Many of CAIR’s leaders have been convicted of jihad-related activities. CAIR’s founder is on record making Islamic Supremacist statements. CAIR is labeled as an unindicted co-soncpirator in an ongoing federal trial of The Holy Foundation.  The FBI has cut ties and urged members of Congress to do the same.  CAIR has never denounced Hamas or Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.  CAIR continually plays the discrimination card anytime anyone is critical of Islam. CAIR’s agenda is to use the American justice system and culture of political correctness to push their anti-American Islamist agenda.  Sheriff Baca is simply ill-informed and frankly, shameful:

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca argued with a Republican congressman from Indiana during a hearing Wednesday when the lawmaker questioned his relationship with an Islamic nonprofit group.Baca was in Washington testifying before the House Committee on Homeland Security when he was questioned by Rep. Mark Souder about attending fundraisers for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, officials said….

The exchange between Baca and Souder was recorded by a reporter for KPCC-FM (89.3). To hear the recording, click here.

“There’s a substantial difference between protected speech and government officials going to fundraisers for organizations that do speech that is radical. And Sheriff Baca, you’ve been 10 times to the fundraisers for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which even the FBI has separated themselves from,” Souder said, according to the recording.

Baca shot back, citing his service in the Marines and support of Israel, according to the report. “The security of Israel has always been at the forefront of my thinking,” he said. “And for you to associate me somehow through some circuitous attack on CAIR, is not only inappropriate, it is un-American.”

Whitmore said department records show that Baca attended two CAIR fundraisers in recent years.


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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey...
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Erdogan said in the past that making Turks assimilate in the countries they migrate to, was a “crime against Humanity”. Now he is trying to influence other countries through Turkish immigrants:

Leaders of Turkish descent across Europe recently received an invitation to a fancy event in Istanbul, all expenses paid. But what sounded innocent enough appears to have been an attempt by Ankara to get members of the Turkish diaspora to represent Turkish interests abroad. Turkish-German politicians have reacted angrily tbrazen lobbying.

The invitation that numerous Turkish-German politicians received in February sounded enticing: Lunch in a five-star hotel in Istanbul, travel expenses included. The session was titled: “Wherever One of Our Compatriots Is, We Are There Too.”

Around 1,500 people of Turkish descent from several European countries accepted the tempting offer. Among the speakers at the event, which took place at the end of February, were businesspeople, NGO representatives and a member of the Belgian parliament of Turkish descent. But the meeting, which has sparked outrage among Turkish-German politicians, was more than a harmless gathering of the Turkish diaspora.

The event was organized by the Turkish government, which is led by the conservative-religious Justice and Development (AKP) party, in an attempt to send a clear message to the participants that they should represent Turkeyin other countries. Turks living abroad should take the citizenship of their new home country — not, however, with the intention of becoming an integrated part of that society, but so they can become politically active, said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who spoke at the event. Erdogan also compared Islamophobia with anti-Semitism in his speech and said that countries which oppose dual citizenship are violating people’s fundamental rights. (Germany, for example, generally does not allow its citizens to hold dual nationality.)

Erdogan has also interesting double standards: he considered that Israel “knew very well how to kill people” in Gaza, while defended Sudanese President Al-Bashir against the accusation of genocide because “a Muslim cannot commit” such crime. He has also accused China of genocide against Uighur Muslims (there are people who have defended that China should retaliate towards Turkey for that reason) but is against a US Resolution (and against Swedish vote on the same subject) claiming that the mass murder of Armenians during the First World War by the Ottoman Empire was indeed a genocide (even before it’s adopted). So much he is enraged that he firstlythreatened with serious consequences against US and now wants to expell 100,000 Armenians from Turkish soil.

Cross-posted from T&P.

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MEMRI has the whole speech.

