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Think Green – What can we do to help?

So what can we do?
Here are some tips on what you can do in your home to help conserve, recycle, reduce and reuse. Every little bit helps, so even if you don’t turn into a Mean GREEN Recycling Machine, at least throw your office paper into the recycling bin, instead of the regular trash.

Recycling Plastic BottlesThe ... Read More

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Stains and Spots
All stains are not created equal. Here are a few tips on getting out the most difficult stains without ruining your clothing, upholstery, or other fabric and ... 10 comments
How to Get Rid of Pests
Pests are everywhere. Hopefully they won’t be in your apartment since they can quickly turn an amazing place into a nightmare. The staff at understands ... 13 comments
How to Do Laundry
Yikes!  The day has finally come when no one is around to do your laundry for you.  That’s one thing you should have been listening to mom about.  ... 7 comments
Things You Wouldn’t Think of Donating
Often when we think of donating old items we think of clothing, but did you know that old eyeglasses are “wanted” items as well? Don’t throw those ... 2 comments
45 Easy Ways to Economize At Home Every Day
1. Wash and reuse foil wrap. 2. Save 'junk mail' reply envelopes for filing recipes, receipts, etc. 3. Trade things you don’t want with friends, neighbors, relatives. 4. Restrict family between-meal ... 25 comments
10 Easy, Fun Ideas for Renters to Get Their Green On
Wondering how to green your home when it isn’t technically yours? Green your rented space with these simple ideas that add up to big results. Sign up for free eco-living ... 4 comments
Apartment “Fixer Upper” Questions Answered
Dear, At a recent party a “friend” punched a hole in the wall during a fight. How ... 6 comments
Think Green - Save and Salvage
Cool Re-Uses We all have a little creative side, here’s the perfect opportunity to let it shine. How many things to we throw away each and every day ...
Think Green - Buy Wisely
Some garbage pick up companies across the United States actually charge based on the amount of garbage they pick up from any given location. The more garbage ...
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