Monday, April 19, 2010

Two Day Old Baby "Honor" Murdered

A muslim family murdered a two-day old baby girl because the mother gave birth out-of-wedlock. This is the evil and monstrous "religion" obama and the liberals say we must respect and treat as equal to our own culture. According to this sick ideology, a muslim male's depraved sense of "honor" and that of the family is far more important than the very life of a new-born infant. This occurred in the "moderate" muslim nation of Turkey. There is not a decent islamic country.
Two-day-old girl killed in 'honour killing'

Turkish police on Friday detained an unmarried mother and six other people near Istanbul for their suspected role in the so-called "honour killing" of a 2-day-old baby girl, state news agency Anatolian said.
The baby was suffocated by her grandmother after the family learned the 25-year-old mother became pregnant out of wedlock, Anatolian said.

"My family decided to kill my baby," the mother told the police, according to Anatolian. "My 55-year-old mother choked the baby with a cloth. Then, my brothers buried the baby in a hole in the garden and covered the hole with cement."

Police found the body after receiving an anonymous phone call.

Among those detained were also a doctor and the doctor's secretary, They allegedly had agreed not to register the baby's birth in return for an undisclosed amount of money.

The baby's father is doing his military service and was not involved in the incident.

"Honour killings," or crimes carried out against women seen to have tainted the family's name, are not uncommon in mainly Muslim Turkey, particularly in poor and rural areas.

The European Union, which Turkey has applied to join, has repeatedly urged Ankara to take a tougher stance against such crimes.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Haveil Havalim

Edition #263 of the Jewish blog carnival Haveil Havalim is up at Simply Jews.

Gaddafi Loves Obama

And why shouldn't he since they share the same worldview. First castro praised the passage of obamacare and now Libya's dictator gaddafi has also praised hussein obama and described him as an African from arab descent and muslim descent. Doesn't it make you so proud that our president has the enthusiastic approval of castro and gaddafi? It should sure make every American feel good about the current state of our nation.

Libyan leader praises US president: 'He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported, as he now leans towards peace'

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi considers the US president a blessing to the Muslim world. In a speech published in London-based al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday, Gaddafi praised Barack Obama, called him a "friend" and said there is no longer any dispute between his country and the US.

Speaking in the Libyan city of Sirt at an event marking the 24th anniversary of an American attack on Libya, he said, "At the time, we were the target of the American cannon, the American navy challenged us in the gulf of Sirt and attacked us all along Libya's shores. America tested Libya, and the Libyan people resisted the large country, but today, thank God, the difference is great."

He said, "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Gaddafi stressed that Obama's presidency is "a major historical gain" and said, "He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent. He is a man whose policy should be supported, and he should be assisted in implementing it in any way possible, since he is now leaning towards peace."

He continued, "I urge all peoples to give him this chance and to support this policy, because America is a country that, when its policy is bad – harms the world, and when it is good – it helps the world."

The Libyan leader also expressed hopes that, "the dream that Obama has for a world free of nuclear weapons will come true. This is something that no previous American president has proposed. Obama is a man who opposes wars that previous American presidents were entangled in; he has declared that he will withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq – something which has never been proposed before."

Despite the warm sentiments towards the American leader, he stressed, "The Arabs hate America, there is no doubt. There is not an Arab that loves America, and even the leaders who the United States considers allies or friends – hate it. The external love is merely hypocrisy or pragmatism. The reason for this is clear – Palestine."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Miami Dade Transit Bows to Islamic Lobby

When are we going to have politicians who stand up to the islamic lobby and tell CAIR to shove it? Why are they always compelled to succumb to muslim demands?

Pam Geller and Robert Spencer bought ads to be placed on buses in Miami which show former muslims who are being threatened for leaving islam, where they can get help. This was done in response to ads which were placed on buses proselytizing for islam. However Miami Dade Transit caved in to pressure from the islamic lobby and pulled the ads. Now Pam and Robert are suing. Good for them.

Looks like Muslims and apostates who want to be free are in desperate need of the SIOA bus ads. Miami Dade capitulated to Muslim Brotherhood bullying and supremacism and killed the ads, and we are suing.

Today a young girl was attacked with acid for converting out of Islam. Why isn't President Moebama making the world safe for this little girl? Why didn't President Moebama speak of the persecution of Christians, converts and apostates when he bloviated and burped taqiya at his speech to the ummah in Cairo June 2009?
Read the rest.

