Christmas songs that aren’t crap: Part One

Shoplifting: A Just Crime

Its delightful when an Anglican clergy man finds himself fighting for the same cause as someone called PigDogFucker. But this is the situation in which we find ourselves when the subject turns to shop lifting. Father Tim Jones has said it is entirely justified for those in his congregation to steal if they find themselves in genuine need. He goes on to argue that theft from large national firms is more easily justifiable than theft from small family businesses. In a similar vein, PigDogFucker approvingly quotes the CEO of  Iceland trying to sound sarcastic but failing:

Petty shoplifting has been decriminalised – it’s not really a crime at all, is it? No one suffers, the shop can afford it. It’s victimless.”

While it is clearly controversial to claim that it is moral to shoplift, philosophically speaking it is not particularly difficult to justify. It all comes down to property, who has a right to control what, and whether or not that right is absolute.

The archetypal (or should that be archaic?) justification for private property comes from Locke.

Labour being the unquestionable property of the labourer, no man but he can have a right to what that is once joined to. As much land as a man tills, plants, improves, cultivates, and can use the product of, so much is his property.

However a number of problems flow from this argument for property rights. First of all, Locke argues that the world is at first ours in common because God has granted it to all of us. By mixing our labour with part of the world we come to own part of it. This a priori assertion is thoroughly unsatisfying in the search for a rational basis for private property.

As Locke was writing in the 17th Century vast swathes of untouched land were being discovered, and England was still a patchwork of common land, conurbations, crown and private estates, [1] so he added another proviso to his “mixing labour” argument. He argued that the acquisition of property is only legitimate if “enough and as good left in common for others.”

While this would have been a possibility in Locke’s time, in a world of 6 billion souls, and in a medium sized island like out own this proviso is much harder to realise. Therefore, in order to justify private property some mental gymnastics are necessary. Between the 17th century, when Locke was writing, and our own time private property has become firmly entrenched, and it would be somewhat churlish to argue that the explosion in wealth, prosperity and comfort which we have seen since then is just a coincidence.

So, although enough and as good has not been left in common for others, the increase in wealth which has followed means that we are all better off as a result, even though – perhaps exactly because – private property rights have meant that there is not as much or as good left in common.

This then brings us to the subject of shoplifters. There are a lot of reasons to shoplift; hunger can lead the homeless to steal for a hunk of bread to eat, but addiction can lead others to steal because they need something to sell for a rock of crack to smoke, others steal because it is an addiction in itself.

In the case of the homeless you have to weigh the rights of one party to property against the rights of another to freedom from hunger. It is possible to argue, and some have, that the homeless should indeed go hungry and starve if they cannot find someone to give them food, because property rights are sacrosanct. Although the homeless person is worse off – i.e. dead – if property rights are enforced in this way, he is no worse off than if he lived in a state of nature where his life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

That this idea repulses us is a fairly good indicator that we may have some across a formulation of property rights that is untenable in the real world. This example illustrates that we must accept property rights are far from absolute, and that in fact it is a just outcome for you to be separated from your property.

However, our priest said society’s attitude to those in need “leaves some people little option but crime.” His was not just a justification for taking just what is needed to secure a life free from hunger, but as a way to extract what is justly theirs as members of a liberal society. This is why he prompted those in need to steal from national chains and not small businesses.

By taking what is needed from large businesses the costs of those crimes get recycled back to us in the form of higher prices. Rather than the beggars, our priest’s call was to “people are released from prison, or [those] find themselves suddenly without work or family support.” These are people who have been let down by society but who are not in imminent danger of expiring.

This leads us to an altogether more difficult set of moral dilemmas. For example, the support that those who leave prison get is derisory, and certainly counter-productive, but this unilateral socialisation of the costs of this failing is not just on the terms described above.

Society has failed some people, the idea that the costs of these failings should be socialised not by state support or voluntary associations but by theft is not justifiable. Although “need” must be understood as something more complex than mere physical subsistence – for example, nappies, bathing products, warm winter coats – the people this is aimed at can never get the support necessary through theft alone.

