Tuesday, March 23, 2010


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The Health Care Debate

Obama Signs Health Care Overhaul Bill, With a Flourish

The most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades became law after a festive, at times raucous, signing ceremony in the White House on Tuesday.

Lessons for the Democrats, Some Perhaps Cautionary, After a Signal Triumph

President Obama has gained an infusion of political capital, but it may not help him advance his agenda in Congress.

Political Memo

Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill

Polls suggest many Americans are opposed to the health care bill, but Republicans face portrayals as the “party of no.”

Next Big Issue? Social Security Pops Up Again

With Medicare off the deficit-reduction table, Social Security stands as the likeliest source of large savings.

Health Vote Is Done, but Partisan Debate Rages On

As Democrats prepared for the president to sign their landmark legislation, Republicans opened a campaign to repeal it and use it as a weapon in midterm elections.

Casting Vote, and Now Trying to Sell It Back Home

Representative Allen Boyd of Florida changed his mind about the health bill. Some voters’ minds are changing about him.

Health Measure’s Opponents Plan Legal Challenges

Officials in a dozen states plan to argue that requiring people to buy health insurance is an unprecedented intrusion by the federal government into people’s lives.

More Politics News

Treasury Takes Steps to Reshape Fannie and Freddie

At a Congressional hearing, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said the administration planned to take “a fresh, cold, hard look” at the government’s role in housing.

House Ethics Office Gains, Dismissals Aside

In the weird world of Capitol Hill, the first independent House of Representatives ethics cop may win by losing.

Bank Panel Clears Bill on Overhaul

A committee vote along party lines has effectively deferred a partisan struggle over the financial legislation’s provisions.

Netanyahu Takes Hard Line on Jerusalem Housing

After a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Israeli prime minister served notice that his government would not yield easily to U.S. demands.

Acorn to Shut All Its Offices by April 1

The community organizing group has been criticized and has lost donations since a video sting was publicized last fall.

Stimulus Plan for Rail Line Shows System of Weak Links

A proposed rail link between Tampa and Orlando, Fla., exposes the weaknesses in the two cities’ transit systems.

2010 Elections

Interactive Map: Tracking the Races

A new interactive map will provide a dynamic look at the midterms across the country.


Video: A Closely Watched Relationship

President Obama surprised nearly everyone when he picked Hillary Rodham Clinton as his secretary of state. But they have again surprised nearly everyone by forging a partnership of sorts.

Slide Show: The Rise and Fall of Desiree Rogers

Party crashers at a state dinner dealt the final blow to Desirée Rogers’ position as White House social secretary. But tension had been brewing well before.

Video: Karl Rove's New Memoir

Peter Baker of The Times discusses Karl Rove's new memoir. The former White House adviser wrote that had the Bush administration known there were no weapons of mass destruction, there may not have been a war in Iraq.

Interactive Feature: Budget Forecasts, Compared With Reality

How accurate have White House budget forecasts been?

Interactive Graphic: Milestones: Barack Obama

An interactive timeline of Barack Obama’s life and career.

Prescriptions blog

A blog about what changes in the health care system might mean for Americans.

Room for Debate

A Historic Moment for Health Care?

Will the health bill fundamentally alter the American social safety net?

Health Care Multimedia
How the Health Care Overhaul Could Affect You

Some of the main ways the overhaul might affect those who currently have health insurance and those who do not.

How Different Groups of Democrats Voted

A look at some important groups in Sunday’s House vote to pass the health care bill approved by the Senate in December.

The Continuing Battle Over Health Care

For Congressional lawmakers, the ramifications of the vote to overhaul health care could be as big or even bigger than the vote on the Iraq war.

Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill

A look at key provisions of the Senate bill and the changes proposed in the reconciliation bill passed by the House Sunday.

A History of Overhauling Health Care

For almost a century, presidents and members of Congress have tried and failed to provide universal health benefits to Americans.

Poll Watch
New York Times/CBS News Poll Index
New York Times/CBS News Poll Index

Articles and the complete results of recent surveys.