Hillary Clinton and Israel

What a witch Hillary Clinton is. Israel has been spending more than 60 years bending over backwards trying to make peace with genocidal Jew-haters. Every gesture towards peace has been met with increased terrorist attacks and declarations of war against the Jewish state and calls for its obliteration by islamic jihadists. Under the “moderate” fatah regime, incitement to hatred and murder of Jews in mosques, media and in schools continues unabated. Yet hillary clinton has the audacity to claim Israel is the intransigent party. There was a time when she actually condemned this incitement, but that was when it served her political interests as NY senator and needed the Jewish vote. She needn’t have bothered to pretend being pro-Israel since the Jewish liberals in NY would have voted for her anyway.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday urged Israel and the Palestinians to restart peace talks, but laid the bulk of the blame for the fact the peace process has not advanced on the Jewish state.

Speaking at the opening of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace in Washington, Clinton insisted Israel needs to make many more gestures and concessions to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in order to improve his image and encourage a final status peace settlement.

“We encourage Israel to continue building momentum toward a comprehensive peace by demonstrating respect for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians, stopping settlement activity and addressing the humanitarian needs in Gaza,” said Clinton.

The secretary also appeared to directly blame Israel for the fact that Palestinians have increasingly turned to the more ideologically-rigid Hamas terrorist organization to represent them in their conflict with Israel.

If Israel fails to further bolster Abbas, said Clinton, “there is no doubt his support will fade and Palestinians will turn to alternatives – including Hamas.”

Like many other US leaders before her, Clinton failed to acknowledge that the Palestinian Authority, both under Abbas and Yasser Arafat before him, has had over 15 years to demonstrate the ability to effectively govern and promote an atmosphere of peace and coexistence, but has failed to do so.

For most Israelis, however, that is the true obstacle to peace

Britain Today

This is modern day Britain and this will become America's future if we don't halt muslim immigration and if we continue to succumb to islamic demands. It's way past time for the non-muslim world to form a ruthless resistance against the global jihad.

Hey you liberals, would you like these guys to be your neighbors? Be honest with yourselves. If this video disgusts you then you have discovered you are human and harbor normal prejudices and realize that not all cultures should be equally valued and respected and that ours is infinitely superior and we should fight to preserve it. We need to put an end to destructive political correctness and multiculturalism. If wanting to maintain our own civilization and wanting to prevent it from degenerating into a third world cesspool or islamic hellhole is considered bigoted or xenophobic, then so be it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Britain's Latest Anti-Israel Outrage

One of Judaism's holiest sites, the Western Wall, is not considered part of the Jewish state according to England's Advertising Standards Authority. Someone needs to explain to them that eastern Jerusalem was annexed by Israel after having been acquired through a war of self-defense against Jordanian aggression. And for the upteenth time, Jordan had illegally occupied eastern Jerusalem between 1948-1967 and ethnically cleansed the Jews and stole their property and destroyed their synagogues. Again I ask by what right to the Arab people know as the "palestinians" deserve sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem? I'm so sick of England and its constant flagrant and disgusting display of anti-Zionism. All of the countries of the free world ought to stand with Israel. Israel's enemies are the same ones targeting the west. What is wrong with these people? Why haven't they gotten the message yet that throwing Israel to the wolves and placating murderous jihadis is not making them secure? If anything, it further endangers them.

Obama and NASA

Obama is purposely setting out to bring about the decline of America. The latest is cutting back on our space program, among America's greatest and proudest achievements. And now we will be a third rate nation in terms of space exploration and the benefits that come along with it, if we wind up being involved at all. He is just destroying everything great about America.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elbaradei Supports Terrorism Against Israel

This mohammed elbaradei was the skunk who was given responsibility for preventing nuclear arms proliferation. The fox guarding the henhouse. Of course he used his position to make sure nothing stood in the way of his muslim brothers in Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The question is why the west would allow a muslim jihadi to head the IAEA. Naturally this defender of evil who made it safe for terrorist regimes to acquire nuclear weapons, won the nobel peace prize, following in the footsteps of the mass murderer of Jews, yassir arafat. A really proud legacy for the Nobel prize committee.

ElBaradei - violence is the only language Israel understands (Guysen.International.News)
Former IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who is considering contending in Egypt’s presidential elections next year, expressed his support for the “Palestinian resistance” while slamming Israel. In a report published Tuesday, the experienced diplomat said that Palestinian violence was the only path open to the Palestinian people, because “the Israeli occupation only understands the language of violence.”

CAIR Waging Jihad Against McDonald's

Hamas front group, CAIR, is suing McDonalds on behalf of a muslim woman who applied for a job and was told she couldn't wear her head scarf. I would bet that this was another set-up by CAIR.

