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  •  UN Watch Blog             01/08/2009 
    Diplomatic scandal: Were ambassadors’ signatures forged for UN rights session on Gaza?

    Who really requested tomorrow’s U.N. Human Rights Council emergency session on Gaza? Why were certain country names listed and then removed? So the truth can come out, the U.N. secretariat should make public the original signature forms, as it has always done in the past. [more]


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Action Item Index

Thank Canada for Defending Human Rights Principles

Thank Canada for its moral leadership at the U.N. in defending true principles of human rights, standing up to dictators, and voting against anti-Israel resolutions that legitimize and launder Hamas terror under the banner of international law.

Issue 184 • December 22, 2008

  • Radio Free Europe Features UN Watch Op-ed on 'Defamation of Islam'

    For the fourth straight year, the UN General Assembly last week ignored pleas by human rights defenders and passed a resolution condemning the "defamation of religion", especially Islam. Optimists hailed the move by citing the shift of several "yes" votes to abstentions, but the reality is that this totalitarian initiative is spreading throughout UN bodies -- and now threatens to rewrite a core human rights treaty of the post-war era.

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