Thursday, March 18, 2010

Figures Lie And Liars Figure - The Real Numbers On ObamaCare

The Democrats are giddy with the numbers from the Congressional Budget office showing the cost of ObamaCare to be $940 billion ( almost all of it incurred in a mere 6 years) with supposed 'deficit cutting' of $1.3 trillion over twenty years.

And the left is attempting to spin this as justification to pass this garbage!

I can't speak for the Ezra Kleins of the world, but my mother didn't raise any stupid children.

These numbers are bogus for a number of reasons:

  • The figures are an estimate, since they weren't based on the actual reconciliation bill but on a preliminary draft furnished to the CBO by the Democrats.

  • There's no telling what the end package will be, because there's no telling what additional bribes and special deals are going to be necessary to pass this before it's over.

  • Illegal aliens will be covered,( there's no enforcement provisions or requirements otherwise) and there's no true accounting for how many of them are here or how many will be attracted by our open borders and their shiny new ObamaCare benefits.

  • The so-called 'deficit reduction' includes double counting in a number of areas. For instance, $500 million is cut from medicare and taken away from seniors, so this is counted as a 'savings'. it isn't because the money is being used to fund the subsidies on the new entitlement contained in the bill!

But let's take this a step further, shall we? Let's assume that these bogus figures were actually accurate.

I've got a proposition for you, people. You refinance your home and pay me $9,490 upfront in 2010 dollars in costs and fees. In exchange, you're going to save a whopping $13,000 in 2030 dollars twenty years from now ( and remember, there's inflation)...assuming the numbers the Jackasses are trumpeting are anywhere near correct, which they aren't.

Such a deal, eh?

I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that they're actually trying to get away with this or the utter contempt it shows they have for the American people.

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Gaza Rocket Kills One In Israel - While EU Envoy Is Visiting Hamas

Just another gesture from Israel's 'peace partners', I suppose.

Today's attack was on the Israeli community of Netiv Ha'asara and killed an agricultural worker from Thailand as the rocket hit an agricultural hothouse.he apparently wasn't able to get to a shelter in time.

It happened about an hour after the EU's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton paid a diplomatic visit to Hamas.

While the WAPO story I've linked to, mostly written by Palestinian shill Nidal al-Mughrabi does its very best to put the onus for this this on an 'outside militant group', even he can't hide that Hamas took credit for it and that Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum did nothing to distance itself from the attack, saying, "The government of the Zionist enemy, which has launched a war against the Palestinian people and against holy sites and al-Aqsa mosque, bears the responsibility for all the escalation."

In reality, very little happens in Gaza without Hamas okaying it.

Ashton and UN chief Ban Ki-moon issued the usual pro-forma condemnations.But of course, they're still going to keep funding Hamas through UNRWA and insisting Israel and only Israel (not Egypt) open its borders with Gaza.

And if Israel retaliates, I'm sure they'll have problems with Jews defending themselves as well.


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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day...

And remember, if you can't be good,be careful!

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Stupidity From The Latest Mid East 'Expert' - Maureen Dowd !?!

Yes indeed...Modo hung out with the Saudis for a week, and she's now taken off her burka and is an Expert on all things Israel!:

So, Barack Obama can lose his temper without a teleprompter. And we have the supremely aggravating Bibi Netanyahu to thank for that.

On St. Patrick’s Day, of all days, we wouldn’t want to think that our president did not know how to pick his donnybrooks.{...}

Obama is so unpopular in Israel that he has nothing to lose by smacking our ally for its egregious treatment of the vice president. Joe Biden, the great champion of Israel, was humiliated when Israel used the occasion of his visit to defy America and announce a plan for 1,600 more homes in the disputed East Jerusalem area.

Can you stomach the stupidity and arrogance of this idiot? Did you ever wonder why Obama's so unpopular in Israel, Modo? You have to really go some to get down to 4%, and after this latest nonsense it may not even be that high. And calling Joe Biden, the 'great friend of Israel' who's consistently voted against any sanctions on Iran, wanted Israel sanctioned for taking out Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor ( ultimately saving American lives in the Gulf War a decade later) and who famously pounded his fists on a desk while he tried to threaten Yitzak Shamir with a cut off of military sales? Him?

And you have to love the rhetoric on how Israel is 'defying America' by announcing what amounted to a local zoning plan. The reality is that the Obama Administration decided to defy yet another agreement with Israel - the major concession Netanyahu made to Obama but putting a temporary freeze in place in all of Judea and Samaria except Jerusalem, which no Israeli government has considered a 'disputed area for forty years. That especially applies to Ramat Shlomo a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem that no Israeli government ever considered 'disputed'..and no American administration either, until this one.

And as far as insults go, what about Obama's demands that Israel forbear seeking to protect it's religious shrines as part of its heritage?

But wait, there's more...

The president and his inner circle are appalled at Israel’s self-absorption and its failure to notice that America is not only protecting Israel from Iran, fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also dealing with a miasma of horrible problems at home. And Israel insults the Obama administration over a domestic zoning issue that has nothing to do with its security?

America is protecting Israel from Iran, MoDo? Since when? Isn't it actually the reverse, with the Obama Administration complementing its non-policy on Iran by protecting the Islamic Republic and warning Israel constantly not to do anything about the mullahs and their genocidal intentions as the centrifuges keep spinning?

Let's go on...the comedy continues:

In his Atlantic blog, Goldberg suggests that Obama’s ulterior motive is to drive out the ultra-conservatives and force a rupture in the governing coalition that will make it necessary for Netanyahu to take Tzipi Livni’s Kadima Party into his government, thus creating a “stable, centrist coalition” that could work for peace.

