Aspartame controversy

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The artificial sweetener aspartame has been the subject of several controversies and hoaxes since its initial approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974. Critics allege that conflicts of interest marred the FDA's approval of aspartame, question the quality of the initial research supporting its safety,[1][2][3] and postulate that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame.

The validity of these claims has been examined and dismissed.[4][5][6] In 1987, the U.S. Government Accountability Office concluded that the food additive approval process had been followed properly for aspartame.[1][7] Aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide,[8][9] with FDA officials describing aspartame as "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved" and its safety as "clear cut".[10] The weight of existing scientific evidence indicates that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption as a non-nutritive sweetener.[11]


[edit] History of approval and safety

The controversy over aspartame safety originated in perceived irregularities in the aspartame approval process during the 1970s and early 1980s, including allegations of conflicts of interest and claims that aspartame producer G.D. Searle had withheld safety data. In 1996, the controversy reached a wider audience with a 60 Minutes report[12] on concerns that aspartame could cause brain tumors in humans. Around the same time, an unidentified anti-aspartame activist wrote about the subject under a pen name, creating the basis for a misleading and unverifiable hoax chain letter that was spread over the internet.[5]

[edit] Approval in the United States

Aspartame was originally approved for use in dry foods in 1974 by then FDA Commissioner Alexander Schmidt after review by the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Searle had submitted 168 studies[1]:20 on aspartame, including seven animal studies that were considered crucial by the FDA.[1]:21 Soon afterwards, scientist and anti-MSG activist John Olney and James Turner, a public-interest lawyer and author of a popular anti-food additive book, filed a petition for a public hearing, citing safety concerns.[1]:38[13]:63-4 Schmidt agreed, pending an investigation into alleged improprieties in safety studies for aspartame and several drugs. The Department of Justice instituted grand jury proceedings against Searle for fraud in one of its drug studies. In December 1975, the FDA placed a stay on the aspartame approval, preventing Searle from marketing aspartame.[1]:28

In 1977 and 1978, an FDA task force and a panel of academic pathologists reviewed 15 aspartame studies by Searle, and concluded that, although minor inconsistencies were found, they would not have affected the studies' conclusions.[1]:4 In 1980, a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) heard testimony from Olney and disagreed with his claims that aspartame could cause brain damage, including in the developing fetus.[1]:40-41 The board decided that further study was needed on a postulated connection between aspartame and brain tumours, and revoked approval of aspartame.[1]:47

In 1981, FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes sought advice on the issue from a panel of FDA scientists and a lawyer. The panel identified errors underlying the PBOI conclusion that aspartame might cause brain tumours, and presented arguments both for and against approval.[1]:53 Hayes approved the use of aspartame in dry foods. Hayes further justified his approval with a Japanese brain tumor study,[14] the results of which, the PBOI chairman later said, would have resulted in an "unqualified approval" from the PBOI panel.[15] Several objections followed, but all were denied.[1]:13 In November 1983, Hayes left the FDA and joined public-relations firm Burson-Marsteller as a senior medical advisor.[7] Because Burson-Marsteller had done public relations work for Searle, this decision would later fuel conspiracy theories.[16]

Because of the approval controversy, Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum requested an investigation by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) of aspartame's approval. In 1987, the GAO reported that protocol had been followed and provided a timeline of events in the approval process.[1]:13 At that time, of 67 scientists who responded to a questionnaire, 12 had major concerns about Aspartame's safety, 26 were somewhat concerned but generally confident in Aspartame safety, and 29 were very confident in Aspartame safety.[1]:16,76-81

[edit] Approval outside the US

Food additive safety evaluations by many countries have led to approval of aspartame, citing the general lack of adverse effects following consumption in reasonable quantities.[17] Food safety authorities worldwide have set acceptable daily intake (ADI) values for aspartame at 40 mg/kg of body weight based on a 1980 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives recommendation.[9] JECFA re-confirmed its evaluation in a later addendum to its monograph[18]) and the same value was approved in a December 2002 evaluation of all aspartame research by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food.[9] The FDA has set its ADI for aspartame at 50 mg/kg.[19]

Based on government research reviews and recommendations from advisory bodies such as those listed above, aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide.[8][9]