Our priest wants to argue that these people must get the support they need by hook or by crook it is not possibly to steal counselling, or to steal a stable home or steal full time employment, and these are things is that those in need probably need most. Although it is possible, and easy, to justify some theft the help this priest wants to provide will never come of it. The answer is more state support for those who leave prison, and not knee jerk “crack downs”, the answer is a proper drugs regime where addicts can access clean needles when they need it, and counselling and support when the need that too.

Unfortunately this stuff does not come cheap and this cost must be socialised, luckily, rather than shoplifting we have a state that can do all that.

[1] That’s how it was seen at the time. The Amerindians, Indians, Aborigines, Bushmen and Inuit did get in Locke’s way somewhat but he skirted around this. In any case, they soon died of flu and syphilis and freed up space, so all’s well that ends well.

Because its snowy and I hate Dan Hannan more than I do the EU

Dan Hannan has a dreadful top ten reasons to leave the EU (H/T Thomas Byrne). As indicated above, I hold no love for the EU but I hold Dan in even deeper disdain. This list has not changed my mind.

1. Since we joined the EEC in 1973, we have been in surplus with every continent in the world except Europe. Over those 27 years, we have run a trade deficit with the other member states that averages out at £30 million per day.

  • Correlation is not Causality. Perhaps, just perhaps, not being in a free trade area with other European states would have lead us to run a worse deficit with the rest of the world. Perhaps, just perhaps, allowing UK Governments to protect inefficient UK firms would have lead us to run smaller surpluses with other continents. I certainly don’t know; evidently neither does Dan Hannan.

2. In 2010 our gross contribution to the EU budget will be £14 billion. To put this figure in context, all the reductions announced by George Osborne at the Conservative Party Conference would, collectively, save £7 billion a year across the whole of government spending.

  • To pretend that it is possible to work out the exact gross contribution of the UK to the EU is to ignore all the economics you might have ever learned. You would have to map the workings of a continent-wide multi-national economy. Dan Hannan doesn’t believe any state planner can do that (and they can’t) and I don’t believe he can (and he can’t).

3. On the European Commission’s own figures, the annual costs of EU regulation outweigh the advantages of the single market by €600 to €180 billion.

  • The fact that this figure is so different to the one above suggests that, rather than working from a coherent set of beliefs, Dan is picking whatever Euroskeptic statistics catch his eye.

4. The Common Agricultural Policy costs every family £1200 a year in higher food bills.

  • Probably true actually. I’ll let Dan have this one (how magnanimous of me!). The CAP is an interesting bugbear of just about everyone on the left and right and if Dan Hannan could provide some sources – which he hasn’t done – he may even be able to prove the figure given is accurate or at all relevant.

5. Outside the Common Fisheries Policy, Britain could reassert control over its waters out to 200 miles or the median line, which would take in around 65 per cent of North Sea stocks.

  • And yet, we would still be faced with a situation where fisherman are fighting for the right to overfish their waters. The EU is dreadful at managing its fisheries, but Dan has provided us with no reason to convince us that the UK in a condition of anarchy could do better. Although its entirely possible to manage natural resources by voluntary arrangement, important matters also lend themselves to global or regional governance too.

6. Successive British governments have refused to say what proportion of domestic laws come from Brussels, but a thorough analysis by the German Federal Justice Ministry showed that 84 per cent of the legislation in that country came from the EU.

7. Outside the EU, Britain would be free to negotiate much more liberal trade agreements with third countries than is possible under the Common External Tariff.

  • Possibly, but would we have? Before joining the EU we were still set on a semi-Imperial trajectory. Dominions, colonies and the common wealth gained preferential treatment and our post 1930s Ottawa Conference world may not have given way to our free trade heritage as Dan Hannan fantasises.

8. The countries with the highest GDP per capita in Europe are Norway and Switzerland. Both export more, proportionately, to the EU, than Britain does.

  • What?! Nor-massive Natural Gas reserves-way and Switzer-banking hub-land? Once again, I think Dan is confusing correlation and causality.