Does this silly woman actually think that any Israelis except the far left actually believe that building a few homes in Jerusalem is 'an obstacle for peace?' Does she not understand that the overwhelming consensus in Israel looks at Jerusalem as a red line, as Israel's indivisible capitol...and that in the unlikely event they managed to win an election, even Tzipi Livni and Kadima wouldn't go down that road if they wanted to stay in power?

And after this, do you think the majority of Israelis are stupid enough to trust anything the Obama Administration says?

And here's the boffo finish:

Netanyahu is taking his time-out in an Israel where many citizens and columnists are embarrassed by his behavior. Yet Post-Biden, the government is acting petulant and is inviting construction on more new homes in northeast Jerusalem. Perhaps Bibi will have the good sense to realize the Biden insult was a bit more than “regrettable,” as he tepidly put it. He may remember that the two most important things to Israel should be a security doctrine that prevents a neighboring adversary from getting a nuclear weapon and cherishing the relationship with America — rather than zoning and earmarks.

Yes, Benyamin Netanyahu, an MIT graduate is just a spoiled child having a time-out.

The reality is that since Obama has blown this out of all proportion, Netanyahu likely realizes that no amount of fine tuning or concessions is ever going to be enough to placate the most anti-Israel administration in America's history.

And while the sort of clueless Jews who take drivel of this sort seriously might be too bound up in Obama worship to understand that, the vast majority of Israel's Jews understand it only too well..even if an incredibly arrogant and ignorant Maureen Dowd remains clueless.

You see, relationships go two ways..but then, maybe MoDo just has more experience with the abusive kind.

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Obama's War On Israel

But those that tell lies, that seek my soul to destroy it,they shall go into the nethermost parts of the earth; they shall fall by the sword; they shall be a portion for foxes -Psalm 63.

The mask has come off...if indeed it was ever on.

For those of us who were always aware of whom Barack Obama really is and whom his mentors were and are, this is hardly a surprise that Obama would seek an opportunity to start a war of words with our ally Israel.

The pretext was a supposed 'insult' by Israel over what amounted to a zoning decision to OK building 1600 new homes in Jerusalem while Vice President Biden was on a state visit there.

Biden's ostensible mission in traveling to Israel was to talk the Israelis into playing ball and warn them that they had better not do anything about the genocidal maniacs in Iran, who threaten to annihilate the Jewish State just about every other day and continue to advance steadily towards possessing the means to do it. Meanwhile of course, the West is doing absolutely nothing about it except demanding that Israel sit quietly and not defend herself.

In the meeting, it was leaked that Biden supposedly told the Israelis that General Petraeus, commander of CENTCOM had made the implausible link between Israel building homes for Jews and endangering US troops.In other words, the vice president told the Israelis that any decision about building that affects 'Palestinian rights' in East Jerusalem affects personal safety of American troops.

"This is starting to get dangerous for us," Biden reportedly told Netanyahu. "What you're doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace."

As if stopping Israel from building a few homes in its sovereign capital ( something they specifically said they were never going to halt anyway) is going to stop the Taliban from killing Americans in AfPak, cause al-Qaeda to close up shop,Hezbollah to disarm or the Iranians to end their quest for nukes!

When this first broke, I doubted Petraeus said anything of the kind, simply because he's not a stupid man. And as it turns out, I was right.

As a matter of fact, Joe Biden didn't even say it

Only an idiot deficient in critical thinking or a deliberate liar would would come up with this kind of linkage. And with that, allow me to introduce you to Mark Perry, an ex-adviser to Yasir Arafat who put this out to wide circulation in Foreign Policy....who of course mentioned nothing in the piece about Perry's old boss.

Yes, just another piece of pro-Arab disinformation, and one seized on as proof by 'anti-Zionists' that Obama's tactics towards Israel are entirely justified.

As for Biden, once he found out about the homes to be built in Jerusalem,he essentially threw a tantrum, holding up a state dinner in Israel for ninety minutes and then issuing a statement harshly 'condemning' the planned housing in language more suited to an enemy than an ally.

Netanyahu, in an effort to keep things civil issued an apology, at which point Biden declared himself mollified. But the Obama White House had other plans.

It started with Obama unleashing Hillary Clinton to scream at Netanyahu over the phone for forty five minutes, and continued with White House adviser David Axelrod ranting on the Sunday shows about how this was a 'deliberate insult' by Israel.

You might remember that it was Hillary Clinton who praised Netanyahu's earlier agreement to a building freeze that explicitly did not include Jerusalem as an unprecedented concession.'

Not that any of that matters. At this point, the White House is keeping the pot boiling by demanding a total freeze on building in East Jerusalem, the mass release of Palestinians convicted of terrorism in Israeli courts and the cancellation of the proposed housing project in Ramat Shlomo as 'proof of Israel's peace commitment.'

Along with Obama's demands that Israel forbear seeking to protect it's religious shrines as part of its heritage, these are deliberately calculated as ultimatums no Israeli government could fulfill and still stay in power. The Israelis have held the position that Jerusalem is Israel's indivisible capitol for over forty years, and there's no support in Israel for crossing that particular red line. And for Netanyahu to overrule a local zoning board is about as plausible as Obama stopping a housing development in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Like the Obama Administration's earlier unilateral trashing of the agreement under which Israel signed on to the Road Map, this will once again be taken by the Israelis as proof that the current regime in the White House is not to be trusted one iota.

Barack Hussein Obama's main foreign policy goal is to ingratiate America with the Muslim world, no matter what that entails. And part of that involves destroying America's relationship with Israel.

The day after Biden left, the 'Palestinian Authority' held a ceremony in Ramallah to rename the main public square in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, the woman who in 1978 helped carry out a deadly terrorist attack that that left 38 Israeli civilians dead, 13 of them children as well as several Americans. Mahmoud Abbas was present, and he and his Fatah henchmen made speeches honoring Mughrabi.

