Explore / Creative Commons

Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license.

Here are some recently added bits and pieces:

Attribution Attribution License

From oisin
From oisin
From oisin
From Jaromír Macháň
From Jaromír Macháň

  » 72,309,027 photos (See more)

Attribution No Derivative Works Attribution-NoDerivs License

六堵千泰社官將首/Liudu one thousand Thai society will be the first official
From rx1230
今日小小燒一下/Today, little burning about
From rx1230
From lasercityfotos
From lasercityfotos
From lasercityfotos

  » 20,775,745 photos (See more)

Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

From druidvav
From druidvav
From druidvav
From druidvav
From druidvav

  » 95,597,753 photos (See more)

Attribution Noncommercial Attribution-NonCommercial License

Clarahütte am 06.08.2016
From pilot_micha
Clarahütte am 06.08.2016
From pilot_micha
From Evandro O Souza
Clarahütte am 06.08.2016
From pilot_micha
Clarahütte am 06.08.2016
From pilot_micha

  » 49,758,268 photos (See more)

Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

photo 0346 was taken at 10:51:30
From Barry Cornelius
photo 0345 was taken at 10:51:28
From Barry Cornelius
UWA Vs Wasps MTL Semifinal_ (22)
From Chris J. Bartle
photo 0344 was taken at 10:51:27
From Barry Cornelius
photo 0343 was taken at 10:51:26
From Barry Cornelius

  » 100,719,634 photos (See more)

Attribution Share Alike Attribution-ShareAlike License

From sabs.weisser
East at  Brickell City Centre | 160917-5172-jikatu
From jikatu
Climate Ribbon at  Brickell City Centre | 160917-5168-jikatu
From jikatu
From Gruppi Scout...
From Gruppi Scout...

  » 33,803,795 photos (See more)

Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

Fruit tree blossom
From jo.elphick
Rainy fruit tree blossom
From jo.elphick
Australian native violet
From jo.elphick
Seed pods
From jo.elphick
Heart shaped leaves in the rain
From jo.elphick

  » 907,349 photos (See more)

Public Domain Mark

Neubau Atelierhaus H3
From Kleist Berlin
Neubau Atelierhaus H3
From Kleist Berlin
Neubau Atelierhaus H3
From Kleist Berlin
Neubau Atelierhaus H3
From Kleist Berlin
Neubau Atelierhaus H3
From Kleist Berlin

  » 2,779,289 photos (See more)

Creative Commons Trademark

"Creative Commons is a non-profit that offers an alternative to full copyright."



Attribution icon Attribution means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

Noncommercial icon Noncommercial means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only.

No Derivative Works icon No Derivative Works means:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

Share Alike iconShare Alike means:
You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

CC0 iconPublic Domain Dedication (CC0) means:
You, the copyright holder, waive your interest in your work and place the work as completely as possible in the public domain so others may freely exploit and use the work without restriction under copyright or database law.

Public Domain Work iconPublic Domain Work means:
Works, or aspects of copyrighted works, which copyright law does not protect. Typically, works become part of the public domain because their term of protection under copyright law expired, the owner failed to follow certain required formalities, or the works are not eligible for copyright protection.

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