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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The House voted this afternoon by a 222-203
margin to pass the “Slaughter solution”
but ...
the House leadership is still significantly short of 216 votes on final passage

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 11:19:00 PM PERMLINK Barone on Slaughter Back Link (1) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
"I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or Senate" -Obama

"I don't spend a lot of time worrying about whether I should complete and return the census" -oy vey ole'
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The Look

I didn't watch the Oscars, and would have no idea what the back-story is here.  But watch Sandra Bullock, here winning the Oscar, and her facial and  body language as hubby congratulates her.  Every married man knows that look, and knows he's in trouble for something (hopefully, not for the same reason).


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 10:44:00 PM PERMLINK The LOOK Back Link (5) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
yeah... she's still pissed...
Another major celeb divorce...


Can't live with 'em, can't hide the bodies!

The difference between men and women is proof positive that God is the eternal joker.
I sorta wondered what that was about.

Thought maybe she was just bein' satirically demure... like that private lezzie joke between her and Streep.
She wanted the bad boy....she got what she wanted. If it wasn't Sandra Bullock would there even be a story here?
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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 12:36:00 PM PERMLINK Back Link (10) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
Outlawed in Mass because of the vinyl.
was really hoping for a rollover there...
That's SO dirty (or is it just me...)
thank you for the bit of hotness!
I think this (NSFW) is what inspired them.
Honestly officer, I was just trying to jump-start her...

Call the Guinness book! It's a new girled record!
Demotivational Posters

Varoom! Varoom!

Word Verification: gasher comment...
I bet they're trykes.
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Roll & click for story

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 12:24:00 PM PERMLINK Killer Giraffe Back Link (5) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
At two a.m. sometimes you don't give a damn.
That's why I'm a night owl.
I'll bet that district court judge wasn't appointed by Carter or Clinton.
(Dang! I wish I could edit my posts.) Where in the constitution is it written that the government has to protect stupid people from their stupidity? It was stupid of this guy to use the name of a real wildlife park and to assume that no one is stupid enough to believe the story. It's also pretty stupid of this park to think that this little fake news blog has the influence to affect their attendance.
Giraffe wanted him some ass...
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There's a whole lot to think about in this 00:02:15 clip from South Park's "Pandemic"
What did Teh Him mean by this?


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 11:57:00 AM PERMLINK Set up? Back Link (4) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
If that clip doesn't worry you, nothing will.
I'm not sure which clip you're referring to, pdw, but it's chilling isn't it.
With every word that emanates from those ugly blue lips, I become more and more terrified for the security and safety of our nation!
Gayle, this is Clintonian. Act so outrageously that people won't allow themselves to believe their own sorry eyes and ears. At the same time, the media refuses to believe they could have been so wrong, and work to cover and excuse. IMO.
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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 07:19:00 AM PERMLINK Why We Win Back Link (0) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
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A Middle East Without American Influence?
That's the logical outcome of the Obama administration's current policies.
In the middle of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Henry Kissinger airlifted arms shipments to Israel in order to guarantee an Israeli victory that for a time had seemed uncertain. Kissinger's strategic intention was to show the Arabs that as long as Washington stood behind Israel, there was no way they could ever defeat the Jewish state. ... Of course, with those arms shipments, Kissinger meant to drive home another lesson as well, this one to Israel—in effect, that Washington held the power of life and death over the Jewish state and that Israeli leaders had best keep in line. This arrangement—Israeli strength and Arab weakness—secured what some have called the Pax Americana of the Middle East.

Boned Jello

But here's the most important thing: Even if you discount the centrality of shame and honor as operative principles in the Middle East, the Obama administration has blundered by jeopardizing not Israel's stature but our own regional interests and the Pax Americana that has been ours over the last 35 years. Our position in the region depends on every actor there knowing that we back Israel to the hilt and that they are dependent on us. Sure, there are plenty of times we will not see eye-to-eye on things—differences that should be resolved in quiet consultations—but should any real distance open up between Washington and Jerusalem, that will send a message that the U.S.-backed order of the region is ready to be tested. And that's exactly what the axis of resistance is seeing right now.
* What happens when you send a self absorbed Marxist punk to do a man's job.