That's something the White House didn't see fit to condemn. And I assure you the Israelis got the message.

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Watcher's Council Nominations - St. Pat's Edition!

The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.

Then, we vote on the ones in each category..with the results appearing on Friday.

So, let's see what we have this week....

Council Submissions

Non-Council Submissions

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Kucinich Bends Over For ObamaCare

What I'm going to say now may surprise some of you, but I've always admired Dennis Kucinich's integrity.

He and I disagree on almost every issue, but I've always considered him a principled and honest congressman. Unlike a lot of the creatures in DC, he's never been known for personally enriching himself at the trough, his record has been squeaky clean and he has always been someone who was willing to take a stand for what he believed in no matter what.

Until now, that is.

After holding out for months, Dennis Kucinich caved and endorsed Obamacare...even though he still opposes it, as his remarks made clear:

I know I have to make a decision, not on the bill as I would like to see it, but the bill as it is. My criticisms of the legislation have been well reported. I do not retract them. I incorporate them in this statement. They still stand as legitimate and cautionary. I still have doubts about the bill. I do not think it is a first step toward anything I have supported in the past. This is not the bill I wanted to support, even as I continue efforts until the last minute to modify the bill.

However after careful discussions with the President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Elizabeth my wife and close friends, I have decided to cast a vote in favor of the legislation. If my vote is to be counted, let it now count for passage of the bill, hopefully in the direction of comprehensive health care reform. We must include coverage for those excluded from this bill. We must free the states. We must have control over private insurance companies and the cost their very existence imposes on American families. We must strive to provide a significant place for alternative and complementary medicine, religious health science practice, and the personal responsibility aspects of health care which include diet, nutrition, and exercise.

Translation? After a little trip on Airforce One with Zero and a session or two with Pelosi, Kucinich was made to understand that voting against Obamacare was going to cost him, while going along with the program had certain benefits. it was just the other day that Kucinich's pals over at Daily Kos threatened him with a primary challenge unless he got in line.

What's even worse, Kucinich is blatantly lying in his statement when he claims that Obama isn't advocating socialism or government run single payer healthcare. That, along with a government takeover of the private health companies is the objective, and Kucinich isn't that stupid that he doesn't understand that.

He's simply been bought/threatened into going along.

The irony is that it's probably for nothing. By most counts, Pelosi is about a dozen votes shy even with Kucinich whoring himself out, so the Slaughter option is becoming increasingly likely.

Obama and Pelosi want this shoved through, and they could care less about what the American people want or about urinating on the Constitution to do it.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pops At his Best - "What A Wonderful World!"

Just to bring a smile to your face...

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Sarah Palin Takes Aim At Obama On Israel..

You go,'s what Sarah 'Cuda had to say on the matter:

The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons. The Burmese military junta’s representative is allowed to travel to our nation's capital. The President’s envoy for Sudan talks about giving that genocidal regime “gold stars,” while the President shakes hands with Venezuela’s tyrannical leader. In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.

Last October, Secretary of State Clinton recognized Israel's desire for peace in the Middle East and praised Israel's “unprecedented” concessions for agreeing to halt settlement construction in the West Bank, a concession that did NOT include halting construction of apartments for Jews in Jerusalem. Even last week after planned construction was announced, Vice President Biden still expressed “appreciation” for the “significant” steps taken by the Israeli government to address this minor issue. Now, however, we see the Obama Administration has decided to escalate, make unilateral demands of Israel, and threaten the very foundation of the US-Israel relationship. This is quickly leading to the worst crisis in US-Israel relations in decades, and yet this did not have to happen. More importantly, it needs to stop before it spirals out of control. Vice President Biden should rein in the overheated Obama Administration rhetoric and chill the political spin masters' fire as they visit the Sunday media shows to criticize Israel.

Once again, the Obama Administration is missing the boat on a very, very important issue. They need to go back to the basics and acknowledge Palestinian leaders have not progressed any peace process since President Obama was elected. As Israel makes concessions (and is still criticized by the Obama Administration), Arab leaders are just sitting back waiting for the White House to further pressure Israel. The Obama Administration needs to open its eyes and recognize that it is only Iran and her terrorist allies that benefit from this manufactured Israeli controversy. Vice President Biden was actually right when he said last week, before the construction announcement, that “one necessary precondition for progress is that the rest of the world knows...there is absolutely no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to security.” Right now, thanks to the Obama Administration, there is a chasm. It's time for President Obama to push the reset button on our relations with our ally Israel.

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ObamaCare - Down To The Wire

It appears that we are finally coming close to zero hour on ObamaCare, the make or break.

As this point, it all comes down to the House. And notice, I didn't say the vote in the House. In at least one scheme being hatched by Pelosi and company, there might not even be one.

In fact, I don't think the votes exist in the House at the present time to pass ObamaCare. If they did, the Senate bill would be sitting on Zero's desk right now, waiting for his signature.

The White House will try every bit of bribery, threat and enticement it can think of to get to the magic number, but if I had to make a prediction, I think that we'll end up with the Slaughter Solution, concocted by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Rules committee head Louise Slaughter.This involves a bogus application of House rules never before attempted that would simply 'deem' the Senate bill passed - without an actual vote or a roll call!

And the fact that this would be blatantly unconstitutional under Article I doesn't matter a bit to these people. Pelosi has already stated that she's all for using this to get Obamacare through.

So again, if I had to predict things at this point, I'd say that the Democrats will 'deem' the Senate bill passed, Obama will sign it and then jet off to Indonesia to chill with his Muslim homies.

