'Vienna Viewed from the Belvedere Palace', by Canaletto, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.



Sunday, January 06, 2008

Expo and the Islamophobes

by Baron Bodissey

The Fjordman Report

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

The Swedish far-Left, anti-racist organization Expo recently released a publication ( pdf, in Swedish) entitled “Kriget mot islam,” “The war against Islam,” in which they worried about an increasing trend towards “organized Islamophobia” in the West. According to them, “Parallel with the growth of SIOE, a new anti-Islamic network of academics, bloggers and politicians is taking shape. The network has no formal name, but meets at so-called anti-Jihad conferences. The first known meeting was in Copenhagen on the 14th of April this year. Behind the event was the network Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF).”

As the publication says: “According to one of the most influential bloggers in the anti-Islamic blogosphere, Baron Bodissey, CVF functions as a ‘network of networks. The idea is to gather all counter-Jihad groups under one umbrella to ease the gathering of information and experiences.’” The publication mentions the Brussels meeting in October, and states that “among those attending were a number of well-known right-wing extremists.” An example of these “right-wing extremists” is Israeli politician Arieh Eldad. Expo also talks about Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard and author Robert Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch.

The text continues: “During the Cold War the extreme Right joined in on the anti-Communist rhetoric. In connection with the increased immigration to Europe it was suddenly Multiculturalism that made up the external threat. In the aftermath of the War on Terror and increasing distrust of Muslims, now suddenly it is the anti-Islamic rhetoric that makes up the new platform for the extreme Right. But there is a problem: Despite the fact that there is great acceptance for xenophobic parties within the anti-Islamic networks, they don’t want to be dirtied by having too clear attachments to openly Fascist groups.”

Stieg LarssonNotice how Expo compares the criticism of the “extreme Right” regarding Communism, which threatened world peace for generations, to today’s criticism of Islam. I suppose former US President Ronald Reagan, who called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire” and helped bring down the Berlin Wall, is among these right-wing extremists? Expo’s founder Stieg Larsson was a long-time Communist who met his future wife during a support meeting for the FNL, the pro-Communist National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam. It’s interesting that they think Multiculturalism has now taken the place which Communism used to occupy. Some of us have been arguing this before, but with a different emphasis.

Expo again: “The anti-Islamic bloggers and activists see themselves as defenders of European values. Nazi, Fascist and homophobic groups simply do not fit into this self-image. But with a promise of respect for human rights and a clear pro-Israeli policy, right-wing populists and right-wing extremists are welcomed into the fold.”

So, these alleged “right-wing extremists” have a clear pro-Israeli policy. That’s good to know.

Burqa Free Zone“Out of the 45 [Islamophobic] websites and blogs Expo has discovered, more than half have been created during the past two years. Put together, these websites have created a new Islamophobic universe where visitors are quickly drawn into a world of frightening images of suicide bombers and cartoons mocking women wearing veils. Texts that should be banned, about how Muslims cannot adjust [to our societies] and how politicians are doing Islam’s bidding, are being published daily.” Moreover, “Expo’s investigations show that 22 of the 45 anti-Islamic websites are run by persons who have chosen to remain anonymous.”

Yes, they have. And has Expo reflected on exactly why so many people in their “free” country now dare not use their own name? Is it possible that Expo and their comrades have contributed to this repressive political climate?

Kurt LundgrenExpo again: “Anti-Islamic blogs and websites exploit the legitimate debate about extreme Islamism. They use the religious fundamentalism as proof that all of Islam and/or all of the world’s Muslims are a threat to democracy, to freedom of speech, to ‘our’ ( i.e. non-Muslims’) very existence.” They mention Swedish journalist and blogger Kurt Lundgren as well as the Danish blog Snaphanen as examples of Islamophobic websites.

“Among the Nordic states, Denmark is the country where Islamophobia has gained the strongest roots. The Danish People’s Party have, with the demagogue Pia Kjærsgaard in a leading role, [verbally] harassed Muslims for years. Just like in Sweden, a number of extreme Rightist and openly Nazi groups spreading Islamophobic propaganda exists.” In Sweden, “it’s the equivalent of the Danish People’s Party, the Sweden Democrats, who have made Islamophobia into politics.”

Expo is worried about the international connections of these sites: “The Swedish bloggers gain inspiration from their foreign counterparts. Little Green Footballs was among the first who, depending upon your viewpoint, warned against extreme Islamism or started spreading modern Islamophobia. Lately, however, the site’s criticism of Islam has turned into pure hatred of Muslims. The journalist RJ Smith of Los Angeles Magazine for instance wrote in an article last year that Little Green Footballs is a ‘dysfunctional mix of beautiful photos that [blogger Charles] Johnson takes during his bicycling trips and constitutionally protected hate speech’ which ‘assumes all Muslims to be terrorists until proven otherwise.’”

Expo also states that Gates of Vienna is another leading and frequently cited English language blog, which just like LGF fronts conspiracy theories and prejudice against Islam.