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/18/2010 07:07:00 AM PERMLINK All Blow Up Back Link (7) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
This will not end well.
As long as we have men like LT Presley O'Bannon USN and the U.S. Marine Corps, we will be fine.
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mheh ... too bad blogger won't let you "edit" posts for clarity ...
Infantile buffoon.
What did you want to edit Kristopher?
Presley O'Bannon was a Marine. Not a squid.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Basketball Gets Political,
and It Seems Politicians
Don't Like Maryland

I love that Obama has the Terps losing to MSU in the round of 32.  If he's right, it'll  be the first time ever that I'm aware of.  I mean about anything. Plus, Hoyer deserved it.

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 07:27:00 PM PERMLINK Terps & 'tics Back Link (0) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
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To save Obama's presidency ...

Boned Jello

This E-21 discussion of Obamacare is a gold nugget wrapped in kraft paper.  Some excellent points made- e.g.
In a recent essay in the Washington Post, EJ Dionne argued that we had no choice but to accept that government would grow larger in the future “because the private economy will not offer the same security it once did through employer-provided health and pension plans.”

The interesting aspect of this theory – which is hardly unique to Dionne – is the view that the government is some entirely disconnected entity that is able to finance obligations too weighty for households. If one assumes that government’s budget capacity comes entirely from the taxes it imposes on households – Dionne’s framework is unintelligible. If outlays are too great for the household sector to bear, how could these outlays be any more affordable for an entity entirely financed by the same households?
The idea of government as an entity entirely separate from the households that fund it is not only silly, but also exceedingly harmful, because it distracts from the serious business of confronting trade-offs and establishing realistic expectations. 

But, this is no longer a battle of cost v. results, else it's over. It's a battle of ideologies.  Dennis Kucinich just  flipped on health care to "Save Obama's presidency" --- instead of standing by his previously stated principles.  To save Obama's presidency.   Differences of opinion are healthy.   Differences in ideology are not, nor have they existed at this level in all our history.  There are not two American ideologies.

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 07:11:00 PM PERMLINK Will this madness end? With us intact? Back Link (3) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
That's a seriously ugly ass on a seriously ugly wetback!
Hairless too.
You know,as in...."you ain't gotta hair on your ass if....."
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Today's smartest person

I nominate lotp for great thinker of the univerese, today. And not just because he here speaks my mind with his mouth.  Well, yeah, it is.

OS, I fear that the far left is quite aware that they are radicalizing the right, and will use the first instance of violence as an excuse to ditch all but the thinnest veneer of true representational government.

Remember: the far left hates the middle class above all. Their aim is to destabilize, to destroy the day to day orderliness that allows good people to go on with their lives quietly.

So yes, we're under attack. We need to:

Repel the immediate attack
Figure out a strategy
Counterattack - but choose our terrain, timing and methods to give us the best chance of success

Longer term: clear and hold. Which may require Fallujah levels of intense political combat, fighting for every inch and every building. And then fortifying those areas and consolidating gains.

Right now our Fallujah is the health care bill and the sequence of other 'reforms' the far left is pushing in rapid succession (continued)

and then read this from Old Spook -

  I always stood outside the political system, because my duty and integrity demanded it.

A lot of us are uncomfortable with becoming personally involved in politics, other than voicing an opinion and filling in our ballots on election day. You can see that in a lot of us vets - like Pappy for instance.

But I'm trying to do what I can -- that's why I went to the caucus, and got my self elected as a delegate. For the first time in all these decades of my life I have become overtly and directly involved in the political side of things. Its not in my comfort zone, and I do not like operating in the open like this. But something had to be done. The problem is, it may not be enough.

I was not so worried before this, as I thought the usual political machinery could be harnessed to correct this. That's why I jumped in, to help try to push things the right way.

But last night really opened my eyes.

My perception now is that there are far more potential loose cannons than there are people trying to secure and aim them properly. Malicious power-hungry people on both sides benefit from them being the way they are.