9. Outside the EU, Britain could be a deregulated, competitive, offshore haven.

  • The idea that we are not an already heavily deregulated economy is a little silly. We are far from the ideal Devils Kitchen or Charlotte Gore might want to see, but compared to the actually existing capitalist world we are not overly burden by regulation (I’m a little lost as to how Dan thinks leaving the EU will make us more offshore than we already are).

10. Oh, and we’d be a democracy again.

  • This seems somewhat at odd with point 9. The great deregulated, competitive offshore havens tend to be fairly undemocratic. Whether it is illiberal but tidy Singapore, wealthy but undemocratic Hong Kong or sponsored by Lord Ashcroft Belize the “deregulated, competitive, offshore haven[s]” Dan describes are rarely democratic. I know I’ve harangued Dan for his confusion of correlation of causality but there are lots of reasons to suggest that liberal economics and democracy are not particular compatible.

Contrary to what you have read Dan Hannan is an intelligent man, and he must surely know that some of his Top Ten reasons to leave the EU are based on distortion and outright speculation. He knows that even those that are based on actual facts are so augmented by guesswork and historic counterfactuals that no one could seriously consider them for inclusion in any sort of Top Ten.

This post was about firing up a base of Euroskeptics who will believe almost any anti-EU propaganda fed to them. Sadly it appears that Dan Hannan is far more interested in being popular than in being accurate.

Brecht on X Factor

Rage Against the Machine have secured the Christmas Number One, narrowly beating X Factor winner Joe McElderry’s The Climb by 50,000 copies.

However, the fact remains that 450,000 copies of McElderry’s dirge were sold. Its things like this that make me despair of the General Public and forces me to read Brecht and think, yeah, dissolve the people!

After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had thrown away the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

Top Blogging for the Weekend

No Words

I was going to title this with an expletive but I couldn’t.

This sign, which has become a symbol for the cynical torture of all those murdered at Auschwitz, was stolen between 0330 and 0500 local time on Friday.

There’s not much to do but watch what develops, and hope those involved are caught.

Stream of Consciousness and some Top Blogging

I’ve finally bought Capital! And I got 70% off at Borders. Take that gale of creative destruction and put it in your centralisation of capital pipe!

I also bought 9 other books totalling about £40 so I’m a happy bunny. Got Eric Hobsbawm’s Age of Capital, Empire and Extremes, Paul Krugman’s Conscience of a Liberal and The Return of Depression Economics, Keay’s China: A History, StiglitzMaking Globalisation Work, Dostoevsky’s The Idiot and the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

So I’ve a pretty good Christmas ahead of me once I finish Lolita (which is written even better than I expected but which is dragging a little) and  SchwartzStates versus Markets I will be diving in to this lot.

And recommendations on where to start?

Once again I find myself in broad agreement with Dave Semple. I would very much like to see the court ruling which has barred BA staff from striking, but from the outset it looks as though democracy has been damaged by a technicality.

Also of note is that Peter Tachell has stood down as Green Candidate for Oxford East. I was aware that he’d suffered some injuries while on marches and protests but I had no idea that they might stop him campaigning and fighting. I wish him a peaceful christmas and a recooperative 2010.

In Memorandum

It is always difficult to blog about a child dying. Gabrielle Price died last month, I understand there’s a small chance that some of Gabrielle’s friends may find this site and I would like to make clear that I mean no disrespect by discussing her tragic death.

What I would like to take aim at is the disgraceful speculation which has followed her  death. Most notably, scaremongering in the gutter press, such as The Daily Mail and The Sun and cheap moral populism from papers such as The Telegraph.

From the BBC we know that the events of the night of her death included: the arrest of a 17 year old man and 39 year woman on charges of possessing and supplying drugs; drug taking at a party and the death of a 14 year old girl. Further details emerged that the drugs in question were Mephedrone, a legal high, and Ketamine, a horse tranquilliser.

This is all that was known that this point. However, bastion of investigative reporting that they are, it appears that The Sun found “a neighbour” and The Mail found multiple “neighbours” to come forward to claim that:

[T]he student had taken the clubbers’ drug [mephedrone] – which can be bought legally – mixed with illegal ketamine

Of course following Gabrielle’s death The Daily Mail made it quite clear that “a post-mortem examination had failed to pinpoint the cause of death and that toxicology reports had been ordered to establish what the girl had taken.” Sadly this did not stop their cynical attempts to capitalise on her death.

