Discover Magazine



Frogs Pee Away Scientists’ Attempt to Study Them

Researchers from the Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia (they ...

Bad Astronomy

First light for WISE!

The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has seen first light ...

Bad Astronomy

ABC News embraces the nonsense

You may have heard the recent news that an expert panel of pediatricians ...


A Fruit Fly With a Laser-Shaved Penis Just Can’t Catch a Break

When it comes to peculiar penises, there’s no shortage in the animal ...

Cosmic Variance

The passage of time (and space)

A few weeks ago the AMNH posted a video . It has gone viral, with 1.8 ...


Frankenhuman! 9 Lab Animals That Add Up to 1 Person

Taken (or stitched) together, the animals used in medical research form a kind of laboratory doppelganger for humans—similar biology, fewer moral qualms.

Are Black Holes the Architects of the Universe?

Long known for their obliterating power, black holes may also have been a creative force: New evidence suggests that they gave order to the chaotic mess produced by the Big Bang.

Bone/Tendon Hybrids Could Quickly Repair Injury

A new synthetic connector could help bridge the gap between mineral-rich bone and fully organic tissue.

Did We Mate With Neanderthals, or Did We Murder Them?

In some places, we ate them. More generally, modern humans' more varied lifestyle may have been the key to the survival.


Top 100 Stories of 2009

#51: Oldest Musical Instrument Found

35,000 years ago, humans in what's now Germany were making sophisticated flutes from the bones of griffon vultures.

20 Things You Didn't Know About...

Computer Hacking

What's the connection between Steve Wozniak, the Pope, and Henry Kissinger? That's right, it's hacking.

The Brain

What Is the Speed of Thought?

Faster than a bird and slower than sound. But that may be besides the point: Efficiency and timing seem to be more important anyway.

Visual Science

The Ultimate X-Ray Generator

To get really high-energy X-rays, you need some really powerful magnets.

Future Tech

The 3-D Simulation that Lets Your Surgeon Practice...on You

A new technology lets doctors test out procedures on a simulation of the patient's anatomy.

Vital Signs

An Uninvited Guest

The young woman carried a baby that wasn't her own—and wasn't even a human.

What Is This?

Abstract Expressionism?

Hint: These plates cover a creature that's flat and round—hence its name.

Discover Interview

Miles of Wire, Reams of Print-Outs, and a Giant Discovery

Jocelyn Bell Burnell worked through old-school equipment and old-school sexism to find the first pulsar—the beginning of an extraordinary life in science.

Big Picture

The Banks That Prevent—Rather Than Cause—Global Crises

Seed banks put some much-needed wild vigor back into today's specialized varieties, protecting critical crops from being wiped out.

5 Questions

Five Questions: Turning Microbes Into Micro Refineries

Synthetic biologist Reshma Shetty predicts that we will eventually engineer organisms to grow everything that we manufacture today.

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The Road to The New Energy Economy

(U.S. orders only) DISCOVER is published monthly except two double issues which count as two each. Savings based on a $29.95 annual subscription rate.