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Howard Stern Says, ‘Jay Leno Makes Me Wanna Puke’

Howard Stern unleashed the fury all over Jay Leno this morning, brutally tearing into the “Tonight Show” host on a segment for the “CBS Early Show.”

One day after Leno returned to late night, CBS asked Stern for his thoughts, which went like this:

“The mere mention of Jay Leno’s name makes me wanna vomit. I don’t like this guy.”

Stern, who has a long gestating hatred of the talk show host, also referred to Leno as a “lap dog” and a “thief” … once again accusing Jay of stealing material from himself, Letterman and even people in England.

Long story short — don’t expect Stern on “The Tonight Show” anytime soon.

Love him or hate him, Howard is the King of All Media. Does this mean that Perez is his soul mate? heh!

source: Howard Stern: Leno Makes Me Wanna Puke [TMZ]

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