The Daily Mail helpfully put its idle speculation in speech marks and I am sure this was of much consolation to the girl’s family. Likewise The Sun’s “tasteful” headline was also written with the “best” of intentions.

Of course a subsequent article left little doubt about what The Mail had decided had happened to Gabrielle Price. “Mephedrone menace: The deadly drug that’s cheap, as easy to order as pizza… and totally legal.”

Disgracefully, The Telegraph claimed that “Miss Price’s death is not the first harrowing account of the devastating effect the drug can have.” As reported in The Argus Gabrielle Price died of natural causes so it most certainly is “not the first harrowing account” it is not an account of a drug related death at all.

Teenager Gabi Price – whose death triggered fears over the dangers of ‘legal highs’ – died of natural causes, a coroner has revealed.

A pathologist’s report showed the 14-year-old died of broncho-pneumonia following a streptococcal A infection.

Mephedrone is not a controlled substance but has effects similar to ecstasy and cocaine, it was originally manufactured by a “legal high” company called Neorganics in Israel but was discontinued in 2008 when Israel made Mephedrone illegal. Production has since shifted around the world, with much of it now produced in China. It is available over the internet for as little as £7 a gram, and that includes Royal Mail recorded delivery.

Since Gabrielle’s death interest in the drug has surged as has the incidence of dreadful newspaper articles bemoaning those that take, sell or fail to regulate legal highs.

I certainly do not want to engage in the same proselytising here. While I hope my own views on drugs and drug use have been made clear elsewhere this is neither the time nor the place to advocate one drug policy regime over another.

As Professor Nutt discovered it is difficult to discuss drugs in anything other than the most derisory terms. Our press have meekly followed – as well as helping to create and enforce -this rule in the articles discussed above but in doing so they have descended to out right speculation and evidence free moralising.

What this death offered was a chance to be be honest and nothing more; nobody was forced to write an article with any more detail than that which was put up by the BBC, linked to above. As has become clear Gabrielle’s death was linked to drugs only by proximity and hearsay but this did not stop a string of articles in the quality and gutter press taking advantage of the circumstance of ther death.

I can see at least three reasons why this may have happened. First of all, paper’s staffing levels have dropped significantly while they have maintained a similar word count to a few decades ago. On top of the erosion of fact checking and real investigative journalism, this means that personal tragedies which can be given a wider angle have become essential to creating a full newpaper at the expense of journalistic integrity. See Flat Earth News for more on this.

The angle given to this story, that of the menace of drugs, has become something which is guaranteed to increase sales and hence revenues. Provocation has become one of the most important ways to sell papers. For example, every Express front page has this element, but this stands out for me.

Lastly there is of course the moral certitude of those working and running these papers that means they thought they already knew what had happened before the coroner or Sussex Police. It turns out their “spcualtion” was incorrect yet don’t expect to see correspondingly sized retractions, or any retractions.

My heart goes out to her family – I am truly sorry that her death has became a good way to sell papers and a talking point for illiberal reaction.

Quote of the day

Anton Vowl on “The Greatest Newspaper in the World” The Daily Express:

It’s like the Mail, but worse. It’s as if someone had seen the Mail and thought: “That looks quite entertaining, but can we possibly make it less good, more racist and more comically awful to look at? Let’s really go for it!”

His post would normally go in my “Top Blogging” but this post deserves a little accolade all of its own.

Top Blogging for the 16th December

  • Paul Cotterill thinks Moody’s are predicting a riot.
  • Paul Sagar sets up a duel between Simon Cowell and Joseph Schumpeter.
  • Claude has more on the attack of Berlusconi and what it means for freedom of expression in Italy.
  • The NEF have produced a frankly disappointing (actually not disappointing, lamentably predictable) report. Giles Wilkes has more.
  • Unity continues to patiently, and occasionally impatiently, point out why Global Warming is real, and why its man made, and why we might want to do something about it.