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Blogs about: Israel

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Has Israel started tearing down Al Aqsa Mosque, Third Holiest Shrine in Islam?

Rafik wrote 36 minutes ago: Note from Rafik Beekun: I just read this article and am wondering whether it is true. Has Israel sta … more →

Tags: Palestine, Peace Now, Politics, zionism, Al Aqsa destruction

Arab Palestinians names public square after cold blooded murderer

ivarfjeld wrote 43 minutes ago: Dalal Mughrabi slaughtered 37 Jewish buss passengers and tourists. Now a Public square on the so-cal … more →

Tags: EndTimes, islam and terrorism, Arabs, Islam, middle east, muslims, Palestine, Peace

Israel will not get peace by a return to pre-1967 borders

ivarfjeld wrote 44 minutes ago: There was no peace in Israel before 1967. Neither will there be peace if Israel is forced back to th … more →

Tags: EndTimes, Israel defense and security, Allah, Islam, middle east, muslims, Palestine

War crimes in Gaza continues with rockets fired towards Israel

ivarfjeld wrote 51 minutes ago: Seven more Kassam rockets have been fired into Israel. Ashkelon hit. More rockets are fired from Gaz … more →

Tags: hamas, Christianity, Gaza, Islam, Jewish, obama, Palestine, Religion

Denial III

Rabbi wrote 53 minutes ago:     “There are pseudo-intellectuals, journalists and diplomats, who constantly declare that “everyon … more →

Tags: contemporary life, Current Events, Jewish history

Mountain Of Fire - The Search For The True Mount Sinai

Truth Junkie wrote 1 hour ago: Part 1 of 5 Produced and Written by Jim Schmidt, Dean River Productions Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 … more →

Tags: Biblical, Bible, Canada, Dean River Productions, God, Jim Schmidt, Moses, mount, Old Testament

KT MCFARLAND: Bomb Iran or Let Them Get the Bomb? - FOXNews

MB Snow wrote 1 hour ago: FOXNews.com March 19, 2010 Bomb Iran or Let Them Get the Bomb? By KT McFarland President Obama needs … more →

Tags: Barack Obama, Commentary, Iran, military, Politics, Bomb, Foreign Politicy, News, obama

Hillary to Israel: Don't Count on Me!

Allen Scott wrote 1 hour ago: Robert Randle is a fellow writer over at Faithwriters.com and this article just begged to be shared … more →

Tags: All Articles, Bird's Eye View, Current Events, Add new tag, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Benjamin Netanyahu, East Jerusalem, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jew

Neda's fiance visits Israel

Corey Hunt wrote 2 hours ago: There is more news on the Iranian election front. Although, what has been happening in Iran these la … more →

Tags: middle east, Human Rights, Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, neda

Netanyahu, Obama meet at White House

manavt wrote 2 hours ago: President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held more than two hours of tal … more →

Tags: Latest News, World, The CNN Wire

Acting PM Shalom Warns Netanyahu to Resist Washington's Pressure

hannah147 wrote 3 hours ago: (IsraelNN.com) Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom (Likud), who is filling in for Prime Minister Bin … more →

Tags: ban on construction, Judea, Kadima, Peace Plan, SAMARÍA, US pressure

U.S. 'Bunker Buster' Bombs Intended for Israel Held in Diego Garcia

Sayyid wrote 3 hours ago: Dahr Jamail discusses at Russia Today the U.S. agreement with Israel to donate bunker-buster bombs. … more →

Tags: Palestine-Israel, Alan McKinnon, Boeing, Bunker busters, Bush administration, Charles-Ward, corporatism, Dahr Jamail, David Makovsky

Tony Blair addresses AIPAC conference 2010

Julie wrote 3 hours ago: My job is to try to get agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, for the Quartet which tries to … more →

Tags: Politics, AIPAC, British Prime Minister, .:*Conflict*:., middle east peace envoy, Palestine, Tony Blair

American Civil Rights Org Fights Against Israeli Desecration of Ancient Cemetery

Rainbow Warrior wrote 3 hours ago: March 23, 2010 By Michael Leon The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is fighting to preserve th … more →

Tags: ancient, ancient cemetery, Desecration of Ancient Cemetery, disinterment of bodies, Jerusalem, mamilla cemetery, Muslim burial ground

Zionism's dark forces don't want the lights on

bjjangles wrote 3 hours ago: At the opening of AIPAC’s annual foreign policy conference its new president, Lee Rosenberg, w … more →

Tags: Foreign Policy, Government, History, military, Afghanistan, corruption, Iran, iraq, obama

Королевский трон

Aleksandra wrote 4 hours ago: Регулярно поставляя информацию странного качества ,что мне ,что моим детям – они успешно забыв … more →

Tags: Afghanistan, Anna Politkowskaya, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, China, Egypt, Elizabeth II, France

Bibi, what's next?

habibmukmin wrote 4 hours ago: Israel is really dans la merde. Clinton at AIPAC Milliband on passport counterfeit. Let’s face … more →

Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, British, hillary clinton

Outing Miliband's expulsion

morris wrote 4 hours ago: Has Miliband ever said anything not scripted by the Mossad? And the same question would apply to Bus … more →

Tags: Miliband

SDM Campaign - A Story of 'Sex Sells' Marketing

Efe wrote 4 hours ago: As the competition gets tougher, I guess people started to run out of new ideas to promote places. R … more →

Tags: Place Branding, Public Diplomacy, sex advertising, sex sells, Size Doesn't Matter