There will, of course be multiple court challenges that will hold things up for months, but Obama will be able to claim a 'victory' and say that he 'passed health care reform', even if it's later struck down by the courts.

Meanwhile, he can get off this poisonous turf and move on to other areas of his agenda - like amnesty for illegal aliens.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Lil' Shrunken Sings Da Blooze - If this Doesn't Cheer You Up, Nothing Will

Thanks, JW!

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Rachel Corrie's Parents To Sue Israel

Some of you are familiar with Rachel Corrie, one of the postergirls of the `anti-Zionist' Left. She was accidentally killed when getting in the way of an Israeli bulldozer involved in collapsing tunnels used to smuggle arms and explosives to Palestinian terrorists involved in murdering Israel's civilian population, and was part of the International Solidarity Movement,(ISM) which really, really likes the idea of killing of Israeli civilians as a `tactic for liberation'.

The myth of Corrie's death as a `peace activist' has been a real goldmine, both ideologically and financially. She's been the subject of a hit play in London, and become a small time cottage industry with a plethora of tee shirts, hats, posters and watches being sold with her image...which of course looks very different than the above ABC news photo of a screaming, hate filled haridan burning an American flag at a Hamas rally. There was even a fundraising `tour' by her parents.

In an effort to raise even more cash out of their daughter's death, the Corries decided to take Caterpillar, the American company that manufactures the bulldozers used by Israel to court and filed a wrongful death lawsuit, on the grounds that Caterpillar knew or should have known the Israeli government would use the bulldozer to commit `human rights violations' and therefore Caterpillar should be civilly liable.

This attempt to raid the deep pockets of an American company failed dismally, as the case was dismissed as being without merit by none other than the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

So now, the Corries have hit on another tactic to try and cash in - They've decided to sue the State of Israel. Their lawyer is one Abu Hussein, who has made a career for himself defending terrorist murderers in Israel.

Al-Guardian reported that four of Corrie's former co-conspirators in the ISM who claim to have been on the scene are going to be allowed into Israel to give what I'm sure will be unbiased, truthful evidence.( sarcasm off) They were formerly banned from entrance into Israel because of their pro-terrorist activities, but the Obama Administration apparently pressured Israel to allow them in to testify.The Obama Administration is also apparently not invoking sovereign immunity as it has with the Saudis and other nations in cases like this. That probably has a lot to do with why the Corries are bringing suit just now.

Rachel Corrie hated America and was nothing less than a classic Jew hater, which she attempted to mask by turning it into `anti-Zionism'. I'd like to feel sympathy for her demise,but frankly, I think she's better off and doing less harm by not being around.

I do feel a certain sympathy for her parents. They obviously share Rachel Corrie's sentiments, but they have probably spent a lot of tee shirt, poster and merchandise money by now on this crusade of theirs and will probably have to dip in even more for this current lawsuit.

So, as a gesture of sympathy, I thought I'd contribute my own idea for merchandising her image so that the Corries can recoup a bit: (scroll down)

Her real image, that is. Always glad to be of help.

-Selah -

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Are The Palestinians Educating Their Children for Peace? Nope!

Still crazy after all these years...

The original Oslo agreements were based on the 'land for peace' formula and in exchange for the land given to them by Israel, Arafat and the Palestinians agreed to renounce violence and terrorism, recognize Israel's right to exist and refrain from incitement, which specifically included educating the Palestinian people for peace.The Roadmap supposedly reaffirmed these commitments.

Obviously Arafat and Fatah never seriously intended abiding by any of this, and certainly Hamas has no intention of doing so after taking over Gaza. But what about the new, improved Palestinian Authority? Is the PA now educating its children to coexist peacefully with Israel?

Surely you joke, saddiq!

In the Jerusalem Post of Feb 2, 2010 Ben Hartman reported that the British taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayer Alliance published two detailed examinations of how EU foreign aid was being used by the PA to promulgate anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives in Palestinian Authority schools.

The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” show how the PA is sponsoring what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” with the aid of EU funds.

Here are a few details on what they found:

Israel does not appear on any maps of the world in the new PA textbooks, while maps of Israel replace the name Israel with Palestine in all of the new Palestinian Authority school books.

The new Palestinian school books “annex” sites in Israel to Palestine...“Haifa is a Palestinian seaport,” (p. 7) (Lughatuna al-Jamila (Our Beautiful Language) Vol. 2, 5th grade textbook, p. 86). “Galilee, Nazareth and Beit She’an are regions in Palestine,” (p. 7) (Al-Iqtisad al-Manzili (Home Economy), 10th grade textbook, pp. 36-37).

The new Palestinian school books mention Israel only as an enemy, in reference to “occupation of lands” in 1948 and 1967: “There is no doubt that the Israeli occupation has a negative impact on [Palestinian] agriculture and its export,” (p. 8) (Lughatuna al-Jamila (Our Beautiful Language) Vol. 1, 10th grade textbook, p. 102).

The new Palestinian school books present Zionism only as an enemy movement: “The Palestinian people are under an oppressive siege, limiting their movement and way of life,” (p. 9) (Al-Tarbiyah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Education), Vol. 1, 5th grade textbook, p. 49). Accusation against settlements [from 1948!] of damaging water sources “the influence of settlement on sources of water in Palestine,” (p. 9) (Ulum al-Sihha wal-B’ia (Health and Environmental Sciences), 10th grade textbook, p. 122)....“The Palestinian family has problems … stemming from the occupation … it loses father, mother or son to death or imprisonment … endures the difficulties of life …,” (p. 11) (Al-Tarbiyah al-Wataniyya (National Education), 5th grade textbook, p. 23).

