The Fjordman Files

Chronological By Topic By Location Alphabetical


March 2006   When Danes Pay Danegeld – Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia
The War Against Swedes

April 2006   I'm a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar!
The Retreat of the Western World Order
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
A New Oslo Peace Process?

May 2006   Another American Century or Another American Civil War?
The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise
Electing a New People: The Leftist – Islamic Alliance

June 2006   People Worry About Islam, Its Leaders About Islamophobia
Is the Nation State Obsolete?
Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon
Waiting for Churchill or Waiting for Godot?
Political Correctness: The revenge of Marxism
What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?

July 2006   “Let Them Eat Kebab” — The New Marie Antoinettes
Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
Stupidity Without Borders — The Alliance of Utopias
In Praise of the First and Second Amendments
From Citizen to Subject — The Rule of Experts and the Rise of Transnational Anti-Democrats
The Twin Myths of Eurabia
Norwegian Authorities Still Covering Up Muslim Rapes
Farewell to the United Nations?

August 2006   Superman, Harry Potter and the War Against Jihad
The Welfare State is Dead, Long Live the Welfare State
First They Came For the Jews: The Story of Yet Another World War
The Failure of Western Universities

September 2006   How the Feminists’ “War against Boys” Paved the Way for Islam
Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims
What Future for US – Europe Relations?
What is the Nature of Multiculturalism?
The Church – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
The Eurabia Code, Part I

October 2006   Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry
Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies – The Cost of Historical Amnesia
Suggestions for Solutions – A Preliminary Draft
The Eurabia Code, Part II
The Eurabia Code, Part III
Recommendations for the West
From the Land of the Free to North American Union?
Why Muslim Immigration is a Threat to Western Democracy
The Eurabia Code, Part IV
The Eurabia Code (complete)
The Eurabia Code (complete, printer friendly version)
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism
Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism
Why the European Union Must be Dismantled

November 2006   The Outcome of Two Cultural Revolutions: While China Turns Christian, Europe Turns Muslim
The Background of Multiculturalism
Sweden: Still Crazy After All These Years
Why the Future May Not Belong to Islam
Tear Gas Attack on Stockholm Metro
Europe and Western Europe
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 1

December 2006   How the West Was Lost
The Trouble with Irshad Manji
The Latest Dhimmi News From Norway
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 2
Raped in Oslo

January 2007   Sweden: Politicians Call for Foreign Language Ban in Schools
Why I Criticize Irshad Manji
Cat Stevens Awarded EU Peace Prize
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 3
Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment
France and the Iranian Revolution
Marxism or Decadence? The Cause of Western Weakness
Sweden: The Country that Sacrifices its Children, and Celebrates
On Fascism and Islamophobia
The Rise of Glossocracy

February 2007   Eurabia Moves Forward: Italy Launches “Mediterranean Health Partnership”
How Feminism Leads to the Oppression of Women

March 2007   Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part IV
Why Europeans Should Support Israel
Will the Third Rome Fall to Islam?
Muslim Violence — Crime or Jihad?
Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence
The Norwegian Government Surrenders to Muslims
Fatalism and the Loss of Western Cultural Confidence

April 2007   The Importance of Knowing Your History
Mexification and the Future of the United States
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
The Migration Flood
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete)
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete, printer-friendly)
A Christian background for Political Correctness?
The End of the American Dream?
Towards a Totalitarian Europe

May 2007   Al-Guardian Wrong Again: Islam and Science
Conservative Bloggers Fight for Free Speech
What Do We Fight For?
Do we want an Islamic Reformation?
A Communism for the 21st Century
On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law
Why Western Art is Unique, and Why Muslim Immigration Threatens It
The Great Conversation
The Flaws of the Western Man
Random Thoughts from Fjordman
Sharia-Supporters and Transvestites of the World Unite!
Destroying Our Culture
What is the Cause of Low Birth Rates?

June 2007   Resisting 21st Century Communism
Why Transnational Multiculturalism is a Totalitarian Ideology
Does Global Warming Cause Rape Waves?
Hamas Has a Friend in Sweden
On the Impact of Christianity
A New Balance Between Rome and Jerusalem

July 2007   Muslim Violence
Why the European Union Must Go
A Culture of Lies
France to give nuclear technology to Libya?
The Death of Sweden

August 2007   The EU and the Globalist Alliance
Going Gentle Into That Good Night
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Democracy and the Media Bias
Sweden: Collaboration, Then and Now
Don’t Give in to Intimidation
How the West Lost the Cold War
Could the Ancient Greeks Have Created the Scientific Revolution?
Christianity, Pros and Cons

September 2007   The EU Wants to Increase Muslim Immigration and Internet Censorship
Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace
Sweden Learns That Appeasement Doesn’t Pay
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1
Mexicans Welcome a North American Union
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 2

October 2007   Saudi Arabia Lectures the EU on Human Rights
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 3
The Age of White Masochism
Islam, Christian Europe, and the Greek Heritage
The Fatherless Civilization
The Roots of Non-Discrimination - Liberalism or Marxism?