Wearing the hijab is a political, not a religious statement. It's time to say enough of this crap, enough caving in to islamic demands. If we don't nip this in the bud now, the demands will grow as is happening in Europe. It won't be long before muslim women doctors and nurses will demand to be allowed to violate hygiene rules by refusing to expose their arms, under the guise of preserving their modesty. This already is occurring in England and they are in fact being accommodated! These people need to go back to the sharia ruled countries where they came from. We must not allow sharia to be brought to our shores.

Hamas-linked CAIR declares jihad against McDonald's
Once again the thugs at CAIR demand that non-Muslims change their practices to conform to Islamic sensibilities, rather than calling upon Muslims in the United States to adapt to American culture. Do they really expect anyone to believe that McDonald's didn't hire this woman because it is "Islamophobic"? Their opposition to the hijab is, I am certain, entirely hygienic, and in a restaurant, that is something I am glad to see.

"Mich. McDonald's Accused Of Discrimination," from WWJ, April 13:

Rochester Hills (WWJ) -- The Michigan Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is accusing McDonald's of religious and ethnic discrimination. CAIR has filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint against a McDonald's Restaurant in Rochester Hills. The complaint was filed on behalf of a Muslim woman who applied for a job at the restaurant. During the interview, she says that one of the restaurant managers informed her that wearing an Islamic head scarf, or hijab, would be a problem.
In 2008, the EEOC issued new guidelines on accommodating religious beliefs and practices in the workplace.

The guidelines offer protection for workers who wear religious attire such as a headscarf.

"We urge McDonald's to take immediate action to bring its hiring policies into compliance with long-established legal guidelines on reasonable religious accommodation in the workplace," said CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid.

Walid noted that in 2008, CAIR-MI raised concerns with McDonald's regarding two similar incidents in which Muslim women alleged being denied employment because of hijab....

Syria Gives Scuds to hezbollah

Our enemies are increasingly emboldened to act aggressively because this president projects weakness. Yet this administration won't change course.
Syria Gave Scuds to Hezbollah, U.S. Says
JERUSALEM—Syria has transferred long-range Scud missiles to the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah, Israeli and U.S. officials alleged, in a move that threatens to alter the Middle East's military balance and sets back a major diplomatic outreach effort to Damascus by the Obama administration.

Israeli President Shimon Peres on Tuesday publicly charged President Bashar Assad's government with transferring Scud missiles to Hezbollah's forces inside Lebanon. Syria and Hezbollah both denied the charges. But the allegations already are affecting U.S. foreign policy: Republicans pressed on Capitol Hill to block the appointment of a new American ambassador to Damascus, according to congressional officials. The White House said it was pressing ahead.

Of course they are. What else can we expect from the obama administration but to reward enemies and their aggressive behavior.

"President Barack Obama has made engaging Mr. Assad's government a cornerstone of his Mideast policy, hoping to woo Damascus into a regional peace process and lure it from a strategic alliance with Iran".

Reaching out to the muslim world and their terrorist-sponsoring regimes is working out real well.

"The Bush administration had increased sanctions on Damascus and pushed a United Nations-backed investigation into the murder of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri; Mr. Obama's aides said these measures just drove Syria closer to Iran".

Blame Bush in order to whitewash the failure of obama's own appeasement policy towards Syria.

So according to the logic of the obama administration, the way to deal with a tyrant like assad is to simply allow him to get away with murder lest we push him to become even more of a terrorist. This is the logic of liberals in dealing with islamic terrorists as a whole, which is not to fight them because doing so would only anger them into committing further terrorism. Assad of course was already close to Iran.

"A senior U.S. official involved in Mideast policy said Washington was uncertain why Mr. Assad would escalate tensions with Israel. But in recent months, Israeli and Syrian officials have publicly charged each other with preparing for war. The U.S. official said Syria's arms transfer could have been meant as a form of deterrence".

So according to the obama administration Israel is the aggressor and Syria is simply preparing to defend itself. Revolting. This sums up the perverse world view of obama and his cohorts. I'm sure they really believe that Iran is only developing nukes to protect itself from Israel.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Throwing Israel Under the Bus Won't End the Jihad Being Waged Against Us

About those ignorant and uninformed people who believe that ending our support for Israel will make us safe. They believe this because they have absolutely no knowledge of the history and ideology of islam and they listen to the tripe coming from the
msm. When you take into consideration all of the historical revisionism of Israel and the "palestinians", the use of loaded terms like "occupation", settlements", "east Jerusalem" and even the word "palestinian" itself in reference to the arabs of Gaza and Judea and Samaria, speaking of which has come to be known as the west bank only since 1950 when Jordan changed the name, it's amazing that Israel has such strong support in America. This is due to the moral clarity and Christian faith of the majority of Americans who to their credit reject the widespread anti-Israel narrative that Europeans so easily fall for.