“[The Jews] suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors. A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder and pangs of conscience, because he took something that wasn’t his.
“They want to present themselves to the world as if they have rights, but, in fact, they are foreign bacteria – a microbe unparalleled in the world. It’s not me who says this. The Koran itself says that they have no parallel: ‘You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews.’
“May He annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience. I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings. They are not human beings. They are not people. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values.”

Abdallah Jarbu, Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments.

He is really meaning all the Jews.

Thanks to No A Todo for the tip.

Cross-posted from T&P.


Ah yes, the Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR doing their best to police free thought about Islam.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Muslim civil liberties group is protesting a series of children’s textbooks that it says contains misleading and inflammatory rhetoric against Islam.

The Pennsylvania chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has begun a public awareness campaign Wednesday against the “World of Islam” books by Mason Crest Publishing.

The group says the books inaccurately portray Muslims as inherently violent and deserving of suspicion.


Doing what they always do.  Undermining America’s ability to defend itself while doing everything they can to ensure the rights of terrorists.

From Politico (via StoptheACLU)

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the federal government Tuesday to learn the use of unmanned drones for targeted killings by the military and CIA.

“In particular, the lawsuit asks for information on when, where and against whom drone strikes can be authorized, the number and rate of civilian casualties and other basic information essential for assessing the wisdom and legality of using armed drones to conduct targeted killings,” the ACLU said in a statement, announcing its action.

“The government’s use of drones to conduct targeted killings raises complicated questions – not only legal questions, but policy and moral questions as well,” said Jameel Jaffer, director of the ACLU National Security Project. “These kinds of questions ought to be discussed and debated publicly, not resolved secretly behind closed doors. While the Obama administration may legitimately withhold intelligence information as well as sensitive information about military strategy, it should disclose basic information about the scope of the drone program, the legal basis for the program and the civilian casualties that have resulted from the program.”


5 Misunderstanders of Islam from Virgina went to Pakistan to fulfill their Islamic duties but things didn’t work out so well…

ISLAMABADA Pakistani court charged five young Americans on Wednesday with planning terrorist attacks in the South Asian country and conspiring to wage war against nations allied with Pakistan, their defense lawyer said.The men — all Muslims from the Washington, D.C., area — pleaded not guilty to a total of five charges, the most severe of which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison, defense lawyer Hasan Dastagir told The Associated Press….

The men, aged 19 to 25, were charged by an anti-terrorism court inside a prison in Sargodha, the city in Punjab province where they were arrested in December. They were reported missing by their families in November after one left behind a farewell video showing scenes of war and casualties and saying Muslims must be defended.

Their lawyer has said they were heading to Afghanistan and had no plans to stage attacks inside Pakistan.

Right, I’m sure they were just on a sight seeing trip to the beautiful Waziristan.



residents say at least 13 people were killed by Muslimherdsmen who attacked a predominantly Christian village close to the troubled central city Jos.Witnesses say the attackers, disguised as soldiers, raided the village, 30 kilometers south of Jos, at dawn.  Most of the victims of the attack were women and children.  Local officials said security forces were alerted about the attack, but help came too late.

Previous violence in and around Jos has claimed several-thousand lives.  More than 200 people, mostly Christians, died last week in massacres in three nearby villages.  More than 300 people, mostly Muslims, died in January during clashes in and around the city.

via At Least 13 Killed In New Nigerian Sectarian Clash | Africa | English.

They were killed with machetes according to BBC.

Al Jazeera doesn’t report on the religion of the victims neither the one the attackers had, the same it did some days ago when 500 Christians were killed brutally:

On the dusty streets of three Christian villages in northern Nigeria, dozens of bodies lined the streets. Other victims of the weekend’s Muslim fury jammed a local morgue, the limbs of slaughtered children tangled in a grotesque mess.

One toddler appeared fixed in the protective but hopeless embrace of an older child, possibly his brother. Another had been scalped. Most had severed hands and feet.

Gadaffi, meanwhile, has proposed a solution: the partition of Nigeria between the Islamic and the Christian parts.

Cross-posted from T&P.