November 2007   Little Green Footballs and Racism in the United States
The Truth About “Islamic Science”
My Farewell to Little Green Footballs
Charles Johnson’s Obsession
Book Review: Robert Spencer’s “Religion of Peace”

December 2007   Why We Should Oppose an Independent Kosovo
Our Offensive National Flag
Why Does LGF Lend Credibility to Eurabia Deniers?
Give the Nobel Peace Prize to Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Is Ethnicity Irrelevant in the USA?

January 2008   The Importance of Cicero in Western Thought
Expo and the Islamophobes
The Legacy of Byzantium
Grand Mufti of Syria Threatens Europeans at EU Parliament, EU Media Silent
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union — A First Draft
Regarding the Detractors of Vlaams Belang
An Open Letter to Expo and the Expressen Newspaper

February 2008   The West, Japan, and Cultural Secondarity
The European Union and the Islamization of Europe
The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration of the West
The Truth About Islam in Europe

March 2008   European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
Totalitarian Sweden
The Danger of Islamophobia
Fjordman Reviews “Fitna”
Boycott the United Nations!

April 2008   Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement
The Funny Side of Islam: Muhammad and the Hadith
Ibn Warraq: Defending the West
Sweden’s Press Ombudsman Wants to Prosecute Bloggers
Socratic Dialogue vs. Islamic Dialogue

May 2008   A History of Cacao and Chocolate
The Birth of the Eurabian Empire
To the Readers of Little Green Footballs
A History of Medicine in the Islamic World. -- Part 1
The Causes of Anti-Semitism: Preliminary Discussions
European Parliament Bans Opposition
The Death Penalty For Racism?

June 2008   The Execution of Britain
A History of Medicine, part II
Refuting God's Crucible
Europe and the Indo-European Languages
The Strategy of Western Survivalists
The Causes of Anti-Semitism Part 2
The Greatest Betrayal in History
The Spanish and the Portuguese — Once and Future Dhimmis?

July 2008   Civil War in Sweden?
A Tribute to Italy
Organization of the Islamic Conference and Eurabia

August 2008   France: Can a Wounded Nation Heal Itself?
Council of Europe Fights "Islamophobia"
Why Islam Cannot Be Reformed
On Germany and Muslims
On Science and Religion
On Human Sacrifice and Political Correctness
What Went Wrong With the West, and What Can We Do?
The Failure of Western Feminism

September 2008   Europeans: With Prejudice Against Our Own Ancestors
Eastern Europe and the New Threats to Freedom
Reparations From Muslims?
Islamization and Cowardice in Scandinavia
Democracy: New Tools are Needed
Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?
Europe’s Decline – Hurrah! We Capitulate!
Heeding Locke and Jefferson
Will Holland Survive the 21st Century?
Britain: Arrested over “racially insulting” doll
Did Prehistoric Europeans Invent Wheeled Vehicles?
Suggestions for the Future
Fourteen Centuries of War Against European Civilization

October 2008   Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts
Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Appeasement of Jihad
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
The Eurabia Code – 2008 Updates
Fjordman Publishing Defeating Eurabia
A History of Medicine, Part 3
A Review of "Understanding Muhammad"
Defeating Eurabia, Part 1
Preface to “Defeating Eurabia”
Defeating Eurabia, Part 2
Defeating Eurabia, Part 3
Defeating Eurabia, Part 4
Defeating Eurabia, Part 5

November 2008   Defeating Eurabia: An Update
Islam, the West and Our “Shared Heritage”
A History of the Indo-European Languages
Stained Glass: A European History
The West and Global Mathematics
A History of Medicine, Part 4
A History of Medicine, Part 5
The History of the Calendar
The Impact of Western Medicine

December 2008   A History of Optics, Part 1
A History of Optics, Part 2
On Deconstructing the Majority: Nothing To Do With Islam? Really?