The Democrat leadership just does not seem to understand how this is going to cause a number of people to snap their bonds to this government (c.f. Waco, BATF and McVeigh), they are so self righteous they have arrogantly ignored needing the consent of those they are supposed to represent. They seem to think they can use any violent reactions to crack down and further consolidate collectivist power in the state. They do not realize just how fundamentally wrong they are in gauging the grim fire and fight in that part of the population .

On the other side, the GOP leadership, in its lust for political power, doesn't realize that these folks will break away from the system in a fundamental way that will not benefit the GOP politically they way the leadership thinks it will.

In order to remedy things, these "broken away" people will be looking for far more direct and high impact methods than a voting booth (again, c.f. McVeigh et al).

And that's what's keeping me up at nights.

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 04:52:00 PM PERMLINK Right now our Fallujah is the health care bill Back Link (7) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
The military will turn on their handlers long before they'd turn on the citizens.

The left is hoping for a political victory, because they know it won't be long before the new swing of the pendulum destroys their efforts.
"the new swing of the pendulum destroys their efforts."

But, that's why I tend to OldSpook's view.

The GOP has shown ZERO evidence that they've truly learned anything since they got their asses kicked in the recent past. ZERO.

Having the pendulum swing from one giant, overbearing government faction to the other giant, overbearing government faction changes nothing.

My prediction:I see big GOP victories in 2010 and 2012. I then see them proving themselves to be the giant power hungry statist douchebags they've always been.

I then see all hell breaking loose.
Happy St. Pat's Day. Drink up, here's your Draft.
o'y vey o'le'.
It is no longer a matter of Dem. vs GOP. We can no longer buy into the two party farce, it is just good cop, bad cop. Both will bust your ass. Throwing up firewalls at the state level is our last and only hope. The feds have a mercenary army, all the tanks and planes and the willing help of UN troops. The tenth amendment is our life boat. Let the fucking Titanic sink in to the ooze.
Jess, sorry to say you are wrong w/r/t the Military. They will follow the orders they are given, ignoring the Constitution readily. Study New Orleans. Bill of Rights didn't mean a damned thing.

That is the model of what will come.

Jack, an even bigger worry is the actions of police agencies. As the father of a schoolmate of mine put it "they smile and are polite this week. They bring their shoes to be mended at your repair shop. They eat at your restaurant. You are declared undesirable by the state and they are the first to scream "raus! raus" as they push you into the cattle cars. They follow orders. They enforce the law. They are incapable of thinking".
Regarding the military, handlers and citizens, two words:

Sherman & Georgia, Sheridan and the Shenandoah Valley.

Some dis-assembly required.

I have tremendous respect for today's military. They are far better trained and equipped than we were in my day. But, their leadership haunts my dreams. And another name for dreams, is "nightmares".

I pray to God that if things go wrong, I'm wrong too.

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Class kiss-ass
Boned Jello


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 04:20:00 PM PERMLINK Marmaduke- Kiss-ass Back Link (3) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
That's not Marmaduke, that's Scooby.
oh. I didn't know. Scooby.
So what? Gary Coleman also had to work as a security guard after his career faltered...

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 03:27:00 PM PERMLINK Looterman Jr. Back Link (5) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
HFS! It's former Louisiana Representative William Jefferson, grab him!
From shoes to shoe polish. Never miss a beat here, eh? Luv it.
It's that time of year again, so here's my day after St.Paddy's Day song:

When Irish eyes are bleeding,
Sure it's like a rushing spring.
In the crush of Irish migraines,
You can hear the demons sing.
When Irish are hungover,
All the world seems loud and fey.
So when Irish eyes are bleeding,
Take the smell of that pint away.♫♪

T'was a tear in your eye,
last night at the sty,
A thinking about Patty's songs.
With such power in your smile,
And great thirst all the while,
There was ne'er a full mug in a mile.
When your sharp lilting cackles raised your drinking mate's hackles,
And your eyes twinkled bright as could be,
You laughed all the while and all other times smiled,
The payoff's this sad penalty.♫♪
Repeat first verse. Composed by James McDowell
Epic Beard Guy was unavailable for comment.
I. Can't. Freaking. Breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SHOES & the 50's Man

Flap Jacks
Rollover for real Flap-Jacks

Blogger  gunnypink  said...

