Breaking: Jihadist bombing of train thwarted?

From Elsevier (NL):

The police have evacuated Den Bosch station, after a suspect shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in an intercity train. The man, dressed in a white dress, was detained.

A spokesperson for the NS [National Railways] says that a man in a long white dress and green jacket shouted he had explosives while travelling on the Roosendaal- Zwolle intercity.

Allegedly he called out to fellow passengers something about the 9/11 terror attacks.


Mohamed Amezian was on the train and tells RTL News that a disturbed man was shouting 'Allahu Akbar' through the compartments, shouted clearly that he was muslim and that he spoke Arabic. He also allegedly has said he loves all Dutch and hates Osama bin Laden. Later he supposedly said it was all 'a bad joke'.

According to the NS, around nine this morning explosives were found. A spokeman for the police tells Elsevier it is not certain explosives were found.

The police has detained the man and brought him to a police station.
Confusion reigns supreme. The NS say a bomb was found, now all of a sudden the police maintains explosives were not found. Anyway, Den Bosh station is now evacuated (video below is of the evacuation) and the traffic around Den Bosch is completely shut down.

[UPDATE001] An eyewitness interviewed by the NOS (NL):
"The man came onto the train from the platform, shouting 'I love Hollanders, I love the Dutch, fuck Bin Laden, fuck terrorists.'" On the train a panic ensued. "But in no-time there was police who removed the man"
I don't know, doesn't sound like a stable, focussed would-be shaheed to me.

[UPDATE002] Reporting in EN here and here.

[UPDATE003 13:30] No explosives were found (NL) on the train after a thorough check by the police and a double-check with a bomb-sniffer dog from the Dutch armed forces.

[UPDATE004 10 - 2 ] Final update: De Pers (NL) reports that the 43 year old man causing the events of yesterday  is known with the police, not for his jihadist tendencies, but for his psychiatric problems. Yesterday afternoon police searched is house. The man is being held on suspicion of threatening with, making preparations for and attempt to set of an explosive, even though neither the search of the train and station, nor the house search, turned up any explosives.

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