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The Patient Is Resting Stupidly

Home - by HippieCritic - March 18, 2010 - 20:49 America/Chicago - 12 Comments


Senator Tom Coburn Kicks Arse

Home - by Lori Ziganto - March 18, 2010 - 18:31 America/Chicago - 25 Comments

I even said “arse” so as to make it fancy pants, as befitting one who is made totally of awesome.

Switch your vote in exchange for some cushy appointment, as is the Chicago Way? Guess again. The Oklahoma Way will stop you.

“I want to send a couple messages to my colleagues in the House. If you voted no and you vote yes and you lose your election, and you think any nomination to a federal position isn’t going to held in the Senate, I’ve got news for you,” Coburn, a physician whose been among the Senate’s most vocal opponents of the bill, said. “It’s going to be held.”

*fanning self*

39 Democrats voted against the bill last year. Representative Dennis Kucinich became the first Democrat to change course, as he surrendered yesterday to intense White House lobbying to support the bill.

“If you think you can cut a deal now and it not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that isn’t going to happen and be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House,” warned Coburn.


It’s heartening to see that some Republicans do have the fortitude and the spine to fight and to put the Democrats on notice. Their shady backroom and sweetheart deals will not stand. If that is how they plan to ram this bill through, think again. Or, in the case of Democrats, think at all.

I Feel The Need for Speed

Home - by BigFurHat - March 18, 2010 - 16:41 America/Chicago - 34 Comments

I’m not a Sammy Hagar fan, but I agree with one thing – I Can’t Drive 55.

The WSJ reports that Tom Tom, the navigation system company, has compiled statistics from customers who agreed to have their driving speed monitored. The fastest driving state? Mississippi. Drivers average 70.1mph. This is exactly the speed I find myself driving if I don’t watch the speedometer. I live in New York, where the legal highway speeds range from 55 – 65 mph. My observation is that the average driver in New York travels at about 67.49 (heh). I know this because they are in front of me, all the time.

The slowest state? Hawaii. Highway drivers go 52.7 mph. This is astounding to me. 52 mph? I’ve done that with a shopping cart tooling around Sam’s Club.

Here’s a chart of all 57 states.PJ-AU097A_EYESR_NS_20100316202452

Expanded Photo of Rielle Hunter GQ Shoot Shows Peculiarity

Home - by IOTW Reports - March 18, 2010 - 15:47 America/Chicago - 36 Comments

We’re not familiar with this particular stuffed animal in the middle of the back row… anyone know the name?400_rhunter_031510_gq2

Mark Levin Sends Message

Home - by IOTW Reports - March 18, 2010 - 14:58 America/Chicago - 34 Comments

From CSN

Levin’s Landmark Legal Foundation to File Immediate Constitutional Challenge If House Dems Try to Pass Health-Care Without Actually Voting on It 

“I cannot predict if we would win or lose–this is not as simple as some would have you believe–but I want to put the marker down right now and make it clear to members of the House of Representatives who think the quickest way to pass this is to adopt a rule that assumes that they voted on an underlying bill when they didn’t–that is going to be challenged if they do it,” Levin said.

(A draft version of Landmark Legal’s likely complaint is available on the organization’s Web site.) 

Mark has our backs. This bill will not be signed into law without vigorous challenges from a variety of fronts. Bayonets! 

The left thinks that someone can “fundamentally change America” and people are just going to yawn?? This is war.

Alex Chilton – Dead at 59

Home - by BigFurHat - March 18, 2010 - 14:17 America/Chicago - 9 Comments

 Chilton died of a heart attack in New Orleans. Chilton was a founding member of Big Star (September Gurls) and The Box Tops, whose big hit was The Letter.