Why woudn’t they be? They’re the single largest sponsor of terror in the world.  Problem is most of the international community balks at doing anything about it. A few hand slaps here and there, waiting to inflict serious damage to another country before they decide to act.

Washington Times

Iran is assisting al Qaeda by facilitating links between senior terrorist leaders and affiliate groups, the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East told Congress on Tuesday.

Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of the U.S. Central Command, also said Iran’s nuclear program is facing problems, and as a result, Tehran is not expected to emerge with a nuclear weapon this year.

The exact details of when U.S. intelligence agencies estimate Iran will have a nuclear bomb are classified, but the timeline for developing a nuclear device has “thankfully slid to the right a bit,” he said.

On Tehran’s ties to al Qaeda, Gen. Petraeus said the group “continues to use Iran as a key facilitation hub, where facilitators connect al Qaedas senior leadership to regional affiliates.”

“And although Iranian authorities do periodically disrupt this network by detaining select al Qaeda facilitators and operational planners, Tehrans policy in this regard is often unpredictable,” he stated in written testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


Wow. Read this, all of it.  Not only is it very informative, about the goings on in both Europe and the US, but it is pretty disturbing in seeing how someone can be villified for speaking the truth.

An open letter to Geert Wilders:

Though we have not met, I feel as if I know you well. I have followed your trials—and trial—closely and, like many who are engaged in the same fight against Islamic supremacism and the various forms of jihad that confront us, I endorse your campaign on behalf of the West and its traditional liberties in every way that I can.

Indeed, I wonder if you are aware of the extent of your de facto “support network,” a majority in America who, according to a Pew Research Center survey, are “very concerned” about the rise of Islamic extremism, and certainly a significant minority of the increasingly vocal. The same may now be the case in your own country and in a number of other European nations as well—Switzerland and its minaret affair come immediately to mind—as ordinary people gradually come to realize the threat they are facing.

Of course, we can write off the political and intellectual elites who, through laziness, timidity, adherence to the craven doctrine of political correctness, and no doubt the profiteering impulse, are in bed with the succubus who would guzzle their blood. And this is no blood libel. In addition, you probably strike these presumably more decorous sensibilities as too blunt, aggressive or politically ambitious, which is clearly what prompts their efforts at character assassination against you. But your passionate resistance to the creeping Islamization of Europe prompts me in turn to ask: Does this in Wilders seem ambitious? In any event, pay no attention to these tergiversators. As Andrew Bostom writes, “The transparent agenda in characterizations of Wilders is to demonize Western Europe’s most informed and courageous politician resisting the actual jihadism…But the Swiss minaret referendum, and even more emphatically, burgeoning Dutch support for Wilders and his PVV, indicate that ordinary Europeans reject the capitulation to Islamic supremacism their cultural relativist media and political elites deliberately abet.”

In your fine speech to the British House of Lords on March 5, 2010, you established the principle, as you have many times before, that you and your Freedom Party do not “have a problem with Muslims as such.” You distinguish between law-abiding Muslims and the ideology of Islam based on the Koran. “There are many moderate Muslims,” you declare, “but there is no such thing as a moderate Islam.” The first part of your proposition is a socially appropriate sentiment, but the second part begets a conceptual problem which is decidedly unpleasant to address.

Forgive me for suggesting that you probably had no choice but to make this subtle discrimination between the faithful and the faith, which implies a certain disconnect between the wish and the reality, as you must surely realize. You tread on very delicate ground here, as you are doubtlessly constrained to do in order to avoid alienating both “moderate Muslims” and non-Muslims who regard themselves as unprejudiced.