    Hi, kids, my name's Buster Brown, I live in a shoe, this is my dog Tige, he lives there too. OK Froggy, twang your magic twanger. Couldn't sell a pair of kids shoes with that today...gotta have a BB star endorse the shoe first. So, who was more ignernt?

While the commercial for Buster Brown shoes had a sort of cult following, my gang wouldn't be caught dead wearing them.  Not that that we always had a choice.  I remember three "must have" shoes while I was growing up in Chicago.

Because we wore uniforms (khaki trousers, white shirt and brown tie), shoes were the only way to have an identity, and were extremely important in determining your position on the social pecking order.  My first "must have" shoes were what I remember as "Flap-Jacks," which memory tells me were from Thom McCan?  I spent two hours trying to find them.

    * Flap-Jacks - nothing.  Snap-Jacks - nothing.
    * "Flap opening vintage shoes" - nothing.
    * A dozen other variations got me - nothing.

 I recreated them above. (Just before going to press the real ones popped up in a search for "white bucks"   The description said "with Nu-Lock Front."  Maybe in the sticks.  I can still hear the commercial for Flap-Jacks.

Anyway, I wanted those flap-jacks desperately, but mother fended me off with "they'll break;"  "they look stupid;" "you'll look like a a hood"  Hood was pronounced "hewd," as in hoodlum.  The real reason was that they cost more than what she wanted to spend. She finally relented however, and I was able to maintain my gravitas at St. Francis.

OMG OMG OMG - these absolute "must haves" met with the greatest resistance. "You'll look like a a hood" I wanted these more than I wanted Flap-Jacks. I wanted them with  cleats.

I really don't remember what it was that turned her; maybe my incessant Eric Cartman whine ,"but mommmm."  I do remember getting into the car and driving to a shoe store on Harlem Ave (and that when we left the store, it was nearly dark out). The boots pictured here (from E-bay) are the EXACT boots I got.  Hell, they might even be mine?

At the checkout,  I asked if they could put cleats on them, and before the clerk could respond my mom said, "Absolutely not!  You'll already look like a hood, and I don't want my floors ruined."   The next day at recess I rode my bike to a shoe repair store,  and for 75¢ had the biggest, baddest cleats they had put on.  I made sure to walk on my toes around her, but she soon heard me outside on the sidewalk, and blew a fuse.  Took a screwdriver and ripped 'em off.   I settled for putting a lot of thumb tacks in the heels.

WHITE BUCKS were next.  The stylish young man was then wearing gunmetal gray trousers, with pink stitching down the leg, a pink shirt, and black knit tie with two horizontal pink stripes.  And white buck shoes.  Mom was fine with the pink (duh), so it became a matter of whether Robert Hall (Easter Clothes store)  carried them.  They did, except for the pink shirt and stitched trousers.  She took care of that by dying one of my school shirts pink, and stitching some trousers down the pants leg. They were not gunmetal, and the stitching was .........., and not - - - - - - -.  To complete the disaster, she substituted these faux-bucksfaux buks embarrassment for the realwhite bucks. Nothing about being a hood, just too expensive.  Did you notice the look of pain on my face in the "stylish" roll over?  It was tempered, somewhat, because my best pal Tim Hill's (left) mother made him wear that abortion..  Still, it's a wonder I didn't grow up to be a serial killer.


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 12:34:00 PM PERMLINK Flap-Jacks and White Bucks Back Link (13) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
After my mom passed I was raised by grandparents and then in a foster home. The crap I had to wear was unbelievable. Good
Will or, if I was lucky, JC Penney. Some adults have a knack for determining the exact opposite of 'cool' and wrapping you up in it.
Thanks Rodge for the memories! My husband sported a pair of these "Flap-Jacks" when we started dating...and yes, I thought they made him look cool. He wore those things every day for the next two years, and eventually the poor things split in two at the toe crease! Yep, good old Thom McAn and Robert Hall..."When the values go up, up, up...and the prices go down, down down..."
Ad rem....
Tassled Wee-Juns = Cool.
My Mom bought me a pair of Bellbottom jeans when I was in the 10th grade.
They would have been way cool 'cept they had pictures of all our past Presidents on them.
I quit wearing after my 3rd fistfight.

