Danderma’s Weblog

Daddy’s Girl Mood Swings!

A Blast from the Past!!! Nostalgic Lunch at Chi Chi’s/Jeans!!! February 8, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 12:20 AM
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After yesterday’s horrid lunch, where we paid a lot for nothing, and we got out hungry, i thought to my self… where do i really really want to eat?!

I began ransacking my brain. Lenotre? I have had enough. Nino? Chillis? Avenues? Asha’s? Burger Hub?

Well, first i was not in the mood to dress up at all. I wanted a place where i would wear my crocks and jeans and not be stared at. Where no one would glance my way twice. I did not want to go into a mall. The weather was too beautiful for that. I wanted somehting a mere 15 minutes drive away so F7ai7eel and Mangaf was  out. I wanted something near the sea. and i wanted something old and familiar. Comfort Food… yes thats what i want…

and then i got this blast from the past…

You will not believe it… it is still working and in business!!!

The Sultan Center by the sea… The one with Chi Chi’s!!!!

If there is one thing Sultan Center Restuarants are known for, is their good food. Good yummy food that remind me of my childhood, good value of money… and not one person speaking a q8y accent!!!

They have the best Mexican in kuwait. Perioud. Theior chicken fahitas are amazing and not one other place in Q8 makes it the same. It is fresh, lemony, and bubbling hot.

I remember when we were little, before the invasion, we would dress up every friday after finishing our homework and having the friday bath… we would go to Sultan Center, and i would order escalope and sit upright and pretend to eat it like a grown up!!!

But today i wanted two things really…

1- Om Ali… it’s gooood

2- Salad bar… i want a plate with hommous, motabbal, tabbouleh, and coleslaw mixed all together and drizzled with thousand island dressing. and a little pot of yoghurt with cucumbers. Bu tootee wanted either a escalope or a steak…

So we go, through the doors of time, and the place is still exactly like it used to be a million years ago.

The food, taste wise and quality wise, is still the same. The hot bread basket from the oven is the same. The cactus logo of Jeans Grill is the same. The three levels in the restuarant is the same. Memories of my childhood came flooding back. I remember the first time i stepped foot in this place, in 1987? 1988? It had just opened, and it was my baby cousin’s second birthday. Now he is a man who graduated from an ivy league university in the US and has been working for 2 years!!!

The best thing about the place is you sit by the windows (dirty, in dire need of washing & cleaning)… you look out to see the little boat pier thingy with a little bit of sea, the place is clean. But… you can play a little game…

How would you reinnovate the place?

So we discuss and discuss… we say the  kerby and shesha place belows must go, along with the leveling, the navy carpet should be replaced with dark parket wood, and the setting and design would be done so it is similar to More Cafe in dubai… it is not hard to do, some nice tables, some new plates, a little bit of paint, some silver and steel here and there, a little update to the menu, a little tweak here and there… and voila! Our old favourite would make it’s move into the 21st century…

and when we were done eating, wiped our plates clean and feel like throwing up because we are soo full, we pay our reasonably priced bill, and went out…

and we were odourless!!! The place was built right! Like the usual q8y restuarants are supposed to smell :D !!!!

Walla wanasa! Tehaylagna o akalna o la3bna 3laaaaaaa kefna… wala a7ad dara 3anna!!! A break from every day life and places routine!!!!

Sej min qaal, 3teej il soof wala yedeed il breesam!


Bye Bye Fridge :`( February 7, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 8:00 AM

It was Thursday night… i have just settled on my sofa with a lovely mug of steaming coffee and a piece of Kanafany’s Kanafraise (7leewa)… the wii remote in my hands, playing Mario Kart, unblocking cup after cup… i have just finished four consecutive races in a row coming first in each… now im about to unlock something new… when suddenly…


The screen goes black. The Wii turns off, so does the surround system connected to the wii (for added effect) and my reciever! Butoote goes to check the switch… it shuts down again!

I go near the fridge… wella water is coming out of it… maskeena it was bleeding…

Not knowing how and where and when… we call an electrician…

Then when he was done, he said we had put the fridge on 7 while it should be on 3 in the summer and 1 in the winter… funny how thats the cause of it since it has been on 7 for five years now and it did not retaliate… he said there was a pipe thingy in the freezer that became too cold and it exploded… and that we should not touch the fridge until Saturday night when he can get us another pipe…

So whats to do?