January 2009   A History of Optics, Part 3
Den Neuen Lebensraum
Western Civilization and Socratic Dialogue
Fjordman reviews Spencer’s Stealth Jihad
Why Was There No Chinese Newton?
A History of Optics, Part 4

February 2009   The Decline of the English-Speaking World
A History of Optics, Part 5
A History of Optics, Part 6

March 2009   A History of Optics and Modern Science
Alhazen, Kepler and the History of Optics
Islamic Jihad vs. the Western Way of War
“The House of Wisdom” by Jonathan Lyons: A Brief Review by Fjordman

April 2009   Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture: A Critical Look at John Freely's Book “Aladdin’s Lamp”
Mathematics and Religion
The Self-Defeat of the United States


Chronological By Topic By Location Alphabetical

By Topic

The West in General   The Age of White Masochism
Alhazen, Kepler and the History of Optics
Book Review: Robert Spencer’s “Religion of Peace”
Boycott the United Nations!
Cat Stevens Awarded EU Peace Prize
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism
The Causes of Anti-Semitism Part 2
The Causes of Anti-Semitism: Preliminary Discussions
Christianity, Pros and Cons
The Church – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Conservative Bloggers Fight for Free Speech
Could the Ancient Greeks Have Created the Scientific Revolution?
The Death Penalty For Racism?
The Decline of the English-Speaking World
Democracy and the Media Bias
Democracy: New Tools are Needed
Destroying Our Culture
Did Prehistoric Europeans Invent Wheeled Vehicles?
Eastern Europe and the New Threats to Freedom
Electing a New People: The Leftist – Islamic Alliance
The Failure of Western Feminism
The Failure of Western Universities
Farewell to the United Nations?
Fatalism and the Loss of Western Cultural Confidence
The Fatherless Civilization
First They Came For the Jews: The Story of Yet Another World War
The Flaws of the Western Man
Fourteen Centuries of War Against European Civilization
From Citizen to Subject — The Rule of Experts and the Rise of Transnational Anti-Democrats
Going Gentle Into That Good Night
Heeding Locke and Jefferson
A History of Cacao and Chocolate
A History of Medicine, Part 3
A History of Medicine, Part 4
A History of Medicine, Part 5
A History of Medicine, part II
A History of Optics and Modern Science
A History of Optics, Part 1
A History of Optics, Part 2
A History of Optics, Part 3
A History of Optics, Part 4
A History of Optics, Part 5
A History of Optics, Part 6
The History of the Calendar
“The House of Wisdom” by Jonathan Lyons: A Brief Review by Fjordman
How the West Lost the Cold War
How the West Was Lost
Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry
Ibn Warraq: Defending the West
I'm a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar!
The Impact of Western Medicine
The Importance of Cicero in Western Thought
The Importance of Knowing Your History
In Praise of the First and Second Amendments
Is the Nation State Obsolete?
Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture: A Critical Look at John Freely's Book “Aladdin’s Lamp”
Islam, Christian Europe, and the Greek Heritage
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 2
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 3
Islam, the West and Our “Shared Heritage”
Islamic Jihad vs. the Western Way of War
Marxism or Decadence? The Cause of Western Weakness
Mathematics and Religion
Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment
A New Balance Between Rome and Jerusalem
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Appeasement of Jihad
On Human Sacrifice and Political Correctness
On Science and Religion
On the Impact of Christianity
Our Offensive National Flag
Random Thoughts from Fjordman
Recommendations for the West
Refuting God's Crucible
The Retreat of the Western World Order
The Rise of Glossocracy
The Roots of Non-Discrimination - Liberalism or Marxism?
Socratic Dialogue vs. Islamic Dialogue
Stupidity Without Borders — The Alliance of Utopias
Suggestions for Solutions – A Preliminary Draft
Suggestions for the Future
Superman, Harry Potter and the War Against Jihad
The Strategy of Western Survivalists
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism
To the Readers of Little Green Footballs
The West and Global Mathematics
The West, Japan, and Cultural Secondarity
Western Civilization and Socratic Dialogue
What Do We Fight For?
What is the Cause of Low Birth Rates?
What Went Wrong With the West, and What Can We Do?
Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies – The Cost of Historical Amnesia
Why Muslim Immigration is a Threat to Western Democracy
Why Was There No Chinese Newton?
Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims
Why Western Art is Unique, and Why Muslim Immigration Threatens It
Will the Third Rome Fall to Islam?