[edit] Alleged conflict of interest prior to 1996

In 1976, the FDA notified then-U.S. attorney for Chicago, Sam Skinner, of the ongoing investigation of Searle, and in January 1977, formally requested that a grand jury be convened. In February, 1977, Searle's law firm, Sidley & Austin offered Skinner a job and Skinner recused himself from the case.[20] Mr. Skinner's successor was in place several months later, and the statute of limitations for the alleged offenses expired in October 1977. Despite complaints and urging from DOJ in Washington, neither the interim US attorney for Chicago, William Conlon, nor Skinner's successor, Thomas Sullivan, convened a grand jury.[21] In December, 1977, Sullivan ordered the case dropped for lack of evidence, and Conlon was later hired by Searle's law firm. Concern about conflict of interest in this case inflammed the controversy, and Senator Metzenbaum investigated in 1981 Senate Hearings.[1] In 1989, the US Senate approved the nomination of Sam Skinner to be Secretary of Transportation, noting that both Sullivan and Senator Metzenbaum had concluded that Skinner had not acted improperly.[20]

Ralph G. Walton, a psychologist at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, claims that funding sources may have affected the conclusions of aspartame-related research. Walton alleges that researchers with ties to industry find no safety problems, while many of those without ties to aspartame find toxicities.[16][22] In a rebuttal to Walton's statements, the 'Aspartame Information Service' (a service provided by Ajinomoto, a producer of aspartame and supplier to well known food and drink makers), reviews the publications Walton cites as critical of aspartame, finding that most of them do not involve aspartame or do not draw negative conclusions, are not peer-reviewed, are anecdotal, or are duplicates.[23]

[edit] Activism and internet rumors

An elaborate hoax disseminated through the internet attributes deleterious medical effects to aspartame. This conspiracy theory claims that the FDA approval process of aspartame was tainted[4][5][24] and cites as its source an email based upon a supposed talk by a "Nancy Markle" at a "World Environmental Conference."[4][5][25] Specifically, the hoax websites allege that aspartame is responsible for multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, and methanol toxicity, causing "blindness, spasms, shooting pains, seizures, headaches, depression, anxiety, memory loss, birth defects" and death.[6]

The dissemination of the Nancy Markle letter was considered so notable that the Media Awareness Network featured one version of it in a tutorial on how to determine the credibility of a web page. The tutorial implied that the Markle letter was not credible and stated that it should not be used as an authoritative source of information.[6] Betty Martini, who posted similar messages to Usenet newsgroups in late 1995 and early 1996,[5] claims that an unknown person combined her original letter with other information and redistributed it as Nancy Markle.[26][27] She believes that there is a conspiracy between the FDA and the producers of aspartame. This conspiracy theory has become a canonical example discussed on several internet conspiracy theory and urban legend websites.[5][28][29] Although most of the allegations of this theory contradict the bulk of medical evidence,[4] this misinformation has spread around the world as chain emails since mid-December 1998,[5] influencing many websites[28] as an urban legend that continues to scare consumers.[4]

[edit] Government action and voluntary withdrawals

In 1997, due to public concerns the UK government introduced a new regulation obliging food makers who use sweeteners to state clearly next to the name of their product the phrase "with sweeteners".[30]

In 2007, the Indonesian government considered banning Aspartame.[31] In the Philippines, the small political party Alliance for Rural Concerns introduced House Bill 4747 in 2008 with the aim of having aspartame banned from the food supply.[32] The US state of New Mexico introduced a bill to ban aspartame in 2007,[33][34][35] and Hawaiian legislators signed a 2009 resolution asking the FDA to rescind approval.[36] In March 2009, the California OEHHA identified aspartame as a chemical for consultation by its Carcinogen Identification Committee, in accordance with California state Proposition 65.[37]

In 2007, the UK supermarket chains Sainsbury's,[38] M&S,[39] and Wal-Mart subsidiary Asda,[40] announced that they would no longer use aspartame in their own label products.[41] In April 2009, Ajinomoto Sweeteners Europe, the makers of Aspartame in Europe, responded to Asda's 'no nasties' campaign by filing a complaint of malicious falsehood against Asda in the English courts.[42][43] In July 2009, Asda won the legal case after the trial judge construed the 'no nasties' labelling to "not mean that aspartame was potentially harmful or unhealthy", though it might be appealed.[44][45]

In 2009, the South African retailer Woolworths announced it was removing aspartame from its own-brand foods.[46]