The new Palestinian school books teach that the only ancient inhabitants of Israel were Arabs, ignoring any ancient Jewish presence:“Concentrated … in the land of Al-Sham [Greater Syria] … was the culture of the Canaanite and Aramaic peoples who migrated there from the Arab peninsula,” (p.14-15) (Tarikh al-Hadarat al-Qadima (History of Ancient Civilizations), 5th grade textbook, Foreword).

The new Palestinian school books teach that Palestinians must use war and violence — especially martyrdom — to accomplish their goals: The heroic mother, “who incessantly presents one sacrifice [fida'] after another.” (Lughatuna al-Jamila (Our Beautiful Language), Vol 2, 5th grade textbook, p. 31).

“The warrior goes to war faced with one of the good options: victory or martyrdom in battle for the sake of Allah.” (Ibid. Vol. 1, 5th grade textbook, p. 70).

“Allah gave the people of this land (Al-Sham and Palestine) an important task: they must stand on the forefront of the Muslim campaign against their enemies, and only if they fulfill their duty to their religion, nation, and land will they be rewarded as stated in the scriptures.” (Al-Tarbiya al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Education), Vol 2, 10th grade textbook, p. 50).

Of course the EU doesn't bear total responsibility. Last October, USAID ponied up almost $65 million in aid for the Palestinian occupied areas in Judea and Samaria (AKA the West Bank), on top of another $200 million last June. That money included funds to construct four new schools, as well as a number of 'public works' projects...most of whom were named to honor PLO terrorists.

And none of this takes into consideration what's being taught to Palestinian youth in their mosques, media and those famous PLO 'summer camps'.

Or by their leadership's example.

On Christmas Eve, December 24, Rabbi Meir Chai (HY"D), who left a wife and seven children including a two-month-old was brutally murdered by Palestinian terrorists as he driving along Route 57, between the Samaria communities of Shavei Shomron and Einav.The killing came a scant week after the IDF removed a security checkpoint in the area at the request of the Obama Administration as a gesture to Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, even though the residents begged them not to.

Fatah's al-Aksa Martyr's Brigade took credit for murdering this unarmed Rabbi.

Three days later, the IDF found out who the actual killers were, and when the Palestinian security forces refused to arrest them the IDF went in and ended up killing all three of the murderers when they refused to surrender.

As it turned out, all three of the killers were long-time members of the Al-Aksa Martyr's Brigade and thus on the Fatah payroll.

The Palestinian response to what happened was not even a pro-forma condemnation of the murder of Rabbi Chai, but to portray the killers as Palestinian heroes and Shahids- holy Martyrs - while describing Israel's response as "murder in cold blood" and "assassination."

Want to know the real problem with Middle East peace? It's the refusal of the Arabs to live next to Jews in peace and equality. And that attitude starts with the sort of 'education' they receive.

Change that, and there might be a decent chance for peace. Just maybe.

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ObamaCare - This Says It All!

Cheerfully swiped via GW

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The Unconstitutional 'Slaughter Solution'

As I revealed previously,the latest Democrat scheme to shove through ObamaCare involves a bogus application of House rules that would simply 'deem' the Senate bill passed - without an actual vote or a roll call!

Pelosi's lieutenant in this scam in Rep. Louise Slaughter(D-NY), head of the rules committee, and as far as Constitutional Law scholar, author and talk show host Mark Levin is concerned, she needs to be recalled for attempting to implement this unprecedented desecration of our Constitution.

Above, he explains brilliantly exactly why the 'Slaughter Solution' is unconstitutional under Article I.

This is a step over the red line, and Obama, Pelosi and Reid can simply not be allowed to get away with it.

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Dan Riehl: "Isn't It Time To Euthanize Reid's Wife?"

Yes he went there:

I'm not sure I quite understand this, given that cost is so important as a burden to taxpayers when it comes to health care. If Democrats want so badly to abort babies because of it, why are we bothering with someone who has a broken neck and back at 69? It sounds to me like she's pretty well used up and has probably been living off the taxpayers for plenty of years to begin with. Aren't we at least going to get a vote on it?

Sen. Reid's daughter Lana Reid Barringer, 48, who was driving the mini-van, and his wife, Landra G. Reid, 69, a passenger, were both injured. Landra suffered a broken back and a broken neck in the crash; Barringer suffered minor injuries, Sen. Reid's office said Thursday.

I realize her crook of a husband and his pals in Congress have excluded themselves from the mess they're going to compel everyone else to join, but we're still paying the bills, are we not? I don't see that she's worth it at this point, frankly. I can't recall her ever doing anything for me.

Come on, Harry - do your civic duty. The nation's broke and counting on you guy. Pull the plug and get back to work. And don't bill us for a full day today, either. This is no time to be sloughing off. Air freight her home, you can bury her during recess on your own time and dime. Or are you going to bill us for that, too?

My, my. This does go a little far, I think.

Now, I understand that Congress and Prez Zero have their own health plan that's much too good for the likes of us peasants and won't be giving it up, but euthanasia?

Shouldn't Mrs. Reid at least get a shot at the Independent Medical Advisory Boards (AKA the Death Panels) that are in the ObamaCare bill before there's any talk of pulling the plug? Only fair.


All jokes aside, I don't wish euthanasia on anyone - which is exactly one of the many reasons why ObamaCare is such a lousy, inhumane idea.

And it appears that Mrs. Reid's surgery went quite well, which is good news.

But what if she wasn't a senator's wife? What if she was just one of the disposable peons 'covered' by ObamaCare? What if we were talking about a baby that survived an know, one of the children President Obama wanted to deny medical care and let die of neglect?

All Dan Riehl is doing is utilizing Saul Alinsky's Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Interesting how that works in reverse, isn't it?