One of the co-founders of Expo, Tobias Hübinette, wrote in 1996 (Creol no 1 1996 and “Svartvitt”): “To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”
- - - - - - - - -
Tobias HübinetteI found several references to this quote online and asked Swedish blogger Kurt Lundgren if he could get his readers to check out the original, written source. One of them did, and could confirm that the quote was authentic. He posted an image of the original text from 1996. According to his own CV, Tobias Hübinette worked for Expo until at least 1997. In other words, he continued doing research for this “anti-racist” organization after having publicly advocated the extermination of the white race and the violent destruction of an entire civilization. Nobody seemed to mind. During this time period he did research about “Nazis.” He has openly defended the use of violence for political reasons, even against children and the elderly, and has also been convicted of violence.

Antifascistisk AktionMeanwhile, the left-wing extremist group Antifascistisk Aktion has for years made numerous attacks against immigration-skeptics, including members of the Sweden Democrats which Expo has published a critical book about, with near-impunity from the authorities and the media. Members of AFA marched alongside senior members of the Swedish police, the government and the media during Gay Pride Parade in 2007 in Stockholm, and beat up a couple of people they deemed to be insufficiently tolerant.

Hübinette has been controversial for some of his views, for instance comparing Western adoptions of Korean children (he is of Korean origin) to the transatlantic slave trade. However, in traditionally and still majority white Sweden, calling for the majority, indigenous population to perish in blood and suffering is not enough to halt your career. Hübinette has continued promoting “Multiculturalism,” even received awards, and is currently working for the The Multicultural Centre of Botkyrka, Sweden.

The founder and editor of Expo magazine from 1995 until his death in November 2004, Stieg Larsson, worked with Hübinette for years, but was apparently never negatively affected by this collaboration with a person calling for genocide against his people. Larsson has been cited as a credible source regarding the extreme Right, and Expo’s material has been reprinted by leading newspapers Expressen and Aftonbladet. Larsson left behind three unpublished thrillers, which have proceeded to become major bestsellers in Sweden after his death.

Upon writing this, I came to think of a mandatory University of Delaware program in the United States requiring students to acknowledge that “all whites are racist,” offering them “treatment” for incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion or culture. A civil rights group cited excerpts from the university’s Office of Residence Life Diversity Education Training documents, including the statement: “A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the U.S. system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination.” The education program also notes that “reverse racism” is “a term created and used by white people to deny their white privilege.”

I’ve been trying to understand exactly what this “white privilege” consists of. In Sweden, if you are a native and in the mildest terms possible object to uncontrolled mass immigration which is sure to render the natives a minority in their own country within a few decades, you will immediately be branded a racist and vilified. Most likely, your career will be over. But “anti-racist Multiculturalists” can collaborate closely with persons calling for the destruction of Western civilization and the annihilation of the white indigenous population, and it doesn’t even register in the eyes of the political establishment. The situation is only slightly less extreme in other countries in Western Europe, where the natives are de facto disenfranchised and are supposed to meekly fund their own colonization and applaud their cultural eradication. If this is “privilege”, then privilege is vastly overrated these days.

It is more than a little ironic that Tobias Hübinette claims to be an “anti-Nazi” at the same time as he advocates the violent destruction of hundreds of millions of people. It is a strong indication that the term “Nazi” has by now become seriously distorted.

The murder of Theo Van GoghMost of the political violence in Europe, both verbal and physical, comes from Muslims and their supporters on the Left. The first political murders in the Netherlands for centuries were either committed by a Muslim, in the case of Theo van Gogh, or a Leftist supporter of Muslims, in the case of Pim Fortuyn. Some members of the Western Left support the suppression of free speech, the use of street violence against rivals, systematic demonization not just of political opponents but of entire groups who are branded as evil, should have their assets stripped away from them, and if necessary be eliminated. In all of these cases, many of the left-wing comrades of Expo are closer to Nazism than Islamophobes like me, but they get away with this because they are Leftists, and left-wingers and good, right-wingers are evil; a powerful demonstration of the fact that Socialists never truly lost the Cold War. “Nazism” is reduced to simply having a white, European background and refusing to surrender your land and your culture to outsiders.

In this text, Expo casually mentions racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and homophobia in the same sentence, and conveniently forgets to point out that the recent increase in anti-Semitism in Europe is intimately linked to Muslim immigration and the pro-Islamic policies of the European Union, that most of the street violence targets native Europeans and that a sharp rise in violence against gays is caused by mass immigration of Muslims in particular.

Expo also resorts to blatant distortions regarding the nature of Islamic oppression of non-Muslims: “Centuries ago, a dhimmi was the non-Muslim inhabitant of a state run according to sharia law, where non-Muslims had fewer rights than Muslims. The anti-Islamic blogs believe Islam’s expansion in Europe needs to be halted, otherwise we risk ending up in the same situation once more.”

The dhimmi system is an integral part of sharia, Islamic law, which is timeless according to Islamic theology because it has been instituted by Allah. It wasn’t valid only “centuries ago,” it remains valid today and will do so for all eternity. The Armenian genocide by Turkish and Kurdish Muslims took place only a few generations ago. It happened precisely because Armenians, as did other Balkan Christians, rebelled against the Islamic apartheid system and the status as semi-slaves they have been granted according to sharia. Muslims responded by Jihadist massacres, as they should according to Islamic doctrines.

