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Ban Ki Moon’s Gaza “Siege” Delusions

Posted by Jacob Shrybman on Mar 23rd, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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  • Just three days after a man was murdered by a qassam rocket in southern Israel, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon visited the Gaza Strip and told the people of Gaza “we stand with you.” Ban called for an end to a so-called siege or blockade on the terrorist controlled territory, and one has to ask what siege or blockade Moon is referring to when in 2009 738,576 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred into the Gaza Strip.

    Can the UN really claim there is a “Gaza Siege” when they have given $200 million to the Gaza Strip following a military operation that is claimed to have had 1,300 casualties amongst a population of less than 1.5 million, and they have only given $10 million to the natural disaster in Haiti that claimed the lives of an estimated over 230,000 people and affected over 3 million? Of course, that is without mentioning that Haitians have not been attacking an innocent nearby civilian population for a near decade and were the subject of a natural disaster.

    The international community has bought this bold faced lie about some Israeli implemented siege on the Gaza Strip while ignoring the facts on the ground.  International humanitarian aid has been flowing rapidly into the Gaza Strip for years and in no way stopped after Operation Cast Lead, as 30,576 aid trucks entered the territory in 2009. In 2009 4,883 tons of medical equipment entered the Gaza Strip with this equipment continuing including for example a new CAT Scan machine just last month.

    As the Gaza Strip has been called terms like “the world’s largest prison” referencing residents not being able to exit the territory, in 2009 10,544 patients and their companions left the Gaza Strip for medical treatment in Israel, and just weeks prior nearly 500 patients and companions from Gaza received medical treatment in Israel.

    The UN has continued to promote this lie of a “Gaza Siege” while not promoting how much money they have pumped into the Gaza Strip following Operation Cast Lead. In an UNRWA report to measure the progress of UN aid 6-months after Operation Cast Lead, they reported that of the aimed goal of over $300 million they planned to give to Gaza, they had transferred almost $200 million.

    Before his upcoming Gaza visit, Ban Ki Moon just returned from a visit to the earthquake devastated Haiti. There he promised the citizens more help and said the UN was leading a revised plan to raise another $1.4 billion in aid. That goal has not been met yet but what the UN did give up until the end of January was $10 million in aid.

    There have been major US government officials as well, such as Congressmen Keith Ellison and Brian Baird both of which visited Sderot with the Sderot Media Center, that have promoted this idea of a “Gaza Siege.” They must be ignoring the fact that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged $900 million in aid to be sent to the Gaza Strip following Operation Cast Lead. While in a USAID and DOD report calculating the aid has been sent to the earthquake decimated Haiti, as of last month all the US Government programs gave just over $700 million in aid, nearly $200 million less the terrorist controlled Gaza Strip.

    Over a year has past since Operation Cast Lead and the international community is still buying the bold faced lie about a “Gaza Siege,” while the Sderot Media Center reports over 330 rockets and mortars have hit Israel from Gaza in that same year. Five minutes away from the Erez Crossing into Gaza, Ban Ki Moon should have visited Kibbutz Netiv HaAsara where a foreign worker was murdered by a qassam rocket last Thursday and  Kibbutz Nirim to see where a rocket destroyed a building the week before, instead of working to promote a lie by visiting the Gaza Strip.

    Jacob Shrybman is the Assistant Director of the Sderot Media Center,

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    11 Responses for “Ban Ki Moon’s Gaza “Siege” Delusions”

    1. Ken Huffaker says:

      As America continues to denounce Israel, we see this nation falter in everything it once stood for. If anyone does not understand the way YHWH works, then they need a refresher course, and fast! Those who support Israel will prosper, those who do not will fail. We have seen this failure taking us down over the last 15 months, with no end in sight. America is turning her back on Israel, and God, right at a time in history when we have entered a make or break situation.
      If men believe they are in control of their destiny, then they need to awaken to the need to honor their Creator if they expect to succeed.
      America is the last nation standing that has an influence for good in the world and we are slipping very rapidly.
      To believe there will ever be peace in the middle east, by the hand of mankind, is an exercise in futility.

    2. dlp says:

      "738,576 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred into the Gaza Strip … 30,576 aid trucks entered the territory in 2009. In 2009 4,883 tons of medical equipment entered the Gaza Strip"

      Great. But it helps to provide references, since it is easy for dissenters to label this as baseless.

      • William Smart says:

        Israel is the country that denied it was using white phosphorus in Gaza, then said they'd only do it legally, then that it wasn't using it. Only later did they finally admit it.

        All this while pictures of it raining down on the heads of civlians were being shown all over the world.

        Meanwhile, Gazans cannot have school materials or pasta or fuel or any of the spares for damaged sewage works or glass for windows. It's a modern version of the Warsaw Ghetto.

        • bostonian says:

          William you are as good in this matter as in deep ocean waters. Than ask youself why Egypt or Jordan never let palestinian brothers in, not for MRI or CAT scan or anything, but Zionists do. And please remind me how much money arabs give to aid palestinians out of trillions of oil dollars

    3. ED says:

      WHY??? Why do we still belong to the U.N.??? It's about as corrupt and useless as anything can possibly be. Let the UN move to Russia or China, then they can play their useless little word games, without aggravating any one else. It is such a sham. I remember about 25 (?) years ago, seeing the signs in the subway cars of Boston, these ads saying something to the effect, that, "Would there have been war(s) without the UN??… Do we really want to find out?" Personally, I would rather have found out, than have the UN.

    4. Teresa says:

      The UN are such liars and promoters of Arab terrorists. The Sderot Media Center is doing great work!

    5. Rifleman says:

      What's really funny, and telling, is that Moon seems to think that Egypt is part of Israel. He blames Israel for the Egyptian's part in the blockade. It's everybody's fault but the palis themselves, smuggling weapons and explosives, and conducting terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

    6. Linda Rivera says:

      UN leader, a major propagandist for expansionist Islam, is eager and willing to LIE and deceive for Muslims. Taxpayers are forced against their will to finance the EVIL UN.

    7. [...] Ban Ki Moon's Gaza ?Siege? Delusions FrontPage Magazine – Mar 23rd – 00:09 [...]

    8. lovezion says:

      KEN: Stop dreaming! If YHWY didn't help at all….it ain' going to . Best to bleieve in reality which shows that WE OURSELVES must think of ways to ACT as opposed to whine and complain! We could start by lynching those filthy renegade traitor jews who are muslim lovers!
      WILLIAM: Why don't YOU go to help palestinians? Go and live with them and see if you can love them in person as you love them at a distance in your comfortable place.
      ED: Ask your president why he is so in love with the U.N. – he'll tell you because he has those hidden agendas of his.
      ABOUT that Moon man…he's having a high at Israel's expense by tryingn to makek us think he's important and intelligent!


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