Multi-Culti   The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts
The Background of Multiculturalism
A Christian background for Political Correctness?
A Communism for the 21st Century
The Execution of Britain
The Great Conversation
How Feminism Leads to the Oppression of Women
Political Correctness: The revenge of Marxism
Resisting 21st Century Communism
What is the Nature of Multiculturalism?
Why Transnational Multiculturalism is a Totalitarian Ideology

The Eurabia Code   The Eurabia Code, Part I
The Eurabia Code, Part II
The Eurabia Code, Part III
The Eurabia Code, Part IV
The Eurabia Code (complete)
The Eurabia Code (complete, printer friendly version)

EU, ROP, + E   A History of the Indo-European Languages
Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
The Birth of the Eurabian Empire
Britain: Arrested over “racially insulting” doll
Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement
A Culture of Lies
Defeating Eurabia, Part 1
Defeating Eurabia, Part 2
Defeating Eurabia, Part 3
Defeating Eurabia, Part 4
Defeating Eurabia, Part 5
Defeating Eurabia: An Update
Den Neuen Lebensraum
Don’t Give in to Intimidation
The EU Wants to Increase Muslim Immigration and Internet Censorship
The Eurabia Code – 2008 Updates
Eurabia Moves Forward: Italy Launches “Mediterranean Health Partnership”
Europe and the Indo-European Languages
Europe and Western Europe
Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?
Europe’s Decline – Hurrah! We Capitulate!
European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
European Parliament Bans Opposition
The European Union and the Islamization of Europe
Europeans: With Prejudice Against Our Own Ancestors
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
Fjordman Publishing Defeating Eurabia
France and the Iranian Revolution
France to give nuclear technology to Libya?
France: Can a Wounded Nation Heal Itself?
Give the Nobel Peace Prize to Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Grand Mufti of Syria Threatens Europeans at EU Parliament, EU Media Silent
The Greatest Betrayal in History
The Latest Dhimmi News From Norway
The Legacy of Byzantium
“Let Them Eat Kebab” — The New Marie Antoinettes
The Migration Flood
The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration of the West
Muslim Violence — Crime or Jihad?
Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence
On Deconstructing the Majority: Nothing To Do With Islam? Really?
On Germany and Muslims
The Outcome of Two Cultural Revolutions: While China Turns Christian, Europe Turns Muslim
People Worry About Islam, Its Leaders About Islamophobia
Preface to “Defeating Eurabia”
Raped in Oslo
Regarding the Detractors of Vlaams Belang
Reparations From Muslims?
Saudi Arabia Lectures the EU on Human Rights
The Spanish and the Portuguese — Once and Future Dhimmis?
Stained Glass: A European History
Sweden: Politicians Call for Foreign Language Ban in Schools
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union — A First Draft
Council of Europe Fights "Islamophobia"
The EU and the Globalist Alliance
Towards a Totalitarian Europe
A Tribute to Italy
The Twin Myths of Eurabia
Waiting for Churchill or Waiting for Godot?
What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?
Why Does LGF Lend Credibility to Eurabia Deniers?
Why Europeans Should Support Israel
Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon
Why the European Union Must be Dismantled
Why the European Union Must Go
Why We Should Oppose an Independent Kosovo
Will Holland Survive the 21st Century?

USA and All That   Another American Century or Another American Civil War?
The End of the American Dream?
From the Land of the Free to North American Union?
Is Ethnicity Irrelevant in the USA?
Little Green Footballs and Racism in the United States
Mexicans Welcome a North American Union
Mexification and the Future of the United States
The Self-Defeat of the United States
What Future for US – Europe Relations?

Scandinavia   Civil War in Sweden?
The Danger of Islamophobia
The Death of Sweden
Does Global Warming Cause Rape Waves?
Expo and the Islamophobes
Hamas Has a Friend in Sweden
How the Feminists’ “War against Boys” Paved the Way for Islam
Islamization and Cowardice in Scandinavia
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
A New Oslo Peace Process?
The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise
Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace
Norwegian Authorities Still Covering Up Muslim Rapes
The Norwegian Government Surrenders to Muslims
On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law
An Open Letter to Expo and the Expressen Newspaper
Sharia-Supporters and Transvestites of the World Unite!
Sweden Learns That Appeasement Doesn’t Pay
Sweden: Collaboration, Then and Now
Sweden: Still Crazy After All These Years
Sweden: The Country that Sacrifices its Children, and Celebrates
Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism
Sweden’s Press Ombudsman Wants to Prosecute Bloggers
Tear Gas Attack on Stockholm Metro
Totalitarian Sweden
The War Against Swedes
The Welfare State is Dead, Long Live the Welfare State
When Danes Pay Danegeld – Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia

Containing Islam   Al-Guardian Wrong Again: Islam and Science
Charles Johnson’s Obsession
Do we want an Islamic Reformation?
Fjordman Reviews “Fitna”
Fjordman reviews Spencer’s Stealth Jihad
The Funny Side of Islam: Muhammad and the Hadith
A History of Medicine in the Islamic World. -- Part 1
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete)
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete, printer-friendly)
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 1
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 2
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 3
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part IV
Muslim Violence
My Farewell to Little Green Footballs
On Fascism and Islamophobia
A Review of "Understanding Muhammad"
Organization of the Islamic Conference and Eurabia
The Trouble with Irshad Manji
The Truth About “Islamic Science”
The Truth About Islam in Europe
Why I Criticize Irshad Manji
Why Islam Cannot Be Reformed
Why the Future May Not Belong to Islam