The Armenian GenocideThis massacre is still forbidden by law to discuss in Turkey. Several murders of the few Christians still left in a country that was once predominantly Christian proves that Christianophobia is very much alive there. Expo talks about opposition to Turkish membership in the European Union as a sign of extremism. Do they agree with the current Islamist Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has stated that Islamophobia should be treated as a crime against humanity?

Fuat DenizIn December, 2007, a university professor named Fuat Deniz was murdered in the town of Örebro, the first time that a lecturer has been killed at a university anywhere in Sweden. Deniz wrote and lectured on the Ottoman Turkish genocide of their Christian subjects. Other researchers working in the field have been threatened, according to David Gaunt at Södertörn University College. “On several occasions at our seminars people would attend claiming to be journalists only to then walk around photographing delegates,” Gaunt told Svenska Dagbladet. It is reported that researchers have been harassed, received death threats and been labeled terrorists. Gaunt reports having been followed by security police on trips to Turkey and describes being subjected to a smear campaign by a Turkish newspaper. “All those interested in Christian minorities in Turkey are considered a threat.”

A Dutch scientist who wishes to remain anonymous confirms this. “I felt the eyes of Turkish spies on my back during a couple of lectures I gave in Holland.” He fears that he, too, is at risk, and therefore publicly speaks as little as possible about the genocide in public. The investigation of the murder of Fuat Deniz has been remarkably sloppy. It is tempting to view it as an extension of the global Jihad and the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, which is now slowly spreading to Western Europe.

At the same time that Muslims are colonizing Western nations while complaining about Islamophobia, the few remaining non-Muslim communities in the Middle East are being systematically eradicated. As Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch writes in his book Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t , “Christian communities throughout the Middle East that date back to the dawn of Christianity are decreasing so much that they are on the verge of disappearing from the area altogether. In Iraq half of the nation’s prewar 700,000 Christians have fled the country since the fall of Saddam Hussein. Overall the Middle Eastern Christian population has dropped from 20 percent in 1900 to less than 2 percent today.”

How come left-wing organizations are so concerned about “Islamophobia” in the West, but care so little about Muslim infidelophobia? Is it because the extreme Left sees this as a continuation of their struggle against their own civilization, of which Christianity is a part?

Sayyid QutbAs we speak, Muslims are driving Christians out of the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem, but Western media choose to blame this on the Jewish state of Israel, a fellow victim of Jihad. Some of this persecution of Christians — and Jews — committed by Arabs is done by Hamas, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Members of the MB have inspired or founded many of the most violent Islamic organizations in recent decades, among them Sayyid Qutb, the spiritual father of Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders.

The largest party on the political Left in Sweden, the Social Democrats, have announced their cooperation with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, for the mutual benefit of both, but the left-wing organization Expo sees nothing wrong in this. They concentrate their fire on those who want limit mass immigration and thus impede Socialist efforts to import voters from abroad.

The Swedish Social Democrats were pro-Fascist and pro-Nazi during the 1930s and 40s, and appeased the Communists during the Cold War. Now they forge an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, another organization with close ideological ties to the Fascist and Nazi movements. The Social Democrats agree to continue allowing Muslims to colonize the country in exchange for their votes. In the old days this would be called treason. Now it’s called tolerance. Two Fascist-inspired movements cooperate on exploiting the native population of a country, force them to fund and applaud their own colonization and denounce them as bigots, racists and Fascists if they resist. The strategy is as clever as it is evil.

TenstaSweden has witnessed an explosion in rapes and all kinds of violent crime in the past decades. This is a direct result of mass immigration. Malmö, their third largest city, will soon become the first Scandinavian city with a Muslim majority. Native Swedes are fleeing while gangs of Muslim immigrants openly brag about waging a war against Swedes, and leading academics are now talking about the end of the Swedish nation state as a likely result of the ongoing immigration. The fact that Expo in this situation chooses to focus on “Islamophobia” speaks volumes about where their loyalty lies.

Moreover, if the far-Left organization Expo labels somebody as “Islamophobes,” which to many apparently is the same as racists, members of a more violent far-Left organization, AFA, could take this as a licence to harass these individuals. When Kurt Lundgren, who runs one of the most popular political blogs in Sweden, is labelled an “Islamophobe,” this is thus indirectly a warning to him about possible future harassment.

I once heard a blog reader point out that there is no good form of Socialism: While the “hard” Socialism earlier championed in Eastern Europe turns society homicidal, the “soft” Socialism of the West turns society suicidal. Sweden certainly demonstrates the truth in this: It has no colonial history, and its current disintegration thus cannot be blamed on any “post-colonial guilt complex.” It is caused purely by ideology. Sweden, which views itself as an ideological beacon for mankind, happily embraced the new post-Western paradigm where anti-nationalism was the order of the day, and its leaders decided to excel at it.

Expo is, in my view, a symbol of the forces that have turned Sweden into perhaps the most totalitarian and politically repressive country in the Western world. Let it serve as a warning to others about what happens when Multiculturalism, Socialism and anti-nationalism gain power.

Baron Bodissey | 1/06/2008 01:45:00 PM


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Blogger KGS said...