When you rightly assert that “Islam is not merely a religion [but] a totalitarian ideology,” note that the Koran “commands Muslims to establish shariah law,” claim that “Islam is not compatible with our Western way of life,” and go on to compare the Koran with Mein Kampf, quoting Winston Churchill to reinforce your thesis, the distinction you adduce between individual Muslims and the collective institution of Islam tends to collapse. For what you are really saying is that moderate Muslims cannot be devout Muslims or, in truth, cannot be Muslims at all. What sort of Muslim remains after you have factored out shariah law, effectively compared Muhammed to Hitler, and contended that the Koran should be outlawed, or at least designated as a species of hate literature, as you proposed in your letter to the newspaper De Volkskrant on August 8, 2007?

You now find yourself uncomfortably situated, so to speak, between the devil and the deep Red Sea. Not being a Muslim yourself, you don’t have the option of polemical emphasis that derives from rejecting the faith, becoming an apostate-on-principle or converting to another faith, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq, Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish, among others—all of whom took the second part of your logic to its inevitable terminus. They understood that one cannot honestly profess Islam without abiding by the decrees of the religion and its holy book, including the oft-repeated summons to kill or enslave the infidel, the structure of gender apartheid, the imposition of shariah, and a host of other draconian laws.

In other words, a “moderate Muslim” would have to live in a state of contradiction, and perhaps many do—as does, for example, freedom loving Tarek Fatah, Canadian author of Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State, who calls himself a “hardened secular Muslim.” What exactly is a secular Muslim, whether hardened or soft? Similarly, what could a “secular Christian” conceivably be other than some sort of mythical chimera? (It is different for Jews, of course; a “secular Jew” remains a Jew because the world persists in regarding him as such. But that is another matter.) Fatah is a good man and an important voice in the ongoing debate concerning Islam, but he cannot extricate himself from a legendary infatuation or acknowledge disagreeable historical and theological facts. One cannot cherry pick the Koran or romanticize Islamic history, as so-called “moderate Muslims” are obliged to do, without falling into incoherence. As a character in Hanif Kureishi’s The Black Album says, “our religion isn’t something you can test out, like trying out a suit to see if it fit! You gotta buy the whole outfit!” There is, to put it another way, no such beverage as Islam Lite. One drinks in the real thing or nothing; there is no substitute.

Read the entire article.


Here we have a muslim rapist thwarted by a brave dog name Jake. Too bad he didn’t maul the scumbag, for trying to rape his owner.

Muslim illegal immigrant stopped from raping UK woman by HERO Rottweiler DOG

As my readers know, I have a HUGE soft spot for dogs. Saying dogs are ‘man’s best friend’ is an understatement in my mind. Here we have a story that proves that dogs are also WOMAN’S best friend.

A handsome Rottweiler named Jake has saved a young woman who was attacked by a muslim illegal immigrant, dragged into the bushes, and was being sexually assualted.

Mrs Liz Maxted-Bluck and Jake had been on their nightly walk and Jake was off leash running about. He heard the woman’s screams and came running to her aid. Jake lunged at the attacker, Iranian illegal immigrant -Esmahil Adhami, and chased off the muslim serial attacker who was out on bail from groping a 13 yr old girl.  Jake then circled his sobbing victim – “like a guard dog” until the police arrived on the scene.

So often Rottweilers  are maligned when the reality is with proper training, like any larger breed, they make steadfast, loyal friends and protectors.

Muslim have a hypocritical association with dogs. They believe dogs are ‘unclean’ and offensive  – refusing to allow even guide dogs in taxis - yet have NO problem making gambling money off dogs as muslims are responsible for 98% of dog fighting rings in the UK.

No doubt Jake gives this assault victim and dog lovers around the globe some solace to know that he gave ‘just rewards’ to one criminal.

Jake the hero: Judge praises ROTTWEILER who stopped illegal immigrant from raping woman in park

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:42 PM on 15th March 2010

A judge has praised a hero dog after he chased off a sex attacker who sexually assaulted a woman in a park.

Two-year-old Rottweiler Jake was on his usual evening walk with owner Liz Maxted-Bluck, 49, when he heard screaming from a dense woodland and ran to investigate.

He found Esmahil Adhami, 18, molesting a woman he had dragged into the undergrowth.

