Feature Article #1

Foolympics- Translations of the Gyrations of the Feebleminded Left

Foolympics- Translations of the Gyrations of the Feebleminded Left

It has been a while since I have written on here, primarily because I have been ultra busy with work. Lucky for me, I suppose, with all of the unemployment in the country right now…
So, considering I have some time this weekend for the first time in some time (I’m actually going to be working [...]

COasis | October 3rd, 2009 | Continued

Feature Article #2

Kennedy Killed Himself Years Ago

Kennedy Killed Himself Years Ago

What killed Kennedy?
Well, certainly not what should have.
At any rate, regarding what has happened some days ago?  I decided to remain mum on the issue, until I had time to reflect on it, and make sure I was not knee-jerking with my reaction.
Kennedy was, by all rights, a larger than life man. Was he that [...]

COasis | August 28th, 2009 | Continued

Feature Article #3

Courting the Unions, Courting Bankruptcy

Courting the Unions, Courting Bankruptcy

The unions of this country might be finally forced to face the music. What is the tune being played? “You are overpaid, over benefitted, and parasitically bankrupting the companies of which you are a beneficiary.”
Some major developments this last week, and these last few months, are coming to a head, and the unions may very well not [...]

COasis | May 9th, 2009 | Continued

Feature Article #4

Obama’s Policies Create Fourth Branch of Government

Obama's Policies Create Fourth Branch of Government

“What’s that?” you ask? “I thought we only had three branches of Government…”
Well, I would suggest that we have a new branch to add to those three: Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, and… Fiduciary.
Obama’s tendency to race ahead with the Democratic Party attitude of “We won” is catching up with him. It’s one thing to inspire zombie [...]

COasis | March 4th, 2009 | Continued

Feature Article #5

Military Uneasiness Under Democrats

Military Uneasiness Under Democrats

Liberals Should Play in the Sandbox, Not the Pillbox…
(If you don’t know what a pillbox is, it is a rather arcane reference to this…)
How does a President Elect become Commander in Chief? He puts his hand on a Bible. Or perhaps, in this case, the Bible will be shunned like so many flag lapel pins [...]

COasis | January 4th, 2009 | Continued

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Obama Prime Time Speech on Afghanistan= Failure

Obama Dithers for 3 months? No, Try 10!!!
Barry… Barry Barry…
The Dipstick in Chief tonight donned his ever somber and serious, powerful and commanding tone tonight to make excuses, point fingers and blame backwards, and tell us not how we can really win, but actually, how we can get out.
The amazing thing is, this is meant [...]

1Dec2009 | COasis | 3 comments | Continued
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Obama and Holder Bumble on “Justice” for GITMO Detainees

It just gets funnier by the day.
Listening to the back and forth of Holder and the Senate, and the comments of the President lately regarding the detainees, it is abundantly clear what we have here in Washington are pussies who are only confident when they know they can win.
Let me explain.
After months of wrangling with [...]

18Nov2009 | COasis | 0 comments | Continued
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Who’s to Blame for Obama?

I think it is time to go back and maybe rehash the lesson of our not so distant history.
I remember making several very important points very clear last year when we were going through the primary process, pointing out along the way the dangers of Obama. I pointed out many things, most of which have [...]

18Nov2009 | COasis | 4 comments | Continued
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Obama’s Stimulus, 101

Remember that stimulus package? The one that every Republican except Snowe, Collins, and former Republican Specter voted AGAINST?
Let’s take a look at a graphic example of the success of the boondoggle:
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18Nov2009 | COasis | 1 comment | Continued
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The Worst of Obama

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16Nov2009 | COasis | 5 comments | Continued
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Obama’s Achilles Heel

Health Care? No…  Birth Certificate? No…
Iran? No…
What then is Barry’s achilles heel?
Barry made promises about Afghanistan. He made promises about Al-Qaeda. Both (promises) are faltering, and at least while Bush was in there, we had a policy in Afghanistan that worked, and was winning. Barry [...]

9Oct2009 | COasis | 2 comments | Continued
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Nobel Peace of Shit Prize- A “Call to Action” for an idiot?

We should have seen it coming. After all, he got elected on hot air as well.
Barry now has on his mantle the Nobel Peace Prize. For what, you ask? Well, you and millions and millions of others are asking the same thing. Barry has done what Barry always does best- talk. In fact, in his [...]

9Oct2009 | COasis | 3 comments | Continued
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Birthers, Anchor Babies, and Founding Fathers

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12Aug2009 | COasis | 6 comments | Continued
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The conversation Barry does not want to have…

Barry won’t take responsibility for the economy, which he claimed would be saved by immediate action on the stimulus… but he wants to sell you another big bill like Universal Health Care? If your first big plan is failing, why the hell would be buy your second one, at a bigger cost?