Chronological By Topic By Location Alphabetical

By Location

Jihad Watch   Alhazen, Kepler and the History of Optics
Do we want an Islamic Reformation?
Electing a New People: The Leftist – Islamic Alliance
The Eurabia Code, Part I
The Eurabia Code, Part II
The Eurabia Code, Part III
The Eurabia Code, Part IV
The European Union and the Islamization of Europe
First They Came For the Jews: The Story of Yet Another World War
A History of Optics, Part 1
A History of Optics, Part 4
The Importance of Knowing Your History
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 1
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 2
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 3
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part IV
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 2
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 3
Islam, the West and Our “Shared Heritage”
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
The Legacy of Byzantium
The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration of the West
On Science and Religion
Refuting God's Crucible
A Review of "Understanding Muhammad"
Socratic Dialogue vs. Islamic Dialogue
Organization of the Islamic Conference and Eurabia
Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism
The Truth About “Islamic Science”
Waiting for Churchill or Waiting for Godot?
What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?
What Future for US – Europe Relations?
Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies – The Cost of Historical Amnesia
Why I Criticize Irshad Manji
Why the European Union Must be Dismantled
Why We Should Oppose an Independent Kosovo

Brussels Journal   Al-Guardian Wrong Again: Islam and Science
The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts
Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
Britain: Arrested over “racially insulting” doll
Cat Stevens Awarded EU Peace Prize
The Church – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Conservative Bloggers Fight for Free Speech
Could the Ancient Greeks Have Created the Scientific Revolution?
Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement
A Culture of Lies
The Death of Sweden
The Decline of the English-Speaking World
The EU Wants to Increase Muslim Immigration and Internet Censorship
The Eurabia Code – 2008 Updates
Eurabia Moves Forward: Italy Launches “Mediterranean Health Partnership”
Europe and the Indo-European Languages
Europe and Western Europe
Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?
Europe’s Decline – Hurrah! We Capitulate!
European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
European Parliament Bans Opposition
The Execution of Britain
The Failure of Western Universities
Farewell to the United Nations?
The Fatherless Civilization
Fjordman Publishing Defeating Eurabia
France and the Iranian Revolution
France: Can a Wounded Nation Heal Itself?
Give the Nobel Peace Prize to Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Grand Mufti of Syria Threatens Europeans at EU Parliament, EU Media Silent
A History of Medicine in the Islamic World. -- Part 1
How Feminism Leads to the Oppression of Women
How the Feminists’ “War against Boys” Paved the Way for Islam
How the West Was Lost
The Importance of Cicero in Western Thought
In Praise of the First and Second Amendments
Is the Nation State Obsolete?
Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture: A Critical Look at John Freely's Book “Aladdin’s Lamp”
Islamization and Cowardice in Scandinavia
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence
Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace
On Deconstructing the Majority: Nothing To Do With Islam? Really?
On Fascism and Islamophobia
On Human Sacrifice and Political Correctness
The Outcome of Two Cultural Revolutions: While China Turns Christian, Europe Turns Muslim
People Worry About Islam, Its Leaders About Islamophobia
Raped in Oslo
Stained Glass: A European History
Superman, Harry Potter and the War Against Jihad
Sweden Learns That Appeasement Doesn’t Pay
Sweden: Collaboration, Then and Now
Sweden: Politicians Call for Foreign Language Ban in Schools
Sweden: Still Crazy After All These Years
Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism
Sweden’s Press Ombudsman Wants to Prosecute Bloggers
Tear Gas Attack on Stockholm Metro
Council of Europe Fights "Islamophobia"
To the Readers of Little Green Footballs
Towards a Totalitarian Europe
The Truth About Islam in Europe
The Twin Myths of Eurabia
When Danes Pay Danegeld – Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia
Why Europeans Should Support Israel
Why Muslim Immigration is a Threat to Western Democracy
Why the European Union Must Go
Why Was There No Chinese Newton?
Why Western Art is Unique, and Why Muslim Immigration Threatens It

