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EGYPT: Crackdown on hashish has country's 7 million users jittery

April 1, 2010 | 10:31 am

999999Smoking hashish is an illegal activity many Egyptians enjoy. From young students to older generations and from the unemployed to businessmen, lighting up is something of a national tradition. But a recent government crackdown on drug smuggling is diminishing supplies.

"I can't get on with my daily tasks as I previously did. I and my workmates used to start our working day with smoking hashish, and then I'd smoke a bit more after dinner," said a 29-year-old accountant who asked that his name not be used. "Now we can only do so for one or two days a week instead of every day."

A report issued by the health committee at Egypt's lower parliament, the People's Assembly, announced that there are 7 million hashish users in Egypt, including 12% of the country's students. The report added that Egyptians spend $1.5 billion (around 5% of the republic's national income) on illicit drugs each year.

Speaking anonymously to a number of daily newspapers, sources from the Anti-Narcotics General Administration have confirmed that at least 4 tons of hashish and 40 acres of cultivated drugs have been confiscated by authorities over the last two months. Security sources added that strict control over drug dealers responsible for bringing hashish into Egypt has been another effective reason behind its scarcity.

"We've always been told that the government's policy was to let us smoke too much hash, as it makes us pacifists and not bothered with many things, including politics. That's why I find it strange they're fighting its traffic so hard now," said another hashish smoker.

Hashish in Egypt is normally weighed by piaster, a unit that equals around 20 grams and typically sold for 120 Egyptian pounds, or about $22. But the current "crisis" has prices rising. 

"Before, nothing was easier than buying a gram of hashish as long as we had the money for it. Now it takes us hours to find it, and drug dealers have tripled the prices to more than 400 pounds a piaster," a 20-year-old university student told the Los Angeles Times.

"I still don't have a job and I can't afford paying that much. I've been smoking hash for two years now and the lack of it is affecting my ability to even bear with my classes," he continued.

The hashish drought has forced many users to turn to other sorts of drugs to compensate, they said.

-- Amro Hassan in Cairo

Photo: Hashish confiscated by ANGA. Credit: Al Destour

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Comments (4)

English-speaking users refer to a "piaster" as a "coin" although piaster would be a more accurate translation. But who are these chumps that paid 120?
we're hoping it will ease up soon now that Mubarak is back bringing his blessings to the country. but it's probably just in preparation for a price hike - hashish prices have remained the same through the inflation of the past three years.

When I See that Egypt is Suffering from a Host of Shortages, I'm not the least bit Surprised by this Hash Crisis!
For a People that have Survived Shortages of Bread, Butane/Nat Gas, Housing, Water, Power, Jobs & Opportunities, this too will Pass!!
My Heart goes out to all those Connoisseurs, Suffering in Silence in Egypt........

Peace, Love & Respect.

yeah... it's pretty bad here in alexandria. there are lots of rumors going around. I've heard 40 tons were seized. I've heard it has to do with ElBaradei. I've heard there's a new drug czar that wants to show his worth. Nobody knows what or why the crackdown went down. Like most Arab countries, to government doesn't say a word and rumors spread fast.

Did I read 7 million users, try 27 you will be nearer the mark. one of you tourist ministers uses at least 7 pieces with his sisha each day, Dr Hamada the surgeon is another one who likes his sisha pipe. not saying there is anything wrong with smoking dope. only dope heads use it anyway. A very good friend of mine ( mentioned several times in my blog ) from the village of El beriat west bank luxor and manager of the East Bank Hotel, not only uses hash but also opium as he said he needs this for his sinus problem poor man has become an addict and needs 3 pieces a day. but that's OK for him as his family are well known suppliers of drugs even the police know about his user problem . they will not stop him because his friend the general is also a user, as are most of the police in the luxor district. if you need some hash see the local police that's the joke in this mafia land of the west bank Luxor.
so as I see it the police are going to have to arrest their own. where will they put them and who will try them , Ah yes the dope heads sitting on the benches in the law courts. who guards the gaurdians ????//


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