[edit] Consumption

A 12 ounce can of diet soda contains 180 mg of aspartame,[47] and one liter of aspartame-sweetened soda contains 600 mg aspartame.[48] U.S. diet beverage consumers average approximately 200 mg of daily aspartame consumption.[47] For a 75 kilograms (165 lb) adult, it takes approximately 21 cans of diet soda to consume the 3,750 mg of aspartame that would surpass the FDA's 50 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight ADI of aspartame.[47] Surveys of aspartame intake, particularly via diet soda, indicate that even consumers with high aspartame intake are typically "well below" the EFSA's 40 mg/kg ADI.[49][50][51] The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food concluded in 2002 that, while some minor effects on health may occur at very high doses, no effects are expected at normal levels of consumption.[52][53]

[edit] Safety and analysis

A 2007 study, published in Annals of Oncology of the European Society for Medical Oncology, reviewed Italian studies of instances of cancer from 1991 and 2004 and concluded a "lack of association between saccharin, aspartame and other sweeteners and the risk of several common neoplasms".[54]

In 2006, the US National Cancer Institute concluded in a study of over 470,000 men and women aged 50 to 69 that there was no statistically significant link between aspartame consumption and leukemias, lymphomas or brain tumors.[55] The study compared how much of 4 types of aspartame-sweetened beverages the subjects said they had drunk in 1995 or 1996 to how likely they were to have developed these cancers during the following five years.[56] This conclusion was questioned in letters to the editors[57][58] which pointed out that the study did not consider non-beverage consumption of aspartame, did not estimate the subjects' long-term use of aspartame, and did not include any subjects who had consumed aspartame since childhood (as the subjects were all over 49 and aspartame beverages had only been on the market for 15 years). The letters concluded that the study design was inappropriate to test the stated hypothesis.

In two widely criticised and later discounted studies,[11][59] the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences (ERF) reported[60] what they claimed was a dose-independent, statistically significant increase in several malignancies of rats, concluding that aspartame is a potential carcinogen at normal dietary doses. After reviewing the foundation's claims, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)[61] the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[62] discounted the study results and found no reason to revise their previously established acceptable daily intake levels for aspartame. Other reported flaws included: comparing cancer rates of older aspartame-consuming rats to younger control rats; unspecified composition of the "Corticella" diet and method of adding aspartame, leading to possible nutritional deficiencies; unspecified aspartame storage conditions; lack of animal randomization; overcrowding and a high incidence of possibly carcinogenic infections; and the U.S. National Toxicology Program's finding that the ERF had misdiagnosed hyperplasias as malignancies.[11] The U.S. FDA requested the study's data and offered to review tissue slides, but the Ramazzini Foundation did not send all of the data and withheld its pathology slides. From the materials received, the FDA found that the data did not support the researcher's published conclusions.[62]

Several other scientists support the most recent ERF study.[63] Two scientists referred to the newer study in their comments regarding the potential risks to workers who produce aspartame and are exposed to it under long-term conditions. They proposed that the FDA "should consider sponsoring a prospective epidemiologic study of aspartame workers."[64] Cancer Prevention Expert Samuel S. Epstein stated that ERF's findings have been sharply challenged by the sweetener industry, major sweetener users, such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Monsanto, and also by the industry oriented scientific journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology. Other critics included Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. Defense Secretary, and earlier CEO of Searle. Epstein acknowledges the evidence on the carcinogenicity of aspartame. [65]

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) also questioned the validity and significance of the Ramazzini studies, stating, "These studies were conducted in a way that could not possibly have provided any information about the toxicity of aspartame – or in fact anything else in the rats’ diet. ... In fact, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the results is that aspartame appears to be safe because the studies showed that those rats fed it (even at very high doses) lived as long (if not longer) as untreated rats, despite consuming up to more than 100 times the ADI every day of their lives. If aspartame was as horrendously toxic as is being claimed, it would be logical to expect the rats dosed with it to have shortened life-spans. The conclusions drawn by the researchers were clearly not backed up by their own data."[66]

Most scientific studies[clarification needed] have found no adverse effects of aspartame ingestion,[54][67][68][69][70][71][vague][?] but several scientists have recommended further research into postulated connections between aspartame and an increase in malignant brain tumors from 1982 to 1992.[72] or lymphoma.[60] Although aspartame may act as a migraine trigger in some people, as may many other food additives and naturally occurring substances,[73] the overall scientific evidence indicates that aspartame does not cause headaches.[74]

Hypotheses of adverse health effects have focused on three metabolites of aspartame. A review of the effects of those metabolites has established that aspartame and its metabolites are safe and that there are no adverse reactions.[61]

