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   Wed, January 06, 2010
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Cover Stories, News

Interpol – From the Inside
 By Barry Napier

imageWell, Interpol has certainly started a tidal wave! My inbox has been crammed with comments, from hostile to accepting, from ignorant to a pretence of knowledge. I had one, indirectly, from someone who worked in Interpol Europe. Also, many gun-owners tell me they would shoot it out with anyone who wants to arrest them for having guns. I can only warn against a Waco conclusion if that happened.


The Climate Alarmists Next Assault on Freedom
 By John Ziraldo

imageThe first week of January is the time for predictions for the New Year, so I would like to make my prediction about the Climate Alarmists next attack on our freedom.

You may recall that some of the Global Warming scientists started their careers warning us about the pending ice age in the 70s, but then when the weather began to warm they switched to warming.


Overcoming Climate Inertia
 By Joseph A Olson, PE

Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion is that a body in motion stays in motion unless acted on by another force.  This law seems to apply to more than just the physical world for it seems to apply to society as well.  It appears to apply to divisions of society, like the Royal Society.


After Ehsan Fatahiyan another Activist Fasih Yasamani has been Executed
 By Sayeh Hassan

imageThis morning at 4 am a Kurdish political prisoner Fasih Yasamani was executed by hanging. The authorities have told the Yasamani family that they will not receive the body of Fasih Yasamani and that they will be informed of his place of burial after 6 months.


Man-Made-Disaster Prevention
 By Lance Thompson

Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has retreated from her controversial statement on the would-be Detroit airline bomber.  Having initially characterized the fortuitous intervention of airline passengers in the mid-air bombing attempt by terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as proof that “the system worked,” she now must face another unpleasant fact.


The runway to Flight 253
 By Doug Hagmann

imageNext to overt acts of terrorism, intimidation is a most powerful weapon in the arsenal of Islamic terrorists in their war against the U.S. and the West. Acquiescence to intimidation is celebrated by our enemies as much as images of planes striking U.S. buildings. Although it lacks the same level of visual impact, it cuts as deep within the fabric of our security and way of life. It is a tactic that is currently being used adeptly against ordinary citizens, businesses, law enforcement, politicians, and even our judiciary by Islamists intent on imposing their agenda on the West. Their objective is to dominate and ultimately eliminate our Western society from within. Their stealth tactic is intimidation.


No smoking gun?!
 By Klaus Rohrich

imageIt seems the only way the Obama Administration will be able to spot terror, er, sorry, “human caused disaster” suspects is if they saunter into an airport pushing a shopping cart loaded with bombs, fuses, guns, ammo and box cutters.  At least that’s the impression one gets listening to the various administration officials blithely attempting to explain away the terrorist attack against a Northwest Airlines plane over Detroit on Dec. 25.


Chris Matthews Admits He Hearts Saul Alinksy
 By Joy Tiz

Ever since Obama’s installation into the White House, left wingers feel free to tout their radicalism.  It’s as if they spent years trying to at least create the illusion of sanity and dropped all pretense the moment Obama was sworn in as Community Organizer in Chief.


News Headline

Freed Guantánamo inmates are heading for Yemen to join al-Qaeda fight

Sweatshirt Sparks School Controversy

D.C. Watson: Islam’s Internet Tough Guys

The Gates of Financial and Economic Hell Have Opened

Excessive salaries at the American Cancer Society

New Senate poll puts Brown within nine

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Military Blogger Michael Yon Detained, Handcuffed by TSA in Seattle Airport

Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across the planet

Panic buying at supermarkets as Britain braces itself for the big freeze

Preacher of hate booted out of Britain is picked up in Kenya

image <a href="https://swap.stanford.edu/was/20100322163935mp_/http://www.canadafreepress.com/images/uploads/levin-cfp.mp3">[View using Helper Application]</a> The Great One on CFP 12/14/09 Freedom Force Online Bible image The Woodcarver

CFP Sister Sites

Bogota Free Planet
Northeast Intelligence Network
Restore our Constitution
Petition: Royal Commission to determine the cause and extent of Global Warming
Flip This House Ernest Huber for Congress

American Healthcare

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

 By Weaving Spiders Come Not Here
AKA Big Pharma

Mayo Clinic in Arizona to Stop Treating Some Medicare Patients

 By Editor
U.S. government pays too little

Ten New Reasons Why Obamacare Can Still Be Killed

 By Phyllis Schlafly
Public opinion is against the bill because of its obscene costs in higher taxes, burdensome debt, anti-freedom mandates, rationing, and reduced care for seniors

American Politics

Public Servants Gone Wild

 By Nancy Morgan
Drunk with the power

NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part Two

 By Cliff Kincaid
Criminal activities of North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)

Rahm Emanuel for Chicago Mayor?