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obama Nominee For Ambassador Has Ties To Cuban Intelligence!

The Obama Administration's nominee for the ambassadorship to El Salvador is going to have some 'splainin' to do on Capitol Hill :

Lawyer Mari Carmen Aponte was previously nominated to be an ambassador under President Bill Clinton, but withdrew her name from consideration after reports of her relationship with Cuban national Roberto Tamayo surfaced.

The Puerto Rican-born Aponte was a White House fellow under Jimmy Carter before spending the next 20 years as a lawyer and activist representing Hispanic-American interest groups in Washington. Her nomination originally was slated to be considered by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday but was pushed to Wednesday, March 16 at the request of GOP lawmakers.

“Serious concerns about this nominee arose when she was nominated for a different position during the Clinton administration. I have asked the committee for additional time to review these matters. So far we have not received all of the information we have requested,” said Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

Aponte was first nominated to be ambassador to the Dominican Republic by Clinton in 1998 after she helped raise money for his 1996 re-election campaign. However, soon after her nomination Aponte’s name began to circle Washington in connection with a rumor that Tamayo, with whom she co-habitated for eight years starting in 1986, was an asset to the Cuban intelligence agency DGI. Former Cuban intelligence agent and defector Florentino Aspillaga also alleged Tamayo tried to recruit Aponte.{...}

The Washington Times reported Tamayo was in regular contact with both the FBI and Cuban intelligence services during the late 1980s and early ’90s. One retired FBI counterintelligence officer described him as “a fellow who had interests in all camps.” When questioned by the FBI in April 1994 over Tamayo’s ties to Cuban intelligence, Aponte reportedly refused to take a lie detector test. There are also allegations that Tamayo provided her with a loan from the Cuban secret service that was never paid back.


Aponte, of course has no diplomatic background or foreign affairs experience whatsoever, aside from her extracurricular activities.

Her chief activities aside from Democrat fund raising were to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of La Raza and as president of the Hispanic National Bar Association.

Lots of unimportant ambassadorships go to heavy donors in the normal course of events, but the post in El Salvador is reportedly a very sensitive one in Latin America that's been reserved for foreign service professionals - until now.

And the idea of appointing someone without any diplomatic experience who might be compromised with ties to Cuba???

Stay tuned..

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Friday, March 12, 2010

A New Reason For 'Palestinian Rage'

Ah, this made me feel good.

The beautiful building pictured above is the historic Hurva Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem, which dates from the 1700's.

In 1948, it was vandalized and desecrated by the Jordanians, along with 28 other historic synagogues and shrines in the Old City. But it has now been beautifully restored and will be rededicated this Sunday and Monday, the 28th and 29th of Adar.

And that just drives the Palestinians insane:

Naturally, the Muslims are furious at Jews daring to rebuild a synagogue in a spot that they had lived continuously for well over two thousand years. As I reported a few months ago, what really bugged them was the height of the structure, because in Islamic tradition mosques should always be the tallest buildings in the area. Since the Jewish Quarter is on a hill, the Hurva dome will be higher than the domes on the Al Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock.

And we can't have that, can we?

What really fries the Palestinians is two things - first, that the Hurva Synagogue being restored like this gives the lie to their claims that East Jerusalem was ever 'traditionally Arab', except for a brief 19-year period between 1948 and 1967 after they ethnically cleansed the original inhabitants . And second, once again, the very fact that Jews build, while they destroy. That's how it's always been.

Ponder for a moment the mentality of people like that and imagine trying to live in peace next to them.

BTW, below are pictures ( click to enlarge ) circa 1940 showing the old Hurva Synogogue before it was destroyed by the Arabs, and how it dominated the Jerusalem skyline. No wonder the Arabs wanted it to remain merely a memory.



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Watcher's Council Results - Ides Of March Edition

The Council has spoken! Here are this week's winners:

Winning Council Submissions

Winning Non-Council Submissions

Council Note: We currently have a seat open for a qualified blogger on the Council up for grabs. If you're interested, you may apply here...or e-mail me for details.

As always, congratulations not only to the winners but to the participants.

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The Real Banana On Politics With Weekend Monkey

(In response to numerous requests, JoshuaPundit happily announces the return of Weekend Monkey's weekly column on things political)

Hidey Ho, primates! Welcome to the real banana, the inside poop on politics from someone who knows the fetid jungle from the inside out. It's good to be back!

As we take a looky at the healthcare reform debacle and the likely feedback, I gotta tell you...I can hardly believe how screwed up this mess has gotten. It kinda resembles the whole idea of insurance, where the policy holder wins if he loses and loses if he wins. ( take notes and use your fingers, primates. Trust me, it works out)

Old line Donkey pollsters Pat Caddell and Douglas Schoen have a scribble out in today's WAPO that pretty much tells the story when they say that the battle for public opinion on Obama's health care plan has been lost. At this point, they say that if it fails to go through, my Democrats get to pay the price for failure at the midterms. Unless they manage to shove it through, in which case the carnage will be even worse!

I could see the Rethugs with a net pickup of 35-40 seats plus in the House and at least 7 Senate seats...maybe more.And you know I'll be handicapping the races for you as election day gets nearer..some easy shekels to be had!

The primates are simply in an ugly mood no matter which way things swing.It woulda been one thing to pull this off in say, March or February last year, when Obama hadn't quite acquired the odor he has now, It's something else to try and pull this off when his approval ratings are in the low forties and things have shifted downwind.

The smart thing to do would be to throttle everything back and com eup with a more modest, bi-partisan (*choke*) bill that peeled off at least a couple of ReThugs to support it, but at this point, Reid and Pelosi have have peed in the pond so much that it's likely impossible.

No, my Democrats have bought the ticket and will take the ride.