[edit] Methanol and formaldehyde

Approximately 10% of aspartame (by mass) is broken down into methanol in the small intestine. Most of the methanol is absorbed and quickly converted into formaldehyde and then to formic acid.[75] Some opponents of aspartame have falsely claimed that this causes metabolic acidosis[28]. The metabolism of aspartame does not damage the body because: (a) the quantity of methanol produced is too small to disrupt normal physiological processes;[74] (b) methanol and formaldehyde are natural by-products of human metabolism and are safely processed by various enzymes;[74] (c) there is more methanol in some natural fruit juices and alcoholic beverages than is derived from aspartame ingestion;[74][76] and (d) even large doses of pure methanol have been shown in non-human primate studies to lead to ample accumulation of formic acid (as formate), while no formaldehyde was detected.[77]

In experiments on rodents given radiolabeled aspartame, labeled protein and DNA accumulated in the brain, liver, kidneys and other tissues after ingestion of either 20 mg/kg or 200 mg/kg of aspartame.[75] However, these scientists were not directly measuring formaldehyde, but simply measuring levels of some by-product of the methanol from aspartame.[74]

[edit] Phenylalanine

Fifty percent of aspartame by mass is broken down into phenylalanine, one of the nine essential amino acids commonly found in foods and a precursor to tyrosine. A rise in blood plasma phenylalanine is negligible in typical use of aspartame[78] and their studies show no significant effects on neurotransmitter levels in the brain or changes in seizure thresholds.[79][80][81] Adverse effects of phenylalanine on fetuses have been observed only when blood phenylalanine levels remain at high levels as opposed to spiking occasionally.[82]

[edit] Aspartic acid

40% of aspartame by mass is broken down into aspartic acid (aspartate), an amino acid. At high concentrations, aspartate can act as an excitotoxin, inflicting damage on brain and nerve cells,[83][84] but aspartate does not normally cross the blood-brain barrier in most parts of the brain without active uptake by transporters.[85]

Humans and other primates are not as susceptible to excitotoxins as rodents; therefore, it is problematic to make conclusions about human safety from high-dose excitoxin response in rodent studies.[86][87] Increases in blood plasma levels of aspartic acid after ingestion of aspartame are insufficient to cause concern for human subjects researchers.[88][89]

[edit] Aspartylphenylalanine diketopiperazine

Aspartylphenylalanine diketopiperazine, a type of diketopiperazine (DKP), is created in products as aspartame breaks down over time. For example, researchers found that 6 months after aspartame was put into carbonated beverages, 25% of the aspartame had been converted to DKP.[48]

Concern among some scientists has been expressed that this form of DKP would undergo a nitrosation process in the stomach producing a type of chemical that could cause brain tumors.[72][90] However, the nitrosation of aspartame or the DKP in the stomach likely does not produce chemicals that cause brain tumors.[74] In addition, only a minuscule amount of the nitrosated chemical can be produced.[91] There are very few human studies on the effects of this form of DKP. However, a (one-day) exposure study showed that the DKP was tolerated without adverse effects.[92]

[edit] Insulin resistance

Some aspartame critics, particularly those in weight loss communities, claim that aspartame contributes to weight gain and obesity due to purported spikes in the insulin level.[93] The argument holds that aspartame causes the body to secrete excess insulin even though aspartame is non-caloric. If true, this could lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, and possibly type II diabetes -- health outcomes that consumers may be trying to prevent by using diet foods and sodas. However, recent studies have shown that aspartame does not increase glucose nor insulin blood levels and cannot be directly linked to insulin resistance or diabetes.[94]

[edit] Flight performance

A 1991 study published in the medical journal Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine reported that there were anecdotal concerns about aspartame and the cognitive performance of pilots; however, its double-blind study found no detectable effect of aspartame on pilot performance.[95] In 1992, the US Air Force magazine Flying Safety published an article which expressed such anecdotal concerns and warned that a few pilots who drink diet sodas containing aspartame could be more susceptible to conditions ranging from flicker vertigo to gradual loss of vision.[96]

