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Brittany Murphy Leaves Everything To Mother

It’s been a couple of months since the untimely death of Brittany Murphy but it has now been announced that she has left everything to her mother, Sharon Murphy, in her will.

Brittany Murphy Leaves Everything To Mother

On top of leaving everything to her mother, Brittany’s husband Simon Monjack said that she left him out of the will.

TMZ claim that years before Brittany got married to Simon she wrote up a handwritten will leaving everything to Sharon. That was then stored in her manager’s safe, but after she got married she had a formal will and trust drafted up. Again she left everything to her mother along with a message saying “I am married to Simon Monjack who I have intentionally left out of this will.”

Now before everyone gets their panties in a knot, she probably left him out of her will because she has always supported her mother and because he makes his own money.

Simon also says that Sharon has put the house up for sale for $7.25 million and that when the house is sold both her and Sharon are going to move to New York.

source: Brittany Murphy’s House Up for Sale [TMZ]

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