Top gadget blog Gizmodo receives 1.3 million pageviews an hour during iPad coverage

While it wasn’t surprising that the unveiling of Apple’s iPad would begin trending on Twitter, I began looking around for ways to measure how big of news it actually was. So I visited Gizmodo, arguably the most popular gadget blog, and checked out its Sitemeter stats.

On an average day, Gizmodo receives over 4 million page views, an incredible number. But what about today? In the hour that Steve Jobs was making his announcement, Gizmodo received over 1.3 million page views.

There has been a ton of speculation over which is a bigger news event: State of the Union or Apple’s announcement. It’ll be interesting to check out the site statistics on sites like Daily Kos and Instapundit during Obama’s speech.

gizmodo traffic apple

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