The fearless hound lunged at the illegal immigrant and chased him away – and then circled the sobbing victim ‘like a guard dog’ until the police arrived.

Full article at The Opinionator.

Dogs are considered unclean in islam. But raping kuffar women, marrying little children, blowing themselves up for allah, and all the other wonderful acts of jihad are perfectly ok. The perp should simply be shot, saving the British taxpayer the 4 years’ cost of imprisonment and deportation.


If you follow or support following Islamic Law, then you should have no problem with kids being married off to older men.  It’s an integral part to a utopian Islamic society.

KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia’s religion minister on Tuesday defended Islamic laws that allow girls under 16 to marry, amid a controversy over two youngsters who were married off to middle-aged men.

The issue has flared in Malaysia after reports that two girls aged 10 and 11 were wed in the conservative northern state of Kelantan last month. They have now been removed from their husbands.

Rights groups have called for the reform of Islamic laws that allow marriage under the age of 16 if religious officials give their consent. Sharia law runs in parallel with civil law in multi-ethnic Malaysia.

“There is no need to amend the law,” Jamil Khir Baharom, a cabinet minister in charge of religious affairs, told reporters.

hattip: ZIP


Ooo, Scary

Via Arutz Sheva:

( Iran has called for the launching of a “media intifada” against Israel, and the first results are apparently visible online, in the form of a Hamas Facebook group. Other groups and sites formed as part of the ‘intifada’ may have been removed or hacked.

According to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center’s latest briefing, a conference titled National and Islamic Solidarity for the Future of Palestine was held in Tehran on February 28. It was headed by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who gave a typically belligerent anti-Israeli speech.

The conference’s participants were a particularly nasty group of terrorists with a decades-old record of murdering civilians: Khaled Mashaal, the chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau; Ramadan Shalah, the secretary-general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group; and Ahmed Jibril, of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

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ON 2009, “only” two thirds of women had been assaulted. Now the percentage is even higher, via Women Against Shariah:

According to a study, 98 percent of the foreign women and 83 percent of the Egyptian women have at some point been subject to sexual harassment in Egypt. Often the blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of the victims.

…Most tourist guidebooks on Egypt, particularly those published abroad, warn foreign women regarding sexual harassment in the street and offer advice on how they should act and react. This could easily suggest that this phenomenon is on the rise. The aggression is hardly confined to foreign women; its victims include Egyptian women from all social and religious classes, veiled and unveiled.

…while Egyptian authorities took action and installed security cameras in the center of the city – the site of the 2006 riot, when a crowd of hundreds of sexually frenzied young men participated in violent attacks on dozens of women, surrounding them in the streets, groping and even trying to undress them – to alleviate the phenomenon, the effort did nothing to prevent similar attacks from being perpetrated in other parts of the city. Incidents spread and in fact intensified in other areas, including Al Haram Street and Al Mohandesseen district, where many girls were assaulted on Eid al-Fitr. This time, however, police successfully arrested many of the attackers.

Unfortunately, many dominant beliefs still place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the victims of sexual harassment. Society makes an implicit assumption that women dress provocatively, or otherwise behave suspiciously to excite men into violently attacking them – or blame women simply because they are unveiled or don’t conform to conservative Islamic dress codes.

But this phenomenon is not confined to Egypt and it’s driving women inside their homes even more:

Activists from 17 countries across the region met in Cairo for a two-day conference ending Monday and concluded that harassment was unchecked across the region because laws don’t punish it, women don’t report it and the authorities ignore it.

The harassment, including groping and verbal abuse, appears to be designed to drive women out of public spaces and seems to happen regardless of what they are wearing, they said.

But, not considering the evidence, people then receive this kind of ads:

“You can’t stop them. But you can protect yourself. Your creator has your best interests at heart.”

Cross-posted from T&P.