So, the big question remains....can the Donkeys push this through? There's really only two ways it could happen.

Pelosi doesn't have the votes in the House to pass the Senate bill yet, trust me on that. If she did, that bill would be sitting on Obama's desk waiting for his sig. But can she beg, borrow steal or muscle the votes in the next week or so? That's the question. Given how faction ridden and fear-filled the Donkeys are right now,it could happen but I make the odds no better than 6-4 against.

The other way is a weird parliamentary procedure based on an arcane reading of the Rules that would allow the House to simply 'deem the Senate bill passed' without actually taking a vote or a roll call.

This could work, but they would probably need Biden to stomp hard on any naysayers or amending attempts and help muscle it through. The political fall out from doing it this way would be a poop storm to end all poop storms, but I could see where the Donkeys might be thinking that if they've been crazy enough to climb up the tree this far, they might as well go totally out on a limb.

Obama, of course is doing one thing smart. He plans to be out of the country and hobnobbing with his Muslim homies in Indonesia when this all goes down. After making the mess, I gotta give him credit for being smart enough to take himself a little vacation and leave it for others to clean up after him.

Very presidential.

Weekend Monkey was a Democratic candidate for president in 2008 and is JoshuaPundit's political Guru. He can be reached at

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The US-Israel Flare Up - Noise Signifying Nothing

Sending Joe Biden to Israel to try and and convince the Israelis that the Obama Administration has their best interests at heart was about as likely a mission as sending Curly Stooge in to do brain surgery. The fact that it was even attempted spoke volumes to the Israelis...let alone how it turned out.

Biden's ostensible mission was to talk the Israelis into playing ball and warn them that they had better not do anything about the genocidal maniacs in Iran, who threaten to annihilate the Jewish State just about every other day and continue to advance steadily towards possessing the means to do it. Meanwhile the West does absolutely nothing about it and demands Israel sit quietly.

Biden followed John Kerry (did you know he served in Vietnam?) and Admiral Mullen, head of the JCS with essentially the same message for the Israelis - learn to live with a nuclear Iran.

That message wouldn't play well even if the Obama Administration wasn't the most anti-Israel in history. As it is, Biden's little spiel has merely underlined to Netanyahu that they're on their own in dealing with the mullahs.

Sending Biden to do this sent a message in itself. As a senator, Biden voted against sanctions against Iran, has said many times he didn't see anything necessarily wrong with Iranian nuclear ambitions and said on the Senate floor that George W. Bush should be impeached if he ordered American forces to bomb the Iranian nuclear plants.

Topping everything off was Biden's foul little temper tantrum over the announcement that the Israeli government was building 116 homes in an already Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem.

According to some of the Leftists in the Israeli press who spun this in their own way, Biden apparently went berserk behind closed doors:

People who heard what Biden said were stunned. “This is starting to get dangerous for us,” Biden castigated his interlocutors. “What you’re doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace.”

The vice president told his Israeli hosts that since many people in the Muslim world perceived a connection between Israel’s actions and US policy, any decision about construction that undermines Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem could have an impact on the personal safety of American troops fighting against Islamic terrorism.

Granted I have no high opinion of VP Biden, but was he actually stupid enough to try and convince the Israelis that the Taliban is going to fight harder against American troops in AfPak because Israel is building apartments in Jerusalem? I doubt it.

Biden's audience in Israel was a lot more critical than to swallow that bolshoi. Did Biden try and bring 'Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem' into the mix after the Israelis have stated time and time again that it's a red line they won't cross? I doubt it. but if he did, it was exactly the right thing to say to evaporate any reasons the Israelis might have left at this point to trust the Obama Administration in any regard whatsoever.

The Obama administration seems to make a virtue of being incapable of confronting an enemy or supporting a friend.

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Hispanic Caucus Threatens 'No' Vote On Obamacare If Illegals Aren't Covered

Si, se puede Obama!

A group of Hispanic lawmakers on Thursday will tell President Barack Obama that they may not vote for healthcare reform unless changes are made to the bill’s immigration provisions.

The scheduled meeting comes as Democratic leaders and the White House are struggling to craft a final bill that will attract 216 votes in the lower chamber.

Unlike abortion, immigration has flown beneath the radar, and almost seemed to vanish altogether as House Democrats have wrestled with how to accept a Senate healthcare bill far different from the one they passed in November.{...)

“It’s still one of those issues that’s out there,” said Rep. Xavier Becerra (Calif.), the Democratic Caucus vice chairman and the only Hispanic member of House leadership.

The Senate language would prohibit illegal immigrants’ buying healthcare coverage from the proposed health exchanges. The House-passed bill isn’t as restrictive, but it does — like the Senate bill — bar illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance.

Hispanic Democrats say they haven’t moved from their stance that they will not vote for a healthcare bill containing the Senate’s prohibitions.

A little reality... both the Senate and the House bill will allow illegal aliens to be covered by ObamaCare because the Democrats took great care to eliminate any kind of enforcement or cross checking provisions. That's one reason why the cost estimates are entirely bogus.

Whatever language is in both bills is largely cosmetic, but apparently that's not enough for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, who want illegal aliens' status to be officially 'normalized'.

ObamaCare was always intended to be the camel's nose in the tent when it comes to blanket amnesty for illegal aliens.

Advocating for illegal aliens may contradict the oath the members of the CHC took when they entered Congress, but it's human nature that they want to make sure they get their turn at the feeding trough.

Oh, and the illegal aliens themselves? Right now, they normally get care by nipping on down to the nearest emergency room, where they are essentially treated for free. It's one of life's ironies that if people like the CHC get their way and ObamaCare passes, those same illegal aliens will find medical care both harder to obtain and a lot more costly!