3Aug2009 | COasis | 52 comments | Continued
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Stupid is as Stupid Does, eh Barry?

Barry’s stupid police comment reveals racist chip; Biden proves they’re “guessing”; Health Care should not be trusted to Barry…

29Jul2009 | COasis | 22 comments | Continued
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Making Lemonade Out of My Lemons

With things looking so sour politically for this country, where can I find a glass half full of lemonade?

2Jul2009 | COasis | 36 comments | Continued
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Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 6/7/09

Sotomayor- is she wise, or empathetic? US popularity in Iran down since Obama took office… Don’t ask, don’t tell challenge struck down… Obama thinks he is creating jobs again… One last chance for Chrysler bond holders…

8Jun2009 | COasis | 7 comments | Continued
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George Bush’s Third Term

At some point, Barry and the Liberal “leadership” is going to have to take some responsibility, and stop spending their “inheritance”.

30May2009 | COasis | 5 comments | Continued
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Vacillator in Chief

I never cease to be amazed with the lack of apparent wisdom and experience from this administration. We who saw it coming tried to warn the masses, but, alas, they wanted to vote for the pop star icon American Idol style idiot community organizer.
The most current news headlines continue to swirl around the topic of [...]

14May2009 | COasis | 5 comments | Continued
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Not Ready For Prime Time

Barry continues to show that he is just flat out not ready for the big show, even though he fooled some 69 million into thinking he was.
Obama has shown a propensity to announce with gusto, happy, feel good plans that can make the masses cheer. However, as we keep seeing, these plans are often poorly [...]

5May2009 | COasis | 16 comments | Continued
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Man, This Presidential Stuff is Haaarrd…

In yet ANOTHER move defying his campaign trail promises, Barry is finding once again that being on the stump and finger wagging on a soap box in front of teleprompters in order to rile up and gain the support of those who have proven they are not exactly “critical thinkers” is a long way from [...]

2May2009 | COasis | 6 comments | Continued
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More Obama Double Talk

I try to make sure that I offer here things you won’t hear elsewhere, whenever I can. It is the least I can do for my “loyal” readers; that you find some kind of unique perspective or information, at least a good percentage of the time. Otherwise, why would I be here? To parrot what [...]

29Apr2009 | COasis | 7 comments | Continued
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Turncoat Specter

Arlen Specter will run as a Democrat in the 2010 election, one which he is presumably going to have a huge fight on his hands with Pat Toomey. Worse than that, he will presumably switch parties now, giving the Dems a filibuster proof majority. This ought to be illegal, as he has now purposefully abandoned [...]

28Apr2009 | COasis | 2 comments | Continued
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Political Correctness or Idiotic Semantics?

The Obama administration seems to be taking a different tack on the “global war on terror”. Our world has run amok with the idiocy of watering down the truth with kinder, gentler, more “fair” words and terminology. These hyper-sensitivities have permeated nearly every aspect of our lives, to the extent that they now seem to [...]

27Apr2009 | COasis | 5 comments | Continued
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Obama’s First 100 Days

Obama's First 100 Days

Well. Let’s see how “Hope”, “Change we can believe in!”, and “Yes we CAN!” are working out.
I wanted to write this “First 100 Days” for Obama ahead of time, knowing it would take several hours to work up. For that reason, and because time will be shorter for me later in the week, I want [...]

26Apr2009 | COasis | 28 comments | Continued
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Left Justifies All Outrage With ‘Hindsight’ Excuse

Unable to ever point anywhere but at everyone else, Democrats continue to live in the world of deceit. Efforts in the last 6 months to a year show a pattern of clouding culpability by feigning outrage in concert with the American people.

24Apr2009 | COasis | 9 comments | Continued
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Obama’s Knee Pad Foreign Policy

Is Obama bending over backward, or forward? Will his policy of kissing the ass of tyrants and other world leaders strike the right tone for our nations goals?

18Apr2009 | COasis | 8 comments | Continued
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Obama Declares Bush Was Right

Big talk on the campaign trail made Bush haters happy, but once he is edu-mu-cated, Obama determines Bush and Cheney were right…

14Apr2009 | COasis | 15 comments | Continued
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Thank Goodness For Drug Lords

The left won’t enforce your border, unless forced to. Who is forcing them to??? Perhaps not who you think…

25Mar2009 | COasis | 5 comments | Continued
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Obama and Geithner’s Shell Game

Slick packaging and clever games are being used to convince he American public that the Geithner/Obama toxic asset plan is a good idea, due to the fact it reduces risk to American taxpayers.