 By Warner Todd Huston
Emanuel is just as corrupt as the mobbed up Daley family

Harry Reid dropped the USO ball 18 months ago!

 By Steve Miller
Senator Reid found billions for MGM Mirage

Obama Continues Protection, Support of Islamists

 By Sher Zieve
Obama appears to now use the US Constitution only when it serves his, Marxists’, Maoists’--and now Islamist terrorists--purposes

Islam’s Legacy is Constant War

 By Alan Caruba
“The problem is religion, Our Islamist enemies are inspired by it, while we are terrified even to talk about it.”

Flight 253:  All Liberals Fault

 By Joy Tiz
As is the case in all national catastrophes, we can thank liberals for the Christmas Day terrorist attack by Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab

Obama’s Year-End Gift to Big Labor

 By Matthew Vadum
The administration appears to be phasing out requirements

NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part One

 By Cliff Kincaid
Power of the occult, North American Man-Boy Love Association, Communist Party USA

American Freedom

Our Bill of Rights is Past Due!

 By Dave Macy
True patriots will not idly sit by and allow the wholesale destruction of America

Freedom Force Prepares for Full Scale Launch

 By JB Williams
I called upon the Tea Party, Town Hall and 912 movements across the country to "unite" and begin working on "tangible" solutions

Taxation Without Representation

 By David A. Nace
Taxation without representation” exists in 2009 just as it did in 1765

American Life

America’s Photo Gallery

 By Editor
America in Pictures

ACORN’s Bertha Lewis Does Esquire

 By Matthew Vadum
No discussion of ACORN’s million-dollar embezzlement, money laundering, abuse of government funding

Hiding in plain sight

 By Weaving Spiders Come Not Here
The Bilderberg is very well connected

Boneheads Of The Day

 By Bob Parks
We’ll give Representative Ward a near miss as naming ‘overgrown scrub land’ after Obama may be a not-so-subtle slam

Canadian Politics

Canada’s National Post calls for Janet Napolitano to go

 By Arthur Weinreb
It is almost unheard of for a major Canadian publication to call for the resignation or removal of a high placed American official

Now is the time for an Entrepreneurial Revolution

 By Mark Borkowski
"A specter is haunting Canada and the United States - the specter of complacency”

World News, Events

Gilani, Mukhtar to mediate between Zardari, Kayani

 By Hamid Mir
Prime Minister Gilani will arrange a meeting between President Zardari and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani

US-Iran Negotiations: Simulation Exercise

In order to evaluate the best response policy for Israel


Honduras Votes as Troops Watch, Zelaya Urges Boycott

 By Editor
Election today in Honduras

Middle East News

Israel’s Arab Settlements

 By Daniel Greenfield
The settlement freeze enacted under pressure from Obama has frozen the ability of Jewish residents to build and expand homes, even those already mortgaged and under construction

Headhunt Hamas or Heil Haniyeh

 By David Singer
These sympathisers ignore the provisions of the Hamas Covenant which provide that

Castro's Cuba

“New Castro / Same Cuba”

 By Humberto Fontova
The most comprehensive analysis of conditions for Cuba since Raúl Castro took power

War on Terror

CAIR Condemns U.S. Airport Anti-terrorism Measures

 By Jim Kouri
The CAIR leadership released a statement that claims the TSA's airport security directives amount to the profiling of Muslims

Domestic Terror, Security

Closing Gitmo, The Terrorists’ Paradise Of The West

 By JR Dieckmann
Whether it’s the recession, the failed stimulus program, or the war on terror, it’s always Bush’s fault

Border Security

Another Illegal Alien Fugitive Murderer Nailed at Border

 By Jim Kouri
Crime and Illegal Aliens


USO Las Vegas wish list

 By Bob Beers
Marines in transit at McCarran Airport

USO in Vegas…Clark County’s Shame

 By Bob Beers
US Marines at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas

United Nations

The UN and Interpol How the UN will gain power

 By Barry Napier
Anti-Greens are ‘Criminals’, According to Interpol, Environmental crime is a serious and growing international problem

Europe News

Will the N.Y. Times ever get it straight

 By Frank Milewski
Theft of Auschwitz sign, Poles not mentioned as victims of Nazis


Ten Years of Persecution - Millions Suffer

 By Online
10 year-anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong in China

Iran Uprising

News Reports from Today’s Protests in Tehran-December 31st 2009

 By Sayeh Hassan

Is Regime Change Coming to Iran?

