Numerology (Ismailism)

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Ismailis believe that numbers have religious meanings. The number seven plays a general role in the theology of the Ismā'īliyya, including mystical speculations that there are seven heavens, seven continents, seven orifices in the skull, seven days in a week, seven prophets, and so forth.

[edit] Position of the Imam

Old Ismaili doctrine holds that divine revelation had been given in six periods (daur) entrusted two six prophets, who they also call Natiq (Speaker), who were commissioned to preach a religion of law to their respective communities.

Whereas the Natiq was concerned with the rites and outward shape of religion, the inner meaning is entrusted to a Wasi (Representative). The Wasi would know the secret meaning of all rites and rules and would reveal them to a small circles of initiates.

The Natiq and the Wasi are in turn succeeded by a line of seven Imams, who would guard what they received. The seventh and last Imam in any period would in turn be the Natiq of the next period. The last Imam of the sixth period however would not bring about a new religion of law but supersede all previous religions, abrogate the law and introduce din Adama al-awwal ("the original religion of Adam") practised by Adam and the Angels in paradise before the fall, which would be without cult or law but consist merely in all creatures praising the creator and recognizing his unity. This final stage was called Qiyamah.[1]

Natiq Wasi Line of Imams
Adam Seth ... 7. Nuh
Nuh Sem ... 7. Ibrahim
Ibrahim Ishmael ... 7. Musa
Musa Harun ... 7. Isa
Isa Sim'un as-Safa ... 7. Muhammad
Muhammad Ali ... 7. al-Qa'im

Originally, Ismailis considered Muhammad ibn Ismail, as the last Imam who had gone into occultation and would return as the Mahdi and Qa'im.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Halm, Heinz (1988). Die Schia. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 202-204. ISBN 3-534-03136-9. 
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