23Mar2009 | COasis | 7 comments | Continued
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Geithner Plan Shows They Have No New Plan

All this time waiting, planning, and we get what? A retreaded Paulson plan. So why are Obama’s priorities so out of whack?

23Mar2009 | COasis | 3 comments | Continued
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23Mar2009 | COasis | 0 comments | RSS claim test">Continued
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Breaking- Obama Approval Rating: Doing Great Job

Real Clear politics is reporting that Barry’s approval rating is at 60.2% right now.
They also are reporting that 56.8% of the country is feeling we are on the wrong track.
One can conclude that Obama is going a great job taking us the wrong direction.
I would concur.
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Tags: Barack Obama, Real Clear Politics, job [...]

22Mar2009 | COasis | 23 comments | Continued
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Is Hypocritical Logic a Requirement to be a Liberal?

Watching the logic of the left run right into itself would be funny, were it not so damaging to this country. Last night I heard that the AFL CIO was protesting the utilization of mexican trucks past a certain point into the US. On the other hand, the left would love to turn a blind [...]

22Mar2009 | COasis | 6 comments | Continued
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Why Liberal Minds Cannot Solve Our Energy Woes

Can We Really Trust the Left to Drive Energy Independence?
Once again, without a tele-prompter, Obama shows us that his polish tarnishes quickly without an umbilical to the speech writers on the left. 
On Friday, Obama was touring a California electric car plant, where he said, ”The 1908 Model-T ; think about this; the 1908 Model-T earned better [...]

21Mar2009 | COasis | 0 comments | Continued
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Dumb Dems Demonstrate Dimwitted Decisions

What a vast field of stupidity to draw from. The left is rewarding us regularly and richly with opportunities to illustrate the folly of emotional driven ideology which lacks practical and logical reflection.
The latest?
YouTube Boob
How about a video overture to Iran? Wow. All I can say is “wow”. I don’t think I can recall a [...]

21Mar2009 | COasis | 8 comments | Continued
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Dems Comforting Nation With Craziness

Well well well…  as predicted, the unraveling of American fabric is well underway, and continues daily.
In reviewing the news of the week, I am really taken aback by the utter crazy rambling and wandering from principle that we are witnessing from the Democrats on Capitol Hill, including one Barry Obama. Principles that made this country great; that [...]

19Mar2009 | COasis | 10 comments | Continued
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Reid Is Not Your Amigo

Harry Reid has done everything he can to prevent E-Verify from surfacing in legislation. Why is this man more pro illegal, pro democrat, than he is pro American?

7Mar2009 | COasis | 2 comments | Continued
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Obama Finance 101

Obama’s latest attempt to “cheer up” the economic sense in the nation is another feeble attempt marked with his traditional finger pointing and remarks showing his inexperience.

3Mar2009 | COasis | 13 comments | Continued
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Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 3/02/09

It’s Obama’s economy now; Obama’s tactics on War on Terror not well thought out, causing some backtracking, and showing lack of wisdom; Clinton and Obama may clash on Iran…

2Mar2009 | COasis | 6 comments | Continued
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Lifting The Dover Ban With Hypocrisy

The left uses weak arguments in every case they plead… It is a shame they don’t apply their lofty ideals evenly to every issue. The recent lift of the Dover media ban on flag draped caskets is the most recent example of their selective reasoning.

1Mar2009 | COasis | 3 comments | Continued

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    I am looking for contributors. If you think you can regularly contribute 1-2 pieces a week that are unique perspectives, cutting wit, intriguing commentary, or just flat out funny, contact me at Con1@wavecable.com
  • Current NUT

    As expected from an activist lacking broader, centrist "worldly" wisdom, Barry put his foot in his mouth recently. In one breath, he said he did not know all of the information, but claimed the police acted "stupidly", when arresting elitist racist Professor Henry Louis Gates JR. Some people make race an issue even when it is not, but a President needs to remain neutral when addressing issues such as this, especially when they don't have all the info. To do otherwise is pre-judgemental, and shows potentially a bit of racism on HIS part.
  • Current BOLT

    Make no mistake, I am not necessarily on the Palin bandwagon. I think she has a long way to go to transform from rock star politician to actual Presidential material... but, ya have to love her "in your damn FACE!" attitude when it comes to the press, or anyone else trying to push her down. Maybe she has what it takes? Has to prove a lot more to me, but, she has some time...
  • The most stupidest dumbest thang I have heard lately from the left...

    Biden said in an interview recently that the reason that the stimulus is not working as promised is due to the fact that they "guessed" wrong. "Guessed". "Guessed wrong". "Guessed" on the most important bill in our time. And, they want us to trust them on Health Care now, at a cost of one TRILLION?

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