Kudos to Fjordman. Clearly on top of what we are facing. Here in Finland, we have plenty of eager beaver Leftists just chomping on the bit to implement the same kind of policies that their Leftist counterparts in Sweden have managed to acomplish in these past 30 years.


1/06/2008 3:02 PM  
Blogger Homophobic Horse said...

How to defend yourself from the "Islamophobia" accusation: The crucial aspect is the use of the word "phobia." By suggesting one is "phobic" one attributes the others ideas and observations to a supposed demented psychology. This invalidates everything that person says. This is useful for getting rid of threatening facts.

I think Fjordman uses the "phobia" suffix (a form of doxa) out of rhetorical desperation.

But remember my aphorism (and I hope you lurkers read this): Under a socialist regime facts are not permitted. Facts have a certain value and thus can make people unequal, for this reason there shall be no facts.

Socialists are also opposed to the nation state because it suggests that people have a territory to be ruled as they see fit. In a socialist society no one is permitted territory, it allows people to create and examine their own thoughts, which is something that cannot be controlled.

Socialists are opposed to all forms of territorialism: primarily money and property, but also physical personal territory (for example, healthcare permitted on the condition that you meet lifestyle criteria) and mental (philosophical materialism - the unproven theory that reality consists of particles and their interactions, this translates into politics with a belief that people are products of their environment which gives socialists license to control the environment.)

1/06/2008 3:09 PM  
Blogger Graham Dawson (Archonix) said...

One of the most influential bloggers... Baron, don't let it go to your head, please? ;)

If they are talking about this, it worries them. If it worries them, we're making an impact. If we're making an impact then we can win.

1/06/2008 3:11 PM  
Blogger FluffResponse said...

"Texts that should be banned."

So say the "leftists," whose understanding of human rights is through a prism of confused hatred for whatever the current political situation is in the advanced world.

Instead of helping the people of Europe to prevent the oppressive Muslim from coming to town, the "leftists" look forward to continued immigration, assuming that the Muslims are not all-that serious about working against infidels in pursuit of sharia. Some of the leftists (like those who supported Khomeini a generation ago) think,"Oh, the Islamists can't be serious, this religion will wither away."

Ahistorical and stupid.

1/06/2008 3:17 PM  
Blogger Zenster said...

The text continues: “During the Cold War the extreme Right joined in on the anti-Communist rhetoric. In connection with the increased immigration to Europe it was suddenly Multiculturalism that made up the external threat. In the aftermath of the War on Terror and increasing distrust of Muslims, now suddenly it is the anti-Islamic rhetoric that makes up the new platform for the extreme Right. But there is a problem: Despite the fact that there is great acceptance for xenophobic parties within the anti-Islamic networks, they don’t want to be dirtied by having too clear attachments to openly Fascist groups.”

I would think that's because the Muslims have a near-monopoly upon fascism. Much like with how vast numbers of Muslims appear to be uncontaminated by any sense of humor or irony, so it seems the Left is as well. The foregoing should be a badge of honor for any sane person and not the calumny the Left has sought to heap upon the heads of those who reject dhimmitude.

One of the co-founders of Expo, Tobias Hübinette, wrote in 1996 (Creal no 1 1996 and “Svartvitt”): “To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”
[emphasis added]

This is the cry of the mass-murderer. It is the motto of the death camps and the kind of racial hatred that has been a common hallmark of East Asian cultures. Tobias Hübinette (AKA Lee Sam-dol) is of Korean extraction and was adopted into a Swedish family.

For a historical perspective, Tobias Hubinette explains:

"The scope of the Holocaust created such a shock that the West was forced to change its world view..... from open racism to the idea of equality for all races, at least theoretically. This idea destroyed the world order having dominated the last 500 years: that the West had the right to conquer, exterminate and rule over non-white people. De-colonization was followed by violent conflicts ...

This encapsulation neatly leaves out how America avoided such colonial adventures that have inspired so much guilt in our European counterparts. I can only suppose that such trifling distinctions must be hastily cast aside when attempting to tar the entire white race.

It is more than a little ironic that Tobias Hübinette claims to be an “anti-Nazi” at the same time as he advocates the violent destruction of hundreds of millions of people. It is a strong indication that the term “Nazi” has by now become seriously distorted.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who has examined political cartoons about the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. Jews are routinely depicted as Nazis, this despite the well-known links between Yasser Arafat, his Uncle—the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem—and Adolph Hitler. Note from the article's photograph how Sayyid Qtub has an affection for the same toothbrush moustache of another famous tyrant. Perpetually aggrieved and utterly humorless Muslims are incapable of perceiving any irony in how they lament over Hitler not having “finished the job”, using the sieg heil Nazi salute and making “Mein Kampf” into a best seller after having retitled it “Mein Jihad”. Apparently no abberation or distortion of reality is too great for the cognitively dissonant Muslim mind.

Moreover, if the far-Left organization Expo labels somebody as “Islamophobes,” which to many apparently is the same as racists, members of a more violent far-Left organization, AFA, could take this as a licence to harass these individuals.

This is a curious parallel in how Muslim clerics will rail against a certain individual only to have some alphabet soup proxy do the actual dirty work thereby providing plausible deniability for the instigator. We must find a way of breaking this causual chain as it continues to be a favorite ploy of Islamists everywhere.