Gates of Vienna   The Age of White Masochism
Another American Century or Another American Civil War?
The Background of Multiculturalism
The Birth of the Eurabian Empire
Book Review: Robert Spencer’s “Religion of Peace”
Boycott the United Nations!
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism
The Causes of Anti-Semitism: Preliminary Discussions
Charles Johnson’s Obsession
A Christian background for Political Correctness?
Christianity, Pros and Cons
Civil War in Sweden?
A Communism for the 21st Century
The Danger of Islamophobia
The Death Penalty For Racism?
Defeating Eurabia, Part 1
Defeating Eurabia, Part 2
Defeating Eurabia, Part 3
Defeating Eurabia, Part 4
Defeating Eurabia, Part 5
Defeating Eurabia: An Update
Den Neuen Lebensraum
Destroying Our Culture
Did Prehistoric Europeans Invent Wheeled Vehicles?
Does Global Warming Cause Rape Waves?
Don’t Give in to Intimidation
Eastern Europe and the New Threats to Freedom
The End of the American Dream?
The Eurabia Code (complete)
The Eurabia Code (complete, printer friendly version)
Expo and the Islamophobes
The Failure of Western Feminism
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
Fatalism and the Loss of Western Cultural Confidence
Fjordman Reviews “Fitna”
The Flaws of the Western Man
Fourteen Centuries of War Against European Civilization
France to give nuclear technology to Libya?
From Citizen to Subject — The Rule of Experts and the Rise of Transnational Anti-Democrats
From the Land of the Free to North American Union?
The Funny Side of Islam: Muhammad and the Hadith
Going Gentle Into That Good Night
The Great Conversation
The Greatest Betrayal in History
Hamas Has a Friend in Sweden
Heeding Locke and Jefferson
A History of Cacao and Chocolate
A History of Medicine, Part 4
A History of Optics and Modern Science
A History of Optics, Part 3
A History of Optics, Part 5
“The House of Wisdom” by Jonathan Lyons: A Brief Review by Fjordman
How the West Lost the Cold War
Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry
I'm a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar!
The Impact of Western Medicine
Is Ethnicity Irrelevant in the USA?
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete)
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete, printer-friendly)
Islam, Christian Europe, and the Greek Heritage
Islamic Jihad vs. the Western Way of War
The Latest Dhimmi News From Norway
“Let Them Eat Kebab” — The New Marie Antoinettes
Little Green Footballs and Racism in the United States
Marxism or Decadence? The Cause of Western Weakness
Mexicans Welcome a North American Union
Mexification and the Future of the United States
The Migration Flood
Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment
Muslim Violence
Muslim Violence — Crime or Jihad?
My Farewell to Little Green Footballs
A New Balance Between Rome and Jerusalem
A New Oslo Peace Process?
The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Appeasement of Jihad
Norwegian Authorities Still Covering Up Muslim Rapes
The Norwegian Government Surrenders to Muslims
On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law
On Germany and Muslims
On the Impact of Christianity
An Open Letter to Expo and the Expressen Newspaper
Our Offensive National Flag
Political Correctness: The revenge of Marxism
Preface to “Defeating Eurabia”
Random Thoughts from Fjordman
Recommendations for the West
Regarding the Detractors of Vlaams Belang
Resisting 21st Century Communism
The Retreat of the Western World Order
The Rise of Glossocracy
The Roots of Non-Discrimination - Liberalism or Marxism?
Saudi Arabia Lectures the EU on Human Rights
The Self-Defeat of the United States
Sharia-Supporters and Transvestites of the World Unite!
The Spanish and the Portuguese — Once and Future Dhimmis?
Stupidity Without Borders — The Alliance of Utopias
Suggestions for Solutions – A Preliminary Draft
Suggestions for the Future
Sweden: The Country that Sacrifices its Children, and Celebrates
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union — A First Draft
The EU and the Globalist Alliance
The Strategy of Western Survivalists
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Totalitarian Sweden
A Tribute to Italy
The Trouble with Irshad Manji
The War Against Swedes
The Welfare State is Dead, Long Live the Welfare State
The West and Global Mathematics
The West, Japan, and Cultural Secondarity
What Do We Fight For?
What is the Cause of Low Birth Rates?
What is the Nature of Multiculturalism?
What Went Wrong With the West, and What Can We Do?
Why Does LGF Lend Credibility to Eurabia Deniers?
Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon
Why the Future May Not Belong to Islam
Why Transnational Multiculturalism is a Totalitarian Ideology
Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims
Will Holland Survive the 21st Century?
Will the Third Rome Fall to Islam?