 By Amil Imani
Green movement, has arisen to demand the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Gun Control

Obama Poised to Use Iron Fist?

 By Barry Napier
Is he using gun laws to provoke reaction?


ABC Analysis – What I Know That the World Doesn’t

 By Kent Lucas, Editor, Taipan Daily
One of the keys to wealth creation is uncovering stock ideas before Wall Street’s smartest analysts find them. Taipan Publishing Group’s Kent Lucas discusses one of the most valuable and successful investing concepts

Obama Goes to a Luau as Terrorists Visit the United States

 By Todd M. Schoenberger, Contributing Editor
With the new terrorist attack against the U.S., President Obama has decided to review how travellers are placed on watch lists and how explosives are detected. He’s just doing this now?

Global Warming - ClimateGate

South Chilled by Arctic Winds, Record Snow in East

 By Editor
The National Weather Service said the mercury could fall below zero in St. Louis later this week for the first time since 1999

Sorry Al Gore, Swiss Glaciers Melted Faster in the 1940’s Than Today

 By Sammy Benoit
Studies in Switzerland

Copenhagen dashes 3rd world expectations

 By Dennis Avery
We’d promised them billions of unearned dollars in guilt payments for something called “global warming"

Carbon Bribery and Corruption

 By Viv Forbes
The political challenge for warmist politicians is to publicise the bribes and subsidies

Control of Climate Policies by Unaccountable Bureaucracies; The Canadian Example

 By Dr. Tim Ball
It involved the role of bureaucrats at Environment Canada (EC) in determining national policy on climate change

Energy - The Environment

An Unhappy Pest-Filled 2010

 By Alan Caruba
EPA has done everything in its power to deprive Americans of the protection against insect and rodent pests

Look who’s for cap-and-trade…

 By Steve Milloy
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro, Rep. Vic Snyder

On The Road To Copenhagen and A World Food Crisis

 By Robert Palmer
What would our economy and climate change look like today if we had not chosen to build, build, build the Alaska Pipe Line?

Media, Media Bias

Matthews: All “Teabaggers” White? Maybe Not…

 By Bob Parks
Chris Matthews, Crack investigative team at Hardball colorblind

Surviving Obama's America

Survivor Mall: Free books, guides, downloads to Help with National Preparedness Month

 By Thomas Horn
September has been designated National Preparedness Month by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Leftwing Pseudo-science Threatens Freedom

 By George Koukeas
Boys with 'Warrior Gene' More Likely to Join Gangs

Swine Flu Updates

Canada: The Killer H1N1 Vaccine – Michel Chossudovsky

 By Editor
It is a serious thing that has the potential to kill

Virginia teen athlete in wheel chair after H1N1 vaccine shot

 By Editor
Suffering Guillain-Barre Syndrome within hours after receiving an H1N1 swine flu vaccine shot

Health - Medicine

Bayer Quick Release Crystals

 By Editor

“On A Date, I Always Wonder Where the Bathroom Is?”

 By Dr. Gifford Jones

Have I Been A Good Teacher?

 By Dr. Gifford Jones

The Lies And Truths Of Mammography

 By Dr. Gifford Jones

Travel Pages

A Great Idea For A Christmas and New Year’s Party

 By Dr. Gifford Jones

WestJet limits carry-on baggage for U.S.-bound guests

 By Online

Christmas in Ludlow

 By Barry Napier

Joshua Tree National Park California

 By John Treadwell Dunbar

Letters to the Editor

Thank you, CFP!

CFP is a breath of fresh air

Obama Trifecta

Obama's absence speaks loudly

Crime Watch

Crime News

Madeleine search cash set to run out in three months

 By Editor
Kate and Gerry may consider some active fund-raising

True Crime

Is Parole Officer Eric Christiansen shirking his duties?