We took out alllllll the stuff… we have two mini tiny fridges so we squished every thing in them, but the frozen stuff were taken to the freezer of my parents in the basement. But we had a lot of stuff that did not go anywhere… for example, we have a pan of minestrone soup! Where do we find a place for a whole pan?

So we take the minestrone, we add some stuff to it, mix it with pasta, and put every open can of veggie or food with it, then put it in the oven and cover it with the packet of mozzarella cheese we had in the fridge. While we were waiting for it to finish, we ate the yoghurts, the baby carrots and the veggies out… strange dinner and we were full but what else to do with the food? 7ram ne3mat allah!

So here is what my poor fridge look like…






To be frank i do not think the fridge will be all fine again!!!

If it does that one more time… im going to replace it. There is this beautiful retro fridges being sold at sun city… like the ones they used in the 1950’s, the doors are decorated and colorful and i think they are being sold at ali abdulwahab… oho ay na3am il fridge il wa7da ib 850 KD y3ni but it is a once in a life time buy o it would look great… it is practically a piece of art!! I just have to convice butootee…


Trader Vics…. February 6, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 7:35 PM
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I know that Trader Vics is more famous for it’s cooktails rather than it’s food. and i know that it did not start franchising abroad in the middle east until it’s fame has started diminishing…

So i never tried it before.

But today i was bored, i do not want to go to a place with tons of people and cars waiting for a parking and herds of people dressed up to the nines and staring. We were hungry so we though ok lets try it…

I have been once to Don Mario’s, which was a disastorous visit. Bad Food, Bad tacky atmosphere, and ever worse service.

The moment we stepped into Traders Vic, the place was half empty, we were greeted at the door by a stale odour, the kind you get from butchers in Hawali and Shuwaikh. The exact same odour why i do not eat meat. I thought that it was a temporary thing. Lel Asaf until now my clothes and my miu miu bag smells the same now…

The menu is mostly sea food… i did not see that coming. The Tex Mex style is known for being tacky so i was not expecting a stylish setting, but the place, whose seating is very similar to Don Mario’s and is even tackier that usual, with stiff linen clothed tables and white dinner jacket clad waiters… i felt i had stepped into an 80’s restuarant…

So the only thing we found to eat on the menu was a veal medallion thingy ordered by Bu Tootee and some vegeterian bar b q with a side of sweet potatoes for me. Juices were fine, apple almond thing for Bu Tootee and Passion Fruit Pinapple Grenadine thingy for me. Not over the top.

We do not really check prices before we order. But this habit is going to change from now on! The veal medalion were three tiny balls of veal meat over few stalks of asparagus and some mushroom sauce with a side of potatoes, a tiny tiny portion of potatoes. The presention was nice and every thing, the potatoes were exceptional, and the veal was mediocre. But…

When he bill came?

This little tiny platter of three tiny meat balls is for 10.500 KD?!?!?!?!?!?


Ga3deen ib m63m Maxime i7na?!?!!?!?!? What were we eating? Wgyu steak?!?!?!?

I understand when other places sell slabs of steak for 7 or 8 or even 10… I have seen the prices before at Lenotre and Nino and Gaucho… never ever have i eaten a plate of tiny veal thingies in a tacky smelly restuarant for 10.500 KD!!!!!

In the end we ran out of the place hungry and reeking… we filled a nice comment card with this post’s content… and we decided to never every go back again!!!!



Laish Mo’6aharat 3nd Soug Sharq? February 6, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 4:49 PM

can someone tell me, why all of a sudden every one in Q8 is headed to Souq Sharq?

A stampede of people on foot & cars. women children men q8ys non q8ys shor6a o syayeer o all the entrances closed and all the empty spaces infornt of Souq Sharq are filled with cars!?!?

Laaaaysh? Shino the avenue is closed today? Traffic is not even moving from infront of the souq?!??! WHY?


Rainbow device…. WHAT ON EARTH IS IT!??? February 5, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 7:20 PM
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I arrive home at 4 p.m., tired, grumpy, hungry… i imagine the long flight of stairs i have to take to reach my apartment while lugging my laptop, huge oversized bag, and coffee mug. The moment i step out of my car, there he is, a man waiting at the door… i decide to ignore him and go inside, when he calls out for me…

Man: Excuse Me, Excue Me….
Me (in a tired, bored, wary tone): yes?
Man: Excuse me la mo2akhza, does mr. Butootee live here?
Me (confused): yes he does???
Man: Yes im from Rainbow company!!! I am here to demonstrate the device for him (what?!) I have been calling and calling but he is not answering me?!

