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How to register on netvibes and use it anywhere

Can I use netvibes anywhere?

Yes. You can access your account anywhere.

Can I be automatically signed in each time I access my page?

Sure. In the Sign in to your Netvibes page window located inside the Topbar, ensure the 'Remember me' box is checked. Now you’ll stay logged in and can come back to your netvibes page anytime without having to login. However, if you want to ensure that nobody else can access your account from your computer, simply click 'Sign Out' (top right corner) at the end of each session.

What browsers are supported?

We currently support:

  1. Mozilla Firefox 1+:
  2. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8 (while in “beta”, Netvibes Wasabi's new Smartreader is not available in IE6 & 7)

What browsers are recommended?

We currently recommend (not beta version):

How to set netvibes as my default startpage?

With Internet Explorer

  • Click on the “Tools” menu at the top of the browser
  • Select “Internet Options”
  • Under “Home page”, click “Use Current”
  • Click “OK” to save the setting


  • Click the “Set netvibes as my default homepage” green panel
  • Follow the instructions
  • Click “Don't show this to me again”.

With Google Chrome

  • Click on the “wrench” icon then “Options”
  • On the “Basics” tab select “Open the following pages”
  • Click “Use current”
  • Click “Close” to save the setting


  • Click the “Set netvibes as my default homepage” green panel
  • Follow the instructions
  • Click “Don't show this to me again”.

With Firefox

  • Click on the “Tools” menu at the top of the browser
  • Select “Options”
  • On the “Main” tab select “Show my home page” for “When Firefox starts”
  • Click “Current page”
  • Click “OK” to save the setting


  • Drag and drop the Netvibes icon onto the home button as explained on the top of the page
  • Click 'yes' in the pop up to confirm
  • Click “Don't show this to me again”.

With Safari

  • Click on the “Safari” menu at the top of the browser
  • Click “Preferences” then “General” tab
  • Select “Home page” for “New windows open with”
  • Click on “Set to Current Page”
  • Close the window


  • Click the “Set netvibes as my default homepage” green panel
  • Follow the instructions
  • Click “don't show this to me again”.

With Opera

  • Click on the “Opera” menu at the top of the browser
  • Click “Preferences” then “General” tab
  • Select “Start with home page” for “Startup”
  • Click on “Use Current”
  • Click “OK” to save the setting


  • Click the “Set netvibes as my default homepage” green panel
  • Follow the instructions
  • Click “don't show this to me again”.