That’s what Paulin-Ramirez’s mom has said after her daughter was freed in Ireland. 31-year-old Paulin-Ramirez was arrested on terror charges: their objective was Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks.

Her mother, Christine Holcomb-Mott, is heartbroken and worried about Paulin-Ramirez’s son, Christian, who she says is being exposed to her daughter’s radical Islamic values.

“He said that Christians will burn in hellfire,”Holcomb-Mott told The New York Post of a phone conversation with her grandson. “That’s what they are teaching this baby.”

The boy’s grandmother said Christian’s name has been changed to Walid and he is now attending a madrassa, or Muslim school, in Ireland.

“He’s in an Islamic school,” Holcomb-Mott’s husband, George Mott, himself a convert to Islam, told the Post. “They’re teaching him hate.”

…Mott, who converted to Islam decades ago, told theWall Street Journal his stepdaughter lacked knowledge of the basic principles of Islam and did not truly understand the faith. He said she became radicalized after linking up to Islamic fundamentalists via the Internet, including a Colorado man named Najibullah Zazi, a suspected al-Qaida associate who pleaded guilty last month in a plot to set off bombs in the New York subway system.

Mott told the Journal he asked Paulin-Ramirez: “What are you going to do, strap a bomb on and blow up something?”

He said she responded by saying, “If necessary, yes.”

NY Daily News adds. “Just a very insecure, unhappy person that was just looking for something to hang onto, I guess,” Christine Mott said, according to the Web site. After several failed marriages, Mott said her daughter wed a Muslim and began covering up her hair and face and with a scarf, leaving only a narrow slit for her eyes”.

Cross-posted from T&P (contains some other updates).

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Another day, another round of jihad, compliments of the religion of peace.

Crowd of 3 thousand Muslims attack a Coptic Christian community, 25 injured

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) – The toll from an attack on the Coptic Christian community that took place yesterday in the north-western province of Mersa Matrouh, Egypt is 25 wounded, including women and children. A crowd of around 3 thousand Muslims attacked the faithful gathered in prayer in a building adjoining the local church. The fundamentalists fury, encouraged by the imam, was sparked by the rumour that the Christians have begun to build a new place of worship.  

Around 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, the Muslims – a group of Bedouins and Salafi fanatics – started throwing stones at a construction site, which they believe in reality will be a new church. Local witnesses reported that security forces present were not sufficient to contain the attack. The police fired tear gas and arrested a dozen people, including Muslims and Christians. Only this morning, reinforcements arrived from Alexandria, thanks to which the Coptic faithful trapped inside the building could return to their homes.  

At the moment of the attack the Christian prayer house contained four priests, one deacon and about 400 parishioners. Christians say that the building under construction, in fact, is a nursing home and said they were “terrified” by the latest attack. The local imam Shaikh Khamees intervention during Friday prayers has helped to foment the anger of Muslims. He emphasized the duty to fight against the “enemies” of Islam and stressed that “we do not tolerate the Christian presence in our area.”

Reverend Matta Zakarya confirms that this morning there was a summit between the leaders of the local church, state security forces and even some Muslims. “The Coptic are scared – he stresses – especially women and children who were inside the building and witnessed the assault.”    

In Egypt, the Coptic Christian community is about 10% of the population in a country with an overwhelming Muslim majority, which discriminates against the Christian community. It is the victim of violence, caused by a sharp rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Sometimes the basis of many attacks there are disputes over land ownership and disputes for women, but they soon become sectarian clashes.

It never ends with muslims, attack after attack on the kuffar. No one in the Western media notices of course. But let a muslim get caught red-handed in a jihad plot, and everyone shouts islamophobia.


Jihad Jane II: American Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31 Identified from Colorado


Your Saturday red meat! Must watch! One of my favorite talk show hosts and a great thinker. Also his book “Liberty and Tyranny” is a must read for everyone.

First, a short interview with Mark Levin

Here’s the full speech.

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The corruption continues.  We’ll never know the extent in which Obama was involved in the biggest federal racket in American History. Meanwhile, ACORN is still receiving our tax dollars.