So i remember this rainbow person. They called me several times before, even when i was in UK, and i always declined. I knew the moment he set foot at our home that he will demonstrate and demonstrate and in the end we will feel sooo shy about wasting his time we will buy whatever rainbow device he is selling, maybe it ommits real life rainbows?

So i had to act fast….

Me: Ah no he is not home at the moment….
Man: Oh please check with the residents maybe he is inside?
Me (now indignant! I know if my husband is home or not!!!! Even if he is and im lying!!!): No he is not here his car is not here and he called me saying he is going to be late in a meeting… (phew ok now im done he can go away)

Man: ahhhh ok… 7athretik te2rabeelooo eeeeh? (how r u related to him?)
Me: Im his wife…

the man’s face light up!!! he looks into a piece of paper infornt of him and says “Ooooooh intee om m7md?”

n3m?! Meta sert omm m7md?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!??!?!!?!?!?
Ok we have once talked about naming our eldest son m7md, but we were not final y3ni mo akeed 100%!!!! Ishloooooon sert faj2a om m7md? Ya salam!!!

I suddenly felt old!

So i reply just to make him go away: Yes i am?
Man: Ok so now i can tell you… our device is blah blah blah…..
Me: I’m so sorry, but i do not deal with this kind of thing, you must talk to my husband about it?!?!?!??!? I will make him call you when he gets back…

So the man reluctantly leave… after me assuring him several time that Bu Tootee will call him tonight.
and i go up, wella bu tootee sleeping soundly. When i wake him up he says yes his boss has nominated him to have a demonstration (la walla?!) and that he told him ok whatever come at 4!!!


Awalan what on earth is the rainbow device?

Thanyan… what kind of marketing is that? Calling people up over and over and over until they cave in? then attack them at their home making them buy it?

And why do u make people nominate other people for calling up and harrassing?

B3dain, people, plz, you should understand something. If i trust you to have my private and personal mobile number/home number, it is NOT OK to give it out to people without my prior permission! Ask me first! Whether it’s that annoying ex-friend who i have changed my number to run away from or some stupid sales person who would force sell me something i do not want…

IF you want to sell a device, open up a shop! DO NOT harrase people! Infact, calling people up and almost begging them to listen tells something important about ur device, that it is cheap and unsoldable by regular means… maybe it’s not, but this is the message your sending


To my one and only brother… February 5, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 12:00 AM

Once upon a time, everything about you annoyed me…

You would follow me always. Ever since you opened your eyes into this world i was there. Bigger, wiser, and more experienced. I would complain about you always. and i was told that one day, i will understand that you annoyed me the most because you loved me the most.

I doubted that then.

Today, i wish you could tag along like you used to do.

I still remember you naughtiness. Your arrival at my room the moment you came back from school, the first thing you would do when ur back home. You would just stay there, whether i allowed it or not, whether i was there or not, whether i wanted you or kicked you out. You have mistaken it for your own private room.

If there was a hidden piece of chocolate, you beat me to it. Scarfed it down before i could.

If there was a barbie i was fond of, she was sure to lose all her hair and have her thighs liposuctioned by my scissors.

If there was a book lying around, it would either be torn or written on.

But, since you have always been my favourite and most beloved sibling, you had been my best playmate ever… i don’t think you missed having a brother around, because i was such a tomboy, we would play make-belive karate with each other, or wrestling, rolling on the ground hitting each other, or we would go in the street and play with our bikes, or my favourite, play football! Do you remember the year they put al-haddaf on in Ramadan? When we had our own football team?! Me & You?

Remember your action figures? The thundercats castle and car? i recall the castle was supposed to cast a red beam from the panthers eyes but we broke it down… do u remember how many grandiser robots were bought and destroyed? The old ones that used to shoot mini red missles?

Then when we grew up a bit, me and you, always together, playing all the video games we could lay our hands on… remember golden axe warriors? Moral combat? oooh remember fantasia on Sega, and how we couldnt figure our what the crazy disney game was about?! Still baffles me!

and just before you know it, poof!

You were a grown man! First you think its embarrising to be seen with your sisters in public, then you graduate, you drive, you start taking vacations with your gangs of friends instead of with the family. and i got married.

and now i do not see you anymore.