Update – This is nice. From Music Mix


Memphis rock icon Alex Chilton, who died Wednesday, may not always have received a fitting degree of commercial success. But he certainly received a heartfelt tribute in the House of Representatives earlier today from Democrat Steve Cohen, who serves Tennessee’s 9th District. Cohen started by saying he had a “heavy heart” because of Chilton’s death and the politician did sound genuinely upset as he recounted the singer-songwriter’s career and achievements, and recited the lyrics to the Box Tops’ hit “The Letter,” which I’ve embedded below. He also noted that Chilton was an influence on both R.E.M. and the Replacements (which I would wager is the first time the latter have been name checked in Congress, though I would be happy to be proven wrong).
“He is an embodiment of Memphis music—hard, different, independent, brilliant, beautiful,” Cohen concluded. “We’re lucky he came our way.” To which we at the Music Mix can only add a loud, “Hear, hear!”
Memphis rock icon Alex Chilton, who died Wednesday, may not always have received a fitting degree of commercial success. But he certainly received a heartfelt tribute in the House of Representatives earlier today from Democrat Steve Cohen, who serves Tennessee’s 9th District. Cohen started by saying he had a “heavy heart” because of Chilton’s death and the politician did sound genuinely upset as he recounted the singer-songwriter’s career and achievements, and recited the lyrics to the Box Tops’ hit “The Letter,” which I’ve embedded below. He also noted that Chilton was an influence on both R.E.M. and the Replacements (which I would wager is the first time the latter have been name checked in Congress, though I would be happy to be proven wrong).
“He is an embodiment of Memphis music—hard, different, independent, brilliant, beautiful,” Cohen concluded. “We’re lucky he came our way.” To which we at the Music Mix can only add a loud, “Hear, hear!”


Home - by illustr8r - March 18, 2010 - 11:59 America/Chicago - 26 Comments


*shameful promotion alert*

Home - by BigFurHat - March 18, 2010 - 11:07 America/Chicago - 9 Comments

Take a looksy  -

Michelle Malkin adds another graphic (Take the Townhalls to DC) in her update on the Slaughter Rule post. And just who did THAT graphic?? 


This was sheer  coincidence.

But if she adds a third graphic and it’s Hippie’s or Irony’s I’ma  gonna get scared.


Home - by IOTW Reports - March 18, 2010 - 10:29 America/Chicago - 50 Comments

We try, we really do, to provide coverage of the biggest stories of the day, peppered in amidst our dog and pony show. But we regret that we missed such a huge story, and perhaps the readers can fill us in on some of the particulars in the comments section.

Please tell us all about the earthquake in Hawaii.

ht/ Michelle Malkin

The Serial Urinator Has Been Caught!

Home - by BigFurHat - March 18, 2010 - 10:13 America/Chicago - 26 Comments

2010_03_patel.jpgHe’s been the NUMBER ONE priority for Jersey City, New Jersey law enforcement for several months.

The pee shooter is Nitinkuma Patel. He was apprehended, midstream, when he was spotted marking a 16 year old girl at a bus stop.

Jersey City Police Chief Peter Malbach described the sick bastard’s technique:  ”He’s been going up behind females who were waiting for the bus or just walking and just urinating on the back of their leg.”

The animal was nabbed by officer Mike (behave) Meyers. Malbach describes the arrest:  

When the girl turned south on Tuers, [Officer Mike] Meyers got out of his car and began following on the other side of the street and saw Patel run to within six inches of the girl, reports said.

Six inches, huh? He couldn’t have said a half a foot, and keep me from giggling?

That’s when Patel pulled down the front of his pants and urinated on the girl, reports said, adding that he quickly walked away and right into Meyers’ hands.

I know the Patel didn’t wash up. Did Meyers really use his bare hands?

And Patel was caught wearing “gray sweatpants with ‘a large wet spot around his crotch area.’”

Note to Patel: You should wear black.

Patel was charged with aggravated criminal sexual contact, lewdness, child abuse, and really good aim.

Story cobbled together from local Fox television news affiliate and The Gotham

The PLOTS Thicken

Home - by BigFurHat - March 18, 2010 - 09:24 America/Chicago - 20 Comments

From Politico

Democrats might like to think that health care reform is all but a done deal if it clears the House, but the Senate is where Republicans have been plotting for months to sentence it to a painful procedural death.

Is it possible I could finally, for the first time in my adult life, be proud of Republicans?

Republican aides have been mining the Senate’s arcane parliamentary rules for an attack that aims at striking elements both broad and narrow from the bill, weakening the measure and ultimately defeating it.

Arcane is the new modern. 

Their goal is to force changes that leave Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) without 51 votes to pass it, or at the very least, that drive it back to the House for a second vote that drags out the process and saps Democratic resolve.

Please, don’t cave. Don’t roll over like usual. These stakes are way too high. You do this for us and we will rename you the “T” party – for tenacious. 

But the first step in the Republicans’ game plan is making sure they never need to use the rest of it.

“Our initial goal is to stop the bill in the House,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). “Part of convincing House members to vote for the Senate bill is that it can be fixed by reconciliation, and I think that is a highly questionable proposition.”

