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Without Stupak, Anti-Abortion Group's Dinner Goes On

The Susan B. Anthony candidate fund will instead dedicate the award to Democratic grassroots efforts on behalf of anti-abortion candidates.

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john john
March 24th, 2010
6:05 pm
Michelle Bachmann should only be given an award with the title "Lunatic."
March 24th, 2010
6:32 pm
These people all deserve one another.
New York, NY
March 24th, 2010
6:32 pm
Just some folks standing up to their principles...move on
Ann Arbor
March 24th, 2010
6:33 pm
Michelle Bachmann -- as completely off her rocker as a conservative can get -- will receive an award from this mandatory birth group.

That's all I need to know about these folks.

I invite every progressive reading or posting comments here to help defeat these anti-freedom reactionaries at the polls in November. It's time to go on the offensive and send people like Michelle Bachmann packing. The Republicans Party has miscalculated on the enthusiasm of the Democratic base, the strength of the Teabaggers, and their own vulnerabilities.

I've criticized the Democrats time and again and I still want them to stop pandering to their corporate masters but when I compare them to the absolutely bizarre, ultra right wing, off-the-chain Republicans, I'm reminded of the decision I'm forced to make.

Burr in N. Carolina -- he's vulnerable.
The Voinivich seat in Ohio -- it's up for grabs.
The Cao House seat in New Orleans -- let's take it back.

It's time to play offense. There are more seats to go for and Conservadems to primary. If Jim DeMint wants a pure, ultra-conservative 30 seats in the Senate, I say we grant his wish. Donate, volunteer, and network your people. People like Bachmann are spreading lies and fear, inciting their followers to violence, and hellbent on making Americans less free. They need to find employment elsewhere.
Utica, NY
March 24th, 2010
6:34 pm
I saw the hearing held by his committee several weeks ago, when the CEO of Wellspoint testified. Congressman Stupak was very critical of the Insurance Barroness' remarks on how hard these companies are worjing to help people. You must see that hearing to estimate the insight of Congressman Stupak with the complexity of problem. He is a smart man, who will not be boxed to reduce a complex multifaceted gut-wrenching and agonizing decision into a very trivial aborition or burst call. He deserves a recognition for his committment to principle. He tried as much as he could to advance the cause. Although I dont agree with his cause, I sure respect him.
The dispicable slime are the ReTHUGlicans who speak in tongues promoting racism, hate, and contempt.
San Francisco, CA
March 24th, 2010
7:09 pm
Giving Bachmann an award gives this "organization" absolutely no credibility. Stupak should thank this "nonpartisan" group for deciding not to give him one if he had to share the stage with that stooge.
united states
March 24th, 2010
7:11 pm
It should begin to dawn on these people that they have lost the war. But it won't.
Debra Garson
March 24th, 2010
7:34 pm
The anti-abortiion crowd is fixated on nothing but abortion. Why is it that they do not care for unwanted children after they are born? Why is it that they are so pro-life but would deny health care to the living? I will never understand the thinking of these extremists.
Tacoma, WA
March 24th, 2010
7:38 pm
Sad. And a bad move. By playing ball Stupak was able to influence the bill. This is more valuable than a guy from Texas that heckles other people on the house floor (for example).

Bad move for two reasons (at least): 1. By rejecting anyone who is unwilling to take their views as the only ones that ever matter in any debate they simply obscure themselves. 2. Pushing away Pro-Life Democrats simply makes them a wing of the Republican party, which will make them less powerful in the long run...Republicans can simply take their votes for granted and it becomes in no one's interest to change the law.
Technic Ally
March 24th, 2010
7:48 pm