[edit] Depression

In 1994, a double-blind study was halted by the Institutional Review Board when eight patients with acute depression exhibited an increased expression of their symptoms after they consumed aspartame. On this basis, the authors of the study recommended that patients with unipolar depression avoid the sweetener.[97] Independent authors commenting on the study have cautioned against drawing conclusions from the uncontrolled study considering the everyday experience of depressed people exposed to aspartame. The authors also addressed issues of publication bias, "Potential for positive publication bias in studies funded by manufacturers undoubtedly exists, but this can also apply to studies designed by those seeking to prove a strong belief about hazards of food components."[98]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n GAO 1987. "Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame" Full GAO Report United States General Accounting Office, GAO/HRD-87-46, June 18, 1987
  2. ^ Sugarman, Carole (1983-07-03). "Controversy Surrounds Sweetener". Washington Post. pp. D1–2. Retrieved 2008-11-25. 
  3. ^ Henkel J (1999). "Sugar substitutes. Americans opt for sweetness and lite". FDA Consumer Magazine 33 (6): 12–6. PMID 10628311. 
  4. ^ a b c d e the University of Hawaii. "Falsifications and Facts about Aspartame - An analysis of the origins of aspartame disinformation". 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g "Aspartame Warning".  - the Nancy Markle chain email.
  6. ^ a b c Deconstructing Web Pages - An exercise deconstructing a web page to determine its credibility as a source of information, using the aspartame controversy as the example.
  7. ^ a b GAO 1986. "Six Former HHS Employees' Involvement in Aspartame's Approval." United States General Accounting Office, GAO/HRD-86-109BR, July 1986.
  8. ^ a b Health Canada: "Aspartame - Artificial Sweeteners". Retrieved 2008-11-08. 
  9. ^ a b c d Food Standards Australia New Zealand: "Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Aspartame (September 2007)". Retrieved 2008-11-08. 
  10. ^ Henkel, John (November–December 1999). "Sugar Substitutes: Americans Opt for Sweetness and Lite". FDA Consumer. Retrieved January 29, 2009. 
  11. ^ a b c Magnuson BA, Burdock GA, Doull J, et al. (2007). "Aspartame: a safety evaluation based on current use levels, regulations, and toxicological and epidemiological studies". Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 37 (8): 629–727. doi:10.1080/10408440701516184. PMID 17828671. 
  12. ^ "How Sweet Is It?". 
  13. ^ Cockburn A. (2007). Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy. Simon and Schuster.,M1. 
  14. ^ Ishii H (March 1981). "Incidence of brain tumors in rats fed aspartame". Toxicol. Lett. 7 (6): 433–7. doi:10.1016/0378-4274(81)90089-8. PMID 7245229. 
  15. ^ FDA Statement on Aspartame, November 18, 1996
  16. ^ a b "The Lowdown on Sweet?" The New York Times, 12 February 2006
  17. ^ Food Standards Australia New Zealand: "Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Aspartame – what it is and why it's used in our food". Retrieved 2008-12-09. 
  18. ^ "Aspartame monograph addendum, 1981". Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
  19. ^ "Monograph on Aspartame, 1980, JECFA". Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
  20. ^ a b "DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION". Congressional Record 101st congress 1st session 135 (8): s832. 31 January 1989. 
  21. ^ Andy Pasztor and Joe Davidson (7 February 1986). "Two Ex-U.S. Prosecutors' Roles in Case Against Searle Are Questioned in Probe". Wall Street Journal. 
  22. ^ "Safety of artificial sweetener called into question by MP" The Guardian, 15 December 2005
  23. ^ "Aspartame Information replies to the New York Times". Aspartame Information Service. 2006-02-16. 
  24. ^ "A Web of Deceit". TIME. 1999.,9171,990167,00.html. Retrieved 2009-01-19. "In this and similar cases, all the Nancy Markles of the world have to do to fabricate a health rumor is post it in some Usenet news groups and let ordinary folks, who may already distrust artificial products, forward it to all their friends and e-mail pals.". 
  25. ^ Examining the Safety of Aspartame, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
  26. ^ Betty Martini (2001). "Not Nancy Markle". Retrieved 2009-01-30. 
  27. ^ Betty Martini (1995-12-03). "World Environmental Conference & Multiple Sclerosis". Retrieved 2009-01-30. 
  28. ^ a b c Kiss My Aspartame. False.
  29. ^ The World's Best Ant Poison. False.
  30. ^ "Sweeteners, sweeteners everywhere". BBC. 16 October 1998. 
  31. ^ "Indonesia consults on aspartame, sweetener use in food". 9 January 2007. 
  32. ^ "Lawmaker wants artificial sweeteners banned". SunStar (Philippines). 4 September 2004. 