I once heard a blog reader point out that there is no good form of Socialism: While the “hard” Socialism earlier championed in Eastern Europe turns society homicidal, the “soft” Socialism of the West turns society suicidal. Sweden certainly demonstrates the truth in this: It has no colonial history, and its current disintegration thus cannot be blamed on any “post-colonial guilt complex.” It is caused purely by ideology.

To this, I can only answer to Sweden with an American perspective and in the words of one of this country’s greatest leaders:

Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights; 'tis ours only, to transmit these, the former, unprofaned by the foot of an invader; the latter, undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.

How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

[emphasis added]

— Abraham Lincoln —

The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions:
Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois
January 27, 1838

1/06/2008 3:23 PM  
Blogger xlbrl said...

..."anti-communist rhetoric". There is and can be no "rhetoric" that opposes communism. Communism is rhetoric.
Orwell was by no means the first to see them coming. "Evasive language is a sign of bad faith and bad conscience".
They attempt to define a defense against barbarity as phobic so that we do not interrupt their carefully constructed suicide.
To address this crisis we delude ourselves in fixing on the barking Islamic dog. The one carrying rabies is not barking. What, exactly, is anyone's plan for him? I haven't seen one. He will not run out of ideologies in which to kill us only because we beat the last one, and if we defeat this one. Sooner or later, he wins this game.

1/06/2008 3:37 PM  
Blogger Dymphna said...

Zenster, have pity. Those of us who are ADD-afflicted have a hard time reading such long comments so we tend to scroll past them to avoid mental confusion.

The Baron and I used to comment verbosely on The Belmont Club. Wretchard was long-suffering about it, but we were finally forced, out of courtesy, to put up our own blog where we could do posts. As one commenter there tactfully told us: comments should not be more than about 3 paragraphs in length. Thanks, Nahncee.

Now my real reason for this comment:

Islamophobia is a negative term, though in terms of description it cuts to the quick. However, Conservative Swede came up with a positive term, and everytime I see it, I am amused and reminded. He calls us "Kafircons" -- an excellent term that should be broadcast like seed in the Spring on freshly turned fields.

Meanwhile I found a blog using the term as part of its title:
Kafir Canada

1/06/2008 4:00 PM  
Blogger turn said...

I have always believed that this European suicide mentality is about self-loathing and then projected on to the culture and institutions that formed them.

My posts The Suicide Coin and Clarity may provide some extra insights.

1/06/2008 4:09 PM  
Blogger Zenster said...

Dymphna, will do. It's just that the hideous schreeching of Tobias Hübinette was so deeply offensive. He represents the very worst sort of murderous racist marching under the false flag of liberality.

1/06/2008 4:42 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Baron, this is your best post yet, imho. Amazing. I'm baffled. No way I ever could have done it better.

Outlaw Mike/Belgium

1/06/2008 5:15 PM  
Blogger whiskey_199 said...

I think Theodore Dalrymple is right in his "Life at the Bottom." The real problem is the PC-multiculti religion that the Left worships.

And islamisim-sharia merely the opportunistic disease as Communism was that threatens the foundation of the west -- individual rights and rule of law and nationalism/love of country. By replacing all that with "start from zero" communal platonic dictatorships. Pol Pot in the West.

I think there is enough love of country, pride in the past, and commitment to individual rights and rule of law in certain countries -- France, Germany, Denmark, and perhaps Italy to see them through. Ironic isn't it?

As a practical matter I think Sweden and the UK will be the title of the Paul Thomas Anderson film starring Daniel Day Lewis "There Will Be Blood." I honestly don't see anything developing out of those nations other than a Cromwell or Napoleon fighting a liberal elite allied to an ideology wishing destruction of Western society.

Hubinette seems deeply infected by PC-Multiculti self-hate for the West. You can find similar sentiments in Britain. And the same abandonment of ordinary people to thugs of all stripes (including native born "underclass" thugs that Dalrymple describes).

Contrary to Hubinette's radical chic posing about, this abandonment of fundamental governmental legitimacy is an open invitation to a Cromwell or Napoleon.

I view Sarkozy as a positive development, along with the new Pope's forthright declarations. Hubinette on the other hand is extremely dangerous.

1/06/2008 6:03 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Aw, shit! I must have been blind!!! EEEEEXCUSE ME, Fjordman!

1/06/2008 6:10 PM  
Blogger xlbrl said...

Dympha, I may misunderstand you since I cannot make sense of your statement that the term "Islamophopbia" cuts to the quick. This perversion of language is an attempt not to cut to anything, but rather prevent any defense against it.
There is no subjegation so perfect as that which claims the very language it wishes to destroy. The battle for the world is a battle for definitions. First it was Marxism, now this, through the help of their leftist heirs. Doubt is the accomplice of tyranny, and a lack of clarity is the fuse to war.
It would seem your essential decency makes intolerable the idea of doing to them exactly what they have planned for you. I think the irony may be that anything less than causing great fear and respect in their own terms will bring them a far greater misery when this explodes.
You are so excellent a person that I will not dismiss you no matter my vast difference in this, especially since I often hope my own answer is not the right one.