I can't imagine what it would be like to be at a dinner filled with such hating people.
March 24th, 2010
9:09 pm
Any self-respecting person would not accept an award from an organization that gives one to Muchele Bachman.
Portland, OR
March 24th, 2010
9:11 pm
If Looney Tunes Michele Bachmann gets an award, Mr. Stupak should decline the award even if they want to give it to him. Those of us in the real world know the health care bill specifically prohibits government funded abortions, so if the crazies in this group want to have their little self-righteous dog and pony award show and invite all their C street co-lunatics, then let them go ahead. Instead of trophies, they should hand out cuckoo clocks.
Cambridge, MA
March 24th, 2010
9:11 pm
Absolutely work to defeat conservative Republicans (which I guess is all of them these days) in November; play offense. But let's also send a few bucks Stupak's way - I disagree with him on abortion, but he came through in the end and we need to appreciate that. The Democratic Party really is a big tent and that makes things difficult at time, but let's celebrate it and deal with it rather than try to end it as some other parties try to do.
March 24th, 2010
9:12 pm
I am pro-choice, a mother and a nurse; I wonder what 'pro-life' actually means to these people. If they choose to reduce its meaning to abortion only, then they have no business dumbing down Mr. Stupak with any of thier awards. He grasps the true meaning of 'pro-life' for all humans, whether they are the unborn, or the ones already here and lacking in decent heathcare to live fully. I hope Mr. Stupak sleeps easy knowing this award will not have his name attached to it.
March 24th, 2010
9:14 pm
Kind of sophomoric: "pro-life betrayers"
Palm Beach Gardens FL
March 24th, 2010
9:14 pm
They are showing their true colors - that it's not really about being anti-abortion as much as it is anti-Obama.
In passing this bill, Congressman Stupak and President Obama have done more for unborn children than anyone else.
March 24th, 2010
9:26 pm
The healthcare reform bill is very pro-life. By providing coverage to millions of people, it has the potential to save thousands of lives on a yearly basis. These hypocrites should be thanking Rep. Stupak for his vote. But wait, only unborn fetuses matter to them, never mind.
Arthur Vandenberg
March 24th, 2010
9:28 pm
"Life" denotes more than fetal life. I'd love to see the Susan B. Anthony Fund or Joe Pitts or Michele Bachmann stand up for the lives of sick Americans, or poor Americans, or Muslim civilians overseas. Those people have a right to life too. But the "pro-life" gang actually adore death, so long as death's inflicted by illness, starvation, or bombs and bullets.
Boulder, CO
March 24th, 2010
9:28 pm
The anti-choice wing includes people who are now threatening the lives of Congressmen who voted for this bill. They are not pro-life. Sarah Palin is advising them to "reload" and Fox News will whip them into a frenzy. Stupak is well rid of them. I am pro-choice, and I didn't care for Stupak making health reform an abortion issue, but I hope he knows he cast the right vote and he does not need to capitulate to hate-filled extremists.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
March 24th, 2010
9:31 pm
People across Michigan are gearing up to support Stupak's primary challenger, Connie Saltonstall, both physically and monetarily - I'll do door-to-door for her until my feet bleed.

Stupak seems to think he's untouchable - there are many others, however, who think otherwise. Michigan's 1st Congressional District is suffering from massive unemployment and poverty - this is simply about raising the level of awareness and educating voters as to Stupak's priorities, or lack thereof.

And, Obama may try to hide the fact that he sacrificed millions of middle class and indigent women today, but his actions have not gone unnoticed. Protecting a woman's right to choose was one of the only reasons I continued to support Democrats. The fact that a Democratic president did more to set women's rights back than Bush could have ever dreamed of is simply astounding.
Ann Arbor
March 24th, 2010
11:28 pm
Isobell -- I respect your views and I hated the anti-choice grandstanding of Stupak.

But consider joining the Democrats again -- and that isn't an easy sell to true progressives -- if only to battle the right wing freak parade.

I wrote a check to Connie Saltonstall, everyone should consider doing so, but help keep that seat blue, Isobel -- the Republicans Party has gone off the rails.
North Carolina
March 25th, 2010
12:45 am
The news that Bachman is getting an award brings to mind Groucho Marx's line about not wanting to belong to anyone who would have him as a member.

I think that anyone getting an award from an organization that declares Bachman to be their "Distinguished Leader" would be justified in worrying that their award could be used down the road as evidence against them--in a sanity hearing.

Ann Arbor, Mich.
March 25th, 2010
12:45 am
Hey NachoHomey - we can keep that seat Blue without re-electing Stupak - educate, inform, get out the vote. Without a doubt, we need to minimize the right wing; however, these are the very people Stupak chose to align himself with. Hopefully, now that he's on the receiving end of their threats and violent behavior, he'll take the time to reflect on his actions and how they helped create the dangerous situations we're witnessing today.

I understand your concerns and, without a doubt, current events are going to make it even harder for Progressives to finally break from the Democratic Party, but injecting his personal views on abortion into the healthcare debate was deplorable - he does not get a pass.
landover, md
March 25th, 2010
12:45 am
Isobell. "Obama may try to hide the fact that he sacrificed millions of middle class and indigent women today, but his actions have not gone unnoticed..."

The battle is for life. The bill is status quo on abortion. Abortions are actually considered low cost and most women pay for them if they want them, few use health care insurance. If they do, they aren't coded as abortions.

Don't buy into distractions and single issue politics. The law is pretty settled on abortion. Women have the right and have to pay for it. Stupak got confirmation from the President that the status quo is still in place.

At least Stupak stood for his issue and his position shouldn't be a surprise.

I'm sending him a copy of dollars just because he is the target of hate and misguided anger.
March 25th, 2010
10:35 am
Kirsten Gillibrand stood up to Stupak and she may well be the reason for his conversion. She got Stupak to stop being Stupak! And to stop being stupid!

She knows how to get a man to go her way. She has her own special way.


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