It’s a pre-emptive strike meant to scare jittery House Democrats into withholding their support from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who needs 216 votes to pass the Senate bill and a companion measure that fixes unpopular elements of the bill. If she falls short, comprehensive health care reform dies.

Who needs sports? THIS is March madness.

The spin from the left, bank on it, will be that these maneuvers, if they should succeed, will be pyrrhic and “the death of the Republicans.” I don’t think anyone would believe that warning, look at the polling on this bill. The people know that this is not about health reform for the left, it’s just a power grab. It’s been through so many different incarnations that it would be difficult to maintain that this is a principled bill. With regards to principle, the bill is a shadow of it’s former self, having been bastardized and bastardized. It’s the power grab that is the constant, making the power the principle.

How Can Someone With Ears That Big Not Hear?

Home - by IOTW Reports - March 18, 2010 - 08:53 America/Chicago - 20 Comments

It’s like an impotent John Holmes… such a shame.

Click to view larger.

Jamie’s  latest:

Barack In The Enemy Camp


Home - by IOTW Reports - March 18, 2010 - 08:31 America/Chicago - 4 Comments

Zack’s latestdiversitylane_goose_for_blog

Got to get me one of these

Home - by BigFurHat - March 17, 2010 - 21:33 America/Chicago - 33 Comments

Now THAT’S a mailbox that makes a statement.  It’s much better than those Brinks Home Security signs.

Ht/ray gUnknown-1

House Of Ill Repute

Home - by HippieCritic - March 17, 2010 - 20:23 America/Chicago - 33 Comments


People Let Me Tell Ya’ ‘Bout My Best Friend

Home - by HippieCritic - March 17, 2010 - 18:49 America/Chicago - 29 Comments


Rat Hole

Home - by BigFurHat - March 17, 2010 - 18:42 America/Chicago - 18 Comments

Atlas had this posted today. Thank you!


Michelle Forges Ahead With Healthy Eating Initiative

Home - by BigFurHat - March 17, 2010 - 16:56 America/Chicago - 42 Comments

I dunno, this might be a photoshop, but I do believe I see a hot fudge sundae in that, umm, “apple.”appleass

British PSA Agency Tells Al Gore: You Lie

Home - by Lori Ziganto - March 17, 2010 - 15:13 America/Chicago - 20 Comments

Well, maybe they didn’t say it directly to Al Gore, but I’m pretending that they did in my mind, because it pleases me immensely.

From NewsBusters:

A British agency has banned two government television ads for exaggerating the danger of global warming.

In what we would call public service announcements in the States, the Department of Energy and Climate Change actually used nursery rhymes to scare people into thinking England was in imminent peril as a result of Nobel Laureate Al Gore’s favorite money-making theory.

Hee hee. Banned! For totally made-up exaggerating. Oh, if only we could ban Al Gore himself!

As reported by BBC.com Wednesday:

Two posters juxtaposed adapted extracts from popular nursery rhymes with text that warned about the dangers of global warning.

One of the banned adverts read: “Rub a dub, three men in a tub, a necessary course of action due to flash flooding caused by climate change.”

And a second said Jack and Jill could not fetch a pail of water because extreme weather due to climate change had caused a drought.

The ASA upheld complaints against these two advertisements, saying a claim that “extreme weather events would become more frequent and intense” should have been phrased more tentatively.

It noted that predictions about the potential impact of global warming made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “involved uncertainties” that had not been reflected in the adverts.

The advertising watchdog said the text accompanying the rhymes should have used more tentative language in both instances.

I would have banned them just for being totally lame and trite. They should have gone all out and said “Humpy Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall — BECAUSE THE ENTIRE EARTH DISAPPEARED!!!”

Plus, I guess Global Warming Alarmists don’t care about The Children, since they are willing to desecrate their nursery rhymes and try to frighten them.

A British judge already ruled that An Inconvenient Truth had a whole bunch of Inconvenient Lies. Now, if that movie is shown in British schools, they need to issue a disclaimer that it’s a political movie, thus has an agenda and they need to spell out the inaccuracies. Now, this ruling on the commercials. Is Britain finally seeing the light?

What are the lefties here going to do now? Since they love to copy fancy pants foreigners and all.

Barry’s Extreme House Makeover

Home - by IOTW Reports - March 17, 2010 - 14:12 America/Chicago - 27 Comments

From the mind of Jamie Barry's Bar