I wanted those hewd boots desperately, I finally bought a pair at a garage threw 'em out. I can still hear her telling me, "you'll look like a hoodlum." Glencoe in the 60's, I was a hoodlum, with or without the boots.
Going forward, were tasseled Weejuns, "white Hummers" (tennis shoes), shell cordovans, and ultimately Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes. Plus about 50 pair of wing tips.
I had those exact boots back in the '80s and DID use them to ride my motorcycle. Loved 'em.
Had a pair of the "Flap Jacks" back in 1958, when I was 8 years old. We called them "Mousetraps". They were a tan/buff suede.

Jeeze, Roger, you always dig deep into my memories.

MAJ Mike
I still have a pair of those boots , and I love them dearly : ) smibsid

Spent the summer of 1954 in California working on a turkey farm...Made pretty good dough for a kid so I bought myself a pair of these...Best footwear I ever owned...Lasted three years with almost constant use and one heel repair.
My favorite shoe of all time was the British Walker's, cordovan leather, cap toe or Chukka Boots.
These were the best made shoe and best looking I ever saw.....(and at the time, the most expensive.)
I finally afforded a pair when I had mustering out pay.
Still have a pair of the boots - bought 'em when I worked in the iron foundry because you could pop them off real freakin' quick if a molten BB went down your leg AND they reeked of bad-ass. Still use 'em 25 years later...
The Old Man,

That's lesson #1 when working with slag -- trousers OVER boots, but never tucked in! And no cuffs, either!

I learned that lesson the hard way while welding. Damned sock was smoldering, and I didn't notice 'till it caught fire. Things got real exciting as I began dancing the "MIG Welder's Boogie." Everybody at the shop had a good laugh.
I still have the scar on my ankle.
At my St Francis Xavier in La Grange, the thing to have was galoshes. The kind that had wrapover clasps of some sort that HAD to be left undone when worn, so you sort of clashed when you walked.
With so many sibs, there was no chance for me to get 'em.

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Slaughter House Rules

Boned Jello
Looks like the fun is over

We have entered a political wonderland, where the rules are whatever Democrats say they are. Mrs. Pelosi and the White House are resorting to these abuses because their bill is so unpopular that a majority even of their own party doesn't want to vote for it. Fence-sitting Members are being threatened with primary challengers, a withdrawal of union support and of course ostracism. Michigan's Bart Stupak is being pounded nightly by MSNBC for the high crime of refusing to vote for a bill that he believes will subsidize insurance for abortions. WSJ
Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury.

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| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 08:41:00 AM PERMLINK Lawless Government Back Link (11) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
Checked the ammo can. Sufficient 7.62mm NATO and .45ACP. Is it now time? Will this equal Hitler's Enabling Act?

MAJ Mike
Hold your fire. The first side to pull the trigger, looses. Just like at Ft. Sumter. We can't allow ourselves to be suckered into a trap.
Just don't use firearms. Time to form up.
The word traitor comes to mind. I'm thinking a few arrests for sedition should get their attention. The only problem is that the pogues in Washington are cowards and traitors too.
Read "The Real Lincoln". It's 1861. You have had your last free election folks. November elections will be deemed invalid. Just watch.
Wiki "Otto Von Bismarck" and read about his consolidation of states power. His first great legislation, Health Insurance Bill of 1883. Otto was a big fan of Lincoln, as was Marx.

The American People have no idea what is happening to them this week.
Oh, I think they have more than an inkling. The question is, what are they prepared to do about it? Throwing 40-50 dem congressmen out of office is nothing. I think some real ugliness is in order.
For all the FBI wonks who are "monitoring" the Web, LISTEN UP! You probably already know who I am and where I am, but I don't have tha patience to say this twice.


