable speaker, well educated and with a rock solid commitment to rational dialogue about Israel's place in the Middle East."


Tarek Fatah takes two more to the chin....

Hugh Fitzgerald responds to Tarek Fatah

Sit back and watch a master at work.

"Tarek Fatah can be seen, defending Islam by misrepresenting it -- by presenting the Islam that he, Tarek Fatah, wishes existed -- on the Michael Coren show."

Lessons for a 'secular Muslim'

If this is "moderate Islam," it is indeed fair to doubt whether such a concept even exists.

Ron Banerjee, director, Canadian Hindu Advocacy, Toronto.

Cheri Di Novo threatened on Facebook over Israeli Apartheid Week resolution

Remember folks these are your morally superior betters of the Nazi Party "Progressive, Tolerant Left" demonstrating what the inclusiveness of multicultarlism truly means.

BMF is not amused

Yea Bernie is upset about alot of things, hope he got my postcard. Oh , still no reply from the Lying Jackal to my e-mail asking about recent developments on the domestic front and the departure of his "colleague" from the war room.

Save a Childs Heart

We toured the Save A Childs Heart facilities in Tel Aviv. Save a Child's Heart mandate is to improve pediatric cardiac care in developing countries.

50 per cent of children treated are from the Palestinian Authority.
The Palestinian Authority since the Oslo Accord has been funded to manage health care, where the money goes is anyone's guess.

During the course of our interview I asked Dr. Sion Houri if they had ever encountered political resistance from countries which refused to allow children to be treated in Israel or otherwise accept Israeli aid.

He singled out Egypt and Jordan specifically.

The conversation changed focus from government to the medical professional associations of these countries. I asked if he felt these associations had been coopted by radical Islamists he answered:

"No, not coopted, they are" the radicals

Dr. Houri spoke of his encounter with an Egyptian physician at a conference in Montreal. Dr. Houri offered to assist with implementing a protocol for the treatment of children who weighed less than 20 kilograms. The Egyptian Doctor was aghast at the offer and privately asked if Dr. Houri wished him dead.
A request to assist a child was received by the charity's London office, the senders had not made the London and Israel connection.

The outcome was a letter from the child's father which stated that he would rather his child die than be treated by Israeli's.

Mohamed visits my blog

Damn wish I had my camera when he showed up;)

Mohamed has left a new comment on your post "Counterpoint: In defence of Wafa Sultan":

"Why is that those who attack Islam seem to get along with Jews and support Israel?
Anyways muslims are gaining from all this since Wafa Sultan can not attract the mainstream by preaching this way. Especially in the Muslim world but she is only attracting Neocons who only care about Israel. "

Good Question Mo'. I' ll get back to ya later, in the interim read these 2 pieces:

We're using the wrong yardstick & So much much for Islam Lite

Monday, March 15, 2010


"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
Winston Churchill

Aboriginal Peoples, Muslims face discrimination most: poll

 More crap from some rentseeker looking for a free ride on your tax dollars. Tarek Fatah notes - When did "Muslims" become a race?

If It's Tuesday this must be Belgium....

This will provide a little background on where we were when filming the Hezbollah Potemkin Village post. Following will be 2 vids explaining the history of the Israel & Lebanon border region in more detail. Our Guide Uri served in Lebanon.

Just as a general aside I learned a great deal on this trip, it was for the most part a worthwhile endeavor. I'm still absorbing a lot of the insight we gained, and will be posting more once our controllers remove the nodes from my once I've had a chance to put it all in perspective.

A bit on borders...

Border Chat 2

Mayberry RFD, Hezbollah Style

A brief and shakily shot vid of a Hezbollah Potemkin Village on the border between Lebanon & Israel. It's Mayberry - Hezbollah Style complete with schools and houses - and no people, the roofs however have been thoughtfully designed to accomodate snipers. I didn't see any cats either which tells you all you need to know about these monsters;)

Our vantage point was/is a kibbutz now in use by the IDF. The gentleman speaking is our guide Uri, a former paratrooper, we could not have asked for better.

PS. The Hassan Nasrallah poster which blesses the village does turn up in the vid, briefly and only in focus for a short time, my apologies for the poor camera work.

Update: The following brief clip is of a UN Truck parked in Hezbollah's Potemkin Village - this is why they are referred to as U Nothing.


Later - Chariots of the God Awful

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Counterpoint: In defence of Wafa Sultan

By Joanne Hill

"Tarek Fatah has used the National Post to present a one-sided, inaccurate and potentially dangerous editorial about statements made by Dr. Wafa Sultan during her March 3rd debate in Toronto with Dr. Daniel Pipes."

Go get him J!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Operation Galilee Schmenkie

Stunning, never before seen operational training photo's revealed.

- IDF camouflage techniques - taught by the best we learned the latest in the use of natural materials - read mud, for concealment purposes

- Water borne assault exercises, here an agent lols about in the Dead Sea acting inconspicuous like

- Secret oath of allegiance, our training completed we were taken to Masada for the swearing in

- Mossad Psychological manipulation, transported to a kibbutz safe house we were surprised by the presence of a hot tub, the epitome of capitalist luxury in the midst of an outpost premised on the collective

- Little did we know! Having succumbed to the remnants of our past lives we attempted to avail ouselves of this monument to decadence....Cleverly the Mossad, in an effort to rid us of the last of our Bourgeoise-False Consciousness had sabtotaged the apparatus! (The shower fixture shot ceiling high and a stream of water went clear cross the cabin when I tested the faucet, note the lack of a stopper as well)


More cats, we found fresh milk in our cabin and made a new friend

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Dead Sea

Our Mossad controllers are moving us to a new operations base. We are off to the Dead Sea, will see what I can post tomorrow if anything as operation Galiliee Schmenkie is set to commence.
I'll miss the cats of Jerusalem, half feral, half tame they are a colourful necessity and worthy of a pictorial all their own. Spade and neutered to keep the population in check they make their living as best they can and based on my brief observations seem to enjoy a protected status with the residents. They lounge about the cafes seeking shade, even occupying seats and wait in patient expectation for a handout. At lunch today I ordered fish. This made me instantly popular with three of the regulars, probably less so with the cafe staff, nontheless we four fast friends enjoyed a fine meal together.

One other thing I'll miss, a really nice dark chocolate ice cream 5feet and I stumbled upon while strolling the Midrachov. Ice cream and cats, 2 very good reasons to visit Jerusalem.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jerusalem Day 3

I ditch the tour bus and do SFA.