Smell the flowers: quicker & twitter!

February 8th, 2009 by Jim

Well you know - it works on many levels - this speed thing as it’s what modern day online society DEMANDS. Recently redundant Jim in Dubai here and many of you have rightly tutted at the HUGE amount of time it takes GO! Smell the flowers to load.

Thanks to tech whizz Deep in Mumbai has ramped up our Wordpress version and valuable input from Flowers contributor Anges Biz over in Oz and hey presto - a quicker flower smelling experience for you and it’s about to get quicker!

YouTube Preview Image

We’re going full steam ahead (choooo choo) with the Buddypress social network software and are currently making waves on twitter ( now I’ve a bit more time on my hands it’s time to help the flowers bloom.

Anyone else on twitter here? Do tell together with any comments about the loading time of the GO! Smell the flowers website, Cheers, tweet, tweet.

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Comment by Purple13
2009-02-08 20:53:22

You can ‘follow’ me on Twitter at

You’ll be very welcome and ‘ll be sure to ‘Tweet’ a thank you for following me.

Twiiter isn’t all serious stuff - there’s time for a laugh too.

Take the other day…….

Comment by Jim
2009-02-08 21:33:58

DONE and following you…

Twitter will be HUGE I tells you, HUGE!

Comment by mike
2009-02-08 21:03:26

I’m here

Twitter seems to making the news here in the UK as the next big trend - maybe facebook is on its way out?

Nice work Ange and team :-)

Comment by Jim
2009-02-08 21:35:41

Different to facebook Mike - more of a journey into the unknown with TOTALLY new connections….I reckon twitter is to facebook as facebook was to friends reunited….if you follow….to coin a phrase….just following TVFH right now!

Comment by Svasti Subscribed to comments via email
2009-02-09 00:36:55

Welcome to Twitter - much more fun than Facebook. You can find me here:


Comment by Jim
2009-02-09 08:23:37

Cheers Svasti - Added & followed you!

Comment by Gareth in Thailand
2009-02-09 06:03:35

surely removing those freely awarded ‘awesome freaking blog man’ badges might help. aAfter all they aren’t worth the bits they occupy nor the bandwidth they consume. Who cares if techno nerd #56 thinks you’re fab?

Comment by Jim
2009-02-09 08:26:01

Bah humbug Gareth….

THe blog awards tend not to take up any space in terms of loading and in blogging terms gave flowers early days kudos!

Think cubs - think badges on the arm - no needlework involved…

Comment by Sarah
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