Atlas Shrugs   A History of the Indo-European Languages
The Causes of Anti-Semitism Part 2
Fjordman reviews Spencer’s Stealth Jihad
A History of Medicine, part II
A History of Optics, Part 2
A History of Optics, Part 6
The History of the Calendar
Ibn Warraq: Defending the West
Mathematics and Religion
Reparations From Muslims?
Why Islam Cannot Be Reformed

Europe News   Europeans: With Prejudice Against Our Own Ancestors
A History of Medicine, Part 3
A History of Medicine, Part 5
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union

Other   Democracy and the Media Bias
Democracy: New Tools are Needed

IFPS   Western Civilization and Socratic Dialogue


Chronological By Topic By Location Alphabetical


A History of the Indo-European Languages
The Age of White Masochism
Al-Guardian Wrong Again: Islam and Science
Alhazen, Kepler and the History of Optics
Another American Century or Another American Civil War?
The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts
The Background of Multiculturalism
Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
The Birth of the Eurabian Empire
Book Review: Robert Spencer’s “Religion of Peace”
Boycott the United Nations!
Britain: Arrested over “racially insulting” doll
Cat Stevens Awarded EU Peace Prize
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism
The Causes of Anti-Semitism Part 2
The Causes of Anti-Semitism: Preliminary Discussions
Charles Johnson’s Obsession
A Christian background for Political Correctness?
Christianity, Pros and Cons
The Church – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Civil War in Sweden?
A Communism for the 21st Century
Conservative Bloggers Fight for Free Speech
Could the Ancient Greeks Have Created the Scientific Revolution?
Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement
A Culture of Lies
The Danger of Islamophobia
The Death of Sweden
The Death Penalty For Racism?
The Decline of the English-Speaking World
Defeating Eurabia, Part 1
Defeating Eurabia, Part 2
Defeating Eurabia, Part 3
Defeating Eurabia, Part 4
Defeating Eurabia, Part 5
Defeating Eurabia: An Update
Democracy and the Media Bias
Democracy: New Tools are Needed
Den Neuen Lebensraum
Destroying Our Culture
Did Prehistoric Europeans Invent Wheeled Vehicles?
Do we want an Islamic Reformation?
Does Global Warming Cause Rape Waves?
Don’t Give in to Intimidation
Eastern Europe and the New Threats to Freedom
Electing a New People: The Leftist – Islamic Alliance
The End of the American Dream?
The EU Wants to Increase Muslim Immigration and Internet Censorship
The Eurabia Code – 2008 Updates
The Eurabia Code, Part I
The Eurabia Code, Part II
The Eurabia Code, Part III
The Eurabia Code, Part IV
The Eurabia Code (complete)
The Eurabia Code (complete, printer friendly version)
Eurabia Moves Forward: Italy Launches “Mediterranean Health Partnership”
Europe and the Indo-European Languages
Europe and Western Europe
Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?
Europe’s Decline – Hurrah! We Capitulate!
European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
European Parliament Bans Opposition
The European Union and the Islamization of Europe
Europeans: With Prejudice Against Our Own Ancestors
The Execution of Britain
Expo and the Islamophobes
The Failure of Western Feminism
The Failure of Western Universities
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
Farewell to the United Nations?
Fatalism and the Loss of Western Cultural Confidence
The Fatherless Civilization
First They Came For the Jews: The Story of Yet Another World War
Fjordman Publishing Defeating Eurabia
Fjordman Reviews “Fitna”
Fjordman reviews Spencer’s Stealth Jihad
The Flaws of the Western Man
Fourteen Centuries of War Against European Civilization
France and the Iranian Revolution
France to give nuclear technology to Libya?
France: Can a Wounded Nation Heal Itself?
From Citizen to Subject — The Rule of Experts and the Rise of Transnational Anti-Democrats
From the Land of the Free to North American Union?
The Funny Side of Islam: Muhammad and the Hadith
Give the Nobel Peace Prize to Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Going Gentle Into That Good Night
Grand Mufti of Syria Threatens Europeans at EU Parliament, EU Media Silent
The Great Conversation
The Greatest Betrayal in History
Hamas Has a Friend in Sweden
Heeding Locke and Jefferson
A History of Cacao and Chocolate
A History of Medicine in the Islamic World. -- Part 1
A History of Medicine, Part 3
A History of Medicine, Part 4
A History of Medicine, Part 5
A History of Medicine, part II
A History of Optics and Modern Science
A History of Optics, Part 1
A History of Optics, Part 2
A History of Optics, Part 3
A History of Optics, Part 4
A History of Optics, Part 5
A History of Optics, Part 6
The History of the Calendar
“The House of Wisdom” by Jonathan Lyons: A Brief Review by Fjordman
How Feminism Leads to the Oppression of Women
How the Feminists’ “War against Boys” Paved the Way for Islam
How the West Lost the Cold War
How the West Was Lost
Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry
Ibn Warraq: Defending the West
I'm a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar!
The Impact of Western Medicine
The Importance of Cicero in Western Thought
The Importance of Knowing Your History
In Praise of the First and Second Amendments
Is Ethnicity Irrelevant in the USA?
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete)
Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? (complete, printer-friendly)