 By Steve Miller
Clerk of the Court shall provide the United States Parole and Probation Office for the District of Nevada with a copy of this Order


Pro troop group tells council of American Islamic relations to “be honest” about airport security

 By Move America Forward
Travelers now have to go through extreme security measures because of an extremely small yet identifiable minority



Anti-Abortion Group Launches Billboard Campaign Targeting ‘Blue Dog’ Democrat Districts

 By Christian Newswire
'No Compromise On Abortion Funding' For the Health Care Reform Bill


Christians Terrorized on Christmas in Iraq

 By Jim Kouri
The majority of attacks against Christians have occurred in Mosul

Private Property

The OLA pushes the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority into a “Wetland” that they stole

 By Ontario Landowners Association
The OLA will deliver a Christmas message to the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority!

Business and Finance

Finance, Economy

How to buy out a partner and keep a friend

 By Inst. of Chartered Accountants
Consider these points to make it possible

Your company - the next generation

 By Inst. of Chartered Accountants
Think ahead to make appropriate plans to turn your company over to a successor

GATA sues Fed to disclose gold market intervention records

 By Editor
Targets Fed records involving gold swaps, exchanges of gold with foreign financial institutions


GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America

 By Congressman Ron Paul
Government intervention, government control, leading to a new and much worse AmeriKa

Jobs - Economy

Go fishing in a smaller pond with trade and professional associations

 By Online
Can't find employment on the big online job boards?



Public Schools Embrace Debauchery & Apostasy Over Christmas Music

 By Dr. Frederick Meekins
Forced study of Homosexuality and Islam on California Students


Destroying America from within

 By Frank Gaffney Jr.
Muslim Mafia


The Impact of Animal Rights, Rescues, and Shelters on Animal Law

 By Dean A. Ayers
Where is the “over-population” when dogs and cats are transported across state lines and imported from foreign countries to fill up animal shelters?


Clean Air Kits

 By Wes Porter
Gardening for Children


Was Rush Right?

 By Bob Parks
The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it

Deliver us from ObamaCFP Store
CFP Speakers BureauCFP Gallery
Scott Brown for US Senate

CFP Picture of the Decade

Generations of Valor

Geography of the Recession


Art by Bean

Operation Housecall, National Anthem

CFP Videos

America Rising
The Obama Stimulus: Predictions vs. Reality
Krauthammer Rips Obama’s “Flaccid, Meaningless” Words On Iranian Revolution

What's New On CFP:

  1. America’s Photo Gallery
  2. An Unhappy Pest-Filled 2010
  3. How to buy out a partner and keep a friend
  4. Your company - the next generation
  5. Freed Guantánamo inmates are heading for Yemen to join al-Qaeda fight
  6. Sweatshirt Sparks School Controversy
  7. D.C. Watson: Islam’s Internet Tough Guys
  8. The Gates of Financial and Economic Hell Have Opened
  9. Excessive salaries at the American Cancer Society
  10. New Senate poll puts Brown within nine
  11. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Military Blogger Michael Yon Detained, Handcuffed by TSA in Seattle Airport
  12. Wagonmasters Dedicate Q-West Education Center
  13. South Chilled by Arctic Winds, Record Snow in East
  14. Public Servants Gone Wild
  15. NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part Two
  16. A Great Idea For A Christmas and New Year’s Party
  17. ACORN’s Bertha Lewis Does Esquire
  18. Rahm Emanuel for Chicago Mayor?
  19. Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across the planet
  20. Panic buying at supermarkets as Britain braces itself for the big freeze
  21. Preacher of hate booted out of Britain is picked up in Kenya
  22. Bring Israeli security to our airports
  23. Israel’s Arab Settlements
  24. Matthews: All “Teabaggers” White? Maybe Not…
  25. Audi Canada to rely on CarProof Vehicle History Reports for Certified Pre-Owned Program
  26. Our Bill of Rights is Past Due!
  27. Harry Reid dropped the USO ball 18 months ago!
  28. Interpol – From the Inside
  29. The Climate Alarmists Next Assault on Freedom
  30. Obama Continues Protection, Support of Islamists
  31. Overcoming Climate Inertia
  32. After Ehsan Fatahiyan another Activist Fasih Yasamani has been Executed
  33. Man-Made-Disaster Prevention
  34. Pro troop group tells council of American Islamic relations to “be honest” about airport security
  35. How Israel Screens for Terrorists
  36. USO Las Vegas wish list
  37. Freedom Force Prepares for Full Scale Launch
  38. Taxation Without Representation
  39. Beck’s ‘Dumbest Thing’ argument is philosophically flawed
  40. Hyundai sells six figures for the first time ever

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