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The Tea Party blogosphere is all abuzz with whiny articles about how they’re being oppressed by “violent liberals,” and they’re using this video (which deserves a laugh track and Benny Hill theme song accompaniment) as proof of the Liberal Tyranny. I thought “liberal violence” was an oxymoron, a punchline in a Simpson’s episode. But maybe it’s finally coming true again, the rise of the gutsy leftie willing to fight after 40 years of leftwing slumbering in the face of relentless rightwing assaults. (more…)

Nov 17, 2009 | Comments (17)


How about this for a plan for sprucing up our nation’s crumbling housing projects: ship lazy black folks out to the subprime suburbs, privatize their apartment buildings and hand them over to real estate developers. That’s what T.A. Frank, a New America Foundation think tank shill, thinks Los Angeles needs to do with Jordan Downs, a notoriously dilapidated and crime-wracked project in Watts: (more…)

Nov 17, 2009 | Comments (13)


Sometimes you just want to see a lot of people die, but if you did anything about it in real life, you’d get entangled in a lot of red tape. So you head off to the cinema instead and watch stuff like 2012, which is really funny, in spots. It reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s nice line about the death of sweet, saintly Little Nell in Charles Dickens’ The Old Curiosity Shop, one of the great tearjerkers of the 19th century:

One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell without laughing.


Nov 15, 2009 | Comments (20)

Victorville and Surrounding Areas Take The Bronze For Biggest Drop In U.S. Real Estate Prices

Here’s yet another depressing area in which Victorville excels: According to the latest Housing Hall of Misery stats released by the National Association of Realtors, the greater San Bernardino metropolitan area came in 3rd place in the race to the …

Nov 14, 2009 | Comments (17)


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Triumph Of Der Cheese: Berlin Throws Der Sheisse-est Anniversary Party Ever

This story first appeared on Alternet.org

It was immediately obvious wandering through Berlin last weekend that the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall were in trouble.

In Alexanderplatz subway station, the main eastern transport …

Nov 13, 2009 | Comments (11)

Disney’s “A Christmas Carol” Sucks As Expected, But At Least It’s Dark

I’m morbidly devoted to the works of Charles Dickens. It’s a childhood aberration. At a young age I started reading whatever books were on the family shelves and bonded with Dickens and Twain before I had a fully formed cranium, practically. From …

Nov 9, 2009 | Comments (7)

How The West Hijacked The Berlin Wall Revolution

One of the great ironies of the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago is that the East German protest leaders who led the uprising did not want unification with West Germany.

Nov 9, 2009 | Comments (52)

Fort Hood Cover-Up: A Dozen Tales of Disinformation

I don’t want to go too deep down the Fort Hood Rabbit Hole Of Weirdness, so I’m just going to get off my chest some of the incredibly weird shit that’s being thrown around in the media to …

Nov 8, 2009 | Comments (47)

Fort Hood Massacre: A Brief History Of American Violence

This article was first published in Alternet.

It’s hard to pinpoint what’s the most shocking thing about Major Malik Nadal Hasan’s shooting rampage in Fort Hood, Texas. I’ll start with this: there’s nothing all that ground-breaking about it. Happens all the …

Nov 6, 2009 | Comments (68)

More Proof That Chicago School Freemarket Economics Is Nothing More Than Scientology For East Coast Rich Fucks

Ames emailed me a New York Times blog post from last February by one Casey B. Mulligan–which may sound like a fictional baseball player’s name, but no, he’s real all right, just another in a long line of insane econ professors from …

Nov 4, 2009 | Comments (24)

Lord Byron: The eXile’s Patron Saint

“Polidori once asked Byron what, besides scribble verses, he could do better than Polidori himself. Byron icily replied: ‘Three things. First, I can hit with a pistol the keyhole of that door. Secondly, I can swim across that river to …

Nov 2, 2009 | Comments (10)

Radio Crossfire: Antiwar.com’s Scott Horton Interviews Mark Ames About Libertarians, Socialists, Ayn Rand & Billionaire Parasites

Antiwar.com Radio’s Scott Horton takes time out from global issues to talk with Mark Ames on the battle on the home front: the American economy. Horton is a Libertarian and Ames definitely isn’t, so some sparks fly before the two …

Nov 2, 2009 | Comments (43)

Radio Interview: Mark Ames Talks With Ian Masters About The Billionaire Plunder In Alabama

Mark Ames talks with Ian Masters of Los Angeles radio station KPFK 90.7 about the billionaires who are plundering Alabama and the rest of America, and what can be done to stop it.

Oct 29, 2009 | Comments (7)

Mexican Drug War: The Narco-Welfare State . . . Drug Cartels Take Care of Their Soldiers Better Than The Government?

MONTERREY, MEXICO — Another day, another shootout. Forget about the tropical storm that hit the Pacific just now, it’s raining bullets in this biatch.

It seems that every day there is another firefight in this or that part of the city, and frankly …

Oct 29, 2009 | Comments (11)

Paranormal Activity: Small, Cheap, Good

I finally got around to seeing Paranormal Activity, the low-budget ghost movie that’s making so much money. It’s spinning through the predictable cycle already charted by The Blair Witch Project ten years ago:

1) early fan buzz and glowing reviews, followed …

Oct 25, 2009 | Comments (20)