1/06/2008 6:16 PM  
Blogger mamapajamas said...

A note to "Expo" from the US:

"Islamophobia" is not merely derogatory, it is a very lame choice of words. I've heard that one in the US as well as in Europe, and, as we put it, "That dog don't hunt."

A "phobia" is an irrational fear. A "phobia" involves things like having a panic attack on an enclosed elevator for no visible reason. There is a great deal of visible reason for the anger in Europe.

Attaching the word "phobia" to dismiss and sneer at an attitude you personally dislike is pseudo-intellectual poppycock. It involves the sheer sophistry of believing that anger is the result of fear, and the fact is that this is not always true. This is a very popular idea bandied about by Star Wars script writers, but it is, after all, only the idea of screen writers, not legitimate researchers.

There is a huge difference between irrational fear and reasoned anger. From what I've been reading in the European news media, these people have an huge list of damned good reasons to be outraged at both their governments and at encroaching Islam.

You are losing your culture, you are losing your heart and soul, and you, members of Expo, are helping to destroy it all.

The people of Europe have good reason to be pissed off.

That is NOT a "phobia"... no matter how you try to make it so.

1/06/2008 6:30 PM  
Blogger Zenster said...

Whiskey_199: As a practical matter I think Sweden and the UK will be the title of the Paul Thomas Anderson film starring Daniel Day Lewis "There Will Be Blood." I honestly don't see anything developing out of those nations other than a Cromwell or Napoleon fighting a liberal elite allied to an ideology wishing destruction of Western society.

One viewing of the Swedish video seems to validate your well-made point, W_199. Dithering and delays are rapidly making the mailed fist a sole option of last resort. All further attempts at appeasement only cement this turn of events.

Xlbrl: decency makes intolerable the idea of doing to them exactly what they have planned for you. I think the irony may be that anything less than causing great fear and respect in their own terms will bring them a far greater misery when this explodes.

Muslims must be made to feel our pain. Until they do in truly vast numbers the terrorist atrocities will continue. Our misplaced sense of humanity is allowing Islam to escape the rightful consequences for its predation upon the West. This reluctance only continues to shepherd us towards a nuclear confrontation that will bring about the Muslim holocaust. Despite all the appeasement and indecision, at day's end it is Islam that has precipitated this disaster. The West's lack of decisiveness is NOT the root cause. Islam's insistence upon Global Cultural Genocide is the prime mover in all of this and it will just as unavoidably be their doom. If not at the hands of the West, then at Russia's or China's. Once things have deteriorated badly enough, one or the other of this world's nuclear powers will not tolerate such nonsense any longer.

1/06/2008 6:38 PM  
Blogger DP111 said...

The charge of "racism" is the weapon that the extreme Left and their ilk, is using to disarm and defeat the instinct of self preservation which all of us have.

Writer David G wrote this at VFR. It is a good analysis of the situation we are in.

What makes nations, and breaks them

It is hard for me to reconcile the stories of Britain during WWII with the seemingly pusillanimous collapse of a great culture in the face of multiculturalism.

Recently, I came across a fascinating analysis regarding the defeat of King Harold in 1066 by William the Conqueror which may apply to the situation today. According to David Howarth in his 1978 work entitled 1066 The Year of the Conquest, King Harold was psychologically defeated by William when Harold discovered that William was invading England with the approval of the Pope. With the actual papal banner firmly in hand William symbolically declared that Harold was King against the will of God and that England as a whole was subject to excommunication. He notes that, "The battle of Hastings was indeed a trifling thing in the downfall of a nation."

To the medieval English the papal banner proved to be an incredibly powerful deterrent to defending themselves against a military force that was tiny compared to the resources of an entire nation. Think about the fact that the Norman invasion changed the course of England forever and that William accomplished this with an invading force of about 8,400 men, reduced to 5,400 after Hastings, against a nation of over a million and a half inhabitants!

Fortified towns, such as Dover, surrendered to William without a fight, and Howarth, seemingly mystified by his own thesis, describes this as a "baffling silence" on the part of the English. Fighting in winter, without food and desperately ill, William's army "could still have been beaten" for it was "absurdly vulnerable." Howarth adds: "Yet to this puny force, London and England surrendered, not in a fight but in morbid guilt and confusion." William's "psychological weapons were working for him.... The concept of national sin was nothing new: popes in the past had pronounced anathema on entire nations.... The safe way [for the English] was to preach repentance and submission."

And finally:

"Of all the novel weapons the Conqueror brought, the most effective was not the archery or the horsemen but the papal banner. It was this authority, won by false pretenses and granted as a political bargain, that first broke the will of Harold, then of the church, and then of the English people."

Substitute the term "papal banner" with "charge of racism" and you have the state of the English today. Liberalism is the equivalent of the medieval papal banner. It provides the argument against nationhood and justifies the invasion of aliens to the guilty nation. Such is the power of an idea whose time has come. Are we in America really so far behind? Unlike the medieval English, I refuse to believe that the conservative mind is out of ammunition on the issue.