I do feel your presence. When i see your car still parked at home in the morning when im already late for work, you overslept as usual! I do smell the barrel of perfume you drench your self in before you go out every day. I still come home to see my dvd collection and my chocolate stash has reduced in size because some 3etwee came in the middle of the night and borrowed it. Like always! You never change do you? 

I remember when u were still a student, you asked me for some money, a lot of money actually, and i gave it to you, next day at my birthday you ignore me completly, and i get angry at you, i go to my room, wella you took that money to buy me a birthday gift! and may i say one of the most beautiful attentive ones… somehting i have seen but didn’t buy because i felt it might be too expensive. You didn’t think so, you bought it for me… i still have it till this day… :D

and today at the stroke of midnight, it’s ur birthday…

I just miss you so much in my life. I do not get to see you at all! I do not think im that much of an important person anymore. You do not even know about this blog.  But i miss having you around me all the time. I know it’s not possible now, your too busy with your own life and al and i do not really fit inl. I have not seen you in like forever…

Happy Birthday my beloved and only brother :****

May you have a happy and successful life, and may all your dreams and wishes come true…


Dean & Deluca… I like :D February 3, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 8:00 AM
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I did not expect it to be this big!

The place is huge!!!

I love the plum scarlet red tomatoes with the green twig  thingy still attaching it! I love the little Room with cheese blocks! I love the little bakery with the yummy olive loaf! I love the endless little herbs, jars of jam and marmalade and choco spread and herbs and coffees and teas and spreads and dips and sauces and olive oils and vinegars and marinades and strange veggi chips and potatoe chips and honey’s and pancake mixes and syrups!

at the entrance, a lovely display of bunches of flowers are also available! This will make the foreigners (american, europeans) very happy as they always have the same kind of flower arrangements in their supermarkets (less expensive though) and actually do take the time to buy their other-half something or simply decorate their homes with it. Mo il shabab ile 3ndena ilee il warda ma te6l3 ila ib valentines day o bel zoor b3d!

I’m really really happy! I do not care it’s a bit more expensive than usual! It will save me a lot of trouble and a fortune because i will not have to lug half the content of supermarkets and deli’s from the UK every time i come back home!!!

I can totally imagine myself taking a day off work. Coming here bright and early, sitting and having a cup of coffee, then taking a basket and putting together a yummy meal! Whether it’s a simple italian (Fettucini made with porcini mushrooms!!! add creamy sauce!) or a hearty spicy mexican, or simply a cheese platter with crakers, grapes, walnuts, and of course a selection of cheese, this is my one stop for it all!

I am already itching for another bar b q! Just so i can go and choose some new yummy marinades and herbs! Even the meat and fish are available there!!!!

The best thing about it?? Not once did an employee stalk me AT ALL! I got to browse around happily without interruption! Hooraaaaaaaay!

I do have some comments on the place though.

First, ahal il q8 masha2 allah 3lehom. Ga3deen bel gahwa malat dean and deluca o 6ay7een lah tekhozer bel awadem. Not something unsual but the crowd y3ni khazhom ibzoooood ibzoood… double the usual amount. Y3ni you feel like being Xrayed just walking past them…

Then, i went to the cheese section, the first time around there was a woman wearing a neqab and abaya with about half a dozen young girls and boys… ages 8-12 y3ni not babies! She was choosing some cheese, while her kids were spreading all around her, playing with the cheese and looking bored and you cannot pass.

I came back when they were gone, i ask the guy if they have Raclette cheese, they say not yet. Ok some bree to go with my olive loaf, walnuts, and red grapes for tommorows breakfast? Still no… ba6aw chabdi spanish cheese imkawad benama important swiss and french cheese mako!

They promised it will be available next week.  We will see…

Then, there was a gang of kids, teenagers, screaming their heads off inside the place “FLAN IF U DONT DO THAT ANA A3ALEM OBOOOY 3LEEEEK A3ALEM OBOOY HAHAR HARH WAQ WEEQ”… they are supposed to have some kinda security or something for those loud roudy teenagers bothering us serious hungry shoppers…

I passed by the deli section, wella a woman is getting something, a lasgna or a pasta thing. Fa she was being philosophical y3ni kilish noooow… she is asking the man “so how do i present it?!” fa he, confused at the Q, says “well maam you take it into ur serving place and heat it???” fa she goes “la la la how is it supposed to be served and presented!” Ok 3ad galaw gourmet place woman but plz there is no law on how to present waraq 3nb from dean and deluca!!!! 3ad 3n il da3ala!

