December 19, 2008 | 10:15 AM
December 19, 2008 | 9:46 AM
December 19, 2008 | 7:59 AM

December 18, 2008 | 1:24 PM
December 18, 2008 | 1:11 PM
December 18, 2008 | 10:36 AM

July 26, 2008 | 2:24 PM
July 23, 2008 | 1:55 PM
July 17, 2008 | 3:56 PM
LaHood and Solis: Second Round Picks

Almost all of Barack Obama’s cabinet members have been outstanding. You can quarrel with Hilary Clinton’s foreign policy views or Tom Vilsack’s position on organic food or New York Fed Chief Tim Geithner’s proximity to Wall Street, but you can’t quarrel with their qualifications for the job. And Obama has managed to pull together a cabinet that represents the full spectrum of his majority coalition without a hint of tokenism. Who better than Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano to run Homeland Security or Dr. Steven Chu as energy secretary? That leads me, however, to Obama’s last two cabinet appointments, Ray LaHood as Secretary of Transportation and Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor. I’m not saying these aren’t good people, but they don’t seem like the strongest candidates for the job. Obama’s choice of them suggests to me that he is not serious about either transportation or labor.

First of all, these were his very last cabinet picks, and they came after second level White House aides and agency heads. The order of picking means something. It was no accident that Obama introduced his economic and his national security team first. Secondly, he picked second tier House members for these jobs. Does that matter? Well, consider what the various advocates of national health insurance, like our own Jonathan Cohn, would have said if Obama had picked former Connecticut Rep. Nancy Johnson as head of Health and Human Services. Johnson is a Republican, so he would have kept his commitment to bipartisanship. She had far more familiarity with health issues than LaHood has had with transportation or Solis with labor. I suspect Cohn and others would have regarded the choice of a second tier House person as a sign that Obama wasn’t committed to passing national health insurance in his first term. (If you think the Johnson example is too tricky, then substitute a Democrat, Rep. Pete Stark, a good guy who knows health, but like Solis or LaHood, is not a heavyweight in national politics.) If you think these are important jobs, what you want is someone of national standing who can sell your and their program to the public and to Congress--and particularly to the Senate, where the Democrats are going to need 60 votes on some key issues. You also want someone who is deeply familiar with the issues.

So maybe the Departments of Labor and Transportation aren’t that important. Certainly, they weren’t important in George W. Bush’s administration. But they should be important in Obama’s administration. Transportation has a stake in America’s two biggest manufacturing industries, planes and auto. Much of the $900 billion and rising in infrastructure funding is going to go through the Transportation Department. The secretary is not just going to be responsible for shepherding this spending through Congress, but also for shaping what kind of spending occurs. What gets funded--highways, airports, rail, mass transit--and in what proportion will determine what the country looks like well into the next decades. LaHood is being touted as being pro-rail because he didn’t vote against AMTRAK, but I have heard little to convince me that he will bring any kind of vision to the job or that he will able to sell controversial provisions in the Senate. If Obama had wanted someone who had thought a lot about these issues, he could have picked Minnesota Rep. Jim Oberstar, the chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell was also discussed for the job. If he wanted a Republican, there is always former Wisconsin Gov Tommy Thompson, a train nut who wanted to be Sec. of Transportation in the Bush administration and reluctantly agreed to take HHS.

As for the Labor Department, its concerns are already apparent in the fight over the auto bailout, where Southern senators from right-to-work states are attempting to blame the American industry’s plight on unions. Business groups are already running ads against the Employee Free Choice Act, which would dramatically reform labor law and halt the slide of the labor movement. And they will fight tooth and nail against any attempt to strengthen and enforce regulations on worker health and safety. Recall the battles that took place in the Clinton administration. I don’t expect Obama to push the free choice act during his first year, but if he wants to get it, he has to convince 60 senators to back it, and judging from the vote on the auto bailout, I’d say that he has at most 54. Is Rep. Solis the best person to make this case to Congress and to the American people? Does she have the clout with Obama himself to get the administration in back of a strong bill? My guess is that American workers would have been better off with former Reps. David Bonior or Dick Gephardt, both of whom had national political reputations. Don’t get me wrong--LaHood and Solis could turn out to be a great choice. Harold Meyerson, whose opinion I respect, certainly thinks Solis is a great choice, and so do some of my friends in the labor movement. But right now neither she nor LaHood look like the kind of big shots that Obama picked for his other cabinet posts. And that makes me worry about his priorities.

--John B. Judis

Posted: Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:02 PM with 5 comment(s)


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CRS9TNR said:

Yeah, these two candidates look pretty thin.

But remember Libby Dole hled both these jobs and they don't get much lighterweight than her.

December 18, 2008 7:30 PM

wscothan said:

Someone I know who's familiar with Hilda both as a constituent and labor activist told me she thought the  nomination felt "just about right."  Asked what she meant, she said, "Well, if it were any worse labor would never accept it.  And if it were any better, it wouldn't have been offered.  So I'd say it's just about

right."  Geez.

December 18, 2008 10:14 PM

sabatia said:

When Bill Clinton was in office--and I'm not always a Clinton fan--we had policies and programs that truly acknowledged the complexities and room-for-creativity of transportation. We built bikepaths, using innovative paving technologies. We began to repair innumerable wetlands damaged by lack of flow, and developed new highway run-off technologies to limit negative impacts of road pollutants and the rush of water on the surrounding land. Intermodal transportation planning was the byword, connecting pedestrian, bicycle, bus, train, car, boat, and train. There was a conscious and policy directed effort to link highway dollars with improved air quality and public health and safety. Historic Byways, Intermodal Surface Transportation Act of 1993, huge investments in public transportation, high levels of research, both practical and far-reaching, exploring "pavement mangement systems", new bridge designs, etc.

Is Ray LaHood the man to lead us to the next frontier of transportation? Will his highway dollars  encourage new technology, high energy efficiency and alternative technologies(biking and walking among those "alternatives", reduce our dependence on foreign oil, etc.? I don't think so!

I'm a big fan of Obama. This was an opportunity lost to benefit the American people and their physical and health environments, as well as dealing with our transportation infrastructure, which needs the help and can spur employment. Particularly with all the money that likely will be thrown at transportation in the stimulus....Obama could have done better. Ah well--None of us are perfect, are we?

December 18, 2008 10:24 PM

beacho said:

t is an impressive cabinet, overall. One can certainly question La Hood's expertise on transportation issues, but that is quibbling. What is most disappointing is the complete lack of any business perspective. Not a single CEO, not a single person who has spent their life creating jobs in the private sector. It seems to me to be a glaring weakness. With all the support Obama had from the business community, which is largely moderate, it surprises me that he did not think his cabinet needed that perspective. Am I missing someone?

December 19, 2008 9:09 AM

satyendra said:

She doesn't "look like the kind of big shots that Obama picked for his other cabinet posts."  This presumes that capability and accomplishment require celebritude.  The Meyerson piece you link to shows otherwise.

December 19, 2008 10:08 AM