  33. ^ "House bill 391: Relating to food; Banning the use of the artificial sweetener Aspartame in food products". State of New Mexico Legislature. 2007. 
  34. ^ "New Mexico State Senator Calls for Ban on Aspartame Artificial Sweetener". Organic Consumers Association. 28 September 2006. 
  35. ^ "New Mexico - Bill Introduced to Ban Aspartame in Foods". American Bakers Association. 2007. 
  36. ^ "22 members of Hawaii House of Representatives Sign Resolution asking FDA to Rescind Approval for Neurotoxic Aspartame". OpEdNews. 20 March 2009.  Commentary.
  37. ^ California EPA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (5 March 2009). "Prioritization: Chemicals for Consultation by the Carcinogen Identification Committee". Press release. 
  38. ^ "Sainsbury's takes the chemicals out of cola". Daily Mail. 23 april 2007. 
  39. ^ "M&S and Asda to axe E-numbers". Daily Telegraph. 17 May 2007. 
  40. ^ "Asda becomes first supermarket to axe all artificial flavourings and colours in own brand foods". Daily Mail. 14 May 2007. 
  41. ^ "M&S joins race to ban artificial additives from their food". Daily Mail. 15 May 2007. 
  42. ^ "Ajinomoto Sweetners Europe SAS vs. Asda Stores Limited". 
  43. ^ "Ajinomoto to Sue Asda over Aspartame Slur". FLEXNEWS. 7 May 2009. 
  44. ^
  45. ^
  46. ^ "Woolies ousts aspartame in own foods". 2 July 2009. 
  47. ^ a b c "Aspartame and Cancer: Questions and Answers", National Cancer Institute
  48. ^ a b Wing Sum Tsang, Margaret A. Clarke, and Frederick W. Parrish (1985). "Determination of aspartame and its breakdown products in soft drinks by reverse-phase chromatography with UV detection". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 33: 734–738. doi:10.1021/jf00064a043. 
  49. ^ Husøy T, Mangschou B, Fotland TØ, et al. (September 2008). "Reducing added sugar intake in Norway by replacing sugar sweetened beverages with beverages containing intense sweeteners - a risk benefit assessment". Food Chem. Toxicol. 46 (9): 3099–105. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2008.06.013. PMID 18639604. 
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  52. ^ "Update on the Safety of Aspartame, 4 December 2002". Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
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  55. ^ "No cancer risk found in diet soda's aspartame". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 5 April 2006. 
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  58. ^ Davis, Devra Lee; Ganter , Leanne; Weinkle, Jonathan (2008-05-01). "Aspartame and Incidence of Brain Malignancies". Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 17 (5): 1295–6. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-07-2869. 
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  61. ^ a b "Opinion of the Scientific Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with food (AFC) related to a new long-term carcinogenicity study on aspartame". Retrieved 2009-02-28. 
  62. ^ a b "US FDA/CFSAN - FDA Statement on European Aspartame Study". Retrieved 2009-02-28. 
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  64. ^ Huff J, LaDou J (October-Dec 2007). "Aspartame bioassay findings portend human cancer hazards". Int J Occup Environ Health 13 (4): 446–8. PMID 18085058. 
  65. ^ The Huffington Post, August 3, 2009 |
  66. ^ "Food Safety Authority challenges activists’ views on aspartame". Press release. Retrieved 2009-02-28. 
  67. ^ Bosetti C, Gallus S, Talamini R, et al. (August 2009). "Artificial sweeteners and the risk of gastric, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers in Italy". Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 18 (8): 2235–8. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-09-0365. PMID 19661082. 
  68. ^ Bandyopadhyay A, Ghoshal S, Mukherjee A (2008). "Genotoxicity testing of low-calorie sweeteners: aspartame, acesulfame-K, and saccharin". Drug Chem Toxicol 31 (4): 447–57. doi:10.1080/01480540802390270. PMID 18850355.||1B69BA326FFE69C3F0A8F227DF8201D0. 
  69. ^ Spiers PA, Sabounjian L, Reiner A, Myers DK, Wurtman J, Schomer DL (September 1998). "Aspartame: neuropsychologic and neurophysiologic evaluation of acute and chronic effects". Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 68 (3): 531–7. PMID 9734727. Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
  70. ^ Schiffman SS, Buckley CE, Sampson HA, et al. (November 1987). "Aspartame and susceptibility to headache". N. Engl. J. Med. 317 (19): 1181–5. PMID 3657889. 
  71. ^ Gurney JG, Pogoda JM, Holly EA, Hecht SS, Preston-Martin S (July 1997). "Aspartame consumption in relation to childhood brain tumor risk: results from a case-control study". J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 89 (14): 1072–4. doi:10.1093/jnci/89.14.1072. PMID 9230890. Retrieved 2008-12-08. 
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