Lots of brits were around, donning the dean and deluca aprons and giving their advice to the customers, one of them was giving out a yummy roasted potato recipe with the choice of meat from the butcher section… still, they would not come and cross ur path unless you ask for their help! te3alemaw ya q8y retailers!!!!

and the accent! ahhhhhh i miss uk already!!! I have decided that i officially love LOVE the british accent!

All in all, aside from the customers and lack of cheese, i see nothing wrong with the place. I love it, it makes me happy, it elevates the food scene in q8 to a new different more sophisticated level… it’s about time sara7a… but i do advice that you go early in the morning of a work day…


Mino yabi yel3ab il ba6reeq o nightmare from Sakhar MSX?! February 2, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 8:00 AM

This post is for all MSX fans from the 80’s…

Remember the old innocent days?!

Do you remember when we used to play il Ba6reeq, o Rambo? The Castle? Baloons? Knighmare? Kingvalley?

Do you know the thrill you will get, watching that blue screen with the MSX logo appearing, something over 20 years old! It is quite a trip down memory lane! I suggest you have some Hardeez nearby and some Mango KDD ready. Some KDD ice cream is essential too, or whatever you used to have as snacks in that era, maybe bo6a6 bu 3ood o tabasco…

You would be surprised that those very hard games are now super easy! You can finally finish them… and you can play them in about 10 minutes now on ur pc (work pc anyone ;) )

All you need is the following….

1- Download the Emulator. This is like a program that will make your computer play the old MSX games. After all, MSX was a computer! So just download it by clicking Here

Ok now you have installed it. It is quite straightforward to use. You just need to “Insert” your game cartridge. The game cartridges are called Roms now, and they are barically files of .Rom extension.

 Let me post a link to the Roms. You can download them and play with them all you want :D

I have listed three websites that have Roms in alphabetical order. Choose what you want and play as much as you like :D

1- Rom Nation

2- Rom World

3- Knightmare Rom

Play and see :D


iL Tetto… February 1, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 10:11 AM

Every time i open my email i see iL Tetto …

The new italian place in town… it is in marina waves… etc…

Bu Totte had heard so much about it, he was nagging me for weeks to go and try it. Going on and on about how their pasta was something very very good…

So come friday afternoon, the weather was AMAZING… a bit on the windy side, we were aimlessly driving around when i finally caved in. He has said the Word iL Tetto  6 times since i woke up.

The outside seating looked very nice, though it was too windy to sit outside 7safa…

Fa we go inside, the place is tiny with 3 tables occupied already. the colors and the setting is nice as well. I like the pastel colors and the lush sofas.

and thats the end of my liking to the place sara7a…

First, the table looked a little bit diry. I do not know why? Maybe the material of the table which was white makes it harder to scrub or something… but it didnt look very clean.

Then the cup i drank my sprite from was Plastic. the kind that looks like a glass cup but it is actually plastic. I hate that kind of cup and i really cannot stand it. Plus, it has the marks of washing on it, you know when you spray water and it dries? How it leaves a mark?

Then the plate has the same markings on them too…

and whenever some garlic was being fried or something was cooked, the smell would make it all the way to us, making us smelling like food. Awal in3ayeb 3la ma6a3em Dubai ingool mako tahweya, now this is like the third newly opened place in Q8 that smells like a kitchen!

Now to the atmosphere…

Loud loud LOUD music for a friday afternoon. I wouldn’t mind the music much, it’s just that is was some sort of mix, one moment it was english and another it was arabic, maqa6e3 y3ni… but the arabic ones are really really old, im talking nancy ajrams “a6ab6a6″ and the choice it self felt like we were in a lebanese restuarant. The music choice downgraded the experience even more…


All can be forgiven if the food was exceptional of course.

But it was not.

For appetizer we ordered Mozzarella Cheese sticks and Garlic Bread.

The cheese sticks looks yummy, and restuarant made. But, when we bit them, the thing that oozed out and stuck stubbornly to our plate was not mozzarela. It could have been a mozzarella and another cheese mix, but it is not a mozzarella cheese. 