DP111 writes
The racism charge does not seem to work with people such as Nazir Ali, Rev Patrick Sookhdeo, Ali Sena, Ibn Warraq, Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan and others. If it has to have any meaning then it must not be allowed work with us, for if it does, then we have accepted that we are racists. This charge must be rejected vigorously but with good manners and humility. Humility is important, as this is the only way we can get our point across.

1/06/2008 7:18 PM  
Blogger xlbrl said...

Zenster, I must disagree on one point: The problem is in fact us. Our great challenges with Communism were a fight with an ideology founded within the West upon the self-hatred of the West, and nutured by it throughout the conflict. We were nearly defeated from within. But the end of Communism did not touch the disease within us. Islam is the new device to destoy ourselves with by proxy.
Ending the threat of Islam, which we must do, will not remove the disease within us that will hatch the next Trojan Horse. Socialism has made the Europeans weak and malleable, as it will do us. We are not winning this thing, and are even less likely to do so if we do not see right by the Muslims to the hand holding the leash.

1/06/2008 7:33 PM  
Blogger Zenster said...

Xlbrl: Ending the threat of Islam, which we must do, will not remove the disease within us that will hatch the next Trojan Horse. Socialism has made the Europeans weak and malleable, as it will do us. We are not winning this thing, and are even less likely to do so if we do not see right by the Muslims to the hand holding the leash.

We're pretty much in violent agreement. My only point was that Islam alone bears full responsibility for the threat it poses and must be punished for its aggression. Let there be no doubt that Islam's aggression has been facilitated by Liberalism and, especially, Multiculturalism but the fundamental threat of terrorist violence would not exist without Islam. Certainly nowhere near the current scale of things.

That said, I could not agree more about how Liberalism will merely conjure up another apocalyptic horseman the moment that Islam is crushed but it is far less likely to be so virulent an enemy. Suffice to say that it shall not be for lack of trying. A good analogy is how Political Correctness and Multiculturalism are like AIDS in that they cripple the body's immune system to such an extent that an otherwise defeatable and opportunistic virus like Islam suddenly becomes a case of pneumonia that kills the host.

Time constraints oblige us to first address Muslim encroachment upon the West. Nuclear proliferation alone demands this even as the slow jihad of population pressure only reinforces such a need. Without the nuclear threat this whole matter might have an entirely different complexion. It can only be hoped that as tools are developed to counter baseless charges of racism and expose Islam for the intolerant political ideology that it is, these same approaches can also be used to identify and address, as you so aptly noted, "the hand holding the leash". When all is said and done, that hand's grip must be mangled beyond any hope of recovery.

1/06/2008 9:17 PM  
Blogger Conservative Swede said...

When I read this I cannot help thinking of a very revealing quote Swedish blogger Dick Erixon found by a representative of the Social Democratic Women Organization.

She claimed that the rising number of privately owned clinics in Sweden was a setback for gender equality. Since publicly owned clinics had 90% female manager, while the privately owned had 55%.

Very revealing. Gender equality effectively means replacing men with women. Replacing men with women is what's considered fair. Fairness cannot be fully achieved until all men are gone.

Likewise, multiculturalism means replacing white people with brown people (multiculturalists have no concept of what a culture is, therefore their obsession with skin colour). Multiculturalism is completed when all white people have been replaced.

1/06/2008 11:33 PM  
Blogger Charlemagne said...

The Leftist enablers of Islamization will praise Islam and disparage the West up to the time their new friends behead them.

1/07/2008 12:46 AM  
Blogger Diamed said...

“To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”

They know what this war is over. Do we?

1/07/2008 1:10 AM  
Blogger Lamedon said...

Thanks fjordman.

1/07/2008 3:07 AM  
Blogger Zenster said...

Diamed: “To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”

Yeah, that one just sorta leapt off of the page at me too. Go figure.

1/07/2008 4:32 AM  
Blogger Chalons said...

Thank you for another solid article Fjordman. And thanks for weathering all the attacks for speaking truth and rocking the political correctness boat. It may help from time to recall an observation made many centuries ago :

'The first reaction to truth is hatred' -- Tertullian

Keep up the good work! It is appreciated.

1/07/2008 8:12 AM  
Blogger Kafir_Kelbeh said...

I'm frankly tired of the overuse of "phobia" as an irrational fear. The original Ancient Greek, if I recall my studies accurately, is either fear or terrified. Either use is fine, not just the "irrational" use only.

I'm irked.

I prefer Islamomerimnao, or Islamoanxiety (or Islamoconcern, if you will). If someone's Greek is better, please correct the term for me. I'm not sure if I have if in the correct lexical format.

Although, I really don't think using Islamophobia is all that far off, since the fear (and the phobia) aren't irrational.

1/07/2008 1:22 PM  
Blogger David M said...

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the - Web Reconnaissance for 01/07/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day...so check back often.

1/07/2008 1:29 PM  
Blogger Nils Dacke said...

Thanks Fjordman for still another excellent posting. Keep going because that is really needed.
I was one of the bloggers listed by Expo and in fact quite proud of it.

1/15/2008 8:17 AM  
Blogger Fröken Sverige said...

Yes, thank you, Fjordman! It´s always a pleasure to read your postings. And it´s always a pleasure to read this blog..

And like Nils Dacke - I am also one of the listed bloggers, and I am also proud of it.