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 1
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 2
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part 3
Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? Part IV
Is the Nation State Obsolete?
Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture: A Critical Look at John Freely's Book “Aladdin’s Lamp”
Islam, Christian Europe, and the Greek Heritage
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 2
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 3
Islam, the West and Our “Shared Heritage”
Islamic Jihad vs. the Western Way of War
Islamization and Cowardice in Scandinavia
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model
The Latest Dhimmi News From Norway
The Legacy of Byzantium
“Let Them Eat Kebab” — The New Marie Antoinettes
Little Green Footballs and Racism in the United States
Marxism or Decadence? The Cause of Western Weakness
Mathematics and Religion
Mexicans Welcome a North American Union
Mexification and the Future of the United States
The Migration Flood
Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment
The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration of the West
Muslim Violence
Muslim Violence — Crime or Jihad?
My Farewell to Little Green Footballs
Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence
A New Balance Between Rome and Jerusalem
A New Oslo Peace Process?
The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Appeasement of Jihad
Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace
Norwegian Authorities Still Covering Up Muslim Rapes
The Norwegian Government Surrenders to Muslims
On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law
On Deconstructing the Majority: Nothing To Do With Islam? Really?
On Fascism and Islamophobia
On Germany and Muslims
On Human Sacrifice and Political Correctness
On Science and Religion
On the Impact of Christianity
An Open Letter to Expo and the Expressen Newspaper
Our Offensive National Flag
The Outcome of Two Cultural Revolutions: While China Turns Christian, Europe Turns Muslim
People Worry About Islam, Its Leaders About Islamophobia
Political Correctness: The revenge of Marxism
Preface to “Defeating Eurabia”
Random Thoughts from Fjordman
Raped in Oslo
Recommendations for the West
Refuting God's Crucible
Regarding the Detractors of Vlaams Belang
Reparations From Muslims?
Resisting 21st Century Communism
The Retreat of the Western World Order
A Review of "Understanding Muhammad"
The Rise of Glossocracy
The Roots of Non-Discrimination - Liberalism or Marxism?
Saudi Arabia Lectures the EU on Human Rights
The Self-Defeat of the United States
Sharia-Supporters and Transvestites of the World Unite!
Socratic Dialogue vs. Islamic Dialogue
The Spanish and the Portuguese — Once and Future Dhimmis?
Stained Glass: A European History
Stupidity Without Borders — The Alliance of Utopias
Suggestions for Solutions – A Preliminary Draft
Suggestions for the Future
Superman, Harry Potter and the War Against Jihad
Sweden Learns That Appeasement Doesn’t Pay
Sweden: Collaboration, Then and Now
Sweden: Politicians Call for Foreign Language Ban in Schools
Sweden: Still Crazy After All These Years
Sweden: The Country that Sacrifices its Children, and Celebrates
Sweden: The Triumph of Cultural Marxism
Sweden’s Press Ombudsman Wants to Prosecute Bloggers
Tear Gas Attack on Stockholm Metro
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union
Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union — A First Draft
Council of Europe Fights "Islamophobia"
The EU and the Globalist Alliance
Organization of the Islamic Conference and Eurabia
The Strategy of Western Survivalists
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism
To the Readers of Little Green Footballs
Totalitarian Sweden
Towards a Totalitarian Europe
A Tribute to Italy
The Trouble with Irshad Manji
The Truth About “Islamic Science”
The Truth About Islam in Europe
The Twin Myths of Eurabia
Waiting for Churchill or Waiting for Godot?
The War Against Swedes
The Welfare State is Dead, Long Live the Welfare State
The West and Global Mathematics
The West, Japan, and Cultural Secondarity
Western Civilization and Socratic Dialogue
What Do We Fight For?
What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?
What Future for US – Europe Relations?
What is the Cause of Low Birth Rates?
What is the Nature of Multiculturalism?
What Went Wrong With the West, and What Can We Do?
When Danes Pay Danegeld – Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia
Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies – The Cost of Historical Amnesia
Why Does LGF Lend Credibility to Eurabia Deniers?
Why Europeans Should Support Israel
Why I Criticize Irshad Manji
Why Islam Cannot Be Reformed
Why Muslim Immigration is a Threat to Western Democracy
Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon
Why the European Union Must be Dismantled
Why the European Union Must Go
Why the Future May Not Belong to Islam
Why Transnational Multiculturalism is a Totalitarian Ideology
Why Was There No Chinese Newton?
Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims
Why We Should Oppose an Independent Kosovo
Why Western Art is Unique, and Why Muslim Immigration Threatens It
Will Holland Survive the 21st Century?
Will the Third Rome Fall to Islam?


Chronological By Topic By Location Alphabetical

Fjordman Files last updated 2009-04-10 18:28:19