The garlic bread was more like a pizza without tomatoe sauce. It was fine. Not bad, not good. Just average.


As for our Main Dish… 

We ordered one pizza funghi, and one Canneloni for me.

The pizza was also fine. The herbs used were really good, but the mushrooms (fresh) were a bit dull. Y3ni if u compare it to funghi pizza abroad or the one from Nino it has no survival chance.

But my canneloni?

It said on the menu (Canniloni filled with spinach and ricota and topped with tomatoe sauce and bechamel sauce)

What i got?

Pasta sheets rolled around spinach and ricotta all right, but topped with a mix of tomatoe cream sauce, with a sprinkling of grated mozzarella cheese…


Wain il bachamel sauce?! O shino hal strips of mozzarella on top?


Taste wise. Fine. bs.

Funniest thing? When we got our food, the waiter approached us… we were listinging to “Boos Il wawa laysh il wawa doos il wawa wawawwwawawawawa” while looking at our food… and he asks us “Would you like me to bring you some Ketchup or Tabasco”

Ketchup and Tabasco?

What happened to grated parmesan cheese and freshly ground black pepper!??!!?

La La La La La

I should have known better. When people were raving about iL Forno, we went it and it was horrible, and i went to it twice. Same mistake was made when i went to the AMAZING Don Mario’s and now iL Tetto?!

From now on, if i want pizza or pasta or something with Funghi in Q8, im sticking to Nino, agazerha 3la ma arj3 UK…

Eeeh ya carluccio, chan zain min ayeebik 3ndenaa…


Yo Butamba Girl!!!! Read This…! January 28, 2009

Filed under: Q8 — Daddy's Girl @ 8:41 AM

What did i do to deserve this? Ha?

Isn’t it bad enough that its the crack of dawn? and im already battling tons of traffic to reach work before i get a stern warning and they take my minutes of lateness out of my payroll?

Do u realize this is a WORK place?

If you weigh anything above 70 kilos and your are shorter than 170, chances are you are chubby, fat, or even obese! and you might think that you are FREE to do whatever you want since this is a FREE COUNTRY…


News Flash hon… Freedom has limits. The limit is when it cuts into other people’s freedom and makes them want to puke their un-eaten breakfast…

Just why o WHY would you wear colorful skin tight leggings, showing off your huge calves and even huger ankles, and top it off with a barely there tiny ten inch above the knees pencil skirt that can barely contain ur overflowing thighs? why are you wearing it aslan i do not see the point? Go walk in ur underware since it is very evident for all to see y3ni!

And pleaaaaaaaaaaaase… tell me how it would feel if u for some reason were summoned to the CEO? Don’t u realize you look like a SAUSAGE??? Can’t you notice people are looking away and avoiding your gaze?!

Abi a3arf ana il theqa hathee min wain yaybat.ha? I am half your size and i do not wear this tight a skirt or this short in my OWN HOUSE!!! For fear of offending the walls and the mirrors!!!


Ya jma3a itha wa7da fat tra it’s not OK to wear skin tight clothes, o kil il sho7oom o il lo7oom o il saf6at hanging out for other people to see!!! When you walk it will jiggle like jelly! It is really not a pretty sight!!! Walla its not pretty, it’s plain disgusting o untasteful o vulgar… soovaaageee 3la golat daloo3at hal ayam!

I am fat. I am. No not curvy, FAT! But i do have the decency to realize that since im fat people will be disgusted by watching my body hence i cover up! If ur legs are fat, wear jeans and cover up your behind with a nice long blouse! Or at least a knee length skirt! If ur arms are huge, wear long sleeves!!! No need for a skin tight body top!!!

U don’t want to?

Reality check fatso! Why don’t you want to? You want to impress men? Have them look at you and glance your way? Maybe even bag one?

Do you honestly believe men will be drooling over you?  They will be DISGUSTED o Call YOU NAMES if you flaunt your fatty tissues? While you might actually stand a chance when you do not parade the flows in public?

 If you are really that desperate, plz join a gym or go to m7md rabee3… i will give you his number!!! Yes you might have tried every thing on earth to lose weight… god knows i have tried. But it is not an excuse!!! Being fat is not the problem here. Accept that your fat and that there are certain sacrifises that come with that realization!!! PLZ!!!

Bottom line? If you are fat, either cover up or lose weight. La itlaw3oon chboodna… at least at work y3ni at LEAST… G63!