Expo woke up a lot of people this time...

Thank you, Expo!



1/15/2008 1:49 PM  
Blogger Muslims Against Sharia said...

The Gender of Islam

For the last fourteen centuries Islam has been one of the world’s greatest religions. Born in the sands of Arabia Islam spread throughout the globe and in the Third millennium Muslims live in almost every country on Earth. Some would argue that Islam is not only a religion, but also political ideology, but they would be wrong. Islam is a religion, a relationship between a person and God. Islamism (or political Islam) is an ideology based on Islam. Islamism is what radical Muslims (or Islamic fundamentalists, or Muslim extremists, or Islamofascists, or whatever else you want to call them) preach to wage Gihad for world domination. Moderate Muslims, unlike their radical co-religionists do not believe in Islamic supremacy and global caliphate.

Islamophobia prejudice against anything Islamic. If somebody hates Muslims or Islam, he/she is an Islamophobe. If somebody hates Muslim radicals or Islamism, he/she is not. Blanket degrading of anything Islamic is Islamophobia. Rational criticism of Islam or Muslims is not.

So, up until just a few years ago Islam was just that: a religion. But since the last decade of the Second millennium Western Muslim establishment (which is overwhelmingly Islamists) together with the media (which is overwhelmingly ignorant about Islam, a very dangerous combination, have been trying to convince everyone that Islamophobia is racism, thereby crating a new race: Islam. Do not believe your own eyes. White Muslims, and black Muslims, and Asian Muslims they are all a part of Islamic race and criticizing them makes you a racist, so you’d better shut up. Nobody wants to be called a racist, therefore piggybacking on the legacy of the Civil rights Movement was a stroke of genius. Screaming "Racism!" is guaranteed to attract attention. The rationale behind "Islamophobia = racism" is simple. If you are not allowed to criticize Islamists, they can do whatever they want. Islamic terrorism? Doesn’t exist! Yes, there are some instances of terrorism perpetrated by Muslims, but that has nothing to do with Islam and to say otherwise is racist. Radical Imams preaching hatred of Christians and Jews in American mosques? Never happens! Muslim "leaders" whitewashing terrorism? How dare you, you racist scum!

Did 9/11 change anything? Not much. It took a long time for the American President to use words "Islamic" and "terrorism" in the same sentence. In the meantime, radical Muslim organizations like CAIR, ISNA, MAS, etc., insinuated themselves deep into highest levels of the American government, because denying anything to them is manifestation of racism.

So, up until a few days ago, Islam was both a religion and a race. Enter the great country of Belarus. A former Soviet republic run by a communist dictator and a clique of KGB thugs recently arrested an editor of an independent newspaper for reprinting 2005 Danish cartoons of Prophet Muhammad. He is jailed for three years for "incitement of religious and national hatred". The notion that printing some silly cartoons of a religious figure would incite religious hatred is a stretch. But national hatred? Unless, of course, on top of being a religion and a race, Islam is also a nationality.

Well, thanks to fascist KGB thugs from Belarus, now it is official. Islam is a religion, a race, and a nationality. But why stop there? On the next plenary session of Muslims Against Sharia the first item on the agenda will be: "The Gender of Islam." And why not? There are Muslims of every race, yet criticizing Islam is racism. There are Muslims of almost every nationality, yet depicting Prophet Muhammad is inciting national hatred. I'm pretty sure that there are Muslims of both genders; why not equate criticizing Islam or depicting the Prophet with sexism? So, don’t even think about criticizing us, you misogynistic pigs!

Original post: http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/2008/01/gender-of-islam.html

1/22/2008 9:44 PM  
Blogger nikolai said...

Recently found your essays. Great reading. Ty.

I couldn't post a comment on the ethnicity essay so I'll do it here as I think it is a vital issue.

It does seem to me from reading your essays and various comments that the American and European notions of nation are potentially going to be a major source of strife. I doubt it will be possible to completely reconcile them.

For me, more or less forced into being a nationalist by marxist traitors and foreigh invasion, the nation as tribe is central. I see a distinction between that and "race" but I can understand why some Americans don't see it with their different history.

I also think that, although the invaders may see us as generically "white" and be at least partly motivated by anti-white racism, I don't have to be defined by them. I define myself as English, not "white", and I define them as foreign invaders and not "brown". Making the argument be about race has been a PC tactic that denies national identity and triggers liberal guilt imo. Both the marxists and invaders can go to hell.

Americans who don't understand what a tribe is and see it as a form of white supremacism will always have a problem with groups like Vlaams Blok (hope i spelled that right). Tribes in Africa, Asia and South America would no doubt understand completely.

I'm not trying to knock Americans here. It was only after reading the postings here that made me realise how these misunderstandings could and *will* arise. If these misunderstandings arise with conservative Americans then they will even more so as more liberal types break from the PC wall over time.

Best to just get used to the idea I think rather than try and bang your head against the wall. The anti-jihadists will be split into separate camps I think--"one white tribe" types, "coalition of nationalists" types, "coalition of common values" types etc. Some individuals and groups will overlap two camps but trying to squeeze them all into one camp will just cause frictions and end up counter-productive.

1/24/2008 4:26 PM  

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