
Current Conditions : 35F / 2C, Clear - 10:54 PM EDT Oct. 18
Temperature: 35°F / 2°C
Conditions: Clear
Wind Direction: North
Wind Speed: 0mph / 0km/h
Humidity: 92%
Pressure: 30.31in / 1026hPa (Falling)

Rest of Tonight as of Oct. 18 10:31 PM EDT
Rest of Tonight - Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 20s. Light and variable winds.

Monday as of Oct. 18 10:31 PM EDT
Monday - Sunny. Highs in the upper 50s. Northeast winds around 5 mph...becoming west around 5 mph in the afternoon.

Monday Night as of Oct. 18 10:31 PM EDT
Monday Night - Mostly clear in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. South winds around 5 mph.

Freeze Warning - Expires: 12:00 PM EDT
Freeze Warning for Kanawha County in effect until 12:00 PM EDT on October 19, 2009

Today's Forecast 7 day Forecast Local Doppler Regional Doppler WSAZ WeatherCam

Kanawha Boulevard

Kanawha Boulevard, Charleston, West Virginia, USA

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WSAZ Weather Blog

The coldest temps of the season will be with us tonight and this will lead to a widesprea freeze.

Just dropping by for an update on the weather headlines.

Cold weather will be with us through the weekend as our winter preview rolls on. Could some flakes be flying around?

Wet and cold weather will continue out there today across the tri state. This is only the beginning as temps will really tumble over the next few days bringing some areas a taste of winter.

Cold temps and wet weather is setting in to stay a while across the tri state. Could the first flakes of the season come along at some point?

A major weather change is about to take place that could bring some wintry weather to parts of the tri state.

The weather pattern this week may make you take a second look to see what month it really is.

An early season snow is blanketing parts of the plains states. Could that be a sign of things to come?

Cooler air is moving in for the weekend. Will it be dry?

A strong cold front will move into the tri state today bringing the threat for damaging winds and thunderstorms.