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Prince And The FOX

Once there was a very wealthy Saudi prince who was worried about a FOX nipping at his heels and bringing attention to things better left hidden.

The prince thought about trying to fight the FOX, but being intelligent had an even better idea: he would feed the FOX and befriend him, thus insuring that the FOX would do his bidding when he wanted him to.

And that is pretty much the story of why FOX news decided to suddenly go after Geert Wilder as a 'fascist.'

The prince in the story, of course is Saudi tycoon Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who now owns over 7% of FOX's parent company, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Some of you may remember Prince Talal as the Saudi potentate who offered Rudy Giuliani $10 milion after 9/11, provided we recognized that the attack was 'Israel's fault.' Mayor Giuliani told him to take his blood money and shove it, but others have been much more accommodating.

Like Rupert Murdoch, the CEO and principal stockholder of News Corps, the parent company of FOX News, who has decided to make Abu Dhabi the headquarters of his global media operations in the Middle East and recently cut a deal to invest $70 million dollars in the Rotana Group, an enterprise controlled by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

The attack on Wilders by Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, A.B. Stoddard, and Bill Kristol represents a major change in what we're seeing on FOX - and even more on what we're not seeing.

In the past, the member of the Dutch National Parliament appeared frequently as a guest on FOX News. Last February, for example, Bill O’Reilly welcomed Geert Wilders to America, condemning the UK for refusing him entrance to the country in the face of Islamist threats.

It's also much more common to see the likes of CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper on the air these days providing 'analysis', while experts with first hand expertise on Islamist terrorism like Walid Shobat, Robert Spencer,Steve Emerson and Brigitte Gabriel who used to appear all the time are now conspicuously absent. Dave Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, who in the past would have been sought after as FOX guests as the authors of the surprise best seller "Muslim Mafia" (a major expose of CAIR and the Ikhwan, Muslim Brotherhood), are nowhere to be seen.

As for the Geert Wilders flare up, it literally defies belief.

Beck, of course is a media buffoon who I'm not a particular fan of, so it's to be expected he would take the short sighted view. But I can only view Charles Krauthammer's veiws in the matter to be flawed and naive, something the good doctor is not exactly known for:

What he says is extreme, radical, and wrong. He basically is arguing that Islam is the same as Islamism. Islamism is an ideology of a small minority which holds that the essence of Islam is jihad, conquest, forcing people into accepting a certain very narrow interpretation [of Islam].

The untruth of that is obvious. If you look at the United States, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. are not Islamists. So, it's simply incorrect. Now, in Europe, there is probably a slightly larger minority but, nonetheless, the overwhelming majority are not.

But the other issue is free speech. He was speaking in London today. He had been unwelcome, not allowed in a year ago, but it was appealed, and he was [admitted].

And remember, Holland has a really … bad history here. Five years ago, Theo Van Gogh, a filmmaker, had made a film about Islam which was about the oppression of the women under Islam in certain countries — an Islamist in Holland caught him in the middle of the street in broad daylight, slit his throat and impaled a knife on his chest with a letter on the knife — imagine that scene — which threatened the life of a Dutch MP, who was of Somali origin, who had helped him on that script. She is now in the United States as kind of a seeker of asylum.

So this is place in which physical intimidation — it's almost impossible to speak openly about critiques of Islam.

I will give you one other example. The cartoons of Mohammed — Yale University [Press] has issued a book on it. There are no cartoons in the book, and you know why. It's not a matter of sensitivity. It's a matter of sheer fear about what could happen if it was published that way.

If Islamists are such a small minority, why do Geert Wilders, Ayaan Ali ( the other Dutch MP Dr. Krauthammer is talking about) and others need to be under 24-7 security?

How does one define 'Islamist', anyway? Is it limited to al-Qaeda, the Muslim brotherhood and their adherents, or does it extend to the millions who tacitly support and finance them? And what about th emillions of Muslims apparently willing to go with the flow and simply keep quiet about it? Do wahabi financed outlets like CAIR, the Holocaust denying Muslim Council of Britain and the Muslim Public Affairs Council come under the heading?

And how does one define a 'small minority'? Ten per cent? Twenty per cent? With 1.4 billion Muslims in the world, you do the math.

Has Dr. Krauthammer, a Jew, ever pondered on how large the part of the earth there is that he is simply unable to set foot in because someone could cheerfully cut his throat in the name of Allah and suffer no significant penalty?

Geert Wilders and others live with this reality, and have simply decided that this is an issue that bears discussion. And he's been willing to put his life on the line to do it.

As such, he's simply ahead of the curve, when you compare the percentage of Muslims in the Netherlands with the percentage here in America.

In view of the unfortunate tendency of many Muslims not to speak out and provide a viable alternative, so far the answer to whether Islam can co-exist as a sizeable part within a free society or not is trending a lot more towards Geert Wilder's take on things than not.

That's deeply saddening, but it's also simply the truth.

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Drink Up, Ladies! New Study: A Glass Of Wine A Day Keeps The Pounds Away

At least that's what the latest research indicates:

Researchers now say light to moderate drinking may keep women from gaining too much weight.

Normal-weight women who drank 5 to 30 grams of alcohol daily gained less weight and had a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese than either teetotalers or those who drank too much, according to a report in the March 8 Archives of Internal Medicine. {...}

The researchers found an inverse relationship between alcohol consumption and subsequent weight gain. "Weight gain was largest for women who did not consume alcohol and then monotonously decreased with increasing total alcohol intake," they wrote.

After taking into account many other variables, including nonalcohol caloric intake, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors, the relationship strengthened, with the risk of becoming overweight or obese diminishing as women drank more moderately.

Who says there ain't any good news?

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