Obama Justice Department Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation

If you want to know the sordid details behind ACORN’s corrupt activities and the Obama administration’s disinterest in holding the organization accountable, I have good news for you. Judicial Watch recently obtained a large batch documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) detailing investigations into ACORN corruption.

This is a huge “get” for Judicial Watch. The documents include internal FBI memoranda, signed affidavits, subpoenas, fraudulent voter registration cards, and publications describing ACORN’s policies and practices. The documents also include details regarding numerous allegations of corruption extending beyond voter registration fraud, to include attempts by ACORN employees to coerce workers to participate in campaign activities on behalf of Democratic candidates.

But here’s what I find most interesting of all.

The documents provide the details surrounding the Obama administration’s terrible decision to shut down a criminal investigation into two voter registration fraud complaints in March 2009 without filing criminal charges.

I’m specifically referring to separate complaints filed in October 2008 by Lucy Corelli and Joseph Borges, Republican Registrars of Voters in Stamford and Bridgeport, Connecticut, respectively, during the 2008 election season.

According to Corelli, on August 1, 2008, her office received 1,200 ACORN voter registration cards from the Secretary of State’s office. Over 300 of these cards were rejected because of “duplicates, underage, illegible and invalid addresses,” which “put a tremendous strain on our office staff and caused endless work hours at taxpayers’ expense.” Corelli claimed the total cost of the extra work caused by ACORN corruption was $20,000.

Likewise, Borges contended that: “The organization ACORN during the summer of 2008 conducted a registration drive which has produced over 100 rejections due to incomplete forms and individuals who are not citizens…” Among the examples cited by Borges was a seven-year old child, who was registered to vote by ACORN through the use of a forged signature and a fake birth certificate claiming she was 27-years old.

The FBI and Department of Justice opened an investigation. However, the Obama Justice Department, while noting that ACORN had engaged in “questionable hiring and training practices,” closed down the investigation in March 2009, claiming ACORN broke no laws.

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(Found at El País and Global Voices Online).

A man, with an homosexual “background” (he was sentenced to learn by heart a chapter of the Coran after a prior criminal process) has been found “guilty” of homosexuality again, after recording a video in which he, impersonating a policeman, tried to seduce another man, asking him for sexual favors in exchange of a supposedly unpaid fine. Of course, it was all a play, but that hasn’t stopped Saudi justice from condemning him to a prison term of one year, a fine of 5000 rials (€975) and a thousand lashes.

His father considers his own son as “unstable” and has blamed the other man, whose identity is unknown, for the video recording.

According to Police Lt. Nawaf Bouq, who told Arab News, the young man is facing three charges: One is for homosexuality; the other for general security; and the third is for impersonating a police officer.

Cross-posted from T&P.0


A Lebanese man has been arrested in northern Lebanon for killing his sister earlier this week in what authorities described as an honour killing, a security official said on Friday.

“The 24-year-old victim was single and apparently had a boyfriend,” the security official told AFP. “(Her brother) admitted shooting her twice in the head to cleanse the family honour.”

The woman was only identified by her initials, as was her 28-year-old brother. Her body was discovered on Tuesday on the main road of the village of Hakr al-Daheri, in the northern Akkar region.

There are not a lot of news about honor killings in Lebanon, but discrimination against women still exists. This article writes about women’s situation in Lebanon. Regarding violence against women, it says:

gender-based violence and impunity in spousal abuse remain pervasive, Khalaf said, although she added a number of organizations and help lines are increasingly available for women in need of help. Honor killings still occur – between 1999 and 2007, 66 court sessions reportedly took place related to 82 murders of women, with lenient sentences given to their perpetrators.

“When courts are incapable of upholding basic legal rights in the face of political and societal pressures, those guilty of spousal abuse, gender-based discrimination, or even murder, often walk free,” said Kelly.

Cross-posted from T&P.