More insanity from the left

Does anyone doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder? First of all an elementary school was going to have boys dress as girls to mark women's history month.\

And I also heard that in Maine, students will no longer be classified by gender. There won't be separate boys and girls bathrooms or locker rooms.

Is it any wonder why parents want to home school their kids or send them to private schools? In fact I think the whole school system ought to be privatized.

Galloway Attacked by muslims

This couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Karma has come to British anti-Semite and hamas supporter george galloway as he was attacked by the very islamic jihadis that he has long defended.

Three Muslim extremists charged after attack on Galloway Saturday 10th April 2010

George Galloway was set upon by a group of Muslim extremists while campaigning in East London this afternoon. Three men, believed to belong to the extreme sect Islam4UK, the latest name for Al-Muhajiroun, were arrested and subsequently charged with public order offences.
Galloway, who is standing in the Poplar and Limehouse constituency, was with a party of supporters in Watney Market around 3pm when he and his colleagues were first abused and then attacked by the group.

"They called me a filthy Kaffir" said Galloway, "and shouted that no one should shake the 'filthy Kaffir's hand'. This lot are the latest incarnation of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun. They don't want Muslims to vote, they don't believe in democracy, and because I encourage Muslims to vote and take a full part in our society they hate me. My party, Respect, is the antidote to these despicable extremists."

Galloway's assistant Kevin Ovenden had his phone smashed in the incident and other supporters were abused and jostled.

Galloway was also attacked, held hostage and received death threats from Al-Muhajiroun, then called Al-Gourabaa, in the 2005 General Election.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

British Government Has Gone off the Deep End

If you think we've lost our marbles with political correctness and surrendering to islam, England is even much further gone than we are. Here are two recent stories which show how England has gone off the deep end.

Latest Lunacy from Abroad: Children Firing Teachers

Met Allows islamic protesters to throw shoes because its a form of ritual protest. Will they allow stoning and flogging women, female genital mutilation and "honor" murders because they are islamic rituals?

Will a "palestinian" islamic Terror State be Forced Upon Israel?

The EU says it will use the example of Kosovo if the PA unilaterally declares a "palestinian" state. This is ominous. There's a real possibility that just as NATO used military force against the Serbs under the guise of "ethnic cleansing" which turned out to be a hoax, it will use military force against Israel to enforce such a PA declaration of statehood. The idea of a unilateral declaration in 2011 keeps coming up in many articles I have read. And Obama advisor Samantha Powers is on record as favoring a U.S. invasion of Israel on behalf of the "palestinians". Another obama advisor zbignew brzezinsky has suggested America shoot down Israeli planes if Israel attempts to take out Iran's nuke facilities. Imagine America actually shooting down Israeli pilots in order to protect Iranian nuclear weapons factories. It boggles the mind. Also brzezinsky and Steven Solarz' article about imposing a two-state plan, said that any party objecting to the plan (meaning Israel) would be dealt with. All of these signs point to military force being used against Israel by the west.

EU mission head in Israel: Kosovo experience to be used if Palestine proclaims its independence Trend News

The European Union intends to use the experience of Kosovo if the Palestinian Authority decides to proclaim a Palestinian state unilaterally.

"Yet we do not have a clear position on the independence of Palestine, but the EU has the experience of Kosovo, which we plan to introduce in this case," the head of the EU office in Israel Andrew Standley told journalists in Tel Aviv on April 12.
Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Salam Fayyad said last week that in 2011 the "world will witness the birth of an independent Palestinian state".

Israel, as always, rejected these statements and believes that a Palestinian state can be created only within the "roadmap", which envisages a solution to the problem of two states - Palestine and Israel.
Kosovo, an autonomous province in Serbia, mostly populated by Albanians, in February 2008 declared itself an independent republic with its capital in Pristina. Official Belgrade authorities have not recognized the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo, while most European countries, as well as the U.S. supported it. In February 2009, the number of countries that recognize Kosovo's independence reached 54.

The EU representative also said that the role of Brussels in solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a minor, as a central place is reserved for the United States, having great potential.

"The EU supports the U.S. efforts in this regard, and seeks the ways to assist the Obama administration in resolving this conflict, which must be resolved on the basis of international law," said Standley.

Brussels, he said, made it clear to Israel that it opposes any blockade, and calls for an immediate lifting of the economic and humanitarian blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"The blockade of the Gaza Strip is not productive and in any case not in the interest of economic development of the enclave. Our position is clear and exact - we oppose any blockade," said Standley
The blockade of Gaza was launched after the Palestinian movement Hamas gained control over the enclave in June 2007. The blockade was strengthened after a series of rocket attacks on southern Israel by Palestinian groups from Gaza.