Go ahead and vote for this abomination if you want; it's your funeral. Even your own people don't want it now, so who do you think is going to vote for your sorry ass-s in November? Even Botox Nancy doesn't have the stones to get you re-elected. Better sharpen up your resume, 'cause it's gonna be a long, cold Winter to be without a job. And let me throw in just one more thing: which corporation do you think is going to want to hire you on after they see just what particular kind of cespool sludge you turned out to be?

You had better grow a pair on your own, right now and vote this political abortion down, as there ain't no Federal handout program that will give them to you later.
For the Luvva G-d people, learn the difference between "LOSE" and "LOOSE"! No, you won't be graded on it. You just won't continue to sound and look like a drooling, mouth breathing, booger eatin' moron, proud of being the only kid in Fourth Grade who can legally buy cigarettes and beer.

Lose- To come to be without.
Loose- No longer tight.

You're welcome.

Gerry N.
Geez, losen up, Gerry N.

(JK - I agree with you, but couldn't resist it)
Don't worry about being pounded by MSNBC. Their market share is now less than The Cartoon Channel. CNN too! Maybe the next war will be broadcast live by Animal Planet.
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Boned Jello

If you liked this, you will probably like the twanger.


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 07:42:00 AM PERMLINK Buster Brown Back Link (8) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
Hi, kids, my name's Buster Brown, I live in a shoe, this is my dog Tige, he lives there too. OK Froggy, twang your magic twanger. Couldn't sell a pair of kids shoes with that today...gotta have a BB star endorse the shoe first. So, who was more ignernt?
I'm just barely old enough to have been to the Kensington General Store in Kensington, MD. Everybody called it "Mister Victor's", after the owner. My mother took me there to buy Buster Brown shoes. This was in the 70's. I had no idea who Buster Brown was.
From what I disremember, Froggy was sitting on an upright piano, which was conveniently never played..., and would gesture upon command from Buster Brown.
Seems there were lots of "Ramar in the Jungle" and Tarzan movies on Saturday AM TV in the late '50's.
As I remember Ramar alternated with Flash Gordon. I hated the former, loved the latter.
It's "PLUNK your magic twinger, Froggy"...
YouTube has some Andy's Gang on video but not much Buster Brown.
I just remembered going into the drugstore, and inside the door was a machine, that you could climb up on a pedestal, place your feet into a slot in the machine, and get an xray look to see how well your shoes fit. Seems to my remembery, that the machine had a picture of Buster Brown and his dog on it. Methinks it was a catalyst to get parents to buy shoes for their chillrun.
Gunny, I remeber one of those machines in the shoe store. Didn't have to put any dough into it, but it was unplugged. I guess they figured out that X-raying your bones a lot didn't do a whole lot of good.
I remember stepping up and looking into toe viewer and seeing nothing. Seems there were two viewports on the one I remember.
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Praise Jesus, Times Must Be Good
$68 Milk

Boned Jello
Amazon is like TIVO.  If you look at one weird thing, you get profiled.  In my case, evidently, into the category "schmuck."


| Rodger the Real King of France 3/17/2010 07:17:00 AM PERMLINK For that price it better grow diamonds on your sack Back Link (7) | HOME


"I could've eaten Alphabits and crapped out a better story."
-- - Frank Rich's editor
The reviews are absolutely priceless.
y'know... if someone really loved me they'd get me that new bridge...
The Audacity of Hope from 0.75.
You guys make a lot of fun about this milk and the price. Do you have any idea how much work goes in to milking a Tuscan bull. To extract a gallon takes devotion and a great deal of relationship building.
And kids, don't forget to buy through Uncle Rodgers Link at the top!
hmmn, dream from my fadda are selling for .56! better get one now before they are all gone!

WV: sledi
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Krugman - an idiot goes boldly ...
The WSJ Guide to ObamaCare
Today'$ Laffer
ACORN - The Essential Obama

COOL BLOGS! Yesterday's Top Referrers
